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Sick fucks! Time to start dropping these fools

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 235
Thread images: 60

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Sick fucks! Time to start dropping these fools

awful lot of speculation to be so certain.

i could say the supposed key words mean cocaine, pot, etc.. and the dialogue would make more sense.

but go ahead, imagine it's pizza.
Symbols are hevily cp related

you're coming from the wrong direction.

where do you think the cp symbols came from? honest childcare and pizzaria's are pulling their imagery from the same base that cp producers do.

it's coincidence. and let's be honest, the symbols aren't that damn similar, and there aren't many to boot.
There has to be a dif agenda here
i dk man
i mean how could this info come out like this??
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These pic where posted on social media by the people of the pizzeria.

Also some symbols like a triangle inside a bigger triangle and stuff like that are on fbi documents related to lil boys n stuff and are also on the logo of the pizzeria.
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Sorry can't see shit here's a better version
Sick fucks. Time to kill the demons.
Woah check this one out guys. Looks like there are a whole lot of secret codes out there huh?
Did you see the pics they posted??
Two fags sucking on a dick with a slice of pizza shopped on?

Are you idiot or are you faking it?
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This is just the first i found
For fuck sake it is supposed to be A KIDS PLACE and they are posting shit like this on instagram?
he is obviously faking it!!!!

I'm sorry, what's the source for this stuff? Serious question.
If you try and search for "pedophile symbols" your search gets redirected to a blank page now - after you get a glimpse of FBI pedophile symbol listings.

its crazy how they have penetrated the hollywood world and for somereason use all the "Celebrities" as there leaders to blind the "sheeple" its crazy how so many poeple look up to them. i wish everyone in this earth would open their minds and eyes and see the truth to whats happening in plain sight.
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look at this one!
This nigger even said "CUM VISIT"

>it is supposed to be a kids pizzeria!!!
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Read the comments for fuck sake!
what truth? all celebrities fuck kids?
Can you even read french before posting this ?
"L'enfant" wich means "The kid' is a bar.
Also the sentence on his shirt doesn't mean "I love children" but "I love (THE children)" wich is the name of the bar.
you stupid idiot
I dont get it.
u down to pmc bby
Kek pizzagate is a fucking meme it's mot even real it's just something made up by tinfoil hat wearing faggots
They keep coming even more shady shit

Are you retarded?

it not THE ULTIMATE PROOF but all this shady shit? All this shady shit in one place? And they keep coming i'm just finding more and more shit from google alone.

There are the email talking about cheesy pizza everywhere
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Again posted by the same guy.

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Again posted by them......
open your minds omg! those posts on instagram are crazy.
This is shitty quality im looking for a bigger one
That emprty room is the slaughter house. jesus those comments! fucking idiots think people wont check their pages now all of those people on that instagram pic who have comments are now private or deleted ....why?! because they are fucking part of that crazy sadistic cult.
That shit is fucked up and weird.
Mix it with the pedo accusations and the fact that this was taken from a public Instagram account of a kids pizzeria.

How many pizzerias do you see posting gay porn, borderline child pornography and all kinds of fucked up shit?
what if their just weird ass hipsters
its really funny when it doesnt hit close to home. but when it does thats when people start getting serious.
Are you for real? How old are you?

Literally amused by how stupid you are i think you are faking. This can't be.
get some fresh air bruh
That is a doll, moron. Look at the fist, the fingers are molded together.
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>The most rational thing to think for you is "this must be a coincidence"

I mean I'm not American, i like cheesy pizza myself from time to time but FUCK you are trying hard!!

And even if it was a fucking squirtle, is that kind of shit appropriate to post on a kid's pizzeria Instagram page?

You are trying reeeaaally hard to convince yourself

Also, James Alefantis is an anagram for J'aime les enfants ('I love children'). Can't be his birth name.
Lets help this guy to gain some subscribers. This champ has tried everything so far to gain attention but nothing has worked so far. For the lulz lets start subbing to this champfag and by tomorrow lets just see how this royalty free faggot reacts. All I can say is just I will give some lulz to this champfag.

>subscribe to Koolkrusher123

and 'workinonmahnightcheese' makes kid-sized coffins, maybe for art installations. Normal, right?
that channel name gave me AIDS
>Can I save this image
save it. it's all yours my friend
Pretty weird given that the whole place is accused of covering up a CHILD MOLESTERS circle mmh?

No. It means I love children in general. You don't transliterate word for word. To say 'all the children', it would be "J'aime tous les enfants".
Donald Trump --> Mr. Adult Pond

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kek, speaking of pizze of the cheese nature, anyone got some?
thats exactly you. not opening your mind and eyes to the truth.
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>hello from /pol, we know
Mike R Pence --> I Mr. Neck Pee

This is actually sort of fun
Oh! me again. Sorry, you are right. L'Enfant is a café down the road from Comet Ping Pong etc.
This entire project is a load of manufactured reddit shit dumped on 4chan to promote.. god damn you guys are gullible.
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The logo
Hillary Clinton --> Lynch a trillion

Oh sh-
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>all ages
Chilly loin rant
Gary Johnson --> Horny jag son
Nigel Farage --> A reeling fag
what's pizzagate
Steve Bannon --> Bane vents on
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Go to Voat where the pizzagate investigation continues
Image I just posted is a fucking little child hand inside a big hand, FOR A RESTAURANT? Go to their site and they changed the logos- both Besta Pizza and Terasol Bistro

All you faggots denying this blatant connection are either in the pocket of someone, completely ignorant skeptics, or just too lazy to really devote time into looking into this
Ok /:/ that made me laugh for a second thanks for the giggle, but come on man! This satanic Pero fuckerz, are doing it and. AreI sosobering obvious in plane sight. It's so crazy.
Do the research ill bet my life your eyes will open.
What does two shirtless males prove? This is all so fucking dumb. Honestly, anyone who believes this garbage is a tinfoil wearing retard.
>James Alefantis is an anagram for
Fajita Salesmen
Safe saltine jam
Jan smites a leaf

Let's say you have a logo created for your organization....

Unbeknownst to you, it resembles a symbol used for someone criminal or socially unaccepted.

What would you do? You'd change your fucking logo. Because it's better than saying, "Yeah, we know it really looks like a big old dick splooging all over someone's face, but we didn't intend for it to be that and we've been using it for years, so we'll just keep it."

Instead, you could avoid the controversy and just make a new logo..
paid clintonfag detected
You guys are like the fucking imbeciles who see a celebrity and a triangle, then interpret it is evidence of the Illuminati. How did you guys graduate the 7th grade.
If that was your instagram nothing, everybody knows you are a huge faggot.

They are supposed to share toys, peluches and shit
Are you dumb on purpose?
Look all the other pic one bye one. Does it look normal for a kid friendly restaurant?
>Points out how stupid conspiracy theorists are
>is accused of being paid by a presidential candidate.

Have you guys been huffing gas?
Now i think you are either trolling or doing this on purpose
I hope the jews pay you good son
Be careful, look online at the evidence of people being paid to flood social media.

NYT and WP ran stories against pizzagate and the subreddit was banned. There is an obvious push to silence people who are onto the truth.

You need not argue with these people, they are either too ignorant or just in someone's pocket.

In the mean time, let's talk more about the evidence/what can be done
Okay, so a kid friendly pizzeria posts some questionable things on Instagram. We have established this. And then what? you have zero fucking evidence of them doing anything else.
>onto the truth

you mean not delusional fucks?
Yeah, fucking children before it's cool. Sounds amazingly accurate to me.
I gotta say man, this whole thread has been kinda fucking stupid. There hasn't been any real decent proof that pizzagate is even fuckin real, and you guys are possibly ruining a random dudes dream on the slim chance of "OH HEY THAT NIGGER IS A PEDO". Kindof a dick move imo.
Okay, so to you:

Posting strange things on Instagram = being in a pedophile ring headed by Hillary Clinton.

To a rational person, you sound insane.
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This. Totally 'kid friendly'.
This is the most easy to follow stuff I've ever seen
>kid restaurant
>owner is a proven homo
>his friend is a convicted pedophile
>they post shady shit on social media.
>>borderline porn
>>borderline cp

But somehow you are trying the impossible to not belive what is clear as sun
yeah but wheres the smoking gun
Is not "some" is a shitload. They post ONLY that kind of shit
And it is not "questionable". Is borderline porn and child porn
Where the fuck is the borderline cp you cucks are fuckin talking about? And what shady shit except some gay shit?
Being gay doesn't make you a pedophile, you mouth-breather.
Also, it's not really CP at all. If anything, this is evidence that they just are weird people, who post odd shit on social media. Do you have proof that they rape kids? do you have proof that the Pizzeria is involved with sex trafficking? Do you have evidence that Hillary Clinton is involved? Nope. You're making a huge jump from "weird questionable shit" to "secret child rapist cult".

Pls stop
none of that is even close to CP you idiot. At most it's suggestive.
Hillary and Bill fly Lolita airlines.
The people they associate with love pizzagate.
They are the center of a giant child trafficking ring.
J. Podesta has no emails on the time that McMann was abducted. T. Podesta took trips to Japan to teach students with a Dennis Hastert, a convicted serial child molester. T. Podesta still keeps in regular contact with him, even after this. Several referecnes to Comet Ping Pong are in the leaked emails. MORE AND MORE AND MORE fuck it im not going to write it all go look on VOAT you ignorant fools
None of these had anything to do with children? Once again, just gay shit, except maybe the first one, and even then it's just a band.
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It in the emails
All this pizzagate thing is happening because there are shady shit going on possibly involving abuse on minors
Is not like i invented this shit

Go on youtube search pizzagate
As easy as that
i'm fairly woke anon and I know pizzagate is legit and that everyone from Podesta to Obama is a kiddie fiddling faggot but what the fuck is a VOAT
Because everything on youtube is 100% true and not bullshit.
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we know it's all bullshit made up by a psychotic gang of raving lunatics. you're just going on another witch hunt because you have a boner for lynching. usa is so fucking primitive it's laughable.
Did you know in overwatch that bastion was suppose to wield a slingshot instead of being able to turn into a turret. Just saying, Its more interesting then this shit
Fairly woke = delusional

I've met Meth fiends that are more rational than you guys.
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you would know
Stop dude
You called two guy sucking on a dick with a slice of pizza shooped on "suggestive"
Same thing for a naked man with pizza on dick

Now i know you are not stupid you are playing dumb on purpose
I hope they pay good my friend
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>Jan smites a leaf
fucking Canadians man
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>Also some symbols like a triangle inside a bigger triangle and stuff like that are on fbi documents related to lil boys n stuff and are also on the logo of the pizzeria.
shit, we got an expert here
voat dot co /v/ pizzagate
look for "complete copy of original pizzagate summary"
did you know that 50% of homosexuals are also pedophiles?
Have you even looked at the wikileaks?
Did you look at any of it objectively and rationally or did you just see it was subversive and weird and decide it was therefore a conspiracy theory?
Seriously, tell me how you play dominos on pizza.
tell me why symbol for boy love is on a pizza restaraunt owned by a man who's name sounds a lot like how you say "I love children" in french.
Tell me why that man visits the whitehouse so much and is so influential in DC.
Tell me why Obama spent 65,000 dollars on pizza and hot dogs for a party. How is that even possible?
Why is Heavy Breathing doing concerts at a child friendly restaraunt on film joking about aborting babies and liking to fuck children.
Tell me? Who's really delusional here?
Their logo vs fbi document >>713618843
We luagh at the things we cant change because it is out of reach and the best you can do is luagh it off.
I've seen the videos dude pretty fucked up actually.
Dude relax, the guy trying to make you sound stupid is either a hillbot or a troll.
Don't feed in to him. He's paid to make you sound stupid so others won't look into these disgusting crimes committed via tax payer money by public officials
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>it's on the internet
>must be true
because the internet has never gotten anything wrong ever. i remember when lhc created a blackhole that destroyed the universe. and when the world ended in 2012. and how pyramids were made by aliens.

surely, people aren't easily agitated by bullshit they see online that turns out to be something completely different from what they originally thought.

Which is exactly why we need to speak up.
You don't let these shills walk all over you, that's how you create to docility and keep people from looking into matters which is exactly what they want.
Of course it sounds crazy to say major players in DC are fucking children and they pay a pizza place for the privilege. They say we're crazy and we say nothing Joe /b/ is going to assume we are because that's what makes the most sense.
You gotta pound the truth into people if you want this thing resolved.
I wish I got paid to point out of retarded you guys are. Seriously, how is this proof of a child rape ring? where do you draw that conclusion?
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>Read the comments for fuck sake!
kek. moralfag. how's your heart?
Yeah you are right anon they are being ridiculous now
If you think our public officials don't do huge amounts of drugs and traffic children for tax payer funded parties then you aren't paying attention
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also looks mysteriously like a fucking pizza slice, doesn't it?
Not at all
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>James Alefantis is an anagram for J'aime les enfants
>being this much of a conspiritard
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Now this i call juicy
Thanks anon
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>implying you didn't read that off of the same website you got all this other bullshit from
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If that were the only thing I'd agree with you.
But there's dozens of strange coincidences surrounding this.
You can say "sure but pizza slices are triangles" and
"sure but stars and moons aren't necessarily satanic"
and "sure but that might just be his name"
and "sure but that migh have just been a joke"
but when you have to write three pages of excuses for one guy, he's probably guilty.
Swirly triangle = Symbol for boy love

Also, there's probably a reason that Obama spent that much that doesn't involve "Evil cult child sex ring" as an explanation.

Also perhaps they had a night for a concert for a more adult band, where kids weren't encouraged to come.

The delusional part is that you people keep assuming that some weird shit instantly means "pedo sex ring" even though you have no evidence of it.

Ever heard of Occam's razor?
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I didn't read it from any website. It's called common fucking sense.
what is this? conspiritard non-sequitur hour? how is that even related to the shape of pizza slices?
Hey, I'm anon, and I believe everything I read on internet message boards.

a silly pizza pictures of two guys eating it.... It's a joke shithead.

You're more fucked up than anyone if you think that's a SYMBOL for a secret sex cult.
It's pretty hilarious that when a person on the internet disagrees with you, you literally claim that they were paid off by a political candidate.
No smoke without fire.
Don't you think it's a bit fishy that the news immediately says "Oh this is fake" without any evidence despite the fact that it's all concern brought on by verified wikileaks e-mails that certainly were not fake?
I'm not saying drag the guy out in the street and hang him. I'm saying look into it.
I will believe this when our troll-in-chief starts tweeting about it


All there is to get is that if you're skitzo you see patterns and conspiracies in everything.

This is another example of that.
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>being baited this hard
Oh, fuck me.
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>stars and moons
u wot m8?
>probably guilty

guilty of what? posting strange things on social media, and having a name that when the letters are mixing up in a specific way, they make a french phrase that could be interpreted in a suggestive manner?
I'm saying drag him out into the street and hang him.
Literally everything you just said can be summed up with this picture.

only a sexual deviant would see anything sexual about this picture. It's a dad playing a joke with his kid. It couldn't be more innocent. You're a sick fuck.
I just want to be a voice of skepticism. For example, if you were a child rapist, would you really make your name related in some way to child rape? it doesn't make any sense. Also saying that the logo being a triangle means anything is absolutely retarded. If you find evidence of child rape, I'll be on your side, but there is no real evidence.

Everyone take a good look at this meme. It's the last time anyone will ever see it.
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more like common fucking insanity. there's only one thing you can do to fix this: kys. here, use this.
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oh you didn't know?
yo ass betta caaaaaaaaaaall somebodyyyy
yeah but the kid's parent is a liberal
did you know that 50% of liberals are homosexuals? and that 50% of homosexuals are also pedophiles???
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These are trolls
usa has returned to the fucking dark ages. you fucking redneck shitheads. you're really going to start lynching people for witchcraft again?
We all know who the real kiddy fiddlers are. 4chan is just projecting.
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It is literally shoped on gay porn scene
Even pizza is written over penis

And its a kid restaurant
the pizzagate scandal goes deeper... look into the new guccifer 2.0 hack that shows goat hill pizza in sf has the pedo connections and is used by nanci pelosi to launder money and donate to the dem party without her name tied to it check it out
Shit, I thought the people that actually buy into this are trolls.
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i hope your whole bullshit lynch mob are fucking trolls. or else you're just raving madmen.
i feel you on being skeptical, honestly. For me it's just too many coincidences. I think the kind of guy who sits in dc selling kids to politicians is also the kind of arrogant guy who would advertise it in subtle ways. We see this all the time in secret societies and pedo rings. Why do you think the fbi knows about the triangle logo? they advertise themselves with rings, with stamped coins,etc.
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Mocking your mind numbingly paranoid stupidity = troll?

lol, that's precious.
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Why do people believe conspiracies anyway? Does it make them feel smart? Or is it giving them a sense of control in their lives because they have "hidden" knowledge?

Either way it seems for the mentally weak. There are no conspiracies. And if there are real ones, the people involved wouldnt be dumb enough that a bunch or retards from the internet can figure it out.
I like them because they affirm my preconceived beliefs and fit well into my world view.
did you know that 50% of homosexuals are also pedophiles?
also take a look at john podestas decorations in his home, from suggestive photos of children to a sculpture of a dead person. Clinton is also linked to that old "witch" that does that spirit cooking shit also affiliated with podesta etc
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Infowars is bigger than the BBC and the establishment is scared of Alex Jones because his reporting is accurate and they have no control over it.
Also his pills and water filters are legit and a good alternative to corporate sponsorship. Deal with it.
That one isnt a conspiracy. Fags are weird.
I love how hard he's sucking in his gut in that photo.

>too many coincidences

You think exactly like a pidgeon. Fucking bird brain.
>fags are weird

people who are different than me? fucking kill them!
How is his reporting accurate? Whatever goofy shit floats in his brain he spouts out. Then he uses flimsy, easily debunked, evidence to back up his goofy shit.
I formed a hypothesis based on evidence. The next step scientifically is to test it, by investigating them.
Don't be jealous anon. You'd do well to be that hunky at 42.
Fajita salesmen. I think we've figured out the real cover up here. He purposely tanked his pizza shop so that he can take over the location and complete his life long mission of selling fajitas. And children I guess
I never said anything about something being sexual about that picture, but it definitely isn't normal behavior when you go out to a restaurant to play such a joke as you called it.

it's because the human brain evolved to spot patterns for survival.

Some peoples minds are broken and they think they see patterns all over the place, they even create patterns where they don't exist. Pair that with low IQ and you've got yourself an alex jones.
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Well, he accurately reported on the election, unlike 99% of journalists for starters.
He's even handling pizzagate responsibly. Sounds to me like you're the one throwing around whatever shit pops up in your brain.
I dont hate fags. I said I think they are weird. Same with trannies. They can do whatever the fuck they want though it doesnt effect me.
I never said I wouldn't fuck him, I just wanted to point it out.
Saved and added to my collection. Ty anon
and? did you also know that there are both real stars, and we actually have a fucking moon as well? stars and the moon is used in literally every religion and culture ever. only reason it was ever considered satanic is because muslims use both, and christians thought that every other religion was satanism.

also, american religitards have been claiming and reporting supposed satanic child rape and sacrifice cults for decades, and it has been researched and investigated time and time again. you know what they found? it's all paranoid bullshit. you should be more worried about sending your kids off to camp.

you're a fucking psychopath.
You take everything Alex Jones says with more than one grain of salt. Even I know that. He's good at dredging up facts, but less than stellar at interpreting those facts.

alex jones is hilarious. He's admitted to having an IQ only a few points above legally retarded. He's the biggest doomsday sayer of all time. He's like a "end is near" guy but instead of standing on a corner with a sign he lived in Austin so they put him on TV as a joke.
So, you don't hate them but you assume they're all pedophiles?
no no, I don't assume!

and it's not ALL it just 50%!!!
They like Alex because he's a kindred spirit to them.
>i'm not paranoid
>i'm not frantic
>i'm not crazy
>they're the one's who's crazy
>damn trolls
haha you're so mad to be wrong.
Disagree. I think he's an entertainer for sure but he's also reporting with lazer accuracy. Especially compared to the shit on cable tv.
>as a joke
>bigger than the BBC and most journalistic outlets
sure anon.
Oh, I see. You're more confident in your bigotry than I thought. People like you are always the closet homos.
Snopes is BS and everyone knows it.
They just go along with whatever the establishment tells them to say.
Ugh, oh yeah Alex, give me all your bullshit, fuck my ass like it's a globalist
Naaaa fags are gross dude I said this. Im not gross.
omg! totally satanic! except this tiny hole in your logic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-pointed_star

but then again, maybe wikipedia is satanic... and i'm satanic... and everything's satanic. but not your little baptist church in bumfucknowhere, you're the ones that really know how the world works.
The human brain exists to detect patterns and find connections. It is very good at doing that, and where no patterns and connections exist, it creates some.

The brain does not into "random meaningless shit happens." Brainee no likee. So it looks harder and harder for some fucking patterns, some connections. They must be there, dammit!
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aww, shit! trump is satan!
>guccifer 2.0
thanks, will look into it
Who said a black man in the illuminati? Last time I checked that was the biggest racist party
the real question here is will trump deport the pedophile homosexuals?
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no broken, just primitive. if you see the head of a tiger poking out from a bush, you better assume the rest of it is there as well. but when you take such a primitive and give them the internet, they become op.

Would be an interesting experiment to take this same evidence, and see if it can be forced to support some other weird hypothesis. Maybe Aliums?
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>Lazer accuracy
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Alright Kendrick you can leave now
>posts alex flexing
>tries to sell water filters
>obviously insecure faggot
alex, is that you?


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>his reporting is accurate
because hillary is actually a fucking hologram. seems legit.
I wish.
>they're putting hillary into position to be president with media support
Lets see some realistic proof... not some neckbeard speculations
Don't get me wrong, would love to see them all burn. But this is America, we need something real to act on.

Didn't we learn this with Hillary? If you want to touch the untouchable.... text based emails and poorly edited youtubes aren't getting us anywhere.
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1/10, but thanks for the laugh
Nice quads nigger
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mfw a bunch of tinfoil hats are running around on Twitter and Reddit trying to "solve the mystery" of pizzagate when they don't even know it's half-baked conspiracy based on 4chan terminology, memes, and bad photoshop.
>Oh yeah man, that's gross, gay people are really weird and I'm not a freak like them.

>deep inside he knows he wants dick
How far will a person go to write this off as conspiracy?

Let's think logically for a brief moment, please follow along with me.
1. There have been conspiracies in history, previously denied, that have since been proven to be true
2. IF this were to be true, there would obviously be a coordinated effort to prevent people from believing it
3. If people are covering things up, there would be little-to-no absolute, damning, undeniable to the biggest skeptic, evidence. Instead, things would follow to be "death from a thousand cuts" as the small things left behind are discovered.
4. Politicians and powerful people are still mostly reflective of the standard human populace, and the human populace has experienced pedophilia, murder, and lies in nearly all cultures

Instead of dealing with evidence and truly seeking truth in this, a lot of opinions are being thrown around to try to disprove the possibility that pizzagate might be true. I mean, just look at the NYT article, it mentions not one bit of evidence but just says allegations like these "hurts people".
Boo Hoo.
I would fucking castrate these people myself if they are truly guilty of these acts. Maybe we should really try to find out the truth and stop giving into the urge to write everyone off as a 'crazy conspiracy theorist' you fucking faggots
>the establishment is scared of Alex Jones because his reporting is accurate
the idiot has been claiming for years that grave liners fema coffins to put the bodies in after a genocide. the least he could do is ask someone at a funeral home if they knew what the boxes were.

also, it would be the first genocide in history where they gave a fuck about coffins rather than just throwing all the corpses in a giant pit. it's not like usa lacks space for it.

>he accurately reported on the election
to be fair, that's a 50/50 chance. not really mindboggling that someone would get it right. you could flip a fucking coin and be right half the time.

>He's even handling pizzagate responsibly
>incites internet lynch mobs against pizza shop
sure he is.... he's very responsible.
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Fuck off with your tin foil hat Illuminati bullshit, faggots.

There is a lack of credible evidence and all kinds of retarded conjecture being thrown around and claimed as fact. You're not detectives or gifted internet vigilantes, just cringe worthy neckbeards who think they are going to be part of something big.

You're 'proof' consists of a bunch of shitty screen shots that don't actually prove anything.
>that's a 50/50 chance.
not according to the media. remember Trump had no chance to win.
>said that back 9 years ago
nevermind the other 40 false flag predictions he did

America no longer cares about facts, just gut feelings
There was mounting evidence before this shit went mainstream.
I know it's real, and there's literally nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

What's funny is this video is 4 years old.
a lot of his predictions are happening today or have happened. Such as orchestrated terror and financial collapse.
sorry, but it already has been done. there are some who think reptilians are satanists, some say it's the grays who are satanists. funny thing is that it's basically the same conspiracy theory as itt, but with aliens controlling everything through the illuminati and/or freemasons.

Do you hear yourself?
Literally the most vague predictions ever. Anyone with half a brain could predict that.
Right, we all knew the EU was going to crumble and get flooded with Islamic fucktards.
No i just heard your autistic voice as I read your words, not mine.
1/10 nice attempt
I don't understand why you are making hilary or obama part of this, as close to them the suspects may be it doesn't matter for shit.
If a friend of mine is part of a secret cult that doesn't make me part of it
>There was mounting evidence before this shit went mainstream.

No hard evidence at all.

>I know it's real, and there's literally nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

The only way you could know its real is if you are one of the pizza pedos.
You seriously need some therapy, either you smoke way too much crack, or are on your way to being a paranoid schizophrenic
America has always been flooded with tinfoil nutjobs.
But you are actually making that exact claim. Just think about what you're saying for a fucking minute.
I used to live near this place, which makes this all fucking hilarious to me. Did you guys know there's a basement bar across from the pizza place, called Jake's Boiler Room? What do you think they're boiling? Could it be........CHILDREN??????
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Snopes cites NYT pro-Alefantis articles as basis to claim that the (cheesy) pizza-gate is false.
It's really sad that people think anything Alex Jones says is worthwhile.
Because Obama spent 65,000 dollars on pizza and hot dogs for a party according to Pedo Podesta's e-mails.
yeah but it was never to this extent, even knowing a few friends that now all of a sudden don't give a fuck about any fact at all, only what they want to believe
as if Washington was short of pizzas & hotdogs
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>stopped listening within the first minute
>dat confirmation bias
this is why you think alex and you are right, because you pick out the first fragment that seems to fit your belief, but then you ignore the rest.
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