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My psychologist says I need a hobby. Suggestions?

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My psychologist says I need a hobby.
Drawing, not that hard to get in, requires active practicing to get better, nice anti stress tool such as doodling etc... worked for me
going to psychologists is your new hobby. Go to at least 3 per week.
Learn to play guitar, its tough but a challenge
try doing big poops on small animals
Be constructive - learn a musical instrument or drawing.
My hobby involves shitposting
Go to the park and try to cum on pigeons.
This is what I do. It'll change your life. Try any instrument.
Wood carving, painting, rc cars, hiking, dancing, learn an instrument, write, build things. Find something that involves your interests and actually take your time with it
I do this alot. In my house you'll find random pieces of paper covered in stupid drawings. I mostly practice my strokes tho.
RC Car Racing, like 1/10th scale RC Trucks. I do it and its fun as fuck, also not really for kids
Working out. It will draw you away from depression.

Its what i did. Now im in pretty good shape.
>>713606585 Sorry, I meant a NEW hobby
>>713606603 Creativity is low, I tried drawing and painting, have a box full of unused stuff now.
>>713606604 I am just down to 1x a week, although my psych is a pretty girl, maybe should go back to 3x.
>>713606648 Creativity, see above
>>713606845 dito.
>>713606982 dito dito
>>713606909 see my first comment
hunting, video games (hundreds of games you could play through), guns, going to a local drag strip every saturday. These are just some things that I really like to do and you might too.
>>713607099 maybe not a bad idea, although I am afraid I'll find it boring after a while, what when I've seen all of my house and garden?
>>713607125 could be an idea, the endorfine may motivate me to other stuff as well
>>713607288 hunting, guns are not that easy in my country; games is really not for me, it'll make me an autist, I will see how to bring the drag strip idea to my wife
2x checked btw
>My psychologist says I need a hobby.
Killing psychologists?
Tell your psychologist that you're thinking of taking up psychology because she's making it look really fucking simple.
try becoming a comedian, like learning an instrument its tough to get the hang of, but once you understand how people think you can be a kek factory
>>713607077 sorry, forgot your comment:
wood carving could be a thing, I like working with my hands (see masturbation),although the creativity aspect comes up again.
Hiking could be someghing too, lots of nature where I live, will wait till it doesn't freeze anymore.
Shake 'N' Bake/cook Meth/Amateur Chemist.

Theres heaps of stuff to do.
Video games are not a real hobby.
Cross dress tutorial when?

try multicopters, that looks like a fun hobby

metal detecting makes you look autistic irl but i've seen people get some really valuable shit out of it. especially if you live in europe

knitting is not just for old women, and can be fun

getting into the 3D printing scene is really cool, plus it could get you experience for a job in the same field (those kind of jobs usually pay really well)
>buy ant farm
>take a shit on it
>>713607895 see comment earlier, she's pretty, I would deprive lots of autistic patients from a secret crush
>>713607980 usually I am way ahead of her indeed, I know it annoys her so I keep mentioning it: there's a reason I see her, I'm fucked up
>>713607993 not 1 kek here so far
>>713608094 I like your way of thinking, I kust look into legal consequences, little difference between a prison and a mental institution
>>713608171 again: a NEW hobby, I am here since 2008 or 2009, don't really remember (skip the reactions, nobody believes me) and look where ut brought me?
I got addicted really quick to working out. It did wonders for my depression and helped completely wipeout my almost fatal alcoholism. I look good and have more strength and energy than I imagined I could. Give it a shot anon, starts off tough but it's all about making a routine.
Collect spores, molds, and fungus.
>>713608515 I never cared what other people think, so metal detecting could be interesting, combines nature, hiking etc. I'm in western Europe, remains of Romans, medieval shit etc everywhere but you normally can't keep valuable items.
Knitting: I must have a really deep thought about that, deep down there is a real man hidden in me.
3D printing, isn't that an expensive item?
>>713608669 first getting fit maybe, then having my bones broken by other men.
>>713609173 you actually getting me motivated here: depression, alcoholism: are you my twin separated by birth?
>>713609296 I save shit from 4chan, same thing
they sell decent 3D printers for <$200. plus you can print shit and sell it on etsy and break even, and possibly make money.

>>713609797 never looked into that, sounds fun. making money always gets me interested, although I am not sure of etsy, but will give it a thought anon.
Underrated comment.
No but I am an idiot who suffered from depression since childhood and let alcohol numb that while hiding behind a smile. Before I knew it it's 12 years later and and Im almost dead from it, between a last minute person added to my life and pushing myself past my limits at the gym I am now 2 years sober and no longer shrug at the possibility of dying before Im 30
if you're willing to spend a little more money than that, try printrbot. I have my printrbot simple metal next to me, and it prints perfectly *most* of the time.

if you like tinkering, too, you could buy the stepper motors and circuit boards to build your own. you'd know much more about how your printer works, and would be able to diagnose problems much easier (because trust me, there will be problems)

hope you find a good hobby, anon.
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>be a full-time retard.
Maybe one day, you'll become a rockstar!!
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Watch every episode of pic related
Collect YuGiOh cards
Throw rocks at niggers, It's my favorite pastime.
>>713610391 good for you, anon. My depression kicked in much later but just as hard I think. Alcohol, numb, fake jokes and smiles sound familiar. I take your advice serious and I thank you and all posters here. Decency can have a place on /b/, everything goes here, right?
>>713610782 way beyond the retard and who needs talent to get famous anyway?
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>>713610534 thanks, your text is also saved.
My only "hobby" is the vidya and I barely even enjoy that anymore so I probably need a psychologist too (for that among a great many other reasons). How much do you have to pay yours?
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but if gaming is not for you and all, and it seems you dont do much of anything,,,then WTF are you doing each day??
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Masturbating to lolis.
>>713611247 completely covered by my health insurance polis, I am not a murican who rejects a good safety net.
>>713611349 hope the dog is okay and you will give him a call in the morning
>>713611351 I do have a 60 hour a week job, am married and have a 1600 m2 garden btw: I am at a psychologist but not a complete waste.
>>713611543 "I am not a complete waste"
jiu jitsu all day.

you can dominate cunts, learn self defense skills that will allow you to most efficiently take someone out.

You get to go in there every day, and go as hard as you like, and if you are sensible and have sensible training partners there's only minimal risk of injury, and pretty much at all levels of jits no worries about head injuries which is a worry for other combat sports.

You will get a mean workout, and get ripped if you do this alone and eat well, no other exercise required. You get your endorphins and oxytocin pumped way tofuck.

You will make a bunch of friends whose respect you will win from turning up there regularly.

All these things will give you a powerful mindset, as you have confidence in yourself built through your own hard work, and through resilience through difficult situations.

Don't forget, to tap is to submit, and the game being played is 'if you don't I can brake your arm, or end your life'. But it is a game, and it is safe.

Do jits.
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>I am not a murican who rejects a good safety net
I don't reject a good safety net either. I voted for Bernie. My country is full of retards and faggots though.
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>complete waste
You said it man.
oooh okay, that puts things into perspective
And whats your job??
>>713612016 do you write brochures and adds for the local jiu jitsu club? but alsomsounds interesting, maybe as a next step after working out and getting fit. Is it true working out and body building restricts you in martial arts and such?
>>713612135 nobody in Europe gets what happened in the USA and health insurance for everybody is a great benefit of modern society.
>>713612219 manager of operations
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Trip on LSD. Most likely you develope high interest in art, spiritual practise, lose social anxiety and generally become a much more active and balanced person.
Well i have some DXM laying around
>>713612704 I don't react well on LSD, canabis doesn't do the trick for me, I just stay way too bright, I stay away from addictive drugs coz it would be the end of everything for me, I know I couldn't pull myself back, ever. Tried it all as a student.
Of cause they are. And this hobby have a lot competition events so its never going to be boring.
Learn another language or multiple. I used to go on italki a website for people learning languages. As a result I know about 4-5 languages conversational leveled. Either way the material exists in droves and classes are super cheap and will demand a commitment of your time
>>713613477 I speak 4 languages fluently and can help myself in 2 more, should be enough for 1 life.
I need to go guys, OP thanks you all again, this worked out way better than expected, was prepared for lots of shitposting.
Will post some quads now somewhere, just as reward for you all.
Nice dubs
if you've not started the killing yet just top yourself or shoot a school up
learn to play a musical instrument as well as you know touching yourself

i'd recomend guitar
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Name said four languages
disc golf!
Assuming then you speak an exact area. Latin and romantic languages are much different then asian and Scandinavian. The whole point is about trying something new
mmmhmm,mhmmmm thats a rational thinking
aquarium keeping
piano or other instrument
Grew up in a German household. Learned engrish because moved to 'merrica, Spanish because you can hardly survive where I'm at without it, chicago. And French because I wanted to. I used to do alot of Vietnamese on italki and I was dating a girl who spoke it along with her whole family
just kill yourself, its a one time hobby for everyone
>buy a turtle
>feed it fruits so it likes you
>drop a plump butt muffin on it
Quiero aprender a hablar aleman, es tan diferente de el ingles ? E leido que son muy similares

Claro que si, tienen mucho en comparación. Aunque Unas de las diferencias tan difícil es como Gender y Plural changes.

Pero usan 'S para hacer "propiedad"
How they're the definition of a hobby
Buy a dog and train it
I think it's because that other anon doesn't like them.
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Vietnam gurl you mean?
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write elaborate snuff fiction about you going on a murder suicide sprees, and post them on the internet. try to get creative with different settings and and unique methods.
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