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Again: God-Tier Metal Album's GO!!!

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 151

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Again: God-Tier Metal Album's GO!!!
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Whuts up m8s.

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inb4 h8

Eternal Tears of Sorrow - The Virgin and a Whore

You won't be dissapoint

LOL - you might as well be listening to Miley
Just got the new Hour Of Penance. Thoughts?
My nigger+1
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METAL, not faggotry!!!
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Only god-tier so far.
Will see them live in a week, sort of
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Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Posted this in the other thread already, but it's such a freaking masterpiece that it deserves to be in both threads.
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Miley is a bit too heavy for me.
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Start posting then niggerx2
You got the fucking point Anon. Gj.
Did you like heritage? I don't get why so many opeht fans hate it. Take Folklore for example, great song if you ask me.
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my melanin enriched brethren
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Do not forget them almost 40 years of god-tier metal
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Kill The Kristians - The Final Solution
Haven't actually ever listened to it.
Will do now. Thanks
Thus far the first song sounds a bit lackluster but will report back when I've gotten further in it.
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Also carcass that was posted. And Symbolic by Death is close as well, although I prefer Sound of Perseverance.
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repost cause it's that good
this fucking album right here
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Sheeeiiit, I posted ashes against the grain in the last thread.

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My two favourite bands

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what is OP's album?
+10 internets
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Bumpin this shit

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Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence
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The one to listen every week
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this better
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pls no.
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I only got into metal recently; is there more like this?
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How did they go from being so stupidly good to not releasing an even half way decent album in like ten years?
didn't help when stromblad left
What I don't understand is how they can be so much popular with this shit? I mean no one likes their new music, all the reviews and ratings saying it is shit but they get all the headliner spots at festivals.
Metal is gay
>Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence

Many thanks
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ur mum is gay
is that poop on the ground
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check this out if you enjoy windir
That's especially what I think nailed the coffin shut, I don't even think they have a second guitar player anymore, on the other hand their new music is so simple they really don't need two...
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Awesome taste m8
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I r8 8/8 m8
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How has Maiden not been posted yet?




real music
everything else is edgecore
if you think that metal is about being evil manly and playing your instrument fast you didn't get the point of it
What is the point, o ascended banger?
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Loving track 4.
I'm not a huge metalhead, but I love Slipknot, any similar bands?
nigga wtf
Because it goes without saying that Iron Maiden is a good band. But if it's your first choice when talking about godtier music, you make yourself seem like one of those annoying "metalheads" that only listens to the big four.
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How about Tull?

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My niggas
Hi five bruddah!
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Here we go
Metal is about doom, selfdestruction (drug abuse, false love) and unacepted mental illness.
>one of those annoying "metalheads" that only listens to the big four.
like him >>558452270
>not posting the first two albums
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>Not including left-handed path beliefs
>including false love
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Any canadafags?
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Slayer is the only real god tier of the big four I fucking hate Megadeth and Metallica after Kill em' all
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One of my favorites
>left-handed path beliefs
false love (to lucifer) and mental illness (believing in lucifer)
Some damn good metal in this thread
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checking this out
Heritage sucks, Pale Communion sucks.
Opeth is dead
>false love (to lucifer) and mental illness (believing in lucifer)
Hello backtracking.
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My fucking niggahs.
heritage is one of their best albums
another death metal album would've been boring as fuck
metal is about music and music is about sound.
And sound is a vibration that propagates as a typically audible mechanical wave of pressure and displacement.
so if I throw a banana up your asshole and record that sound... would that be metal?
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sorta metal
lateralus is great too
pretty much what new In Flames sounds like
Or the latest megadeth album
>best vocals and lyrics in modern music
>best drums in mordern music
yeah man imo this era of mjk is the best mjk vocally and performance wise
Don't know the names of any of their albums,but Alestorm's pretty awesome.
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This shits the hardest metal if you cant tell by the image title
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Alright, finished listening to it.
It's ok but nothing really inspiring.
lines in my hand and Folklore are the best in my opinion, but the whole album is a bit oddly mixed.

Gonna give Pale Communion a listen now.
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My negroids
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Anybody else ready for Ziltoid 2?
holy shit I'm not even into death metal but this is official god tier

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ya its a gem for sure, discovered it in one of these metal album threads haha
Thank you.
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I'm just gonna leave this here..
Fuck right off
I guess if you're into that kind of stuff. Not really my type of music, I wouldn't consider it metal.
I love them
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Anyone disagreeing can choke on a cock.
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Rainbow - 1976 - Rising(Capa).jpg
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Only rainbow i would allow
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Brilliant shit right here
gnaw their tongues is fucking awesome, not metal though for the most part

I like these
Post a link to a song from the album you post
Makes it less of a hassle to look em up
ok http://youtu.be/Lepp7ElTsrs
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between the buried and me - Colors

sorry if repost
Take the whole damn album
My nig
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOdo7dhvSwg I don't know how to [Embed].




Love me some fucking New Orleans metal.
Well sheeit I'll be, does it automatically.
I love that album, Hypothermia's my favorite black metal band. You should check out Photophobia
no hate .... that is one of the sickest albums ever
here you go
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I don't even like metal all that much, but I've listened to this countless times.
Does anyone know any music similarly amazing?
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dunno about album but best song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSjP4oS0DwA
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Finally, another Anselmo fan
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glad to see you appreciate it. i was expecting purists to have a tantrum but it's been practically ignored here
Meant for
Infant Annihilator
Just leaving this here.

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Restore me faith in humanity and tell that you know this one faggots
>Does anyone know any music similarly amazing
That's a tough one
Annihilator's 'Set the World on Fire' has a few similar songs but it isn't quite on the same level and not nearly as progressive. Still, a good album.
and, of course
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HupelZBXrgQ (it's a fun song)
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>see album get some replies
>decide to listen to a song
Not my taste man, sounds like shit, I guess you can call me a purist
Deathcore gets a tonne of hate so it only makes sense. Your taste anon
best thing taht happend to sludge/crust
one of my favorite albums

>dat simultaneous playback of 2 CDs
exactly, mah niggah
my negroid companions
That baseline is pretty fucking good, sounds like some classic sludge metal. Not a fan of the vocals, but fuck me those classic sludge riffs. 6/10, wouldn't buy but, I wouldn't mind listening to it.
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Since no one have yet to disagree (or agree) with me, I call this a grand victory.
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The thread ended here.
Phoenix Rising sounds pretty swell.
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Phil is the fucking king of metal
Like bass? Listen to Primus, Les Claypool is amazing.
Glad you like it mate
What other DT albums have you listened to?
Nice to see some love for Peste Noire.
Phil Anselmo is the most overrated musician in the history of metal. Only good material he has ever made was in Necrophagia.
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You know, I'm not a huge bass fan, but sludge is helping me appreciate the sound more. I'm not really a fan of those bands though
If we're talking about most overrated musician in metal, I'd say that'd go to Dio or all of Metallica
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I'd say varg vikernes
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You don't know Symphony X?

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I bought an album collection but I haven't listened to many of the tracks.
I just feel as though they'll never have the same impact as images and words.
No I have not, but i'm listening to it right now.
This is one of the longest living threads I've ever been in, and about such an unpopular genre of music, I'm proud to be a metal.
Happy listening!

I prefer Symphony X over DT all day
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I liked that

They opened for DT a few years ago in Helsinki and their performance was magnificent. Their energy, especially the singer's, was a beauty to witness.
DT's 'Scenes from a Memory' is probably up your alley though.
Yea I've seen them every time they played in CA.

I've even got to experience The Odyssey live. Need no other proof that SX is better than DT with this one song.

you best be trolling nigger
Ah, great to have newfriends in /b/
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>I've even got to experience The Odyssey live
That must've been quite an experience.
Listening to it gives a special feeling. A lot of good memories tied to it.

I've witnessed it twice: Once on their Odyssey tour and another on a encore for Paradise Lost tour. Fuckin nuts man! That's all I ever scream for encores, but it rarely happens anymore.

I've seen DT a few times too. Theyre awesome live!
Last good Metallica album
I just usually ditch old threads after a while, I don't usually hang around this long.
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Finished it.
Better than heritage.
Slightly better than ok
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Good ol' In Flames
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My niggers, all of you.
No joke though, good taste in this bread.
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>tfw black bro
>listening to this now
>loving every minute
Thanks anon-kun.
Also, Dat fucking violin
theyre all overrated
This nigger knows.
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My neighbours hate this album and yet they can't stop listening to it.
I live right near these guys. Ran into the drummer at the local music store. Also recorded at the same place they did.
Amazing dudes
It's my favourite metal album by far. Jonas' voice is life.
Great Drudkh album, but my favourites are estrangement and autumn aurora
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awh yea!

listening to it now!
Metal is for angsty teenage faggots who hate their parents. You will never see more spaghetti on the floor than at a metal concert. You guys seriously need to check your fucking priorities you greasy haired edgelords.
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So funni m80, may I have another? :3
I'm a new Katatonia fan. I've only heard Dead End Kings and Tonight's Decision so far, but they've got a great sound. DEK is great to sleep to with white noise in the background.
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Try to say less bullshits and open your mind to this shit here i posted
no use for ruse, going back to /sp/
Ahh I joined too late, lurking in case of new thread

Also Rammstein are where it's at
Great cold distance is the best
Listen to Night Is The New Day, it's just as good if not better. Forsaker and Day & Then The Shade are my favourite tracks on there. Also, if you didn't listen to the deluxe version of Dead End Kings, check out The Act Of Darkening. It's the most uplifting but sad song on Earth.

I'm glad I took the time to stop shitposting for a minute to give this a listen, bretty gud, is it Norwegian?
Also this shit from Iceland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPTq5ouiBFo
Edgy fucking Metalcore.
>Scrolled through every post and saw no Suffocation
God-tier Slam, my nigga
Every time I see these metal threads I always get the same question: "Is Buckethead not metal (and if so what genre is he) or are you people just retarded?"
> varg vikernes
> overrated
> 2014
> not picking one
> tfw Burzum
> tfw Mayhem
I'm more of a deathcore fag, but this album just kills the brutality scale for me. Any more bands like them? Not only the actual music, but the mixing/producing is on point.
>Ne Obliviscaris
I like mayhem and some older burzum as well, varg is still overrated as fuck
I always considered him more of a blues/rock musician but he has done some metal crap too here and there
prog metal I think, for all intents and purposes yes he's metal

yes there are
Kataklysm - Serenity In Fire
Katalepsy - Autopsychosis
Defeated Sanity - Passages into Deformity
Pathology - The Time of Great Purification
Devourment - Unleash The Carnivore

Those few to start. They'll get you close to that production value with lout sacrificing brutality.
Tagged that one by accident.

They're still shitty.
thanks anons, putting these all down as bands to check out.

Older Decapitated too!
You're an idiot. He's a Prog Rock guitarist. What in the fuck makes him Metal? Distortion and a stupid fucking gimmick does not make the guy Metal. He's a fag. Next.
Fuck yeah. Even up to Nihility.

God-tier. Amazing suggestion, bro.

You're welcome. Now start listening to those bands on YouTube. Then on the right hand side of the screen, click some of those other bands and give them a shot. You'll find some other bands before you know it.

chill the fuck out retard, prog metal.
I'll listen to it anon. I wish I could find their stuff in record stores.
black metal died in 94
all you fags are pozers!!
Check out this brootal shit :D

btw, anyone wanna continue on a new thread? 404 soon
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