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I heard you like wincest stories? Take mine. I was 17, my sister,

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 43

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I heard you like wincest stories?
Take mine.

I was 17, my sister, let's just call her Judy, was 15 back then. I have been attracted to Judy for the last three years, ever since the day I noticed her boobs started to grow.

I knew that it was weird some way but fuck it I didn't care. She was hot and I needed someone to get rid of my pubertysolid boner.

So i would spent those 3 years trying really hard. I developed a very strong relationship with her. We used to hang out together. We shared the same friends. We knew everything about one another.

Needless to say our parents were damn proud.

I always thought I might get her to fall in love with me. But I was her brother so she didn't even seem to think about that kind of shit. It's funny because we would have been the perfect couple in my opinion. She just didn't notice that because of some taboo that doesn't even make sense since we can avoid breeding drooling potatoes into this world.

Anyways. My plan didn't work out. I achieved stuff to be fair like I saw her naked pretty often since she didn't mind me walking into the bathroom or changing in front of me.

But masturbating over my sisters damn hot body wasn't enough.

And then it struck my mind with the power of over 9000 suns of justice.

There are two ways to get a person into breaking a taboo.

The first way would be convincing the person that it was worth it. Tried that, didn't work out.

The second way would be convincing the person that it wasn't a taboo anymore. That it was perfectly fine to do it. The only damn thing that blocked my cock was the fact that she was my sister. What if she wasn't?

And so Operation Desister began.

I searched the internet for all kind of documents and certifications you need for an adoption.
I worked on my Photoshop skills really hard, it had to be perfect. I even ordered some customized stamps from an imaginary orphanage.

And then, after several months of hard work, it was done.

cont if interest.

Sorry for shit English.
cmon OP, you gotta type these out before making the post, otherwise, you're too slow
>cont if interest.
We are interest. Get typing.
bump for potential
>inb4 walk the dinosaur
Wow you were hungry 7 months just for some fake documents.

I told her I found the documents while searching moms drawer for money.

She litterally shattered this day. But I had to take this. It was too late to return now.

I told her that she mustn't tell anyone about this because I would be screwed for searching through moms stuff. That we will wait for the right time to confront them.

Never have I seen her as sad as through the following weeks. Our parents thought it was some kind of puberty depression. They asked me to care for her.

Hell yes I did.

When she needed a shoulder to cry, mine was there.

When she needed a friend to talk to, I was there.

When she needed someone to be silent with, it was me she chose.

And i noticed it was different by now. I stopped being her brother. The way she looked at me, the way she talked to me.

It hit me rock hard. My sister was developing feelings. I just knew she was. That little innocent girl with her damn cute smile and her huge eyes was falling in love with me.

It was no special evening of any sort. Just us hanging out in my room playing some vidyas.

I remember i threw my controller away in staged anger after I let her beat me.
I just was like 'Screw it anyways'
And then i kissed her.
As simple as that.

She did not try to stop me. She froze in shock for about a few seconds but then she fucking kissed me back.

I was getting closer to the goal and at this very moment i did not regret anything that brought me here. Not at all.
>I searched the internet for all kind of documents and certifications you need for an adoption.
inb4 OP finds out they actually were adopted after all.
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bumping for pure sibling love.
Building up the tension and stuff

No dinosaurs will walk to Bel Air from this thread sir.

They needed to be fucking perfect. Didn't want anything to ruin it.
Dude, that wasn't the only thing hitting you rock hard at the time.


She told me she needed time right after our first kiss. I perfectly understood that. She had mixed feelings and to be honest I had those feelings too.

I loved her. Plain and simple I did. I hat to create a lie to be the base of our relationship but just because otherwise this relationship wouldn't be possible due to conventions and nothing more.

We still were pretty close and we tried to touch each other as often as possible. Like holding hands, touching her shoulder, her neck etc.

One of those ocasions, we were just sitting on my bed her head lying on my shoulder, I just asked her.

'Whatare you feeling Judy?'

Nothing more. She smiled at me. 'Fear' was the only response I got while she looked deep into my eyes.

I just nodded and then we kissed again. But this time it was different. It was deeper. Not full of panic like our first kiss was but full of emotions.

We spent the rest of this evening there on my bed. Kissing and cuddling. And all of a sudden we were a couple. A couple that nobody should ever know existed.
More op.

I didnt want to rush it now. In fact it wasn't only about sex anymore. I enjoyed what we had. I enjoyed spending time with her, holding her hands and just to feel being loved.

It was her who ocassionaly started to talk about sex and how all her friends have had sex already.

But the harder we tried to intensify our relationship the harder it became to hide it from our parents.

Once our dad almost walked in on us having our tongue in each others throat. We needed a place. Our place. Where we could be alone.

And so from my wages I rented an appartement. Just some small shabby crap consisting of a room plus a kitchen and bathroom but it didnt matter. We all the place we needed.

We used to meet at the appartement. Soon got some furniture into there. A bed, some chairs even a small tv.

And we used it to make out there like the pair of mid puberty teenagers we were.

And we both knew the special day was damn close.
I already came.
Niggas are cum early
I just came aswell, cya niggas
We were right.

It was about 1 1/2 months after i got the appartement. We were a couple for half a year. I was 18 by now she would soon turn 16.

I wanted us to celebrate this and so, fromt he little possibilites I had, i cooked a damn fine dinner. Brought some wine and there we were. In this shabby room having a fucking five star dinner on an improvised table.

I just now realize i didn't describe my sister.
She has brown her. Shoulders length at that time but it used to be longer. She has a cute face, she always had with those green eyes and the small nose. For me she was the perfect woman. If it wasn't for our special relationship I guess she'd still be a solid 8/10. Her body was just developing wich I thought was really hot.

This evening she was wearing a really sexy red dress revealing most of her back. As I sais I have seen her naked pretty often but right now the imagination of tearing this fucking dress off her body got me rock hard in an instant.

I'm sure I can't recall anything that happened then. But after we finished the meal I went to the bathromm to find her on the bed when i returned. A fucking hot smirk on her lips and a box of condoms next to her.
shit... cont plz...
Go on dude
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Do it!!
feel free to cont.
>inb4 not pretyped
>inb4 muh suspense though
Fucking let us read it and shit and then move on no need for cliff hangers you only loose people reading your story
Got any pictures of her?
Did OP forget how to use his fingers? Hurry the fuck up faggot face.

There we were. Staring at each other when I just muttered shit like I have been waiting for this for such a long time. She just responded by pulling the straps of her dress over her shoulders.

I approached the bed, laid next to her and gave her a deep passionate kiss while i proceeded to pull her dress down. She wasnt wearing a bra. She didnt need to so I instantly revealed her sweet boobs. A good hand full, b cup I'd say, standing there firm and soft. When I touched them i felt like a giant retard without any fucking clue what i was doing.

I loved it.

From her reaction I could tell she loved it too.

We got rid of our clothes damn fast but it took us a while to go any further due to the lack of experience in both of us. I remember i stroke her thighs when her warm hands wrapped around my cock all of a sudden. My errection hurt so bad and I feared i would cum right now. I didn't.

Finally my fingers found her vagine that was wet and ready by now. It seems she had allready practiced using a dildo. She prepared that evening as much as i did.

There were many things i wanted to try. Many things I had told myself I would try once i had my first intercourse. I wanted to lick her, I wanted to receive a Blowjob but it didn't matter backthen. In that very moment all I wanted ist to get my cock into my sisters tight vagina, to unite with her and to feel her warmth. So i wrapped my boner into a condom and did that exactly.
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>Keeping us on the edge this much

Too fucking slow, i lost My boner...
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I'm all boned up. cont

I didn't last long. A few minutes I would say but that was enough for her. I don't know if she came or if she just staged it but when i shot my load into the condom she looked damn satisfied.

We needed a moment to realize what just had happened. But that just got us horny all over again.

Soon we would find ourselves telling our parents that we would sleep at a friends place. We told this friend that we wanted to go to a house party withour our parents knowing so he would play along with it and nobody would suspect anything.

And then we used this night. This very night until the sun rose to learn every last thing we needed to know about sex.

It took me a few attempts to find the guts I needed to taste her. But damn was it worth it. I remeber we just came out of the shower when i put my head between her thighs. Seh kinda wanted to stop me until my tongue glided over her vagina. She tastet like fucking heaven.

It took her a while and some more used condoms to return the favor. This first time. I guess no man will ever forget this very first time your cock glides into a different persons mouth. Especcially if this person is your sister.

And after that night. That night of many orgasms and an empty box of condoms we just knew that nothing could ever tear us apart from now on.

Did I mention she would soon turn 16?

Sweet little sixteen...
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>Not having the man stamina to fap anyways.
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>My errection hurt so bad I feared i would cum right now
>Finally my fingers found her vagine
>I wanted to receive a Blowjob

You would cum right now from your sister grabbing your cock back then?

Her vagine?

Capitalize Blowjob, but not 'i' ?

Is your dad also your brother? Is that where you're getting this?
topest of keks

>I guess no man will ever forget this very first time your cock glides into a difference persons mouth.

As opposed to gliding into your own mouth?
Up until her birthday we hava had sex so many times in so many ways in so many places i lost count completly. And we still were fucking horny everytime we saw each other. We even did it at home with our parents only a few doors away from us. We didn't care anymore. We had each other.

All until her birthday. That fucking birthday.

As it turned out she had made a decision. She didn't tell me about it so it happened at our family dinner.

'Mom. Dad. I know it. I know I am adopted and I just want you to know I am not mad. I love you.'




And then the most vicious raging shitstorm of my entire life began.
>All that joocy build-up to fucking your sister
>Next post skips all detail of actually fucking your sister

3/10, please be more consistent in content and anticipate what the audience wants to read - then actually deliver.
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> tastet vagine
I even managed to to this once. Different story.

Not pretyped, horny, not a native speaker. Plus apologized for shit English in first post.
>And then the most vicious raging shitstorm of my entire life began.
my heart just sank, OP
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Fuck off faggot, he said he didn't speak good English.
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what? no walking the dinosaur?

OP is a fag.
Please describe shitstorm
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>all I wanted ist to get my cock into my sisters tight vagina, to unite with her and to feel her warmth. So i wrapped my boner into a condom and did that exactly.
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i'm hoping for an elaborate walk the dinosaur op
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Give me the vagine.

dont stop i need to know more op
>grammar better than spelling
Frenchman detected

>captcha: lyicrn relative

It didn't take long for everybody to find out what was going on. That i made this up just for my sister and me having sex.

The look on her face when she realized i lied to her killed me. Or at least it made me want to die in an instant.

She didn't look sad or angry... It was that shattered look you get once you get betrayed by the person you love most.

My dad fell in a godzilla kind of rage. He threatened to beat me up on several ocasions this evening and sometimes it took my mom to stop him from doing so. My sobbing mom that couldn't understand what was happening. What her littley sweetheart had done. Then my dad threw me out of the house. For gods sake I had the appartement.

You can imagine it was hard to fall asleep this night. I don't know how long i laid there on my bed. The bed that still smelled like the best fucking night of my life. I suppuse it was 2 hours, maybe even more, until it knocked at the door.

I supposed it was my dad who had finally decided to beat my ass. It wasn't.

It was her.

Her makeup was smeared across her face that still had that special look on it.


Was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Her voice was weak like she cried a lot.

'Because I wanted to have sex with you.'

I don't know why i responded honsetly. Guess she just fucking deserved that the way i deserved the slap she gave me with the force of a thousand raging suns. Then another one.

And another one.

And another one.

And then I kissed her.
>'Mom. Dad. I know it. I know I am adopted and I just want you to know I am not mad. I love you.'
Don't know how you didn't see that coming OP. It wasn't a matter of "if," it was always going to "when."
Fuck jackin' it, I just wanna see how this ends.
If you stop now your not a nigga your not a faggot. Your a nigga faggot.

>And then I kissed her and started farting
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This thread seems to have the most on edge people on here ever, everyone just waiting for the next post. Apparently it is the most interesting one in a while
German but close enough.
>Parents and sister confront me
>Livid and ready to snap
>Everyone gathered in livingroom now
>At first dad speaks
>"Excellent work discovering an adoption"

>"Only, wrong child"
>Parents and sister take of skinsuits, reveal true form as gigga-niggers.
>Get raped and feel pain as grape soda is poured into every one of my orifices
No lie, this is one of the best stories I have ever heard. You sir need to write a novel.
>I fall, writhing on the floor
>giga niggers walk the dinosaur
>It didn't take long for everybody to find out what was going on. That i made this up just for my sister and me having sex.
No... that makes no sense. Even if they flat out told her "No you aren't adopted" on the spot, why would she ever say "Then why have me and Anon been having sex for 6 months?".
>mfw newfags are bitching about minor spelling and grammar errors
Holy fuck OP you should be a fucking author, that was very fucking well written.
Faggot Heaven, I remember your id. Go back to sucking dickb on Halo
>they were both adopted
>still siblings
is this nigger fucking serious? ahahahahahahahaha
herp to the lerp skerp derp
this guys is on the spot
bump for glory

Did OP imply that? I think she prolly just told the parents that she was adopted and when they were like
she said that OP showed her the papers
then parents got mad
maybe they don't necessarily know they were bangin?
I can't even fap anymore because I'm too engrossed in the story. Someone needs to make this into a book.
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>mfw when op cant greentext
fuck that, movie
>all dat petit nudity

>inb4 it's Fault in Our Stars-tier pg13 crap
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She explains that anon came to her with a adoption papers, parents confused, they ask anon why, sister is confused, puzzle pieces going together why they were so close.
OP, Sie sind eine vagine.
>It didn't take long for everybody to find out what was going on. That i made this up just for my sister and me having sex.

>maybe they don't necessarily know they were bangin?

u wot m8
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You know op if you really wanted her that bad after she asked why. You could have just of said you loved her really dramatically with a 50/50% chance of her mixed emotions going towards your side. I mean she already broke the taboo , but you had to be a dumb nigger and blurt out the truth. Fucking continue
She tried to push me away which gave me a few bad scratches on my chest but I held her tigth and yelled at her. Asked her why she was mad. That I know she felt the same way I did and that the only thing stopping her from admitting it was the fact that we were siblings. That I did fucking prove it because we literally became a couple the moment we stopped being siblings.

I've never had sex as rough as that in my life.

When i threw her on the bed wich i feared would break under our treatment she allready ripped my shirt of my body and started to bite me. I returned this by scratching her back pretty hard.

I managed to get my cock out wich she took into a firm grip almost as if she wanted to nuter me.

'If you ever lie to me again i will fucking chew it of.'

Gosh she turned me on.

We didnt't waste any time. I thrusted my granite errection into her pussy as deep as i could. I was still standing infront of the bed. Her legs lying on my shoulders. She screamed out of pain and pleasure.

I remember her yelling

'Fuck me like you would fuck your sister'

I did. My balls clapping against her damn hot ass I fucked her senseless. She came a few times before i did.

Without a condom.
Into my sisters pussy.




'I'm on the pill dumbhead.'

God damn it.
>puzzle pieces going together why they were so close.
still makes no sense, he even said their parents were proud of them being close friends.
again at no point does anyone ask or tell anything about fucking. no one should be assuming this without some sort of probable cause.
God dammit OP you are such a dumbhead.

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fuckin dumbhead
>Without a condom.
>Into my sisters pussy.
if you can come into her pussy without a condom, you can kick her in the stomach next month without a regret.
"chew it of"
pffft what a fucking dumbhead
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Remember guys

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
OP is a dumbhead
>that fucking plot development
Good ass thread OP go on
That was exactly it. Parents told her she wasn't adopted. She showed them the paper. Turned out to be fake. She realized I lied. She realized why I lied. Breakdown. Truth revealed.
OP confirmed to be german


get ./my_sides.html returned HTTP 404

I think nobody cares anymore that it's a fake.
OP you dumbhead give me more vagine.
He already said he was german
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Dumbhead, they don't let you post as OP until Moot verifies you can triforce. Triforce never lies.

It's a damn good story regardless of its veracity.
>because i wanted to have sex with you
why do men do anything
Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Just tell us how to fucking triforce.
fuck, i didn't pay attention to any other of op's posts.
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Dat was een best goed verhaal, OP.
Give me your vagine.
Is the story over or what?
OP fucked her right in the vagine

Deutsch, not Dutch!
it ain't over till ...
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Go on!

you see? I can triforce.
This is one of the best stories I've read on here! The Suspense is killing me!

is it
is it over ?
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OP is there any more or was that it?
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I would like to point out that only one person in this entire thread has requested pics

b i am disappoint
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Nice trips LOL
Wow, that's actually a surprise
FML this is taking so long ..
don't be an asshole.
post a fucking picture of her
even blurred, I don't care, I just wanna see her a little

can't fap without face
timezones, faggot
This is honestly one of if not the best thread I have been in all year
It's better to use your imagination. He said he was German, so I imagine her wearing a SS uniform with a vagine flap.

Do you live in the fucking pacific?
Makin it up as he goes
She didn't go home after this night. She stayed with me but she didn't seem the same. She was twisted somehow. Now obsessed by the idea of us against the rest of the world. The forbidden love.

It was weird sometimes. Especcialy when our dad visited us. He seemed reaaly broke. He tried to get his daughter back while not killing his son. She refused. Told him she loved me and she wanted to be with me.

A few days later the letter arrived.

My dad sued me. I had to testify like everything that led to our relationship and us having sex wich was really embarrasing.

But it turned out i haven't broken any law except from faking some documents. But the judge wasn't really interested in that kind of thing.

All my dad managed to do with this was to finally break our family. It really came up to this front. my sister and me against the rest of my family.

Our relationship intensified in the mean time. We were living together so we were moving into a bigger flat that we got quite comfortable.

The pressure from outside just tied us together. We even spent some time looking up countries where it was legal for brothers and sisters to get married. Crazy thoughts back then but we wanted the adventure.

We wanted to be special in any way.

Now I know why we wanted that.

Being special was the only thing we were. If we lost that I don't know what we would become. People. Just that.

I knew I had to end this since it wasn't going anywhere where anyone of us coukld be lucky but how to do so?

How to end something that she had given up her life to achieve?
I say we archive the thread this is one of the best story's I've read in a while OP you are an amazing writer
? ?

git fukn rekt m8
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It took you 15 mins to type that!? Scheiße!

I second this motion.

End it?

Well that's just stupid.

Is archive b/ro lurking?
OP it is time to go for her arschloch
>All my dad managed to do with this was to finally break our family

Come on son
none of you remembers the story of this guy addicted to drinking from last week? with his 10/10 mexican classmate he fell in love with? screwing up her life by re-visiting her after rehab? def best topic 2014
My son just woke up, bit slowed down but will continue.
Yes sir
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wunderbar OP im genuinely fuzzy now
This story is so shity, it needs way more detail
>only summer fags think this story is good
>we can avoid breeding drooling potatoes into this world.
you dun fucked up son
karina, def best story in months
we need pics man
lold so fucking hard

U wot kamarade?
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Trying really hard to ask if he/she is downsie or not....
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>41 pages
thank you, so agree, never got to hear the end of the story tho (what happened when he rang her doorbell for the second time) had to work >.<
I'm sure archive /b/ro can help
>granite erection

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will post some porn til OP's coming back
kek kek 4 sure
Poster in >>552895265 should've said "Yes sir he is" because he's not me.
I hope that everyone realizes that a downsie child will not be made until there are at least a few generations of inbreeding
damn shes flexible
is that nicole tanner? if not, sauce on pics?
please don't end like oriemo 2.0
>But it turned out i haven't broken any law except from faking some documents.

Out of this whole story, I find this one the most hard to believe.
fuck you for even reminding me

i was depressed for weeks
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If you're going to do something at least do it right
I know it was. Just describing my feelings from back then.


It needed someone from outside that got me back on my track. That showed me what i wanted. I didn't imagine that this person would be my mother.

She wrote me a text some day saying she wanted to meet me. I didn't tell Judy I just went where she would wait for me. She looked bad. Really bad. Probably aged a decade, started smoking again. She even lost an unhealthy amount of punds. I felt like shit even more when she smiled at me.

'Sit down, how are you?'

'I'm... We are alright.'

I just said still searching the guts to apologize. Or at least explain it. Or say anything at all.

We ordered breakfast and ate it in silence until she finally asked the one single question that I needed back then.

'Do you love her?'

I stopped to think about it. Did I? Did I love her as much as it would need for us to go through this?
Did it even matter if we were special in anyway or was it enough to just be a man and a woman loving each other?

I nodded.

It took me a few minutes to do so but i nodded and i meant it.

We needed to stop being brother and sister. Not because of some fake documents or anything but because we needed to make room for something bigger.

'Then I will accept it.'

I sobbed before she hugged me but when i lay in her arms I cried like a little bitch. Wat felt damn great.

When i finally went home thigns started to change. Ijust kissed her. I told her what I felt. All of it. That I fell in love with the cute girl sitting besides me while playing vidyias. That i fell in love with the insecure girl she was after our first kiss. That i fell i love with the feeling of her skin against mine, with the warmth of her mouth, with her body and with us uniting.

What ever we got there went indestructible this day. She still is this girl. The girl she was when she was 15. She was too scared to be this girl but i found it and I will never let it go.

another part coming
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she's flexible
This. Where is this from?
I just finished the first season... would you just suggest I stop here and not watch the next season? or is it like Katawa shoujo were the emotional ride is a big part of the story?

What the fuck is wrong with you? I forget about every story in 1 hour. For good reason too.

I dare you to read Raping Little Suzy and not end up in jail afterwards if you keep your feels that long.
Look it up. in germany sex between siblings is not strictly illegal. Procreation is. Plus you are allowed to bang girls once they turn 14 as long as they are willing to do it and you are not paying them. Since there are no sex by fraud laws here i didn't do anything illegal.

And to my son and everybody asking: He is not our biological son although we raise him together and plan to get another child this winter.
Wait I just thought of something
>Op is German

I hope that wasn't an unconscious choice you made there, OP.
does she let you pee on her? or is that just a french thing.
still reading - moar - faster - thx - OP KING
>just a french thing.

fuck you
any pictures of your sister (Without face) ?
>would be fucking hot op
We moved back home. It turned out that our parents had already departed and we gladly returned to our mom.

She supported us in so many ways I still don't know how to thank her for that. Of course there still was a lot of pressure from outside but we manage to handle it pretty good. As I already said we adopted a son. Of course not strictly legal but in another country so we don't have any problems here. We plan on getting a daughter this winter.

I know the story could need lots of details. I didn't plan on making it that long in the first place. Just wanted to share my experience with incest that ended up in a relationship until this day but swomehow it got a hold of me. probably I'll write it down more detailed and have someone lecture it before sharing it with you.

If now anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I hope some of you had a good time reading this.
>It needed someone from outside that got me back on my track. That showed me what i wanted. I didn't imagine that this person would be my mother.

Wait... hang on.. this line sounds familiar. OP this has been posted before right?
Tu est une baguette, mon ami.
Hon hon hon.
I love to pee on my gf... i'm french

>I hope some of you had a good time reading this.



bist du jetzt in die schweiz gezogen oder was?
wie lange ist die geschichte her und wie alt seid ihr jetzt?

Inb4 : your children start to have sex with eachother.

Karma is a bitch.
i don't know what to say man... the author was unable to finish it the way he wanted due to some new censorship laws popping up before he could finish the final book

so the final volume/episodes are kind of a bust
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where did you adopt?
don't care about your story/sis'
I just wanna know, where did you fuckin adopt?
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I did enjoy your story, thank you for it!

Pic related, what I look like staying up to read this
I did share this once but in a shitty one post greentext with much less greentext and i can't imagine i wrote something about this in it. So no I don't think so.
Kannst du Bilder veröffentlichen? Ohne Gesicht?
Würde mich sehr interessieren..
Someone get this guy rossetta stone so he can re-write his story.
or a translator
i spent a couple years following the light novels as they came out, hard to forget

as for reading something with that title, i think not....

good ending
Wir /NSDAP/ hier?
>have someone lecture it before sharing it with you.
If by "lecture" you mean "proofread" I can do that for you. I can also be discreet if you want that. Also, I've archived your story via 4archive.org and my Gdocs archive.

goo gl/j18y4x

Idunno... if we're talking best wincest thread for June, I agree. If we're talking best June thread overall... I'm tempted to say Karina (also in my archive) but that's sort of cheating since that was actually four threads over four days.

if you ever make a complete s history please PLEase send it to me at [email protected] thank you much
Nein. ich wohne noch in Deutschland. ich bin jetzt 25, es fing also vor 8 Jahren an.

From a Family in Finland.
As said not entirely legal.
Forgot muh email.

(hotmail.com) fakebob001
That was fucking beautiful OP.
How old are you guys now?
This is by far the most romantic wincest story I have ever seen. My god.

Thanks for the feels, OP, and good luck with your love.
How does one read Karina?
>As said not entirely legal.
Is it just that you're brother and sister, or are there other legal issues?
Would appreciate this.

Noted and will be sent.
and as you said:
>we don't have any problems here.

I plan to adopt... (my gf can't have baby), it's a long fight in my country ...
So I want information in other countries!

thank you op.
>Putting your email on /b/
Hello there, Alejandro Herrera Gamboa, a 25 year old from Alicante, Spain.
Do you like Pizza?
25 and 23

thank you very much

It was a private adoption wich needed some files to be tuned due to our income wich wasn't high enough to adopt a child legally. So basically some data being faked and the fact that we are brother and sister.
I like pizza, I'm french.
Can you send some if I give you my add?
und woher?
I have many different personas based all over the world. However I am not this person and I believe this person was just a dumbfuck.
That is mainly because we did some illegal stuff over in Finland but that resulted in legit adoption documents and certificates. No german authority can deny these papers and no finnish authority is interested enough in doing so.
Woher adoptiert? Finnland.
Oder woher wir kommen? Grob bei Stuttgart.
sag jetzt nicht landkreis heilbronn
someone archive this please
Musste gerade selber googlen, ob das Kreis Heilbronn oder Neckarsulm ist, aber doch. Landkreis Heilbronn.
Op that's nasty, but romantic..
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I am crying OP, I am literally tearing up like a little bitch, BRAVO!

This is one of the most beautiful, romantic and twisted wincest stories I've ever heard.

You deserve a grand standing ovation
naja, also schaetze kommste da aus irgendeinem von den doerfern oder kleinen staedten wie weinsberg.
please get your story refined
thank you
remember it, getting clean for karina, lol thats better than this by far ngl

oh yeah

Where's my,"Thank you anon." at?
Sorry i overread you. Thank you anon.

Will do, will delivar.

>Our parents had already departed
>We gladly returned to our mom

What are you even getting at there? Did your dad fuck off or something? Also, your poor fucking parents, Jesus Christ. And that shit about you not having enough of an income to support a kid, yet you plan to adopt a second?

All I see is selfishness.
ur jimmies rusteld
Dawww you're welcome Op

are there any caps of it?

i missed that one and i only joined this one late so haven't had to wait while this dummkopf types with one finger
>getting clean for karina
My story-naming skills make me feel like a god at times.
Thanks OP! Awesome story
Op, you have successfully lived out an innumerable amount of anon's dreams.

Hows it feel?
Aren't people curious of you both having the same surname? Or they just assume that you are married and she took your surname (if that's common practice where you live)?
>And that shit about you not having enough of an income to support a kid, yet you plan to adopt a second?
Their income has probably increased since then to something that can support a second adoption.
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want teh vagine, pic related
look for the gogl link. it's to archive /b/ro's archive. he has screencaps of the story and a text dump
also id changed
>my son just woke up

so the potato rears it's head/hump!
Not enough income to support a kid ? not enough incoime to adopt a kid in Finland

Plus our income has increased since we adopted our last child plus our mom gave us the house (she still lives with us) so we have the base to have a second kid i guess.

And our parents did argue a lot about us with our mom accepting us and our dad drinking and cursing about us who ruined the family. Back then I agreed with him right now I say all we did was falling in love. On some twisted ways that could've been avoided. So they broke up and divorced a year after that and we moved in with our mom again.
What did your friends say when you told them what was going on?
Hmm... yes, I should also make a screencap of this story when I get home. Definitely screencap worthy. Unless someone else wants to make one... although I don't think many Anons are as anal as me about getting things looking right while conserving space/filesize.
Some of them turned their back on us, some didn't. As said we shared pretty much the same friends anyways so we could go through this together. I guess even for those supporting us it was weird but now it's just normal. They don't even think about it anymore i think.

Most strangers do assume we are married. We even wear rings implying that. Getting our son into Childcare was fun though
I would love to read a book of that story.
Let me know if you are going to write and publish it: [email protected]
Thank you, anon for that wonderful story!
>Getting our son into Childcare was fun though
How so?
They needed the adoption certificate. Literally one of the only documents existing containing both: our surnames and our marital status wich lead to questions. They know by now and it turned out to be less of a problem than I feared it would.
no marriage certificate?

10/10 OP.

Some fucking great literature to start my afternoon
Somebody please screencap the story in this thread its too epic to go to waste.
>our marital status
What did it say on the paper?
thx OP
>'Fuck me like you would fuck your sister'

Single for both of us wich then lead to questions being asked.
>I am german
>This happened with my brother and my sister
Please tell me your name isn't Stefan.
OP makes me want a sister
me mum prob molested me when i was a wee lad
Nope and i don't have any other siblings.
Op, make a book, or write a lot better on some sort of document. I loved it!

For some reason this was the BEST story I have read to date. Thank you mate!
anyone saved that thread from yesterday where a guy posted about his mother in the sauna etc, the blonde one
I thank you. Will improve and repost this. We even have thought about writing a book to share our story and make people understand and maybe tolerate us.

We'll see what the future brings. As for now i will repost a better version or at least share a link to it on /b/.
Possibly. Haven't had time to read through all the stories, but it might be in the most recent document.

goo gl/j18y4x
Thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP thanks OP
I am out now guys. Have lots of stuff to do. Thanks for the fun time, interesting questions and answers. I will return with a better and more detailed version of my story and share it with you.

Have a great day.
Can't believe you fell in love with your sister man. That's fucked. Bet you were just so beta you never got close enough to other girls. Great story though.
Don't forget you can email me to proofread it. And if you want me archiving it in my Gdocs, I suggest you email me ahead of the thread too, or at least start your thread same time of day.
will do that. thanks anon.
You're from central europe
So happy.
Welches Bundesland?
can you share a specific sex story from the past 8 years?

beautiful story, OP. wish it could end like this for everyone. besides the parents breaking up
He's signed off for tonight now.
Where can I read this karina thread? Some please link
should I share my stories here or just make a new thread
Nice ID
New bread
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If anyone is interested I have a bit of a story to tell. it's with my cousin and it's not as "love story ending" as OP's but its still on my mind and its why i always come to these threads. so anyone want to hear?
>Pic related
There are links and caps in thread at >>552900321

New thread, this one has almost hit the bump limit. Link us here when you make the thread.
Thanks, I randomly generated it myself.
gib story plz
We want to hear, but start a new thread, probably with >>552901861 since this thread is about to 404.
You're a big guy!
im starting a thread right now hold on
haha dude, mind if i double story on yours? i dont really want to start a whole new thread...
yeah no problem
cool! post link m8
Nice romantic story OP I came
Ich was sure you are German!
Woo kommst du her?
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waiting for that link.
goo gl/j18y4x

There's also an active Karina thread here at the moment: >>552900321
so am I...
I suspect he's planning to start with the first part of his story, which means the thread could take a while to pop up.

If either of you are planning to start the thread with your story and are still here, please just post what you've got so far and link us so we can follow first.
my fucking internet crashed midway through the story god damn it,
Thread posts: 307
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