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Just wanted to share my story since I have nobody to talk to.

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Thread replies: 215
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Just wanted to share my story since I have nobody to talk to.

It may take me a long time to write it but I hope at least one person reads it.

I just want to feel connected to someone.

This is my first post in here after having lurked since forever.

>have a really fucked up by non abusive childhood
>I was responsible for taking care of my paralyzed father since I was 9
>my older siblings were all able to enjoy sports/social interactions and got to go out but I HAD to stay in
>I was like a subhuman to my family
>me and my father were really close and I didn't think anything was wrong with taking care of him
>I literally bathed/fed/clothed/medicated/ and handled all of his finances and everything while growing up
>my mom helped but she had to work
>I am not socially retarded I just don't have any incentive to do anything now and lament interacting because I don't understand how
>my dad died 3 years ago almost
>I literally do nothing with my life
>I work go home and don't talk to anyone
>my last 3 birthdays pass and none of my 3 brothers even called to say happy birthday
>I don't get invited to family functions
>they are all mad that my dad left me mostly everything
>I finally start going out after work
>I enjoy seeing nba games
>meet a really nice girl
>we start talking
>im 22 and literally have never had a girlfriend since I spent 16 hours a day caring for my dad + school + working while growing up
>my brothers all make fun of me relentlessly
>family calls me a hermit and jokes are constantly thrown at me
>me and this girl start going out she is a genuine 10/10
>first relationship so literally just taking it slow and just doing things how my dad told me it goes
>multiple dates over 3-4 months
>eventually get serious
>see knows how I grew up and took joy in teaching me the ropes
>eventually one night we have sex and its fun as fuck we move in together at 14 months
Even if it just dinosaurs, I'm reading anon.
>feel like my life is getting better enjoying everything
>eventually become a well known calligraphy artist for a wedding company
>I visit my dads gravestone often and just talk to him
>suddenly I get a call from my mom while at the cemetery one time
>Your oldest brother has been in a car accident please help us out with medical stuff please
>yes mom no worries
>I will help them since its what my dad would have wanted
>call gf she isn't answering
>leave her a text that I will be home late
>get to hospital
>square everything away tell the hospital I will help pay for w/e his insurance didn't pick up
>in waiting room
>nobody talking to me except my grandmother
>she always loved me and is just chatting
>suddenly notice girlfriends parents come in waiting room
>they see me and start asking me "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR DAUGHTER"
>what do you mean I texted her I would be here did she maybe tell you guys I got in an accident
>No she was in an accident also!
>turns out my oldest bro was fucking my girlfriend
>kind of numb at this point
>she ends up dying
>revoke my promise to pay for his care
>end up contemplating suicide
>drink heavily for a few months
>don't know what I am going to do with my life
>first real relationship ends like this
>my brother somehow fucked me with the ultimate betrayal
>my mom says it my fault because my cheating fucking girlfriend got my brother killed somehow if I didn't date her they would have never met etc etc etc
>now family goes from passive aggressive to full on hate / shunning tier
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Same guy again, I swear to god if you didn't have this notepadded out, you've been lurking, you're better than this.
You did nothing wrong. Every morning you wake up, let that be the first thing in your mind. You were a caregiver, a role model. Yes you didn't do anything socially but I work a counter at a store. I see deplorable, horrible people daily and the fact your story started like it did gives me hope.

You are a rarity, and you should never forget that. Your family is jealous. They hate you for what you are because they can never be like you. The betrayal and the fact everyone turned on you should mean one thing to you. Get a new life. Take your savings, liquidate what you don't need. Move. Don't tell them where you're going. Don't let them drag you down anymore. You're better than they ever will be.
No fucking way is that your fault dude, I had the lions share of misplaced blame from my mother for years and that shit fucked me up for a while, you didn't do shit to cause anything, also your bro seems like a real chode.
Im drunk right now sorry I should have note padded but I don't think I could stand writing the whole thing out without bawling on this fucking train and everyone looking at me like I am a mad man.

>finally decide I am going to just get away from everything and hopefully die off in some far away country
>enlist in the army
>airborne / medical officer
>basically a combat medic who gets attached to random special forces units when they need me or I stay attached to my main unit
>kind of just floating around all over Afghanistan doing things being a medic and shit basically a glorified nurse with a gun
>over one bbq and drinking night we had around year 4 I basically tell my story to everyone
>eventually everyone starts looking out for me and shit since I am known to have pulled some crazy stuns like pulling 3 guys up a mountainside while being fired at by enemy snipers/rifleman and I didn't really care
>they think I am a crazy motherfucker and always make sure I have things I need at our base
>since nobody ever sends me any care packages
>guys tell their wives to send me from tobasco / drink mixes / seasonings just really cool shit that makes living in the desert much more bearable
>eventually befriend a few of them
>they all live in texas and want me to move there if we all get out
>out of the 4 of us who were really close
>2 died in the line of duty / 1 killed himself when he got home 2 years ago
>its just me and I moved to texas in honor of them
>I stay in contact with their families and my best friends family adopted me kind of
>they always invite me to family events
>I would do anything for them
>first feeling aside from my squad where I feel accepted
>promise his mother that no matter what happens they can always rely on me if they EVER need anything and I 100% mean it.
>her husband got sick for like 8-9 months and I took care of everything around the house for them
>yardwork/trimming trees/helped her out with bills
>I would do anything for them
Shit dude, 10/10 great guy, like fuck.
Feels trip guys.
please post more want hear this story mian
Your family should be ashamed of themselves man. You're better than they'll ever be. Wish I could hit the lot of them.
11/10 you are an amazing person, man
You inspire me with greatness.
>eventually a productive member of this local town in texas
>everyone knows me
>I enjoy helping the local city group with setting up things around town like festivals and shit
>a bunch of older/younger sons of older guys group up and always setup booths/build the stages and literally just a bunch of dudes who meet up drink and handle all the manly handyman work for the town
>eventually 1.5 years pass like this
>im nearing 31
>have random flings with local girls thruout this time
>just enjoy the little things in life now
>video games/pool hall/hunting/fishing/working
>I am content
>suddenly my adopted mom calls me
>her husband died and she needs me now at the hospital
>help her thru out the ordeal
>make sure she has everything easy and can just mourn
>me and her 26 year old daughter are setting up everything
>I am making sure no expense is spared
>thru this process me and her daughter end up getting close
>she admits to having a crush on me when I first got here but always felt shy about talking to me
>laugh about it and explain I am a dirty old man compared to her
>eventually this culminates in a relationship thats kind of flirty/friend tier
>one day a few months after everything her mom calls me and tells me she found a bin of letters from my best friend to her husband
>wants me to go pick them up and read them since a few were about me and had a letter from her husband to me
>my best friend calvin who died told them all about me while I was over there
>how I took care of him when he got shrapnel in his ass and made sure he was taken care of before I just disappeared into another unit I got attached to
>this was 2 years before I even "met" him
>further into notes
>talks about how he thinks god brought me back to his unit because I am now his groups medic and nobody had died since I got there
>tells them about how he wishes he could have had a brother like me
>I am in tears at this point(even while on the train)
You're a great guy anon, don't let anyone tell you different. Live well and prosper.
I highy respect you anon, for everything you have gone through, and youre a great man
Im in SOF myself , Thank You for existing
>he literally told his mom that if he and me made it out he wanted to get them to somehow adopt me
>he really saw me as his old brother
>sent them a picture of our whole unit cooking come meat and smiling and shit while we were over there
>him me and 1 of the other guys who became great friends are in our bdu's and just have shit eating grins on our faces while our 4th bro is on crutches with his head wrapped in gauze smiling in an apron
>tells them I am taking care of everyone not to worry
>wants them to meet me somehow
>eventually get to his last note he actually had on him when he died
>first line reads as follows
>To mom,dad,sis,and anon (if we didn't get blown up together haha) I just want to let you guys know.....

I am sorry I can't even write what he wrote or I will really lose my shit.

suffice to say it was his reason for enlisting/hoping he made his family proud/ and his dreams for his sister/ and a personal thank you for me

>eventually thank god for everything that happened in my life
>realize the promise we made on a mountainside while nearly dying meant the world to this man
>realize it means the world to me now I have purpose again
>realize my selfish reason for joining may have been the best thing to happen to me
>show the notes to his sister
>she laughs/cries/laughs/mourns again
>somehow she ends up staying over at my place cuz she was drunk
>we end up kind of getting together more often
>kind of falling for her but scared of relationships
>what would her brother think
>her father
>her mother
>kind of not sure what to do
>ends up leading to this last month
>she wants to be together together
>explain to her my worries/fears/thoughts about everything
>she says she will give me time to think about it but if I don't want to try anything to let her know so she can move on
>disappear and go back to hometown
>rent a hotel room
>visit my dads grave site let him know about my life and cry a bit
Hey bro, you need someone to talk to? I can give you my phone # if you like.
I hope this works out well so badly. Don't fucking end this badly.
Best story on /b/ I've seen in a while
>my grandma is still alive!
>I call her house number to see if she would see me
>she is ecstatic that I am doing well
>she thought I died in a ditch somewhere or something
>tells me to leave hotel and stay with an old lady to make her happy
>Agree with it
>realize how much she reminds me of my real dad
>cherish every second with her
>eventually word gets around I am back
>two brothers and mom drive to grandmas house and try to threaten me they are going to beat my ass
>I don't really care since they have no idea I have literally been soldiering for the last 8 years + hard manual labor in texas
>they are all fat and just in general look like meth heads
>grandma tells them to leave they aren't welcome
>they threaten her to shut up its none of her business
>don't want to start anything so just take their verbal taunts and shit
>finally they decide to leave
>tells me they hate me and know I didn't amount to shit
>eventually come to 3 days ago I make sure my grandmas house is all fixed up before I leave repainted everything for her
>cut a bunch of firewood / did yard work just made sure she was good to go for when winter hits for her
>glad that at least someone in my real family appreciated me aside from my dad
>she tells me she is so proud I managed to get out of the town and make it somehow
>decide its time to head back to texas
>don't want to use free flights and want to visit my other friend in California who died and pass thru / visit his military grave
>take a train ide to cali handle my business there / get back on train to texas
>not sure what awaits me there
Father your bros' nephews. That is what awaits you.
this is a great story OP. Being in the military myself (Marine Grunt) I can relate to the bonds one creates during the shittiest of times. Thanks for your service Brother. Semper Fi.
I don't know what to do guys.

I really like this women (my friend's sister) I just feel like somehow the betrayal that was given to me by my brother would be repeated if I did anything inappropriate with her.

She is a wonderful person and reminds me so much of him its scary.

He was the only (aside from my military friends) I ever had in my life since I had no childhood.

If god gave me the option of making sure her got home instead of me I would in an instant kill myself so he would have made it back to his family.

If it wasn't for him I would never have made it back I think.

On some levels even though I may have physically saved him multiple times and him me I feel like meeting his family was my ultimate salvation.

For the first time ever I felt what it was like to enjoy a thanksgiving meal with people who I truly felt thankful for.

I made a bunch of new friends and interact with the community now after moving to his town.

I feel like I am somebody worth something.

Yet I feel so torn between making something out of his sister and me and honoring his memory.

I don't know what to think and I thank anyone who read this because as dumb as it may seem I feel like such a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest I can breathe again.

thank you guys so fucking much
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Shut your whore mouth, cunt
Thank you so much OP, I haven't felt these feels in so long. You're a good man and you deserve better.
If he is truly a brother to you he would have understood. I'm sure he would have wanted a dude like you to be with his sister. Quit thinking too much about it and just do it. Live life. I know it's hard coming from a fellow armyfag.
No homo but I love you man and thanks for your service!
OP, you are a fantastic fucking human, and don't you dare fucking forget it.
Honestly, dude, look at how highly he thought of you. It'd be doing him an honor, sounds like you'd be the best person to take care of her.

And good on you for making something of your life. Good shit.
[email protected]

Hit my spam email up. We can talk. If you ever head close to Mississippi we can have a few drink. I know a place.
Damn, OP. Great story, hang in there.
when hes done someone recap for me and tell me if its jew propaganda.
Do it. Just do it. Stay true, take care of her, even explain to her folks if you need too. But follow your heart man, you deserve that much.
Try to get together with the sister, the best you can do is take care of her and give her the life she deserves , ith you,
I cant imagine what you must feel right now,
I dont have much of a familiy myself,
I hope You do the right thing, And everyone benefits from your choices, also dont be so negative,
Thinking about the bad stuff leads to bad shit happening,
All My respect brother, And be happy , you deserve it
He's done.
by the sounds of it, your friend would be more than happy if you fucked his sister.

hey you could even get married and become an official member of the family.

give it a shot dude.

you've been through so much, OP, and with that background, i don't know man. would have left some major impressions for sure.

all i can say is, love yourself, and be open to love? they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but i like to think that no bad can come out of a sincere heart.
It's a completely different situation with you and his sister than with your brother and your ex. If she wants it and is asking to be with you then you're not taking advantage, you're not betraying anyone's trust. If he wanted you in his family you'd definitely be the kind of guy he'd be okay with his sister seeing. Go for it if she makes you happy, and you'll integrate more fully with the family you apparently already love and who already likes you.

You scenario, aside from the military and drama and stuff, is a fairly common way for people to come together all over the western world.

also a 5-year age gap really isn't much. you're on /b/ for goodness' sake.
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Damn man; fantastic story. Your entire life you have been nothing less than a paragon of virtue. Its about time you did something for -your- sake. Go for it, 10 years from now you'll wonder why you ever waited. I promise you.

Best of luck anon
OP, anon's got a point, and thank you a lot to share your story with us all, i didnt feel like that long ago, i hope everything goes well in your live, you fucking deserve it fag
Need help man? Wanna chat threw something sometime? Skype maybe?
If you needd to talk to ANYONE i am here man. I;m here to help you through whatever. inb4 dinosaur
Incredible: a carer since 9 years young and you inherited the lot. You deserve it all. Enjoy it and think where your father would have been without you. Time to "catch up". if there's any catching up to do; after all, so many children spend half of their young lives in their bedrooms; it's crazy and sad.
Wow! Talk about a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Quite a story bro. I also agree with the anon who said that 10 years from now you'll regret not getting with the sister...even moreso if she happens to get with a scumbag if you convince her to "move on"...
And BTW, someone fucking screencap this story, anon fucking deserves to be remembered
If I ever got the chance, I'd buy you a beer.
Good luck in life, OP, you totally deserve this salvation with what you've been through.
Man I was so sure there was going to be dinosaurs at the end, you're a cool guy anon.

I cared for my Grandmother after my grandfather died so I kind of understand what you went through, my family were supportive but her other daughter's (my auntie) family didn't do anything for her.
I would be your friend op
You're a fucking god. Do something for yourself this time, and enjoy life. You deserve it.
I think op left
I have never been more happy that a story didn't end with a dinosaur. You are truly one of the few decent humans left on earth. Thank you for sharing your story. I say go for the girl, the family would love to have a guy like you to be with their daughter. Especially your bro. Hell, I'm sure anybody would want a guy like you in their family. Thank you for your service, and thank you for being a great person when you could've been something else. Thank you OP for not being a fag.
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We shall always remember Anon, enjoy life.
Capped/compiled, sorry I'm shit at it.
OP you are the fucking man, I'm sorry you had such a shitty time with your family and glad you met a great bunch of people worth knowing. I'm with the rest here, be with the sister if she makes you happy, that family already loves the crap out of you.

well op here not sure if my id changed

I have like 28 hours left on this train ride.

I am going to give it a shot with her.

I think I am going to make it work

Not sure if my ID will stay the same or not I moved from the "lounge/bar" car of this dildo on rails to my "bedroom"

Just wanted to say it felt nice with all the kind words I receive/wellwishes/advice

As fucked up as this site can be sometimes it has kept me sane with the few/far between epic things that happen here.

Hopefully one night when I am drinking again and feeling chatty I will come on here and let you guys know what happened.

I feel like this entire site is like a friend who you can tell you secrets too without judgement and that helps alot.
Listen. It's very hard out in this world. I know. I've had everything but my parents taken away from me. And lots of b.s. But this is what it creates..people who are like us. I think you can already tell that your an amazing person. Don't loose yourself man. I mean look at all these people who would love to chat to you. To give advice and to give you a place to stay for awhile.and it's hard to do that. To be loved. I think your father is still looking out for you and sending you on the right track. Talk to the girl. She will stay with you..just don't worrie. You have plenty of time. Please if you need to talk let me know threw what source ok?
We are all proud of you! i would really enjoy giving a /b/ro hug to you man, best of luck from Barcelona

OP this, so much this.

>You did nothing wrong. Every morning you wake up, let that be the first thing in your mind. You were a caregiver, a role model. Yes you didn't do anything socially but I work a counter at a store. I see deplorable, horrible people daily and the fact your story started like it did gives me hope.
>You are a rarity, and you should never forget that. Your family is jealous. They hate you for what you are because they can never be like you. The betrayal and the fact everyone turned on you should mean one thing to you. Get a new life. Take your savings, liquidate what you don't need. Move. Don't tell them where you're going. Don't let them drag you down anymore. You're better than they ever will be.
>return to her
>kiss her
>marry her
>live to tell your grandchildren the tale of the best anon who ever 'lived
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You're awesome, OP.

You are a rare breed of a good man OP. I was in tears listening to your story. You are a true soldier with devotion to everyone but yourself. However, you are also entitled to happiness. Do not hesitate to share your life with the girl you love. Just follow your heart.

Godspeed, anon.
Thank you
Turin, Italy, OP. I wish you alla the best
nice. This is one of the better stories I've seen on here in a while, it deserves to be remembered.

OP, thanks for the inspiration, and go get that girl.
We here at at /b/ understand pain,suffering,and lose and I as a member of the human race realize your pain and I will strive to help where I can and also would like to say, God bless you your service for our freedom will never be forgotten and let all who try to bring you down or hate you suffer at the lowest circle of damnation. Needless to say Thank You.
Hopefully OP reads this.
I'm sure you're buddy would rest assured knowing his sister is in the good hands of a man such as yourself anon. Obviously you have a great connection with the family and I'm sure they would be nothing but esctatic to see you and the sister together. I applaud you anon, you've had a hell of a journey and you managed to come out shining.
> 2014 Anon of the Year
> fuckin saved
Fuck, you are a great man OP. I needed a good feel, haven't had one in a while.
I have lurked for 2 years yet never posted a single thing.

Dude, think of it this way: it's not betrayal. You're a legitimately good man. And I'm sure you've realized there are tons of horrible, despicable people out there.

Marry the sister. Fuckin marry her. For one, I think he'd be honored to be your brother by law. And second, I think you'd be honoring him by truly, seriously taking care of his sister. Think about it: if she gets you, she gets a good man, instead of some random asshole who'll get bored and cheat.

I think you've had a shit life up until recently, and you've just been given a real blessing. Don't miss it.

I hope you make the right decision when you get home to TX.
master race Texan reporting in, good luck man and have a happy life
Archived on 4archive.com.
Anon derserves this.
I shed a single tear for you anon
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>he wishes he could have had a brother like me
God damn
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12/10 If true.
Op is not a fag.

Too high so i'm saving this for read it later.
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glorious OP.
you are a fucking hero and paragon of virtue.
10/10 would follow into battle.
your family sucks.
Is this to op if so not cool
Such a great fucking person, keep at it OP, you're fucking amazing!
i love you based anon <3
Best luck from Luxembourg. I really would like to know how your story will go on.
I wish i could one day become a man with your discipline OP...I would have grown cold with your life but you never stopped being a good man. Semper Fi.

Here it is.
OP - thanks for writing this. I like how you turned out and you sound like a cool guy. If we knew each other in real life, I'd be proud if we could be friends.
Anyways, get with the girl.
Good luck!
You're gonna be ok.
someone archive this shit
this man is a fucking saint and makes me feel like nothing is impossible

10/10 OP
I salute you

>also if you like the girl, marry her. Her brother would be honoured to have a guy like you take care of her family
Best wishes, OP. You're a good man.
You're an inspiration Op
Best luck from Barcelona /b/rother
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Looks like OP's train ride is over. Let's remember him forever.
Man I live in Northern canada, and I'm looking for a trip, I'd love to fly down there just to have the honor of shaking your hand and taking you out for a drink anon, you're a great man, go for the girl anon, it'd make your brother family by marriage, and I think your brother would be honored to have you as part of his family. You've done more than what's required to deserve happiness anon.
> faith in humanity restored guys
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Kudos to you, noble anon.
>Would let you... no... beg you to be with my sister.
>You did nothing to perpetuate anymore grief/sadness in your life.
>Would fight by your side/10

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OP you motherfucker :,)

best wishes my friend, /b/ can be a sacred place

been lurking since 2010 started really being active here since 2012 and so forth

love all of you no matter how edgy some can be

>ass is always related
Hey OP if you don't mind me asking where you live in Texas? I live outside of Dallas, I would assume west Texas just cause when you said hard manual labor first thing i think of in the oil rigs
Honestly, I think your friend would want you to be with his sister, if you loved each other.
From what I understand, he knows exactly how good of a man you are, and couldn't hope for anyone better for her.
If you make each other happy, isn't that honoring his memory? If, by knowing you, he ended up introducing his sister to her "soul mate?"
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Israeli jewfag here. As fellow former soldier with a fucked up childhood, in honor of OP's awesome story and this sweet thread I'm going to share some jew gold on steam, provided you glorious /b/astards keep on bumping this thread so that every single faggot on /b/ today reads it.

Gotten $15 left on paypal .. Anyone wants a game?
First guy to respond gets it, just let me know
Sieg heil.
Sorry son, you forgot your steam ID. Next

im also an israeli fag if you can believe it
Will do, which one do you want?
Make sure to bump with a screenshot
???? ?? ????, ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????
want to just message me on steam? thanks by the way
here is a screenshot for those who want it
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Best wishes friend.
You've done nothing wrong, your brothers are crazy and abnormal and their hate for you is illogical and has no grounds. They simply hate you and make because they know you are smarter than them and it's their way of trying to compensate for their lack of intelligence. Trust me, the know they are stupid and you are the reminder that pisses them off :)

Go get the lady, have at least a 4 year relationship with her imho before marrying, many women these days are primal sluts just like your first relationship. If you can go through 4 years with her, it means you're 95% safe to marry her. Have kids, etc and live a lovely life.

Preferably, leave whatever cancerous bad stuff and people that has stigmatized you in the past, do not interact with them and your life will turn for the best with minor bumps here and there.

Best of luck friend, and try to stay the person that you are. Be careful who you help, as the huge majority of people see your willingness to help as you literally being stupid and will just abuse you and manipulate you to the ends of the earth.

Good luck.
Sure, just connect and add me
good luck from china
you deserve happiness
if you ever hit up Hong Kong ill buy you a drink
anon, i had thought men like you died long ago. You have honestly given me hope. That maybe out there in the nasty world, there are more people just like you. You should be made a saint for fucks sake
Proof that some times op is not a faggot at all.
10/10 story OP
Would like to see OPs glorious face
all the best anon!!!!!thanks for sharing that story with us!
You have to marry your bro's sister.
If he cared that much about that he wanted to be your brother, then you owe it to him.
There is a little bit of him inside her, it sounds kinda gay but in a sense your friend would be reborn as your son.
Marry her, have a son, name your son after him
>be me
>have 4 kids
>they're all about as broken as the condom that started their lives
>have 1 in particular
>he's a social faggot
>literally sits at home all day talking to himself
>always make him do weird shit to take care of me
>managed to make him shove a KFC drumstick up his arse and give it to his mom
>decide it's time to bounce
>tell him im going to die soon
>he asks why and I slap him for questioning my authority
>so I write a will and pack my shit and leave
>my will read:
>"Dear anon, why the fuck do you have such a stupid ass name? anyway, I'm dead and you were the only faggot that pretended to care so I decided to leave all my stuff to you. you must fuck your mom 5 times a week for me since I am now gone and if she doesn't enjoy it then you must hang yourself to spare yourself the embarrassment, also avenge ny death by killing your brothers and then yourself. thanks. sincerely, not-your-adopted father"
>mfw he commited mass genocide because of me
dude... baiting at this thread doesn't make you cool you piece of shit
>OP got rid of cheating gf
>came back home from service
>about to get hitched to another cunt

no, OP. Just enjoy your life keep her the fuck away ffs. You deserve better.
Uijeongbu, South Korea

You are of best anon

you both rustled my jimmies with your early posts, and unruslted them.wp op, not a faggot.

For the sister, date her. Your friend would love to see her sister with a man your friend loved and believed in. This is literally the best thing he could want for her, and for you to go on with your life and turn it around.
it's jew propagando
you're welcome
??? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????
Your story wants me to make something of myself one day OP. You were inspiration to many people and never forget that.
how do you know they were fucking? so ur gf and ur bro both died?
I have never been so close to crying on 4chan, OP you are a good man, good luck in life
The hate machine.

In all seriousness, 11/10 OP would be your personal army.
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Goddamnit OP...

I wish I could be more like you
I'd follow that man into the very jaws of hell
Kill yourself.

Op, good brothers want good men to marry their sisters. Sounds like he was a good man and you're the best thing that could have happened to his sister.
Today OP was not a fag.
Fucking great story man.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Let us know how shit turns out in a year or so. I'm sure we'll all still be here lol
Yeah this.
I'm sure you marrying your best friends sister would be the greatest homage to him. It's what he would want.
Clear it with the parents first though i reckon. if you are like a son to them then they might not be happy about it.
10/10 will better my life
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this right here.

I am motivated to a unholy degree right now
Damb dude, thats inspirational. You'll make the right decision.
Can someone screen and post this thread please?
Someone make this into a JPEG. I need to fucking save this.
Please do this Op. Fuck your family, you don't get to choose them and you wouldn't intentionally choose a shit friends.
fussa, Japan. If you ever make it here in the next two months, I'll gladly buy you a 30 rack.
I concur, should you ever be near Ghent,Belgium I'll gladly buy you a pint
Thread deserves neverending bump


please, someone

I fucking love you, man.
Best of luck from germany. I really wish to read a happy end in a few years. This is some deep-feels movie stuff right here.
Oh yes please, this needs to be saved for future feels threads. And for the chance op returns with good news. Can't screencap right now, some anon has to.

Someone be a /b/ro and screen it.
You're a good guy anon I hope everything works out for you, you've earned some happiness in your life
OP is Forrest Gump
I hope some film director reads this and makes a movie of it. If not I guess I'll make one if I can one day.
Here you go anon.
thank you
All respect for you OP from Norway. Thank you for sharing your story. You are a legend.

see this >>555786229
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Alright, OP, hear me out. You should write a book about your life. If you're not talented writer then hire someone else to ghostwrite or whatever. Or make it in a diary-like form. More people need to hear this story, fake or not.

I wish I could shake your hand and buy you a beer. Good luck and take care of yourself.

- Anon
for more feels listen to this song while reading it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffr0opfm6I4
OP, if this is all true then you really do sound like a brilliant human being, and good on you for serving your country.
best of luck for you from germany. Had a breakup a few days ago. You inspired me to move on. tthank you
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I already want to see the movie
Copy pasta?
You're a great man op
Go for it OP. That's just my opinion, I believe the whole its better to have loved and lost then to have never loved in the first placed.
You're welcome man. Real /b/ros you can count on here
11/10, best story on /b/
OP, you're not a faggot.
Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.
if true then I respect you OP and I hope to become a good person like you. Go get the girl, you deserve her.
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First time I screen capped, and I think I did it wrong
Hero-tier OP
Really inspiring, especially to someone pursuing the profession of arms
how about u cut out the black shit instead?
Why don't you screen cap it?
All the luck for you from CT. 11/10 If I was a religious man, I'd say you were the rebirth of Christ.

Haven't cried like that in awhile.
tits please
well fuck me, it is.
OP os not a faggot. OP is a magnificent bastard. Go for the girl, m8. Your friend wouldn't want you to hold back from your feelings for his sake.
you're great, anon.
If you want hairy man titties....
good story, can say without a doubt that your buddy would have been fine with you + his sister, you know you deserve it, it's ok to feel good OP, most people do it without earning it, and you've fucking earned it
Best of luck man coming from England. I think you deserve her OP, I hope the rest of your life is that of content happiness

You should motivate her to become better. if you think you can be a part of that, then you do you.
If you were my medicbro and I wanted to adopt you into my family since the majority of yours is shitbags... I can't think of a better way to do it than letting you bang my little sister.
OP is the ultimate goy
op is a nice guy. don't worry about getting close w your best friends sis. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to know that anon.
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Best of luck OP coming from Atlanta, GA. Ever need a place to crash or shit to talk about you're always welcome. GET THAT GURL!
you're a cool guy.
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everybody save this
it needs to be preserved for future generations
[email protected]
If you ever come around Georgia lets go shooting
I read the whole story go for it if her mom is okay with it, her brother would have wanted it too propably
Be with her and name your first son after him.
The story brang me chills. You're fucking great, man.
this so much
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Fist bump from Oz, OP.

Go you good thing.

I recommend you take advice from these kind anons. Make us happy.
Sounds like he'd have been proud for you to be with his sister.
i think i'm gonna go for a run and think for a while OP.
thank you for inspiring me.
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I felt the most intense of feels while reading this. Thank you Op for giving me some hope for humanity in this cunt of a world
Stopping here. Time to cut off your family and reinvent yourself. You need a walkabout, son.
what part of Texas OP?
read on nigger
Your friend thought highly of you and would have wanted a wonderful person like you to take care of his sister. He would have wanted you to be together.
What a (mostly) shit family you got, but I'm very happy I read this story. Just goes to show you that just because you're related, it doesn't mean you have an obligation to like all of your family members. And the far and few that do love you, by god, cherish them.

I hope everything goes well for you in the long run, dude.
you are great guy, thanks for sharing our story!
dude you are fucking amazing.
But anyways, think of what your friend would want. He would want what's best for you and the girl. He would want you both to be taken care of and happy.
And if you two got together, I think he'd be happy two that the two people he loved could make it together.
Boston, MA reporting in.
Fuck, I have never felt so inspired from something I read on 4chan. You truly are a hero. I hope for the best for you anon. Peace
Wow, OP, I'm touched. The most saddest yet uplifting story I have ever read on /b/. I'm so sorry about how shit your life has been but Goddamnit you trudged through the mud like a true born soldier. I admire you. I honor you. You are what makes humanity OK to bare with sometimes. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I'm gonna think of this story. You're a good person OP. Don't ever let anyone else tell you different.

Anon from New Zealand :)

Kia Kaha, Stay Strong.
I can safely say I'm not an emotional man, at all
But your story did tug on my heart-strings.

Best to you, good luck in texas. Keep us posted on what happens
Someone be sure to cap if he comes back with a follow up with the sister.
fucking hell OP. you made me tear up a little.
i wish you all the best, m8.
You're outstanding OP
you are the best fucking person on this site. 10/10 best person in the world. That's right, fuck you Taylor Swift.
take this advice anon. go be happy
goy central
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