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Waifu thread The rules are very simple: >Claim your waifu/husbando

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 120
Thread images: 102

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Waifu thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Have fun!

Lazy fucks edition
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Claimed, the lurk goes on
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Homura (37).jpg
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Eu claimed~
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Most beautiful girl claimed
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Snek is still a cute.
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still here
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whats good.gif
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Claimed, also gotta clock more time in overwatch
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At work on mobile edition
Forgot the picture, I suck
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>You try so hard.
how about you tell me what you do on a normal day ?
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Peter Lorre 69.gif
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There is nothing anyone can do.
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kagami claimed!!!
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Vigil - 320.jpg
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Homura (14).jpg
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You are not wrong, the most beautiful girl is claimed.
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can i come out now?
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chelsea still here
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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last claim and goodnight
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all lazy fucks
And get so far
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No images seem fitting today
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I can't really bring myself to give two shits what people want to do in threads, I mean hey, it's their life and their choices, if they want to do themselves I'll let them do themselves.
Also the whole album from Snöhamn is pretty good background music for whatever, considering the genre.
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I've been lurking here for a while and I just now decided to join in,
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It's barely 9pm and I am already super sleepy
How's everyone?
Sweet dreams.
I fail to see what you're trying to prove


You're overwatch a shit
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>tfw your waifu is so obscure there's virtually no fan art of her

The LN/manga art is god-tier, though, so it's kind of okay.
normally just wake up and watch anime or play games. I have also been looking for a job
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Aerith is the best waifu.

You guys are all vying for second-best waifu.
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>tired mobile claim
Hey guys, how's your day been?
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Bad timing friend.
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Well look who it is
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Life sucks...
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How so?
dont think ive ever said hello to you before hello
what kind of job ?
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This is my favorite Homu picture

Goodnight Maki, sleep well

I know how that is

Doing alright, what about you? You're on the east coast?

Hey there Sachi, what's up?

I don't think I got a chance to tell you last time before you left, but Rush is by far my favorite band. Dire Straits, Steely Dan, and Yes are some others.
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Eu is doing well, how about you, friend~?
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Keep running....
Eu, didn't even see you there! How are you friendo?

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Oh yeah I know that feel man. Took me way too long to find lots of good stuff. I don't get why Akiko isn't more popular. Probably because her anime isn't very plot heavy

Were you there when all the drama went down?

Greetings Mugen
Yeah I decided to drop back in. I've been playing OW with the bois all night
tfw there's like 6 Rikka's
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People complaining about the state of these threads and we just lost one of our finest members.
probably a minimum wage one at some fast food place that i will hate
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Eu is well, how has your day been, friend~?
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Homura (18).jpg
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I understand, their text doesn't really affect anyone unless they want it to. But I'm a bit dense and can't help it. Thanks for showing them, I will check the album tomorrow.

Look at your waifu, now back at mine. Look again at your waifu, and back at mine.

>we are now comunicating through secret signals that nobody else can see
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Would this be better?
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Oh yea? What level are you rocking so far? Hit me with those big numbers
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If you are alive you can keep running, I guess
living the dream
got any talents or are you good at something ?
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I was in thread. I sat and watched watched all this shit happen. Didn't want to post last thread because I know I have a very unpopular opinion on the "state" of these threads.
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I'm somewhat alright, I lost my army in total war because I was being an idiot~
Yeah I'm on east coast. What about you?
I'm doing alright, friend
We haven't talked much before, have we?
yeah saw that it sucks although i have not been on long enough to see the thread decline
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Rush kicks so much ass! I haven't listened to much Dire Straits or Steely Dan, but I've been listening to Yes lately.
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I'm 45 right now but I'm really close to hitting the 46
Also it should be noted that I've gotten 9 legendary skins with my boxes so far

Eh, I didn't feel like saying much either but I just had to say bye just in case. Not that any of it or anything here even matters
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>very unpopular opinion on the "state" of these threads.
What would that opinion be?
I'm not judging.
whats your opinion?
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>what do these signals look like?
Judgement in 5..4...
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Eu is happy that you're doing well and no, we haven't talked much, but its always nice to talk to someone new~
not really i played violin once upon a time but the i moved to an area that did not have an orchestra. besides that nothing much
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>Not that any of it or anything here even matters
Not like your game got influenced by what the overall community likes and etc. But yea I agree with you, not much of what happens here should matter.

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you what.png
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You are 5 levels ahead of me, i gotta get busy. Ive got a few legendaries but the only one i care about is my imp mercy. What characters have you been playing?
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It really doesn't matter here lol

That 24/7 threads aren't as cancerous as some people say they are.
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I used to be like that, then I stopped caring about everything else and just focused on my own life, doesn't still mean that I don't enjoy having chitchats for the heck of it.
No problem at all.
Anyhow I've been up for too long, I bid you adieu and all that jazz.
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here again
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Sleep tight and I hope to see you again.
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They really do. Got to see them live twice and they were phenomenal both times. I first heard them when my dad showed me 2112 back when I was 12. Yes is fantastic too, got to see them live once. Dire Straits and Steely Dan are both very different but I really enjoy them. Here's a couple favorites for your listening pleasure.

Sorry to hear that. I'm there too, GAfag. I'm just listening to music now and posting. I'll probably keep playing Diablo 3 with Tomocuck when he gets back from Arbo's.

It's been good, what about you? Honestly I rarely like when people speak in third person but somehow it's just cute with you.

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none of the stuff bothers me people can rp or lewd all they want no skin of my nose only shitposting sucks
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I'm with you, infact, they're much better for me.
>Diablo 3
My man, just got my Crusader to level 69
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Shizurulurk - Copy.jpg
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>Rattle rattle
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oh i see!!!
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O 11.jpg
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It makes Eu happy that you are okay with how Eu speaks~
Eu's day was good, a little tiring but nothing to bad~
holy shit that is so awesome I tried to play but I suck so I just abandoned that dream
you could try something on IT departments
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oh an ally appears.
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Thanks!. Yeah, talking to someone new is always nice~
Do you have any hobbies?
QCfag here. I stopped playing Diablo 3 a while back, lost interest in it unfortunately
Hope you guys have fun!
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Honestly, heres a real unpopular opinion that should make sense.

Everyone on the thread has been, or is, too emotionally attached. These seem to have been started as a way for people to vent about their days without fear of repurcussions from those who know them. Now theres way too much shipping (Shinoas ships are the most cancerous) and RP going on. I contributed, not gonna lie. Hand realised this and left before he got way too attached and did something he would regret.
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Instead of "refrain from posting porn" op, we should adopt an "encourage waifu feet posts" that'd be more interesting.
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not much just 2am boredom
>rattle rattle
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>I'll probably keep playing Diablo 3 with Tomocuck when he gets back from Arby's.
Tell him I said "ayy lmao" :^)

I don't give a shit about lewds or shitposting but we have an RP rule for a reason

I really don't see a reason for anyone to hate 24/7 threads. The only reason I can see for you to hate on 24/7 threads is if you don't do jack shit all day and post in thread 24/7 not including sleep (obviously).
Ashe from Thrilling Intent

the fact you morons put any merit in it is beyond me. "hand" was nothing but a retarded faggot who just randomly appeared. these threads are akin to the RP/ERP threads.
IT? like computer tech guys?
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fuck forgot image.
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Nothing interesting really, just playing vidya and watching animu like most anons do on this site~
What about you, friend~?
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Homura (4).png
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>Everyone on the thread has been, or is, too emotionally attached.
>It was all a relationship between two personas.
My ass.
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Noice, just got my wizard to 68, go figure

How ya been Shizu?

What did you do to tire yourself? Anything in particular?

Oh son, you are very far above me, huh? I figure I'll lose interest in it eventually but I only got around to buying it on Saturday so it will occupy me for some time yet.

Attached in what way? I like the people here, but I don't consider myself dependent in any sense.

Feet is the worst fetish, don't make me rant on this a second time.

Nice, nice. Any plans for tomorrow?

I definitely will. Just yesterday we were talking about how that's a top tier meme.

The only reason I tend to dislike lewds is because I can definitely envision a situation where someone treats this as an area to dump porn instead of discuss. Otherwise I don't much care. RP/ERP is pretty cancerous, I think, but if I'm not involved then it doesn't bother me.
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an opinion, couldn't care less your rant.
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hmmm, i can't say i agree...but i guess that's why it's an upopular opinion lol
>dat hamburger
u-ummm, M??
Thread posts: 120
Thread images: 102

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