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What the fuck happened?

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 43

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What the fuck happened?
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Part 2

That's what happened.
lol 4chan whining. you are pathetic OP
>complains about whining

You're either retarded or a woman.
Excuse my mental retardation, but what are SJW and GG?
Not whining, just asking a genuine question
SJW: Social Justice Warriors (Zeo Quinn and company)
GG: GamerGate (This whole shitfest)
Is this a meme or like candle jack or are people actually upset about this?
We should think about a way to raid again mods
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Most of the SJW are linked by Silverstring media, who is a spawn of DiGRA, a self professed cultural marxist group with the goals of infiltrating the game industry. DiGRA is funded by DARPA, suspected to be a cultural engineering program
>pic related
I remember seeing something about that cunt a month or so again. Didn't pay it any attention, though.

I thought those things were actually something important I'd missed, guess I was wrong.
Deleting threads in here too now.

/b/ is being owned by feminazis
Why is this worth being mad? I don't see why? I play vidya but damn
It's just suprising how deep the rot has set, even moot's in on this shit
And this hurts you how?
Well, its certainly worth watching.

You could be witnessing the death of the console industry.
In what way. You are making this a Big deal. I haven't even heard anything about it until you guys started posting this and trap threads
This is why things are ruined, because nobody cares before it's too late. It's not just 4chan, it's EVERYTHING
> console industry
Why console? AFAIK, consoles are actually relatively untarred in this whole thing...
And that's fine. I saw it at feat very one bitching because she fucked guys who have her bad game good reviews. Now everyone is dig if way too deep like it's 9/11 inside job type shit
why the fuck GG is?
>inb4 this new
whoa, i'm also a mod for 420chan.
i didn't hear shit about this....
If you're a gamer...how do you know what games are out there that interest you and are coded well enough for you to buy?

These guys tell you.
They tell all of us.

For years, what they've told us hasn't married with the shit we eventually bought.

Now we know why.

Peeps really don't like the fact we found out and are attacking us 'coz for some weird reason I cannot fathom, they sided with the feminazis AGAINST the very people they rely on for a living.

I have no idea what they're thinking or how they see this coming out all smelling of roses.

I cannot wait to see how the games developers and console manufacturers react when their christmas sales figures come back as the worst in living memory.
I just don't understand why there is so much passion to look into this. If people put this much effort into themselves they wouldn't be on 4chan getting angry over video games
>being this new
It's Gamer Gate
You don't think mod purges, media manipulation etc are all things to be concerned about? That's fine, don't give a fuck. There's lots of things in the world I don't give a fuck about. However 4chan is my internet, vidya is my hobby. I give a fuck about them.
I suggest you take off your tin foil hat, and consider a much more sane answer to that ... that groups that fund research are funding research into video games. There is a lot of technology that is to be had here, and it is a wealthy mine to invest in.
Because I rent then and see I I like them. If I don't, I send it back! Gamefly is nice. Hey don't tell me what game I like, I do
Why do you think that investigating conspiracy in a multi-billion dollar industry is a waste of time?
>There is no 'slippery slope' toward loss of liberties, only a long staircase where each step downward must first be tolerated by the American people and their leaders.
She shut down and harassed game developers for charity because they didn't like the way they reacted to her.

It was a kickstarter and people lost money because of it.

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>moot off for 2 days

It's happening
One time I bought these stupid Popsicles at walmart with my credit card, next day ad on Facebook for the exact same Popsicles. It is crazy, but how is being crazy on 4chan going to do anything
Oh that again... Isn't the quinn whore dead yet?
Video games
Jesus Christ, what do you want exactly, for no one to talk about it at all ever? Or other things that bother them? The cc popsicle thing is crazy. Start a thread about it and we'll talk about it too. It's good to talk.
Right, you're just a fucking faggot. Got it.
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Reminder that moot has been ousted, that SJWs run the show, and that they've corrupted, fired, or forced into submission all the mods who were here before the takeover.

Reminder that 4chan is deprecated, and that you should go to the chan linked in this image immediately.
did you not get the part
>4chan is getting pulled into this
i could care less about vidya, but i actually generally care if mods are being faggots over this and M00t is being a jew by hiding
Ahhh yes. Sounds fair. The world had many issues, pick an important one and go from there. Best of luck
I like. Hadn't heard that one before.
I wonder if Cracked is a part of the Games JournoList
>christmas sales figures come back as the worst in living memory.
you wish
capitalism has won
we will buy their shit anyway
Talking about it sure. Acting like the NSA is breaking down doors is another. This isn't outrageous, maybe bullshit, but not groundbreaking
This. We've known for years that there was a horribly incestuous relationship between reviewers, their websites and the gaming industry (eg.advertising, and threats that come with writing a bad review) but this has brought it to a new low.

Plus the general reaction has been strange, like there's more to come out which obv they are desperately hoping it won't. How bad is this going to get?
If you weren't acting like a faggot, I wouldn't call you a faggot.

But you are, so you leave me with little choice.
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bumping because fuck the mods on /v/
How do i know this isnt going to give me a virus?
[spoiler]im going anyway[/spoiler]
Ok I'll stoop there an call you a crybaby and a faggot. Problem solved
So... what exactly. Outline for me how you think people should be reacting.
Fuck the formatting on /b/
Kill yourself.
And who is pulling 4chan into this? Turds with lots if time to look way too deep into this
Nothing this extreme. It's video games. Plain and simple. Video. Games.
So mad
Don't be so naive. It's money. Plain and simple. Money.
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Will be taken care of.
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Just found this
And it doesn't effect you. If you must, keep track of all names associated with this. Never play or buy a game their name is on. Done. Enjoy video games
Stop responding to this guy already.
That one thing that proved the game industry is just as corrupt as anything is causing a shitstorm?
>grabs a popcorn
It's a big one

Thread isn't bumping, for some reason.
Okay tinfoil hats, time to go back to >>/pol/

>inb4 Joos did it
>inb4 shill
They're deleting every mention of Milo's article
That's some kind of passive bullshit right there.

I like making shills work for their money. They shouldn't get an echo chamber without working for it.
Thank you
I've thought about it a lot and this is definitely one of the reasons why games and movies are so shitty these days. It seems like every storyline has been crafted to fit within a political framework or to push a political ideal, rather than just trying to create an interesting and engaging story. It's difficult to be creative when you're trying fit your whole story within a political box. Gameplay and mechanics might also be suffering from that as well since they might be too busy with the politicizing effort.
Is the article up?
Easy solution for the outrageous acts that people are so crazed about. Mcdonalds I've you the shits? Don't eat there
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Not all movies are shit nowadays, gravity was good
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I don't even think we should be surprised at this point. Barely affects me anyway at least. I just play Nintendo games and War thunder.
Or how about we pressure McDonalds into removing the transfats that give me diarrhea when my IBS is acting up.
>mfw when people did that and they removed the transfats years ago
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That's why I am surprised at how this is still plaguing b. I thought trap threads were annoying
On a basic level, ignoring this actual fucking argument, we disagree fundamentally on activism I guess. Voting with your wallet is good, and effective, but you can do that and other things.
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>watching a movie with George Clooney in it
I think not.
>2 /pol/ attacking users
>you are a fucking nigger
can someone post any picture of the
>hide X
>ignore X
>do not reply to X
moot is gayfag.
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Use your filter if you don't want to see it, thanks.
Always alternatives. Sometimes cravings win eh?
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Jesus Christ, it's fake you fucking doorknobs.
I agree
A nice feature, but then hen I hit refresh more come up and no new stuff to read comes up. Makes me sad
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Gamer Gate? How about some Zoe Quinn nudes?
It's your shitty analogy, I don't have IBS or eat in McDonalds.
>Inb4 new tag
I cannot seem to find a real explanation to this aggregate shit.
All I remember is when depression quest came out and everyone flipped shit because
>Muh feminism

Can someone give a brief rundown on this shit?
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Anon please I'm already close to being legally blind, have some mercy.
can someone here be so nice and tldr this
She's not very attractive. You don't have to continue.
Fucking auto correct
Newfag and
Same here! Hardee's is better anyway
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ensickledramapedia article is decent. hashtag gamersgate yo
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you obviously dont get it.
4chan bans Germany

Gaming journalism blows ass
Some more popular commercialized people tried to sweep an indie start-up under the rug
/v/ (and I guess reddit?) said "nah fuck that" and helped the indie start-up out

Gaming journalism coordinated a huge influx of articles to shit all over gamer culture
GamerGate was born to call them out
Some slut slept with five guys for reviews and shit
Now that moot is on vacation mods site-wide are banning GG threads as soon as they pop up
europoor here. Is hardees the one with the big red hat? Think I saw it in a movie
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Chao tzu thinks that this whole thing is fucking stupid and shouldn't be bothered with it because it's fucking stupid.
Remember how people always said that the government could see everything you do and people threw a shitfest and cried when it turned out to be true? Same reaction except it's about the game industry being corrupt.
Usually a star guy running around. Sluts on nice cars eating huge burgers. I personally like the friscomelt
Chao tze is no fucking shin chan that's for sure
This whole ordeal is so confusing. Any kind anon able to give a quick synopsis?
go away shill
Stop posting your own pics Zoe.

You're minging and nobody wants to see that

captcha 404 *queue x-files music*
Ok so basically a group tried to start out in hopes of changing video games from corporate circle jerks into decent games right?
Higher ups snuffed them out and that is what caused this shitfest?

That's what I'm getting out of this
Cunt acts like cunt to acquire money
I'll give it a go if I'm ever in one.
Some bitch fucked a bunch of reviewers to get good reviews for her game.
That's it? There's no ulterior motive?
Zone slept with dudes for reviews and then this shitfest started?
I sure fucking hope not

is this true? Bump
holy fuck shes so fucking ugly
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Zoe Quinn made fake twitters to attack herself and blame it on anti-feminists.

She is using this to further her own agenda to censor video games in the name of feminism.

New, post purge M0ds are SJW and Feminist in nature and are here to take down anti-feminist speech (because some feminist girl killed herself.) before this, but now its getting more attention because vidya games are pretty cool and fuck feminists for trying to censor free speech.
I don't think there is for her. She's not really driving the whole thing, from the looks of the leaked mailgroup.
In a very basic sense, yes. That's the gist.

More accurately, The Fine Young Capitalists (a group of female game developers) wanted to crowdsource a game, but were snuffed out by journalists and devs higher up the totem pole just so said devs could spin around and start their own campaign.

/v/, in a gambit to completely discredit basically every single SJW journalist who was against regular gamers, started to fund TFYC and made a "daughter" character to represent them. Then shit got cray.
The article is out, had to edit the url to avoid bans
> http://www dot breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/17/Exposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite
thanks, but how does that involve SJWs, numerous bans and 4chan?

if you can't tell reading comprehension isn't my thing
As far as I can tell, it's completely accurate
thank you kind sir

shit guys I'm crying
Pretty damn good. Don't get the 1/2 lb one, way overkill. 1/3 lb is ok. Best of luck!!

Please kill it with fire
If it is, and 4chan is kill? We need to find a new stomping ground. Moot is destroying the premise of 4chan, which is total unrestricted anonymous forum. Not that that's ever lead to constructive discussion. But it has its moments.
So the female game devs weren't feminists or anything they were just girls?

And why did they snuff them out? Did they have a good idea and it looked appealing to the higher ups or what?

If this is the case how is this linked to feminism and she, other than zoe?
She wanted to do her own one instead
The OP image is fake. Look up the post number on the archive.

Also please be sure to stay BTFO you shitposters.
They were the "good" kind of feminists (IE: "we just wanna prove girls can go toe-to-toe with the big boys" and not "LISTEN TO ME YOU MYSOGINIST PIGS"), but Zoe Quinn wanted to do the same thing, so she defamed them, had them shut down and started up her own.
Which board are you looking at?
The amount of bans coming out of /v/ today is insane
well thank fuck i saw this. now i can die happy as winner of depression quest
And she used the premise that the people against her were misogonists and women haters to fuel her shenannigans?

This is ridiculous.
Shouldn't she have fucking funded the all WOMEN group of game devs if she actually believed in that shit?
I'm proud of be "killing vidya".

Video game "journalism" has always been a joke. People were just being faggots about it.
Shill detected

I'm posting a thread on /v/ on depression quest. I will post in this thread every ten minutes until it 404s. If I get banned before it 404s, then everything said in this thread is true.

Have a read of the encycledramapedia, really. Sets it all out, clear timeline and all.
I will keep voicing my opinion against this worthless shit just like how you shitters keep posting about it on every board.

Take your fucking tumblr tier GG general to another website.
Shut up fag, we can talk about whatever we want on /b/ so long as it's legal and not /mlp/ or a request.
I particularly like the tinfoiltheory that the mods are actually proGG and banning everyone to try stoke the fires.
Thread was removed already. How does that make you feel anon?

holy shit am i banned
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I-It's actually happening

goddamn fucking confirmed

Pol special shadowbans for everyone!
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I am starting to be a normalfag, so I miss a lot. What is this about?
God this whore is fucking ugly.
Good this is where you should stay now that I think about it.

A shit hole fit for your shit posts.

Too bad mods don't want you here either.
How to make threads 404 on /v/:

Step 1: Post a picture of depression quest relating to the gameplay topic of the thread
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Watch thread 404
screencap your ban notification
based mod
this gg shit is tumblr-tier
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thanks man
shill confirmed
>Girl fucks 5 guys, 3 of them married, high >profile names in journalism.

>4chan decides to troll, as usual "she is a >whore!" "5 guys, lel".

>While trolling, 4chan finds lots of trash, finds >out journalism is corrupted and Zoe Quinn >threw dirt, made it seem she was harassed >when she wasn't by posting in some chan in >order to garner sympathy.

>4chan is mad, supports an indie game via i>
>indiegogo/kikestarter that Zoe Quinn didn't like, >out of spite. Typical behaviour.

>Shit hit the fan when Zoe Quinn shut down the >project, thousands of 4chens lost their money, >so did indie kikestarter.

>4chan freaks out, complains. All complaints are >shut down. 4chan freaks out MORE, because >nobody hates having their complaints shut >down more than that.

>Even more shit happens, turns out actual >money was being handled illegally, 4chan is in >full blown raid mode.

>All the while, Zoe Quinn plays this as mysoginy, >Cracked, Gamespot, Gamasutra, Slowtaku and >many more decry gamers as nerds, as gone, >as they should die.

>Mass bans continue.

>Now this happens.

>http://www dawt breitbart dawt com/Breitbart->London/2014/09/17/Exposed-the-secret->mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite

>As usual, turns out 4chan was right.

Not banned, I *technically* didn't break any /v/ rules. I just made a "shit tier games" thread and posted DQ as one of them for lack of gameplay, etc. Thread 404'ed


Did i get shadowbanned?

Why are you here if you hate it so much?
Oh man, this is great. I hope all of the faggots from reddit and tumblr will fuck off now.
I dunno, post on /v/ and link us to it.
To be smug about it of course.

Just like how all the GG people were smug about how they could have a general running 24/7 and no one could do anything about it.

I gotta have my fun while it lasts.
>Shouldn't she have fucking funded the all WOMEN group of game devs if she actually believed in that shit?
Yeah, that's the point that started all of this. Zoe Quinn doesn't give two shits about empowering women unless it makes her money. She's just your run-of-the-mill talentless "indie developer" who spread her legs to get good reviews for a shit text-based game she made. Then she went and cried "Misogyny!" when she was found out.

The real fight in all of this is with the gaming bloggers and journalists all taking up the SJW banner and attacking their own readers to try and deflect attention and criticism for their utter lack of ethics and principles.
That is a hell of a generalization there bub.

Nah someone responded to a post i made. Not shadowbanned. Still an interesting case in the fact that posting about this shit is kill on sight.
inb4 copyright
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We won. Accept it and move on people. Now this board is a better, more accepting place, for all males, CISmales, females, CISfemales, asexual, genderflud and otherkin. You're welcome.
>tfw gg and zoe caused reddit, tumblr, and then some to flood in and effectively killed 4chan
That and how suddenly half of the responses about GamerGate are now negative instead of the neutrality/positivity it had only days beforehand.

I never thought I'd see 4chan really, truly go to shit. It was always shitty because WE made it shitty, not through any fault of the mods or site.
Probably tired of the fever-pitch levels of circlejerk this whole thing has reached.
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what about this?
isn't it possible to post there under the cover of a vivian thread?
Nope, with the exception of 1 thread I saw earlier that hit 400+ posts.
I forgot about that shit because I filtered the word vivian
it's just as bad and I hope the mod keeps banning it all
Not selfies so she doesn't own the copyright.
What the fuck is the difference between males and cismales?
there's also alot of power and influence to be had... can anon open his eyes and stop pretending that bad intentions don't exist?
Only one of them has a penis.
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I made a thread about this but it was deleted so I'll post is here instead.

I'm looking for more info on what was mentioned in the pic. I found this while browsing the talk pages for GG on encyclopediadramatica yet there is no reference to moots project in the article at all.
why do trans-genders feel the need use trans. just say you are that gender, no trans/cis bullshit
cismale is someone who was "designated at birth to be male and accepted it"

Male encompasses anyone who thinks they are male.

But if we're being scientifically fucking accurate, males just means anyone born with male genitalia. Adding 'cis' is just a way that the "non-discriminatory" can discriminate us.
fuck off tranny

watch this shit get deleted
Does encyclopedia dramatica list sources?
already gone
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Reminder that GamerGate, Quinnspiracy shit, and Vivian are all just as bad or even worse than SJW shit.
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this is bullshit
is there anything we can do about this? Just have /b/ shitpost about ZQ all day everyday, forcing him to ban the every poster, and ruining his site?
I personaly love the changes. Now I can browse 4chan in public and I do not need to be afraid that in the first page I will se cp.
so sage this shit
> caring what reviewers think
You probably play CoD.

In the articles they do, It's not as common in talk pages because that's for discussion about what should be in the article
How can you love the fact we have to make sure our posts are politically correct and dont go against the mods or you get banned?
Faggots love that shit
Shill or absolute retard? Fuck off back to Facebook.
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I will when you fuck off back to reddit. :3
Honestly we need forced anonymous posting back.

This "Highlight posts by this ID" is the worst fucking cancer I've ever seen here.
>politically correct
Implying there are another comments then
>hurr durr you dont agree with me you are a jew
> good goyim
>I never met an arab, but man I hate them fucking sandniggers
>I am endgy teenager, so Hitler was a cool guy XDD
I know Im gonna sound retarded, but what is shadowbanned?
Idle curiosity, what difference does it make in a bread like this?
Don't use their site, but I'd consider their user base allies in this fight, they're being censored en masse as well, and their site of choice has been compromised as well.

Useful idiots are useful.
What the fuck?
Where is Aussiemoot when you need him?
Nah dude this shit is great. No more samefagging on the place where people samefagged the hardest.

But it shouldn't stretch outside of /b/.

You think you're still posting, but in truth no one else can really see your posts.
when you can browse freely, post comments, but no one else can see them. you're invisible.
cunt is on holidays
shiiiiiit does that happen on 4chams?
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>I'd consider their user base allies in this fight

This is the type of shit that makes this whole thing cancerous, you faggots are flat out inviting Reddit and Tumblr here.
does 4chan even have shadowbanning?
>mfw im shadowbanned and never knew
OPS PIC IS A SHOP. It isn't in the archives.
This is why Coca Cola has two people that know the formula to it: if something happens to one of them we aren't all completely fucked.

We need, like, a mootwo or something.
At first when I discovered this thread I was thinking that there is something big happening.
Did I read it ok?

some kind of bitch used her vagina, you guys wanted revenge, but she was stronger. so you wanted to cry here, but the mods got enough of that.

Jesus first world problems, just start a mless thread and fap
Holy shit. even Aristocrat's livestream is being instabanned on /v/
Oh fuck that's golden. Mootwo.
It's a bunch of autistic faggots crying about video game journalism integrity. Like these people ACTUALLY thought video game journalism was something valid.
the whole thing is fucking retarded
I said Aussiemoot, not regular faggot moot.

The guy who hacked admin status, royally rekt the mods and leaked a bunch of shit.
Tried to post on /v/ about depression quest, gone after seconds.
Mootwo. Oh my fucking god. You are the most cleverest motherfucker.
There's regular journalism corruption and then there's vidya journalism corruption.
>retards intentionally shitposting on /v/ to stir shit up
>surprised when the posts get deleted
mod pls go
That picture is from an xbox Kingdom Under Fire game. I remember playing it and it being really complicated and difficult as fuck, well except for that woman's campaign.
Did anyone else play it?
Do you reckon I could find an emulator for the Xbox version?
How will you do this?
>vidya journalism
Does anyone read that who is not a virgin?
Apparently SJW's do, but similarly to how people from /v/ don't actually play vidya.

Except they ACTUALLY don't play vidya.
..Pc master race?...

Is that Zoe Quinn?
Just made this thread >>264078385

We'll see how long it stays up
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I don't think they should come here in any capacity, nor that we should go there, I think we should find a slut uncompromised, and use it as a base of operation for discussion on the topics at hand, and get a coherent plan.

Not a mass influx to 4chan, or a mass exodus to Le Roodot.
Shut the fuck up
This is the part of the chemo which cures 4chan.
itchy trigga finga niggas working /v/ tonight
Is OP actually the official story about why the GG threads are getting Baleeted? I've heard so many different things, I'm not sure who to believe.
Gone within 15 seconds, I would presume it's being word filter auto banned at this point
dead link when it auto updated
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>>>/pol/35926384 (You)
We march
>>>/pol/35926945 (You)
And fight
To death or on to victory

We are doing this!
rage inducing.

These mods must be as blind as the journalists. They don't see that the walls that protect their power are crumbling.

It is time for a GG sticky on /b/ and /v/. hiding these threads is only making things worse.
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This is why I play on the PC and mostly torrent games. I aint spending no 70 bucks on a video game just to find out it is a piece of crap.
Mods are posting as heaven
wtf sailor moon ban on /h/ because of ponys?! fuck off
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Except that's not what's happening, because of faggots like you they decided to pour in here and stick around.
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Heaven is right here.
I literally have nothing to do with any of this shit. I've never heard of anyone or anything involved in this.

I'm gonna lay back and wait for a momless thread.

We knew they were shit a long time ago.
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This isn't the chemo, this is a bullet through the head
>non-video game threads are deleted from the video games board

Wow, simply stunning.
wood bang
What is GG and why is it "sexist"?
Let's thy this way...
This is the main problem here (as well as video game corruption blah blah), but we cant do anything because MOOT DID THIS. The only way we can fix this is by leaving, I suggest openchan.org

thats so subtle
>Moderators are clearly suppressing information about this incident
>All the current moderators were recently shipped in
No, I'm sure this will not possibly affect you in the future at all. I'm sure the new SJW overlords will be kind.
It's fake you fucking retards
Good, hopefully 4chan will die and everyone involved with this shit will fuck off.
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Really though? I havnt exact been "in touch" with 4chan lately has it happened?

Are the mods actually sjws who will keep banning and turn 4chan into Tumblr.4chan.org/sjw/
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>banning faggots from reddit
>bullet through the head
faggot pls
Fuck off, you stupid cunt, openchan is has more cancer than this fucking board
If suppressing information is what it takes to keep whiny faggots from making 5000 fucking threads about some dumb cunt who whored herself then that's a pretty fair trade.
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Just asking questions!
Because video game journalists should be free to fuck any developer they want and not have it called a conflict of interest.
Check Breitbart, Milo just wrote an article with proof it's happening.
I'd like to take a moment and say that this explains the insta-404 on teen threads. Before if a picture was blatant cp it would be deleted a nd the thread would continue.
Now it's deleted as soon as a mod sees it.
b-but the enemy of my enemy
the mod is doing god's work
hopefully this shit will be over soon
You dont need to be here, why not just leave the thread?
Ah, of course, a woman wasn't happy so it was clearly sexism by definition.
Yes. And they cant go to holidays together.

There is indisputable proof that they're monopolizing and censoring information on the internet. Fucking. Read. It.
This faggot is going to get fired right?
Chaotzu was worth less than fucking Yamcha. Why would we listen to that faggot?
Are you by any chance the faggot mod?
there wouldn't bee 5k threads without banning/404

here is the attention you are crying for.

now gtfo
Oh man, I fucking wish. I'd be deleting and banning way more if I was.
Oh, I'm sorry, we only have concrete evidence that gaming journalists are trying to fuck us over, I'm sure that's not important.
Nope, because moot suggested this shit, 4chan is kill
Top fucking kek
Are you fucking stupid? If they'd left us one with one general thread here and in vidya people wouldn't be nearly as fucking mad as they are.
Wasn't Chaotzus only power to blow himself up?
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>gaming journalists

You're right, they're not fucking important. Video game journalism is a fucking joke and anyone who cares about is a fucking retard.
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I'll tell you what happened, this website has the shittiest mods in existence
I don't have anything to do with any of this, and frankly, let's be honest, neither do most of you.

> Someone fucked someone and 4chan made a big deal out of it and now they're throwing shit at each other.

WOW. Big fucking deal.
I care about people making money by lying.
Then I'm sure you'll be upset when you grow the fuck up and take a look at politics.
I dunno man, skyrim had that 4k pillow textures mod.
Not sure what could get worse than that
Normally, you'd be right, but they're doing their fucking damnedest to turn the entire gaming community into social pariahs. And they have connections TO FUCKING EVERYONE. They have a representative at several developers. They're pushing SJW shit directly, and now they're trying to cut us away now that we caught their shit out.
I care about that too. It's all the same fight. This thread isn't about politics though so why would be talking about it here?
>take a look at politics
your home is shit

404'ed. . .Really
There is absolutely no evidence besides some random anonymous poster's say so. If what he said was actually true we would see more GamerGate and anti SJW threads being deleted, but so far it's just some rampaging autist
It's really not, in the grand scheme of things video game journalism is fucking worthless, if you actually think there's anything to be gained by "saving" video game journalism, then you're retarded.
Many a jimmy has been rustled in this thread.
I'm amazed that people actually get upset over this meaningless bullshit. It's /b/, isn't it supposed to be the asshole of the internet?
Nah, you offer people an almost lawless wasteland where almost anything goes and they will still whine about 'injustice' or 'corruption'. Toppest of keks right here.
I might just be a newfag but this kind of 'we mean business and demand to be taken seriously' threads is the real cancer.
Are GG threads still getting B& on /pol/?
Yep I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fappening, or any other massive flood of faggotry, nope, it was the gg one out of 20 who said we shouldn't fight a war on two fronts. That's it.
biggest media there is faggot
>Nah, you offer people an almost lawless wasteland where almost anything goes
You're a fucking idiot. Why do you think people are upset about mods deleting threads that don't break the rules? You're still the real cancer
Oh, you seem to be misinformed.
Some fake ass hack was blamed on Anonymous and "/V/".
Yes. With a capital fucking letter.
From there on out, 'Gamers' became 'Fat White Neckbeard Misogynists' and suddenly 10 articles show up in 2 days shitting all over us.

We don't want to save them.
We want to plow them so far under they never come back.
What do you expect from reddit and tumblrfags and migrated here after being invited over because of this gamergate shit?
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