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In this thread we post why we like feminine penises. Also,

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 223
Thread images: 57

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In this thread we post why we like feminine penises.

Also, general trap thread.
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Choose one.
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Because they taste better and are more fun to play with. I'm a straight married man and the most fun I had was when I fucked a few traps while wife was out of town for a couple weeks.
Where do you find local traps?
Obviously a normal girl you fucking faggot. at least they have a fucking vagina. Rather be straight and go through the negatives, then be gay and have a male fuckbuddy.
I live in a city, they're all over dating apps.
I like feminine penis (and other kinds) because I'm not a heterosexual.
You get any pics?
You're bi, not straight.
as a trans girl, 10. is totally untrue - hormones make you kind of an emotional wreck at times :V

That said, the rest is pretty accurate.
you're not a girl you're a faggot, there's a difference from what you believe you are and what you really are
obviously some mental damage in there, I understand where you get the emotional wrecks from
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Try backpage or other similar sites
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You, "totally straight", are walking down the street, then you see a sign:

Martian Cock Emporium

The guy out front comes up to you and says:

"Hey dude, we're having a sale, why don't you come on in and check things out?"

You: "No thanks, I'm not into cocks; I'm straight."

Guy: "Sure you're straight, but you like Mars right?"

You: "Well, yeah I guess."

Guy: "You like those cool rovers we sent up there, that awesome red color, the sexy ice caps at the poles. You know, I'll bet you even hope that you get to visit there in your lifetime."

You: "Well, yeah, sure, but I don't see what all that has to do with cocks."

Guy: "It's not about the cocks. It's about Mars. You do like Mars...don't you?"

You: "Uh, sure, I guess."

Guy: "Of course you do! So why not come inside, jerk off a couple Martian cocks and maybe suck on a few? It's really not about the cocks, just Mars."

You: "Ummm...OK..."

Yeah, right; "totally straight".
Can you post your feminine penis?
cool story bro
We don't because we're not homosexuals.
can you recommend any apps?
Hahaha, that actually made me lol
the pc term is lady boner, jeez
This entire thread is proof once more of what a dungeon of autistic degenerates 4chan has become
4chan was literally always like this, these threads have been around forever
Look at the world right now. It has become 4chan. There are not not only 2 genders, but a lot of autistic retards thinking there are other genders. We live in a world where femenazi's want to be superior and want to destroy all men.
This world is fucked, not just 4chan.
You must find some shit girls. My girl gets emotional from time to time but who doesn't? The rest is false. That's not to say I wouldn't fuck a trap of the moment arose.
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"Manly" Vagina #1
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"Manly" Vagina #2
"Manly" Vagina #3
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"Manly" Vagina #4
way too manly for all these betas
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"Manly" Vagina #5
i agree completely with that
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"Manly" Vagina #6
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Nah man I wanted to do a hidden camera but being married means not a bit of evidence, especially on my phone after I delete everything.
Didn't use tinder because you can't use a fake name and people can look u up and see ur married. I used meetme, skout and POF
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just ask to make a sex tape
No, because I'm not attracted to any masculine features.
And nice b8 m8 but that literally has nothing to do with traps
Siehe here:
Pls don't post fake tit men.

she looks like a trap that I fucked in Madrid
define masculine features
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The fuck it doesn't.

If you have a cock and fuck someone else with a cock, you aren't fucking straight.
>fake tits
>manly features
idk sucking a girls dick is pretty much the straightest thing I can think of
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Welcome to the future where nobody cares.
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I understand why you faggots like traps, but I don't like dicks in my porn at all. And I'm not a faggot. I only like pussy, it's as simple as that.
nobody cares.

best blowjob ever
I don't give two flying fucks if you're bi, bi, straight or anything in between.

But saying you're straight when you're a dude having sex with another dude is just fucking stupid.
so, why are you here?
while most of what you say is true about the left side

>no emotions

quite the opposite. while you may be able to find a dude as a fuck buddy for NSA, dudes have emotions, gay dudes are even more emotional, and gender warped dudes are even more emotional than girls.
PSA: if you like dicks, you're gay. If you like traps, you're gay but afraid if manly men.
itt sexually insecure men that need to try assert their heteronormativity by posting how not gay they are
cause I dont like guys..
The phrase feminine penis is an oxymoron.
No. It's women with feminine penises. Get it right.
Broad shoulders, structured face, taller than 5'11, hairy.
And nice, you just proved how uneducated you are with your ignorance, because that is false.
Studies have shown straight men like traps because of the feminine features and the dick. All men enjoy having a dick and are attracted to dicks, but straight men are only attracted when the male is feminine enough to. Why do you think gays don't like traps, they're attracted to masculine features.
So basically what OP is saying is don't be a beta cuck and let your gf run your life.

Pretty easy and people that have to become boy fucking faggots because they can't be a man is pretty pathetic.
Eat a bag of dicks.

It's only tumblrina fucks like yourself that, smugly, think not being attracted to dudes is a sign of being attracted to dudes.

Then you wonder why people want to kick the everloving fuck out of you.
Fuck you degenerate.
I know plenty of cis women that are broad shouldered, have defined facial features (cheekbones are adorable), and are taller than 6'0"

not so many that are hairy though
I'm here because op was trying to make a case for how traps are better than females.

I'm almost certainly more secure than most. I went through a phase where I fucked a couple dudes. Had problems with keeping a hard on. Couldn't kiss them no matter what because it disgusted me. Engaged in some faggotry, but it wasn't for me.

Now all you fags that are in denial should just admit the facts.
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I like traps. I like boys. I like dicks.Call a spade a spade and get out of the fucking closet.

Straight men don't get off on cocks.

>being attracted to boy butts, boy bodies, and cocks is not being attracted to dudes

i could argue that someones just 'deviant' if it was really good passing trans, but were talking about sissy boys. they are just twinkish dudes who wear girl clothes, most dont even bother to have female hair, and those butts arent trained to look like females, they are trained to look like hot dude asses 99% of the time.

trust me i know the difference between a man ass and a chick ass
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>because that is false
This is a statement, not an argument. Please try again.
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>I'm here
>I don't like dicks in my porn at all.
>I only like pussy,
sounding pretty insecure~ Posture more.
Nice beaver mane
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>biological grill
>being this much of a casual normie
Lmao I have nothing to prove. Read my post faggot
The fact that someone like you feels comfortable saying such bullshit semi-publicly is surely an indication that society is on the decline.
You like penises because you are gay or bi maybe.
i have a girlfriend who in your case is a normal girl but she does all the sissy gurl things
Don't say that, i might just kill myself
Fucking degenerates all of you will die alone
>feminine penises
Ain't no such thing faggot
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You don´t like it? GTFO
You are here and don´t like it.
There is a door. Leave the room and everything is good.

Are you fucking serious?

That's some weapons-grade denial or chutzpah.

Probably both.
5 star post. Anon is comfortable in his gayness.
Op posted a pic that I thought would provoke some interesting conversation. I like that. I'll leave when I'm bored, or when this becomes a porn or banana thread.
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>feminine penis
guess the new meta, is to not try
so whats the difference between sissy ass and trans girl ass?????
Bi master race reporting in
If you like traps you are definitely "slightly" homo.
How can you be SO in denial that you dont accept you are gay when you like men with dicks.
Even if they look like women, they have dicks, a male only feature, that turns you on, which makes you gay, faggot.
You are a dumb merica.
Both are faggots
sauce plz?
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/b/ fucking sucks now.

And not in the "I MISS OLD /b/ WAHH" Its not that im sick of 4chan just that it's fucking cancer.

To start off, loli threads. Otherwise known as how to post pictures of children getting fucked without going to jail. You're fucking disgusting, you pedophiles.

Rate My Cock threads. Literally cancer, get the fuck out.

Trap threads. "It's not gay!" You're jacking off to someone with a dick getting fucked in the ass. That's gay.

YLYL Threads, more like the shittiest stolen screenshots of black twitter. Congrats.

Porn Webm threads. 1% fucking porn, 99% underage fuckboys and shitposters yelling "SAUCE".

Gore/rekt threads. Oh shit, you said you can handle pictures of dead people! You're pretty fucking edgy, man. You're so much cooler than us. Just kidding. Fuck you.

Wincest/R34 threads. Put together because I don't know what's fucking worse. Jacking off to pictures of cartoon characters or pictures of porn with half-assed text boxes of "Gee golly big bro, your penis is in my vagina!" Fucking sad.

BBC threads. Because /b/ can never get enough of fucking cock in their life.

Feels threads. 33-year-old kissless virgin (OP) relates with 14-year-old depressed kiddies.

Dubs threads. WOW, there's a series of two identical numbers next to each other in a nine-number ID! Fucking groundbreaking.

Copypasta threads. Why do dumbasses even respond to obvious bullshit?

TL;DR, loli is for pedophiles, you're a faggot if you watch trap, you're a virgin pathetic beta for watching R34/Incest, grow attached to a 17 year old girl, but Chloe Grace Moretz will never know or care you exist. Fuck your feels, no one wants to see your cock, actually contribute in porn threads, and stop shitposting copypasta. Also, Taylor Swift is attractive, sure, but not in the holy-shit way. And Suzy and/or Kat aren't the "QUEEN" of /b/.

the fact that smoeone like you feels comfortable saying such bullshit semi-publicly is surely an indication that society is on the decline.

See, i can throw out pretentious statements like you and sound just as retarded. doesn't make what etiher of us said true. unlike my first statement which actually cited reality as a source.
Fuck yeah I'm an American. You jealous? White American master race reporting.
literally all the same threads from a decade ago
Nice ctrl-c followed by ctrl-v!
Being this new
All of this was already pretty much 90% of /b/ in 2010
Your source is bullshit.

Your half-assed relativism is bullshit.

Your sexual denial is bullshit.

You are bullshit.
not sure what the fuck a feminine penis is but I'm gay so I like all penises as long as they aren't black
Copy pasta newfag bait
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>You jealous?
Nope. Nigger dump.
i miss hitler
It's baffling to know that people will argue against this. The only thing worse than a faggot is one that's in denial. This is coming from a faggot, albeit a bi one.
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>be passing tranny
>see this thread
wtf guys? Seriously?
let the kids have fun.
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Very wrong on count #10. A good proportion of traps are dramatic as fuck. Not as high a proportion as females (as in, not 99%), but when traps get emotionally unstable they typically go completely bonkers.
>still likes feminine dicks
>not liking muscular clits
Where this world is even going
>Where this world is even going

I don't think this world can even into going.
They are literally retarded and have no right even talking about us trans people.
Also they have a mans strength and will beat the fuck outta you. Because they are men.
>muscular clits
>feminine dicks
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This is a trap thread, not a shemale thread.
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scientists along with astronomers have proved that it is in fact possible for this world can into going.
sauce plz?
i like traps and femboys. and as i said:
let them have there fun. There are not more dumb people. They have Internet to show themself.
Uh I don't understand. Aren't most the "traps" here on hormones like I am?
I feel like this thread needs to be happier, too many people talking about how insecure they are in their sexuality.

I believe in you guys!
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>This is a trap thread, not a shemale thread.
Thanks for helping the retarded.
A lot of traps are part time though, like myself, I see the allure of hormones as it would take some of the ballache out of prep
yeah the word 'trap' has lost all meaning, it means different things to different people. I'm assuming trap and trans are pretty much interchangeable.
>scientists along with astronomers have proved that it is in fact possible for this world can into going.

Yeah, well, it's widely acknowledged that astronomers, as well as scientists, are aligned with the Jewish conspiracy.


Especially since being gay isn't a huge deal (unless you live in a rather unpleasant place).

Very few things are more infuriating than listening to a bi or gay dude scream that he's straight because he only has it off with dudes that get a Brazilian wax and put on a dress.
90% of the people that say this are just future girls
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Well, most are crossdressers who don't really qualify as traps. Classically traps are passable cd's, not trans. But yeah like >>662941502 said it's come to lose that meaning for many.
You have no right to wear womens clothes if you are not on hormones dude.
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I'm also trans and there's nothing you can do here but sit back and watch people sperg out. Don't let yourself get baited you're not going to educate anyone.

It was a fucking joke.

There's no "definition" beyond mistaking a dude for a chick.
>I see the allure of hormones as it would take some of the ballache out of prep

Just dew it tew it so that the rest of us can have a go at your holes.
So it's not all progress then, eh?
gr8 b8 m8
I think you meant to write 'a oxymoron'.
except you're not mistaking a dude cause trans chicks are chicks
Eh I do a couple weeks maybe a month or two of the year goin at it full queen mode, I enjoy masculinity 90% of the time,
>Classically traps are passable cd's, not trans.

Srsly, even if this distinction is thing, how is it very meaningful?
Sell that shit to the tumblinas.

If you have a Y-chromosome, you're a dude.
>cumming inside is somehow doesn't include creampies
why is /b/ always so full of retards?
Ah but what about when I'm not in the mood anymore and I switch back to my gravelly cockney/devonshire blend frightening the shit out of me partner?
That's well over half the fun
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How is any system of classification meaningful?
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dna says you are a male in female clothes. deal with it. also you can sux nigger dicks.
Sell that shit to a biologist

No one checks for chromosomes lol
>sex is free
Already kek, just because someone is a trap doesn't mean they're easy
>gifts for sex
Yeah if you're an ugly, autistic fag. The average guy should be able to land a chick with his looks and personality alone. Any payment or service exchange and it's literally prositution, which is for fuckin losers.
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Freе trаnny vidеo in high quality . Wаtch in my blog http://mytrannies.blogspot.com
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are people actually this deluded
well that's why classifications change and adapt over time, as well as theories, and everything to do with SCIENCE!

Except some people like living in the past and stick to archaic standards
>How is any system of classification meaningful?

By having meaningful distinctions, not arbitrary or insignificant ones.
Sissy gurls are the future.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Know matter how hard you wish, no matter how hard you try, if you're born with a cock you are a dude.

You will be a dude during your life.

You will die a dude.

No amount of bullshit will change that.
I'd say the distinctions between a crossdresser and a tranny are pretty significant.
This thread seems pretty hostile, probably not a good idea to post selfies
Standards like having a cock?

Fuck you.
>always been like this
>started comming here in 2014
>always been like this guyz
Do it.
Really? Impressive, honestly.
1,3,4,6,7,10 are lies.
I'm curious why people always seem so angry and defensive about this :V

I mean idc what people on /b/ think of trans people lol. That's like pissing in the wind. I don't really get the anger and insistence that trans women are dudes though, unless it comes from some sort of sexual insecurity.

Don't believe trans women are women? Cool! Who cares! Why bring it up??
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>Ah but what about when I'm not in the mood anymore and I switch back to my gravelly cockney/devonshire blend frightening the shit out of me partner?
>That's well over half the fun

That's when you get to adopt a full-on weird tranny name and scare the children.
I don't think this person is deluded at all, I've fucked a boi-pussy before...it was quite nice!

Oops, I guess that negates my argument completely.
Chromosomes are very important to make brownies, though...
There's no fucking defensiveness.

Anger? Absolutely.


Because being told that biological facts are subordinate to someone's feelings is fucking asinine.
an 8th grade understanding of biology applied to the nuances of sex and gender in a person is pretty asinine imo
What do you guys think about a female who gets a penis instead of a man who gets boobs? How does it changes the term of trap?
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Anyone else feel lost in the world as a trap lover? Liking traps makes me too gay to be fully accepted by the straight scene, but I don't really feel as if I belong in the gay scene either since I'm not attracted to normal dudes. Where do we belong?
No, it isn't you degenerate fuck.
Become an hero
Six feet under
don't even talk to those plebs
problem with traps is.. they are bigger whores than women...

>he prefers masculine penis

Never fucked a trap, so will ignore that side of your image. Looking at the Real Girl side though...

All but # 10 are false of any girl I've ever been with. Maybe you are doing it wrong?
Trying to fit in with the rest of society whilst ignoring something you like...Why bother living at all?
So what are fags that doesn't like traps? Straight women?
Grow some balls and come out of the closet.
>This entire thread is proof once more of what a dungeon of autistic degenerates 4chan has become
Youre right dude
the game
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Unless you live in an intolerant area does it matter? Just treat it as a fetish, which it is. No one wants to hear about it any more than they want to hear about the other guy's foot fetish and so on. Keep to yourself about it and if an opportunity to fuck a trap arises do it.
>dungeon of autistic degenerates

Umm, that describes 4chan since it's inception...
I mean, I'm openly bi :V kinda hard to care about genitalia much when youre trans
How fucking retarded are you?

Or do you come from planet non-sequitur?

That'd, fucking obviously, be a simple matter of taste.

In this thread, we talk about how gay we are and how we should kill ourselves*
Fixed it for ya OP
lol wut?
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my life in a picture ><
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>not into masculine features
>likes dicks

How are you not getting this?
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Would date and make love to. 10/10
My gf
>will let me fuck her as much as I want, gifts or no
>loves dick
>doesn't complain
>IDGAF about creampies
>great bjs
>can cum inside
>easy to get horny
>lives for me
>not that emotional
To add to that:
>has three holes to pick from
>doesn't have a dick
>is actually a girl

A feminine penis does not exist.
You've obviously not been looking well enough if you can't find a girl into being used. And no not all of them are insecure, you're just a beta boy.
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more babe?
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Put something in it

> No emotions

HAHHAHAHAHAHA, You've never been with a sissy gurl have you?
Post ass
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I'm not even into traps, but I gotta agree with this advice.
Seriously, I don't give a fuck if you like traps, it just annoys me that there are so many trap threads on /b/ lately. Containment board when?
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did she steal that dildo from mister edoobs?
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Almost there
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Thread posts: 223
Thread images: 57

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