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Drawthread: I'm a shit artist edition

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 171
Thread images: 76

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Drawthread: I'm a shit artist edition
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Requesting Poof cumming a sticky load on oppai-loli Goldie Goldenglow's large tits. Bonus points if Goldie say something like, "Are my boobies too much for you?"
Fuck off, Spoodo.
Look at that, I got at least one reply
Bump of the Hope of the Better Artist
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Halp. I'm bored.
Those shoulders are very very low for such a masculine figure
Hi bored. I am dad
who is this? u got a name?
do you want to chat or something like that?
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Hello lovelies.
Still not dead, just been sorta idle for a year or so.
Gib requesties, silly ones get priority.
I don't understand what you are supposed to be
...what ARE you?
What is your head?
how are you doing today?
im a new drawfag
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Requesting a cute ferret girl like this, except not lewd?
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

https://www.systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
http://www.clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
https://medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
https://krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
http://firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)

http://drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
http://alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

http://artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

https://www.reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous Thread:
More of a avatarfag than a drawfag
Have you been asking for requests and fulfilling them?
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done 5 request so far
(pic related decaf asked for it)
it looks like shit
Seriously, Anon...
I'd say you have a ways to go for improvement
But alright
Are you actually drawing like this or do you draw this way on purpose?
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Gomen anon, they were throw away lines. There's only so much patience I can sink into the sketch app on my phone before I give up.
Have a less polished version.
Where the fuck have you been.
Sure guy.
Seriously, learn to draw and grow to become the drawfag everyone aspires to be, or stop being a whiny cunt.
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For the general request from last thread

A turtle with a Christmas hat with the 4chan logo on its shell

Hey popopopopopopopopopoka
maybe spend more than 30 seconds on a drawing?
Oops, wrong link,

Gomen Popopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopoka
That's a cool drawing, I love surreal stuff!
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I'm Mom, now give me some sugar.

A glorious oversimplification of a Flytrap head. With added sillyness.

Hello New Drawfag, I'm Mom. Proud of you for doodling, you'll get gud in no time, just keep at it.
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im drawing on a phone
also didn't draw for a few years
might a tablet next year but might nkt because im a poorfag
like I said im using a phone
what do you want to chat about?

also you're not my mother
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Fujo-kun Ref Sheet 2.png
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Requesting anything tit related, thank you.

A couple notes she has inverted nipples, a slight chub to her stomach, and a constant flush across her face,
Just fuck you, Spoodo.
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Not today you fucker.
Y is coffee so good?
Flytrap mom best mom
is okay, you got dubs
thank you fam~

any request ?
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Good evening, threads.

Venus? That you?
You're here... huh...
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Hey thread, what are you guys drawing today?
it is good because of caffeine that is in it
its pretty much a drug to be honest
Requesting colorization of this
good evening tri-goat
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>But why
I'd say it is time to experiment more even if you're only on your phone. Thicken your lines a bit, increase the size you draw your disembodied head at so it fills more of the white space (or give yourself a body and start practicing that), smooth out your lines (takes practice), go for a little more complexity, and take more time to clean up your lines.
Also use references when you draw things (always the pro-tip)

Also, could try and buy or make your own cheap stylus
I love that gif...
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Top mom
Me too anon.
I'm on it but its gonna take a bit.
but its gonna be super lewd
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Then why are you in my child jar?
Also, no back talking Mom~

There's my special guy~
Mama's missed you too, sweetums~


>But why
You flatter me with your poetry and your visuals~
I'm saving this, too tasty.

And also because only a Flytrap can give the good ol' Mouthy as fuck Succ and Tucc.
> swordbro
atlest I do requests
not like him
What is this Discord?
A general /b/ Discord?
A /b/ Drawthread Discord?
A general 4chan Discord?
Your mom's Discord?
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs: http://imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: http://imgur.com/a/qItQA
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Ur right about that.
I kekd.

Is it even worth grinding for shinys?..
A shitty Discord.
Swordbro actually does do requests
He just never asks for them
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depends on the shiny, whatcha looking for? and also in which game?
No it's not.
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if not then i need a new haircut... this ones is getting too puffy.
requesting a mimikyu of trinket
do pompadours
/r/ sweaty, muscular trinket posing nude showing off her armpit and pussy hair
requesting a girl showing her butt naked on a tree
>too puffy
Looks good, also hi cutie<3
you locked me in here
im not even a fucking fly trap
also there isn't any holes in the top
you do realize that I can die because of low oxygen.
so basically let me the fuck out of here
Trinket sitting on a large horse dildo
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Lol. The faggot returns
Trinket getting her hair cut with a chainsaw.
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any request?
Will someone draw me a zombie. I looooove zombies
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Moon, and none specifically right now. I was just told how u find them. Now I'm wondering if I should sit around and try to find my party pokes shiny versions, or just say fuck, it.
Also can one aquire a shiny starter?
Noted. Do u kno if it's harder to find shinys for different pokes or is it the same odds for each?

Shit I'm already taking the game slow af, it's just gonna get slower if shinys.
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i cried

pls, teach me how to draw hands
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Das cute.
Requesting trinket firing a lazer.

Bonus points if she tries to cross the beams.
Can you draw an awkward penguin with: "Patriša" writen on its head.
hi trinket
are you fine today?
also just get a haircut from a barber
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I hate the child jar...
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Idk y, but I liked this.
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Ah ah ah.
No explanation needed.

Ello there, Er...?
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well, let me free you, tiny thing
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my name is hatter
just to let you know.
You can but it's gonna be a matter of soft resetting a million billion times and a million cutscenes
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ferret bat.jpg
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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god. My sides are destroyed!
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maybe later...
that shit it going to catch fire at the forge so fucking easy,
sure, I use as a perch to get to my showerhead.
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here, hava a qt zombie
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>catch fire at the forge
Ah, that's true.
We'll fuck
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just hide the in the back nobody will notice, i garantee
*well fuck
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Shhh, there we go~
You looked pretty cold in there.

I dabbed some Honey in there and you flew right in! You love the child jar. Don'tchu lie to Mama~

You are always the peach I need you to be~
We're gonna fuck so goddamn hard tonight.

You can keep him, but be careful, he bites with his teeny tiny teethies.
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This time draw it with feeling!
And have a reference
Freudian slip 101
Animal cruelty and lewd, sad/10
Aw thank you! I've always wanted to partake in one of these threads but I'm a shitty artist ^_^
That's a great idea, not to mention all the puns and innuendo
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Im trying to get better currently
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If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless
Can you draw an awkward penguin with: "Patriša" writen on its head.
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Have a less qt zombie.
Aw man.. now I'm just upset it didn't give me a shiny starter wen it could have happened.
Which poke would u find impressive if u saw a shiny version of it.
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Requetsing Yin looking concerned after being "tittyfucked" and cummed on by a huge cock. (aka a tribute to a paheal user called "Thenicestpsycho" http://rule34.paheal.net/user/Thenicestpsycho)

Ref if you want to use black lingerie: https://a.pomf.cat/xpspyk.png or https://a.pomf.cat/ygzhgc.png
Or if you want to go nude: https://a.pomf.cat/dsbcvi.png

I can always try this on /trash/ in 30 minutes, since I'll be unbanned there.
I love all zombies equally so thank you very much!
A shiny Abra would be nice, mostly I just farm shinies of all of my favorites throughout any gen when I was doing it in Alpha Sapphire

I wonder what shiny Mimikyu looks like, and I might be interested in shiny Decidueye
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Well you can also breed for a shiny starter
And use the Masuda method of breeding for a higher chance
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i feel.. like a loser
you know what, ima learn to draw hands, i'm gonna fucking draw a thousand of em within the week
i focken swear

yé, your welcome glad you liked it !
come in one day, is fun sometime
And don't forget to complete the whole Alola Pokédex for the Shiny Charm. Makes your chances for a shiny a lot better
hopefully this is better
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okay, thx for the warning. ill keep an eye on him!
also ... nice green!
requesting a person lost in a maze in a forest
Fuck off, Spoodo.
requesting trinket's hair to magically grow back even longer after the cut.


Yep, I'll give you a pass. Good effort!

What app are you using?

Most should allow you to zoom into the canvas by pinching your fingers together or apart. That should help out with finer detail fixes.

And if it supports layers, you can draw the lines on one layer and then do your color on a layer under that to avoid drawing over them. Lets you color better since when you erase excess, you don't have to worry about erasing your lines.
You don't have to tell me to fuck off every single time I make a post. And I'm not Spoodo. It's Speedy.
kill yourself you autistic retard
Leave anon alone Spoodo
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Lahoo, zzurr.
Interesting, I might look for an abra.
Wats the Masuda method?
Breed Pokemon from different regions, example an English Pokemon with a Japanese Pokemon

Im using autodesk sketchbook
also thanks
im not sure about the zoom and layers
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pengu meme.jpg
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here ya go lad.
Masuda Method is when you breed two Pokémon together. One of them has to be foreign, as in a Ditto from Japan or France. Doing this helps on breeding for Shinies faster

Shiny Charm is a thing received post-game. If you capture every Pokémon and fill your Pokédex, you're then allowed to receive a Shiny Charm. Boosts your chances at Shinies, too

Both these things stacked together make for crazy opportunities at a Shiny
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...Noted. Hi, Hatter.

We are? Oh...
Guess that's decided.
Lol, thank you
I will when you leave me alone.
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Fuck off, Spoodo.
fuck off
You see. You'll never leave me alone. Even if I try to leave you alone, you'll never leave me alone. Why not ignore me?
Eyy thanks trinket.
That's kind of rad, m8.
Because that CLEARLY worked so well in the past. Ever wonder WHY you're so hated? WHY you get banned from various boards? I'm sure you fully realize why you're so disliked, but you continue your grand autism quest anyways. And as long as I see you on these threads, I will NEVER just 'leave you alone'.

Fuck off, Spoodo.
hi tri goat
so you want to chat or something like that?
Still, would it be easier just to keep your mouth shut? Also for the hundreth time, my name is Speedy.

Cya /b/
>Even if I try to leave you alone
you harass and badger people constantly... not once have I ever seen you not do this.
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hey man here is something quick and dirty for ya. I hope you enjoy your stay here
Just ignore him Speedy, I'm sorry he's acting like this...
>Waahh, people won't call me by my autismo name! I'll pretend to leave for the thousandth time, but be back AGAIN tomorrow! Let's hope people forget about me this time.
He's just leaving his request here to be done or not, the one causing any drama is you.
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I see.
So I should just wait till I beat the game. Poop.

2 moar hours..
He said "Cya" that MEANS he's only temporarily leaving, gg.

If you are doing this to make Speedy look better by comparison, I guess it works.
It's ok, bro. They're just trolls asking for attention.
If you want specific Shinies with right natures and IVs, absolutely

Otherwise, find any sort of Shiny with a Smeargle. I've got two unintentional Shinies by just battling wild Pokémon a bunch
I just want Speedy gone forever, is that so bad?
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AutoDesk Sketchbook.png
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Oh yeah I've got that on my phone, thought it looked familiar (I use Android)

Yep, it should support pinching to zoom.
Pinch together to zoom out, and pinch apart to zoom in.

At the top right, there should be an icon of three pieces of paper on top of each other.
This will pop up the layer management window where you can hit the plus symbol to add more layers, select the layer you want to work on, and hide layers from view by clicking the eye symbol.
You should also be able to drag and drop layers to sort them and delete them.

Also, you may want to change up your canvas size.
To do this, click the icon on the top left (the four squares) and hit New Sketch.
From there you can click Others, then Custom, and set yourself up with a more square canvas, something like 600x600
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What do you even want a shiny of?
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I'm not the anon cussin you out
Hate the sin not the sinner, as long as people behave they are welcome.
also what is your name?
Oh man, you got her thiccness down really good and I like the sort of flustered look you gave her. You got her chub really good too, and I like the muddiness of the image. Thank you!
>Speedy behaving
Good joke, there.
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>right natures and IV's
I know wat natures r, wat r ivs?
>otherwise, smeargle
I don't unddrstand, how does that work with shinys?
It's hard to say, iv not even seen all of them. I just now got charizard as the fly hm. And I'm slowly giving up on my ghost team idea, more pokes know dark moves than anticipated.
I guess a ghastly if I could pick.
But in truth, I want them ALL shiny.
Y'know I wandered that stupid grass patch for a dewpider for at least and hour and an half before realizing my moon version was the problem.
I have one now tho. Finally.
looks really good, good job!
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He has been so far, you're the one sperging. As I said, you are just creating sympathy for him.
Thread posts: 171
Thread images: 76

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