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Why do people say he was the worst president of all time? Why

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Why do people say he was the worst president of all time?
Why do people say he ruined the country?

Help me understand what he did that was so bad.
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He's a nigger

Whats funny, is THAT is literally the only reason people have anything negative to say about Obama. They'll cry "Obama Care!", but all Obama Care is, is the scapegoat for hating him just because hes black.

Obama care ruined the country? Really?
Not the fucking people who decided we should pay for health care?
Made race relations worse than ever
Promised people could keep their preferred doctors and have lower insurance rates using Obamacare. Obamacare actually raised premiums and you can't use the doctors you want. Not only that, but you risk fines if you don't participate.
Promised not to raise taxes on the middle class - raised taxes on the middle class
Promised when campaigning in 2007 to end the war in Afghanistan within 16 months of taking office - still at war in Afghanistan in 2016
Operation fast and furious - purposefully sold guns to Mexican drug cartels. At least 2 of those guns were confirmed to have been used to kill border patrol agents fighting drug cartel members. The point of Fast and Furious was to say "hey look how many guns are falling into the hands of drug cartels, we need to ban guns"
Corrupt department of justice that has secret meetings with the Clintons on a private jet and then lets her off without even a slap on the wrist.
Let ISIS grow out of control and didn't intervene until it was powerful.
Obama is hardly "the worst president ever" but he's not even in the top 15 best. Things have been relatively stable, all things considered, and he's one of the best speakers we've had in a long time--but he's been a stooge who hasn't fixed any of our more egregious problems.
-doubled the debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion
-first president in US history not to achieve above 3% GDP
-left the middle east in even worse shape than Bush did
-Libya is now in ruins
-sold weapons to Isis
-doubled out of Iraq improperly, creating a huge vacuum for Isis to grow
- Enabled all these social justice pussies into thinking they actually matter
-Race relations among the people are the worst since the 1960s
-The amount of mass shootings has skyrocketed despite using executive action for stricter gun laws
-58% of African American youth are unemployed
-the lowest labor participation since the 1970s
- 48 million americans in poverty
Shall I continue?
> If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
> If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

mfw paying $6000+ more in premiums now
How did HE make race relations worse than ever?
Every presidents makes promises they dont know if they can keep. Every single one.
Everything else there is just speculation you choose to believe bc you hate black people.

Speculation you choose to believe, and placing blame all because you hate black people.
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If I hate black people then why would I give a shit about over half of young African Americans being unemployed? Why would I give a shit about the violence in our inner cities created by Democrats?
Good article on Obama legacy

impossible,the great barrier reef boss,what have you been hearing
in what I assume you have been spending 30 hrs a week in for the last 18 years? what this nation is all about,what makes it run,what/who best characterizes american political, and economic culture?
He has murdered more civilians than any other president besides Truman - but dropping two nukes will do that to your K:D.

Literally picked up where George Bush left off - there is absolutely no difference whatsoever.

Everything "good" that people attribute to him, was not his doing in the slightest. The president has no control over half the shit people praise him for. It never ceases to amaze me. What he DID do, however, was multiply the national debt, start even more unjust wars, usurp civil rights and continue the unjust surveillance acts, knowingly sign off on the murder of civilians in the form of drone strikes hundreds of times.

You know what he didn't do? Increase race relations. - why is the country more racist now than it was before? Has not ended any of the wars, or closed Guantanamo. In fact, we just started bombing in Yemen. Fix the lead in the water supply of many major US cities.
>How did HE make race relations worse than ever?

You're kidding, right?


What I said about fast and furious was not speculation. It's fact.

Obama raised taxes, that's a fact.

Obama didn't do anything to calm any of the race related riots and instead said inflammatory shit supporting the pieces of shit that the Black Lives Matter movement defends. He dindu nuttin!

Never mind that over 9 out of 10 blacks that are murdered are murdered by other blacks. #BLACKLIVESMATTERJUSTNOTTO OTHERBLACKS

Sauce on black murder rate:

Out of 2,491 total black murder victims in 2013 for which the case was solved, 2,245 were killed by blacks.

90.1% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. More than 9 out of 10.

But lets start a race war over the 1 out of 10! Never mind cops are more likely to shoot white people than black people. Cops hate black people!

You don't you just use that as ammo to say all niggers need to die
It's funny because it isn't
healthcare is free in the UK lol
>doubled the debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion
>first president in US history not to achieve above 3% GDP
>left the middle east in even worse shape than Bush did
Opinion and Americans wanted out anyway
>Libya is now in ruins
Most Americans don't care
>sold weapons to Isis
>doubled out of Iraq improperly, creating a huge vacuum for Isis to grow
How could he have done it better? It took longer then he said it would because he wanted to make sure it was done right and we trained their police
>Enabled all these social justice pussies into thinking they actually matter
>Race relations among the people are the worst since the 1960s
How did he do this? Did he shot unarmed black teens in the middle of the street while being a trained white cop and let it get shared on fb a million times?
>The amount of mass shootings has skyrocketed despite using executive action for stricter gun laws
Gun laws haven't changed he just wants them to
>58% of African American youth are unemployed
Source and what was it before obama?
>the lowest labor participation since the 1970s
>48 million americans in poverty
Health care does cost resources retard, therefore must be paid for.
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> multiply the national debt

The Bush era tax cuts are still in effect and accounted for 85% of 'Obama's' debt rack up. He tried to undo them but the republicans stonewalled him.

What a great choice for our next leader who will put boots on the ground and lower taxes again.

And he did nothing 'bad' other presidents before him didn't already do. I'm sure the patriot act 'surveillance'is Obama's fault too.

But of course breitbart and infowars is true news
>Obama didn't do anything to calm any of the race related riots and instead said inflammatory shit
What did he say?

Trump has United the country like never before
>divider in chief
That's why. Also poor niggers
well, he was and he did, so that might be why?
"ooga booga where the white wimmen at?"

-Barack Hussein Obama, Bilderberg Conference 2012
How is doubling the bebt speculation?
How is GDP under 3% speculation?
How is leaving Iraq improperly speculation?
How is 58% of African American unemployed speculation?
How is the lowest labour participation since 1970's speculation?
And the last time I checked these civil rights movements calling for 'equality' such as BLM started in Obamas stint in office not to mention the media frezy about police officers and blacks.
And you are sure Obama done all this stuff himself? In 8 years? He has been a busy bee hasn't he
so in other words, nothing, you agree that he wasn't so bad but find satirizing criticisms against him entertaining...
Well this thread is over
Talking about how Trayvon Martin could have been one of his sons

Said the Michael Brown shootings "stains the heart of black children". Never mind he was a gas station robbing cop assaulting violent piece of shit.

He continually comments on the side of the people BLM supports before it has even gone to court. He says shit that only backs up the BLM movement and adds fuel to the fire.
Well spoken brother
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"

Who says this shit??
So just like the meme?

>You get fired from your job for pulling your dick out? Blame Obama! lolz! XD!
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Some people are still just super mad

He's actually the most popular and loved president alive, true facts.
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Yeah because the last president is a fucking war criminal, the one before that has had his legacy beat up by hindsight and a sex scandal, the guy before him was a who-gives-a-fuck potus as far as people today are concerned, and Carter happened too long ago. I wouldn't say the bar is very high, anon.
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Not the anon you were responding to but just happened to have this..
couldn't find a more recent one

Currently estimated to be around $19 trillion
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Carter has always been unpopular, you dummy, he didn't even win re-election. Obama is the greatest President since FDR.
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>bait or uninformed, can't tell
"The July 2016 employment-population ratios ... Blacks (42.7 percent)..." Bureau of Labor Statistic by the United States of Department of Labor
>Why do people say he was the worst president of all time?

What it really seems like is a lot of People specifically do not want to admit to Obama's fuck ups, or would rather deny his fuck ups BECAUSE he's Black.

Because blaming a Black guy for the fucks up he does is Racist, right?
>confirmed ignorant millennial who can't be bothered to learn any history beyond the past few years in recent memory
In 2014, 47 million people lived in Poverty USA.

In 2015, there were 43.1 million people in poverty, 3.5 million less than in 2014.
IMHO the media twist all scenarios between white cops and black young males
The is the entire basis of the SJW movement.

>Race is a social construct
>Judging people and making opinions about them based on race is racist and ignorant
>Opinions of people based 100% on race

SJWs are the most racist people there are, and all they do is call people racist.
that image is awesome
The fucker was an vacation and not in the office when 9/11 happened. Practically caused it
>how do I ignore viewpoints I disagree with
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i dunno, that was a pretty inflammatory remark if you ask me
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Obama was the best president since Bush
He did nothing, that is the problem, it was 8 years of stagnation, while Isis, China, and South Korea partied freely.
and before 2008?
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Obama will be remembered as an average president.
>Help me understand what he did that was so bad.

Nothing. He fulfilled none of his promises of hope and change. He did nothing.
D e b t
This guy has his head firmly ensconced in the sand. Or up his own ass. Either was denial af...

>People actually believe the President is solely responsible for the welfare of the USA and all of our county's successes and failures can be attributed to him.

Kek, Bush is below Nixon, embarrassing as fuck...
Holy shit, learn to google you useless faggot.
>Best speakers

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I mean my homeland of Australia averages around 3.3% growth (GDP). Even when we have around 5 and a half million people recieving welfare. That may not seem like much but thats basically one-quarter of our population.
as if

Trump is a rich, entitled asshole who tricked a bunch of people who are sick of the elites into believing he is for them and not himself and other billionaires
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>but but
>muh democrats make jobs and money
>muh democrats reduce unemployment
>muh black presidurnt
"Nationally, between 2000 and 2012, the percentage of people in poverty increased from 12.2 percent to 15.9 percent, while the number of people"

in poverty increased from 33.3 million to 48.8

This is the primary reason people don't like him. The fuck ups he has created (that all presidents do) legitimise them calling him WORST PRESIDENT EVER!

He was crap but we've had (and are about to have) crapper.
cause that is how it works.

You're probably the same people that think printing more money would end poverty too, aren't you.
I know he doesn't, but they have a lot of power to change it. Like Obama promised but didn't deliver.
So fucking true.

The great speakers like MLK and Hitler didn't stumble on the same word/vowel for 2 mins. Just saying.
Look at his skin, now look at the skin of all the other presidents. If he was white and did the same things he'd be remembered quite fondly, but he's a Muslim so no.
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>the president causes all of the problems
he was born brown.. basically. anything he did would be seen as bad. If he had been white teh Republcunts would still have bad mouthed him, but he would have had a little respect. but he was a nigger so it is all bad.

Fact that his has been the most successful presidency since Eisenhower has nothing to do with it...
Just like OP are extra faggots these days. They don't deliver at all.
Every fucking time someone is president there are always people saying he was the worst. You fags act like it's new

The president is the boss of America, of coarse he's responsible!
Don't know if you are still here, but I was also curious about the stuff OP said . So I genuinely thank you for giving sources and giving out information in the manner you did. Thanks a lot anon. Seriously.
So you got your sources. Gonna respond?
No. Printing more money will increase inflation which will devalue the money already in the economy.
Looks like someone gets all their "political knowledge" from memes.
If he was white he might of had a little bit more respect from republicans. But because he is black he gets a shit ton of (undeserved) respect from democrats.
>implying that the "obamacare" that was put into action was anything like what President Obama intended it to be

After it was amended 1000 times going through a Republican controlled Congress. What was labeled "obamacare" was just a set up by the republicans and intended to fail.

Republican party represents the super rich, and they use religion to get sheeple on their side. They are thescum of the earth
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What is that dip right before 2010?
Very surprised a tyrant is # 1
I believe in smart people and i think that everyone in this thread are smart . so please do your research and go down the rabbit hole and dig deeper and you will find the truth. #openyourmind there is another movement that is generally poisoning our earth.
Hitler was a fantastic speaker, that is true.
Obamacare would have worked if the insurance companies and drug companies would have been reigned in and not allowed to do as they pleased. Those companies spent the whole time yelling that they were losing money and yet they all posted record profits each year. Blame who is really at fault. Not Obama!
Yo mate which one are you in the photo
Fucked up the school system in a number of ways
>mandated nutrition programs that screwed a lot of school that actually bothered to feed students decent food
>stops schools from disciplining or pressing charges against students who get violent with student or faculty but only if they're black
Supports a program which relocates section 8 blacks into wealthier communities in the name of moving them closer to job opportunities. Program failed miserably, didn't increase employment and simply brought ghetto crime into middle class suburbs that were low crime beforehand. Despite the program's abysmal failure decided to expand the program drastically and sue landlords who would deny these niggers housing based on their criminal records.

>is trying to fast track the TPP before Trump can get into office and veto it

>after standing around with his limp dick in his hand when russia annexed parts of ukraine and its military personal continue to vacation in it, he bent over and kissed putin's brown ring
>missed any opportunity to reign IS in and has continually attacked syrian government forces anytime the opportunity has presented itself only exacerbating the problem and bloodshed

Well he sucked and still sucks BLM's dicks for one.
Also pardoned a couple black panthers who were threatening voters at the polls multiple times and this follows his pattern of generally making exceptions for shitty behavior out of niggers.

>Obama didn't do anything to calm any of the race related riots and instead said inflammatory shit supporting the pieces of shit that the Black Lives Matter movement defends. He dindu nuttin!

He's hardly the worst but he didn't accomplish a single campaign promise and has generally run anything he's touched into the ground. The only thing he has going for him is some half aborted mutant health care reform, the only positive note there is that you can no longer be denied for already being sick.
2008 was the global financial crisis
He was a fantastic leader as well. What he did for Germany pre-WW2 was incredibly.
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Agreed.... Do not forget the FACT that his wife is a transexual. Both of his children are adopted. Plus he was born a bastard. Also he is not even a AMERICAN, he is from Kenya
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It's cheaper for me to pay a penalty for NOT ENROLLING IN OBAMACARE, than it is to sign up for Obama care
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