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/b/ can you make me look cooler

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 284
Thread images: 75

/b/ can you make me look cooler
Bump because i feel bad for your sorry ass.
wait why?
what he said ^
Because you are ugly as shit.
dude srsly look at you
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you're welcome OP
what the fuck dude
can you at least photoshop me at least or something
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114KB, 640x480px
i cropped the faggot out of your pic and made you look cooler
yea real fucking funny
seriously dude that's my little sister i was asking if you could just modify me i know this is /b/ but seriously dont be a dick
any incest stories?
Is this even you or are you just trying to bait us into messing up a picture of some nerd you bully.
have you ever fuck her
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Looking at them I don't think so
Their parents probably have loads....
go to hell faggot no one is believing you. you probably know this hispanic fucks from facebook and you're like he looks like a faggot maybe i can post on 4chan and tear it up for me cause you're a faggot
Yeah, did you rape her yet?
Woah dude
yall fucked up
You're fucked up
>implying ops parents were blood related
stop making your shit even less believable, you're on an imageboard filled with cocks and gore and yet you pretend like seeing fucked up posts is a surprise, stop trying so hard faggot
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forgot the smile
that stuff is different because you guys are talkign about my fucking sister dude
Photoshop master
Someone move her to the right and photoshop his pants off
what else do you expexct?
Not sure if trolling or serious
>2/10 if troll
>Kek/10 if serious
>posts picture with sister in it
>asks Whats wrong with /b/

I want a loli with tits on her back too.
it was a simple request i though you guys would just like put a dick on my face or something i should hav e taken out my sister tbh.... still though too far
just stop
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>too far
This is /b/.
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fuck you guys im out
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even cooler.jpg
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as u wish
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why can't i fucking delete the photo it says it's too old
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how about now OP?
Suck shit OP
you did this to yourself
fucking reported
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they are saying in yvcombvinator that it's gonna be bivg pastebin xzVNN5CB
there's a chance anon will reverse image search the pic, check the ip logs of who downloaded the pic from the source and match it with the metadata on 4chan, and kill your family if you don't shut your faggot mouth
my sides
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this is my picture i dont think you can get my address from it?
im gonna delete it anyway so good luck wtih that
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but don't even try because it'll be gone so it's not worth trying
are you from Beech Island, SC?
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how bout this
no Orange country
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orange county lol scumbag autocorrect
gr8 b8 m8 str8 8/8
id fuck that chalupa
you are seriously sick
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These dirty mexicans look pretty cool to me. Call me.
What's your sisters pussy like? Is it nice and tight but juicy? Or is it lose and flappy after all the fucking you've done?
actually i'll have you know she is catholic so she will be a virgin for until marriage and she will never commit incest so seriously i know you guys are sick fucks but leave my little sister out of it
This is the funniest thing in my life. You are Picasso.
You're an idiot OP
what did you expect?
So she's nice and tight and juicy? Noice m9, you should consider licking her out bruh. If you don't I'll do my mystical mumbo jumbo to find where you guys live and lick her out myself.
fucking pathetic
I already know you live in Orange county so give me a bit and I'll find her. Unless you do it and post pics.
shes sleeping i cant do hat plus theres over 1 million in OC so i think youre bluffing
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It`s tiem.jpg
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And so it begins
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Give me a bit and I'll get your address. You really think I'm bluffing?
this is the only other pic i have of her on my computer so you got it and now dont do nothing
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holy shit
OP has passed the normal physical bounds of faggotry and has quantum faggoted into a faggot density higher than that of a black hole.
He is actually quantum faggoting through multiple different faggotverses as we speak.
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Damn dude, do it do it do it!
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Obama knows.png
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Don't do nothing? So you're telling me to do something? Are you really this retarded OP?
You're telling me to do nothing. I'm going to do something you Hispanic fuck.
You're fucking retarded as hell.
..... Jesus Christ you're an idiot
dude really come on man i was just making a thread for fun and now it turnt inapropriate and now your making it a bigger deal than it needs to be and threatening me so if i were you i would stand down if you now whats good for you take my advice and stand down.
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>Itstii sister
didnt even bother finding a pic without watermark, lazy ass faggot
Stand down? I'm sitting down also you're not my ranking co so you can't tell me to do shit.
yea well its 4pm here in orange county and i dont want to have to wake my dad up because he will be fucking pissed let me tell you... expecially if he sees the pictures you guys were posting of his kids so if you dont want trouble i would stop posting imediately and delete your posts......
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That's the best picture
I'd like to see your dad fucking try
no. you. wouldn't. trust me
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ss (2013-11-17 at 07.14.19).jpg
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mfw this is all over fox news later today
What is he in the ducking NSA or some shit
Fine ill stop if you just follow this link.
i am not clicking on that
The link deletes all the posts in the thread.
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Here you go OP, U look pretty damn cool, for a pedo
If you want all the pictures gone just follow the link.
why would u show me that...
Are other members of my human species actually this retarded

I don't want to be human anymore
It actually does delete the posts. Too late now I guess, that whitenight faggot already told you.
Because you don't want these retards keeping the pics in a folder and posting them all over the internet.
why wouldnt it say /b/ in the link?>>552192886
I live right in front of Cal State fullerton, come at me faggot. I'll go and post these everywhere right now.


Because I'm posting from my phone and the URL changes from my phone but its the same website.
ha 310 represent
but i would seriously advice against that...
Because it's the server host for this website. It's public domain, so that means anybody can access it, you just have to file a claim (which is really simple, only takes 5 minutes)
im telling my fucking dad
Damn we're all so scared of your daddy
oh no, please don't op we're ever so terrified
This too.
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lol OP I assume you have the weirdest boner right there
Are you even 18 OP?
Daddy no!
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its in the little things
Hey I tried to get you to delete the pics but you wouldn't listen.

You Done Goofed!!!!
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Daddy noooooooooo! !!!!!! Lulz

better send some pizza now
I give him a few minutes until he clicks the link.
If he doesn't act fast enough, he can't take it down! There is a limited period of time where you can remove it, he's approaching the deadline!
I know, what a fucking idiot if he doesn't click it. I understand I was being a dick earlier but now I'm just helping him clean up his mess. Am I really a bad person?
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my dad is making me get off and he is really pissed so you better watch it
You should've clicked the link to delete the pics kiddo.
what's he gonna do, take away my computer privileges for a week?
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Guys! Stop! The cyber police are going to get involved. Be careful and don't get back traced. I'm putting tin foil over my computer now.
You're a god, by the way. As for photoshop, is CS2 enough?
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You're such a joke OP
shit ain't even half bad compared to the other shit on /b/
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Cool kids.jpg
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Here you op both faggot and little sister are now cooler.
I'm just trying to help, hell I'll post the link again for only him to click and delete the pics.
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Okay I'll stop. It was fun while it lasted.
Dude, just put magnets in your computer and it will remove the pictures from the internet, I promise! I did it before and it worked! I'm on your side now buddy, I don't want to get whipped by your daddy!
It gets rid of the goddamn pics you underaged fucktard.
We don't want to have to get the police involved, so we gave you the link. USE IT BEFORE THIS GETS WORSE!
why then. u guys are the ones who get in trouble then hahahahahahaahaha
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Come on op, just one click and the pics are gone.
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> this thread
It's not illegal.
Are the boys in blue really gonna care?
But the pictures would be removed and there are no problems. PLEASE DO IT I DONT WANNA DIE IN JAIL! It's a link to the server, from there you can remotely delete it, just gotta make a claim.
Click the link and the cops don't have to get involved please op.
why should i care when you get arrested u guys are fucking jerks u take it too far
Dude, you can't underestimate the internet police. Remember, consequences will never be the same? It's not like it used to be, the internet police punishes brutally. If he hit the link it would be gone. but only he can because he started the thread.
But you can only get charged for ILLEGAL activity.
Some shitty photoshops by random fuckers on the internet aren't gonna cause a full blown NSA which hunt
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You should click the link op. It's pretty legit. Anonymous is actually trying to help you out.
ok you obviously have no idea what your talking about
Here's what it's about. If you leave these pictures online, they will go viral. And I didn't actually do anything illigal, so I don't have to worry.
I'm trying to help op, please just take down the pics with the link and everything will be fine.
even i'm scared to look at the link
exactly its probably some porno or virus that will only make this worst
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Hahaha too late.. imma make these birches go viral on the next boards!

Click the goddamn fucking link and everything in this thread will be deleted. Seriously would you like your ugly fucking face being photoshopped with dicks all over it and in it?
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cool guy.jpg
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This helpful anon>>552195094 is right!
Last week I posted some stupid pictures and I felt a strong sense of regret right after.
Luckily someone helped me with the same link to delete the pics.

I'm sure glad I copied the URL

Then just went to the URL bar and pressed CTRL+V. Copy and Paste did the job!
(FYI this is a secret hack from 4chan)
Use it for your own good
Well then somebody is bound to put them elsewhere online
No-one here has done anything illegal.
I'm outside of US jurisdiction anyway and I haven't done anything illegal.
I don't even have pictures of you saved.
you better dont you little fuck or i kick your teeth in.... i need the pics for later
Its not porn or a virus, its a straight forward 4chan thread cleaner that the mods use to delete and prune threads.
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thats great. more
is this bait or just this kid being that retarded? i legitimately can't tell
Post when it happens, I'm getting tired of this retardation.
If something doesn't happen soon i will reveal the bvog

You should put a Sparta face on the guy.
The bvog is a cleaning application.
Of course just trying to help this guy out
But how can I help him if he doesnt want to help himself by deleting the pics with the link?
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Bro, you're so much cooler, you should be in frozen.

You can't fix stupid :( dam refried beaner
Bvog is God bvog is life
Alright he hasn't posted in 8 mins. Is he gone?
actually i have been an old fag since 2001 and i never heard of that before so that is why i am not clicking it because you are obviously trolling and my dad said never click something if you dont know what it is so im not falling for your tricks and your viruses just because you guys are crazy aobut my sister you perverted dicks!!!!
Geez OP, stop being such a camp faggot and follow the link.

People in /b/ re trying to help you for once, this never happens normally
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These threads, always fuckin gold. Never change /b/
His pops kicked him off..
I got to say these are some impressive shops for being done so quickly haha
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Probably an heroed because he's a huge pussy
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op is a faggot.jpg
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You weren't even born before 2001 so how can you be an oldfag? Also what was the main board during '01?


The link is still here.

> actually i have been an old fag since 2001
> old fag since 2001
> since 2001
> 2001

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan
> Launched: October 1, 2003
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how old do i look in that pic then i am 19 it was /b/
Why must you tell lies?
Well obviously you are still a summer fagettron 2.0 I've been using bvog. And it works just like your mom. Stupid as someone is actually helping you and u r still being a fag.. sheeessshhh. . People these days.
>I've been an oldfag since 2001
>2014 not knowing 4chan started in 2003
More like 19 months. You're obv underaged b&. Click the link and you'll be safe.
OP is kill?
Damn, you were on 4chan since you were in the womb?
no you're already as cool as can be
im waiting for mods to delete this thread because these guys are trying to give me a virus because they are all summer fags
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So you're 19 and you've been on 4chan since you were around 6 or 7? No wonder you're so fucked up in the head.
I don't live in the US so it's not summer for me. Also underaged b& click the link.
You are the biggest retard on this site.
And that's saying something
if you would just click the link this thread will delete itself. for fucks sake
Somebody please shoop their faces onto Cooler and Frieza
this should become a meme like rape sloth
This much experience on 4chan and you're still retarded? I doubt it, newfag. An oldfag wouldn't post a picture of him and his young sister and ask people to shop it. You're playing bait or you're a retarded newfag.
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We apologize for any inconvenience
He would also know the link will delete the pics in the thread.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8 / 8.
it says expired you fucking moran not that id believe a summerfag anyway!
wow anon, what a helpful guy. OP listen to him and follow this link. thank goodness there are still good people on this website
Why Thom Yorke?
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Because you waited too long. We're giving you one more chance...
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And then the thread goes on for two or more hours.
LMFAO ok this is the only good thing in this thread
thom yorke? google it bitch
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We 're trying to help you, you fucking sack of shit
And you call everyone else a summerfag, you're laughing at a 2 year old sloth meme.
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here you go
4chan has surprised me.. Here this kind anon is trying to help out the OP, and the guy wont listen..
Just copy paste it mate or better yet, I'll click it with you? >>552197161
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Ah ha ha ha ha ha oh my god you sir are epic!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
lololololol epic!!! xD
An hero is easier. Thread is immortalised in interenets 4eva
any1 gonna reveal it?
If OP doesn't reply I'm dumping random emails I've been getting.
You don't understand, that other anon is clearly trying to help you. The cyber police are completely different from what they used to be. Have you read the fucking affidavits? If you don't pull this down, they'll charge YOU with potentially endangering / revealing the identity of you and your sister on a known site for relatively dangerous people. I'm a lawyer, I know how this shit works and if you don't follow that anon's link (trust me, I've used it before, it's elite Anonymous tools) then you're fucked.
op is died?

Plz op, I'm just helping.
His daddy fucked him too hard
im sitting here LOLing at all you summerfags because i am not EVER NEVER clicking on that link no matter what you say . its simple my dads imply say never click on things you dont know what they are. its obviously a virus
i realize now this is top-tier bait
>My dads

You have 2 dads?
Obviously not.
This is your first time here isn't it?
It was a private board before "official" launch
Yeah, we're summerfags because you listen to your daddy. You shouldn't need your daddy to tell you not to click bad links, but this isn't one, its a hacker tool to get into the server.
Clearly but it was still fun while it lasted
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You guys are so dumb and new it physically hurts. Get the fuck out and never come back. You are literally the cancer that people bitch about on here everyday. Thats you.
He is sucking his little sister's cock now but he may be back when he is done taking it in the ass.
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you are now cooler !

tell me if you want to be metal cooler
fucking brilliant.

Sorry /b/ yes this was bait. Somebody had to weed out all the summer. At least I got some funny shops of this guy out of it. Goodnight.

Tell me when to start dumping more.

my gawd!! I'm losing my shit right now. lol Ralph!
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Hey, at least I got a reaction image out of it
is your dad still pissed at us or what
Nice :D That was fun. Had a feeling, but didn't want to ruin it for you. Nobody is stupid enough to go on 4chan, and post pictures of his/her underage sister. Or get their parents involved. (unless maybe you're jessi slaughter, but most aren't that dumb)

And even though they are all bait, these threads are still hilarious.
GG op, I knew someone on here wouldn't fall for the old ip grab. Now I have over 30 ip addresses thanks to your help. Will start dumping now.
You fools op has the upper hand!
Lawl! Omg i didnt see it coming rofl
>copy link
>visit webpage
>refresh 1000 times
What i need to do to stop be mad Mr Rogers?
And this is why you don't click the link, newfags
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Yeah i like it to
Was the link an Ip grab?
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>Implying you can do anything with our IP-adresses
You're right, it's highly likely you are running proxies or VPN's. You can do lots of things with IP's, I don't plan on doing anything with them.
OP's reactions are so fake.
If you honestly didn't realize it, kill yourself.
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best one
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I decided to remove the little girl in front of you, remove the background to make your body easier to work with and give your skin a new color, and so I really think you look Cooler now.
You are the epitome of faggotry.
Oh boy.
lol. I feel sorry for you ugly indians/mexicans.
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better !
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Little tip aside, all the unnecsairey lines (\n) sent before and after (a total of 3) give away that it isn't the default Apache 404 error message.

Remove them and it seems fairly believable.
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You should all know better
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933KB, 640x959px
even more cooler
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11KB, 291x235px
good read
Thread posts: 284
Thread images: 75

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