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feminism love thread Women still get 23% less than men for

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Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 151

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feminism love thread

Women still get 23% less than men for the same work.

1 in 5 women still gets raped at least once in her lifetime. How do we teach boys not to rape?

This video shows why I need feminism:

bumping for interest
If you are not a troll you must be siriously retardet.
You just have to look at the video, retard.

Women are still oppressed in many parts of the world. Even in the western world we get less than men for the same fucking work.
How to spot a dumbass:
See if they believe these two stats.

One of my favorite things to do is disprove both of these to feminists in real life. Two responses happen and no other. Just one of these two: Confusion, then not wanting to talk about it anymore, or (and this is a quote) "all people like you care about is the truth and facts, there's more to it than that".
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You are free to prove that women don't get less than men for the same work or that women don't experience sexual harassment.
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Rape is a natural instinct, society is organized in such a way that the natural instincts of men are shameful and criminal, we should be encouraging men to rape, not putting them down for having natural urges.
stand up against rape, sisters
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This is exactly why we need feminism. To fight sexist assholes like you.
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If women put out more and not act like their fuck holes are the most precious things in the world there would be no rape
Well because they are the most precious things in the world men have to force women to get them.

If they weren't that great, you wouldn't have the inner urge to rape women, right?
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STFU... Real men will never want a feminist. Enjoy your empty shell of a life.
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>unironically trying to debate feminism on /b/

fucking niggers
Well, real feminists don't want some fleshlight fucking fatneckbeard.
You're the one making the claim. Burden of proof is on you.

Women do make less. Something like 5 cents less on the dollar. Bummer, and we should probably fix that. Your 1 in 5 rape number has been disproven ad nauseum but even if you want to ignore that, just work the numbers. Statistically, it just doesn't pan out in any form of reality.

And as far as sexual harassment goes, boo fucking hoo. Everybody gets "harassed" in some form or other at some point in their life because of who they are. This is human nature and will never be fixed. And women don't have a monopoly on it.
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they don't, that old ass statistic is based on total US incomes across the board from fucking strawberry pickers to CEOs. sure there are statistically more men in upper level jobs but the delusion that they are paid more when people freely talk about wages they earn in corporate america is silly. people would quickly find out and sue said company into the ground.
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it says that you think you're hot enough for people to want to rape you, and even more interesting, that you probably want them to :^)
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You are right, sister.
No, women get the same for the same work. The 'wage gap' is a myth that comes from comparing all working men to all working women. Oil rig workers are well paid and are overwhelmingly men, doing a dangerous job/ Social workers/teachers are overwhelmingly women, and there is virtually no danger. Why should women doing jobs that are easier and less dangerous than men get the same pay for lower risks in a different field? If women want to earn more money, all you have to do is go to school in a STEM field and learn to do something more useful than a degree in woman's studies will get you.
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This proves......what exactly?

That women worry about stupid bullshit? Sure. When I'm in highland park at a gas station I think to myself, man I hope that group of dudes doesn't follow me in. Then I am shocked by what I just said to myself in my head, because I'M BEING COMPLETELY REALISTIC ABOUT MY SITUATION AND THERE'S A BUNCH OF DUMB FUCKING TWITTER FEMINISTS CREATING FEAR IN THEIR OWN HEADS FOR NO FUCKING REASON
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I am also a feminist, this is me holding up the sign.
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I made a fun comic
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Try and read this without cringing

Protip: you can't
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Biggest cuck that has seen the face of Earth.
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*kicks projector*
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This is so depressing.
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(other students in the classroom)
>You just have to look at the video, retard.
Some random retard posting shit in youtube is not "citation".
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get the fuck back to your containment board

fuckin chris can even have joke threads without you showing up.
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>being a sexist pig

disgusting tbh
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(The End)
Thank you
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>1 in 5 women sleep around and regret it the day after at least once in her lifetime.

Fixed that for you.
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Before or after you rape them?
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>How do we teach boys not to rape?

Girls should put out more, then there won't be so many frustrated people, both men & women.
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>wage gap is still a thing
You have just proven you have simply got no idea of economics. Your own leader left your movement over this? It is so clearly not men causing that gap, but women, and how the vast majority of you choose to take time off, and work less overtime, and hence miss out on promotions, which drives down the average.
>1 in 5
Outside of the first world? yes, that number is true, just in our sheltered society the number of "true" rapes is far, far lower than that. The third world does have a massive number or rapes, however, in an environment where there is not enough to eat, or even enough space to live legally, can we expect better? The world is getting richer across the board, and crime is also dropping in general because of this, rape will hopefully fall to somewhere around current first world levels soon. Hardly all boys that can be blamed for a few poor devils canoodeling the other ghetto dwellers, as other anon said, they are animalistic urges, and civilisation teaches us to repress them. In a place with less civilisation, can we expect them to be less repressed, yes.
Feminism is needed, and real work can still be done, but fighting over people who choose to fatten themselves and sleep around is probably an uphill battle which will never be won, why not focus on real problems? like the current ploght of women in the middle east?
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>Women still get 23% less than men for the same work.

Pic related, it really evens out in the end.
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It doesn't matter
Haha. Feminism

anytime you are out in public there is a possibility you could be the victim of some form of crime, whether it be rape, a mugging or even being struck by a stray bullet.

this person at least is being aware of her surroundings which is a measure of personal responsibility; something most women think they don't have to have to do for themselves.
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Cis hetero patriarchy. The fuck
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>Women still get 23% less than men for the same work.
>1 in 5 women still gets raped at least once in her lifetime.
>This video shows why I need feminism:
What you need is a dick in you to calm you down. Ironically.
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good kek
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it's unfair that society frowns on a man making this choice (assuming he's in the extremely rare position he can).

but i bet feminists aren't trying to do a thing to change society's mind about that.
Got the full board! Go me
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heartwarming that this cunt got fired shortly after getting those other 2 guys fired.

maybe she'll learn that overhearing people in a public place making sophomoric jokes isn't worth raising a big stink about.
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This. All of the this.
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>some faggot got mad enough to unironically defend MRAs and make this image

top cuck
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I'm fully convinced that image is satire. No one can possibly be that fucking dumb, right?
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No one cares.
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That's why I only employ women, I can pay em all less and keep the rest for myself.
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'Gaul' was the Roman term for regions of what is now France, the word the artist was looking for is 'gall'.
>implying any of that is bait
Are you retarded anon?
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>for the same work ^citation needed^
My country's army allows male and female soldiers, but still you only see males doing typical soldier work like fighting wars and resueing elderly people from a flooded hospital.

Not saying you're wrong, but did you consider cases where females lied about being raped to take revenge or not needing to justify fucking someone?
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No one gives a fuck about you hoes getting paid less... There's a very simple reason for it.

You bitches don't get shit done period. It cost money to maintain you hoes happy.
Feminism.... Hahaha....
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I'm sure the holocaust would have been a success if the Nazis talked about "equality against Judaism" and "wage gap between Germans and the jews" in their speeches
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Feminism as a principle is great. We should have a more egalitarian, less androcentric society.

The problem with Feminism is...the feminists, especially these Third <strike>Reich</strike> Wave types.

It's kind of like Communism.
>works great on paper with seemingly doable principles
>horrible reality that people are greedy sacks of shit
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your pic is great. i like fisting women too.
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having the bar across your forearm is a good idea too, in case you start to get sucked in.
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Women make less money on average because they work less on average and choose safer, easier jobs on average.

Furthermore, they still control most spending in the relationship, I believe about 80 to 85 cents on the dollar.

Power is not as much about earning the money as it is about spending it, and when you look at the overall dynamic between men and women overall, on average, women withdraw faaaaarrr more than they deposit.

Women have been handed all the traditional masculine powers, but still want to retain their traditional feminine entitlements.

The masculine powers combined with the feminine entitlements (which men are not allowed) renders them more powerful than men in the grand scheme, and as a result we see each sex less able and willing to appeal to the other and fulfill the needs and biological imperatives of the other.

Female cultural equality inevitably leads to male dating inequality. Female cultural inequality inevitably leads to male dating equality. You cannot have both on a societal scale. Our biology does not allow it.

The Yang has been given too much Yin, while the Yin has been given no Yang. There is no balance.
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I frew up
Actually they get 23% less as a raw average you tremendous faggot.

Equal work is equal pay except for a few industries where men dominate (Sales, CEO, Professional Athletes).

Just as women dominate in pay in other occupations (Nursing, Secretarial work)

Read a book. Jesus fucking christ.

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Why do we hate feminism?

Why do we feel cucked when a woman's voicing her stupid opinions?

Could it be some sort of agenda being pressed on us, to care about petty bullshit rather than more important matters?

There are more important things than social justice, and I agree it's become an issue since it's encroaching on media and vidya, but still.....
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Thanks for helping build my arsenal of nigger incest pictures! Fuckin' saved!
>get sucked in

you think that can happen? when i do fistjobs i do it gently.
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>Women still get 23% less than men for the same work.
Please be bait.
No one can possibly believe this, right?
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Problem solves slut
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>"all people like you care about is the truth and facts, there's more to it than that".

"You're just too analytical" - my wife, whenever she's called out on obvious bullshit
I'm a mtf passing fulltime tranny and I hate feminism. Debate me.
please be real
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Excellent job of projecting your shit-tier opinions on children, gr8 work.
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I mean if women get paid less for everything, why do companies not hire ONLY women ? It makes better business sense, unless, you know... You're full of muhsogny liberal faggotry and there is no such thing as a wage gap or female oppression in first world countries

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Fucking lol
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He was not even a cuck. He was an entitled little shit. Good thing he shot himself but he should have done that before the murders.
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Women love rape
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Shame that fat neckbeards are the only people who will engage in committed relationships with feminists since all the non desperate men just hate fuck them
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holy fuck, this is cringe and rage combined.
Look at the background, this is clearly at a feminist ralley of some sort. How is it brave to propagate an idea that is being entirely supported? kek tumblr
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not being a criminal is not a privilege, no is born a criminal.
>what if you're born black
>being black is a crime
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This quote is attributed to two women. Is that how many it takes to come up with this stupid quote?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Zz3IzU8AE watch more of this guy feminist's he explains in many videos why feminism is bullshit and you are all wrong
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No, the get the same for the same work
Men get more raped than women.
You dont teach boys not to rape, you teach people as a whole not to rape.
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"thin" is a privilege lol
>when you know you live in a first world country
hipster bingo
fuck that main stream shit.
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Fucking paranoid, delusional bitch. The dude was probably standing there waiting for his wife. Get the fuck over yourself.
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these helped me come out and transition, fuck being a guy that shit was too hard
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WWI mud.jpg
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Hey, can one of you guys find a justgirlythings image for this?
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I denounce feminism as a word for gender equality, as it assumes feminine victim hood and creates a culture that demonizes masculinity. I am not alone in this fight.

If you (people who identify themselves with the label of feminism) wish to be acknowledged, you must change your platform and use a gender neutral word that does not pit one side against the other. Your movement is not creating unity; it is dividing.

That is all.
Shut up you little slut. You love it.
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Boys will always rape because they are the dominant species and you'll never earn as much as a man because you're not equal. I am not a robot
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Women don't do as good a job.
Rape is fun
gtfo cuck

Nihilism is the only truth
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I think I have a contender, but you have to do the collage bit yourself:
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nice try, ISIS
Take your Sharia bullshit elsewhere.

>mute that video and it's extremely fappable

Thanks OP
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Thanks. Gonna go work on it now. Have a brencat.
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>punch them in the stomach
>you're fisting them at the same time
Win win
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Good. If a woman got paid as much as I did, I would be pissed. Because I worked 38 hour weekends on a minimum wage job. I worked my ass off for $250 a weekend. No one worked as long as I did. I earned my money, no girl did.

As for the rape, that statistic is bullshit and you know it, but the girls and boys who believe it should get their ass spread by a porcupine.
This compressed chunk of polished carbon stuck into a metal band says I love you.
I fucking demand sauce

we put collars on dogs to show who owns them; jewelry is just an upscale version of that same thing.
my sides
>tfw in college and saving for my boob job
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Whaddya think?
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Like a boss, sir!
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good divorce.jpg
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UN womyn.png
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with all feminists (even pretend ones), it's "Do as I say, not as I do."
Post a before pick or gtfo
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fine here, took this morning
Nice rack
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you work out?
Jesus christ anon, were you born male
or something?
maybe they wouldnt get payed less if they got a degree in something useful not fucking womens liberated musical arts

Not voluntarily, if I ain't at school I am working at a warehouse, its all I can get for work because no one wanted me to be a waitress because my boobs aren't big enough. All the lifting made me muscular and I hate it.
If I was to choose to rape a woman it probably wouldn't be them anyway
Jeez Louise, why are so many dudes on the internet obsessed with E Watsons looks? based off that photo she seems pretty basic.
I'm straight, and male. By DEFAULT I classify as a lesbian, since I only date, and fuck, chicks. Give the kid credit, he basically told his brother "You like to eat pussy!" Amen, we lesbians need to stick together!
And she's an annoying, stuck-up cunt.
Shouldn't the center square be listed as "Safe Space"?
This is too retarded to read. It makes me lose IQ points.
>What you need is a dick in you to calm you down. Ironically.

It is ironic considering semen has mood elevating, and anxiety reducing chemicals found in it naturally. I'm willing to bet, if all feminists simply sucked a little more dick, or took it bare back once in a while, they'd be a LOT happier, and less triggered.

The only problem with that is, who'd want to fuck them in the first place?
what the fuck is a "standard accent"?
Dude exactly. This always doesn't make sense. If women cost cheaper men wouldn't have jobs.
Cant. Stop. Laughing... Oh Lawd... That second to last cell... That face... SOOOOOO funny!!!!
Tits or gtfo whore
92 percent of people who die doing their job are men. Fact.
You've clearly never tried talking to an actual feminist have you?

who cares what a woman has to say?
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