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Sumo Thread - Hatsu basho 2016

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Welcome to the new year Sumo friends, Makuuchi matches begin Saturday January 9th at 11pm PST / Sunday January 10th JST

>Basic information pastebin

>How can I watch
Kintamayama posts great Sumo digests very quickly after the matches take place:

JasoninJapan is another decent channel with commentary but much slower to post videos:

>How can I watch live
Mongolian UBS TV streams live starting at 11pm PST, you will need to make an account and commentary is in mongolian

TV Japan provides English play by play coverage of the Makuuchi and is available through most North American cable/satellite providers
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>Sekiwake: Tochiozan
Tochiozan holds a Sekiwake rank for four tournaments in a row. This is his fifth consecutive tournament at a Sanyaku rank.
Having held a Sanyaku rank for 22 tournaments, he is in a 10th place tie since the Showa Era.

>Yoshikaze Sekiwake debut
Yoshikaze is the 153rd rikishi to mark his Sekiwake debut post WWII. The previous Sekiwake were Terunofuji and Okinoumi who were promoted in the 2015 March Grand Sumo Tournament. He is the second rikishi from the Oguruma Beya to make his Sekiwake debut since the present oyakata established the heya on March 23, 1987. The previous was Takekaze who was promoted in the 2014 September Grand Sumo Tournament. He is the third rikishi from the Oita Prefecture to make his Sekiwake debut post WWII following Tamanoumi, and Chiyotaikai who was promoted in the 1998 July Grand Sumo Tournament. Yoshikaze is the 22nd former amateur sumo collegian competitor to reach the Sekiwake rank, following Takekaze. He is the second former member of the Nippon Sport Science University sumo team to earn this promotion, with the precious being Myogiryu who was promoted in the 2012 September Grand Sumo Tournament. He stands in second place for the most tournaments until Sekiwake promotion in history, with 59 tournaments under his belt since his Makuuchi Division debut. At 33 years and 9 months, Yoshikaze is the 6th oldest rikishi to earn promotion into the Sekiwake rank.
>Komusubi return Ikioi
Ikioi returns to the Komusubi rank for the first time in seven tournaments. The previous time he held a Komusubi rank was in the 2014 November Grand Sumo Tournament.

>Komusubi Tochinoshin
Tochinoshin holds a Komusubi rank for three tournaments in a row. This is also his third consecutive tournament at at Sanyaku rank.

>Makuuchi debut Shodai
Shodai is the third rikishi from the Tokitsukaze Beya to earn promotion into the Makuuchi Division since the present oyakata inherited the heya on October 9, 2007. The previous was Sotairyu who was promoted in the 2013 March Grand Sumo tournament. Shodai is the 20th rikishi from the Kumamoto Prefecture to make his Makuuchi Division debut post WWII, following Sadanoumi who was promoted in the 2014 May Grand Sumo Tournament.
Shodai is the 84th former amateur sumo collegian competitor to reach the Makuuchi Division. The previous was Mitakeumi who was promoted in the previous tournament. Shodai is the eighth former member of the Tokyo University of Agriculture sumo team to earn this promotion, with the previous being Sotairyu He is in a third place tie for the fastest promotion into the Makuuchi Division since 1958, with having participated in only 11 tournaments since his pro debut (excluding special Makushita debuts)
>Makuuchi Debut Kagayaki
Kagayaki is the first rikishi from the Takadagawa Beya to earn promotion in the Makuuchi Division since the present oyakata inherited the heya on August 5, 2009. The previous was Kenko who was promoted in the 1992 July Grand Sumo Tournament. He is the tenth rikishi from the Ishikawa Prefecture to make his Makuuchi debut post WWII, following Endo who was promoted in the 2013 September Grand Sumo Tournament.

>Makuuchi Return Takanoiwa
Takanoiwa returns to the Makuuchi Division after three tournaments. The previous time he held a Makuuchi Division rank was in the 2015 July Grand Sumo Tournament.

>Makuuchi Return Jokoryu
Jokoryu returns to the Makuuchi Division after four tournaments. The previous time he held a Makuuchi Division rank was in the 2015 May Grand Sumo Tournament.
Nice information, really great.

Could you tell me how come Tochinoshin has such bad results against the top guys. Against the Yokozunae and Ozeki he has very few wins.
Tochinoshin's return has been nothing short of miraculous, he's made the biggest drop and return to rank in the history of the sport.

That said, I think the knee injury that caused him to drop out is still the cause of his issues. Getting the surgery was good, but he's never going to be 100% on that knee again.
Two days to go to the Basho!

Here's ex-Ozeki Baruto's new years even Rizen fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y8AuTLKXcI

Already doing better than Akebono did, how long is he gonna last?
Withdraws update:

East Maegashira #5 Osunaarashi
(Otake Beya)
has withdrawn the 1st day of the January Tournament.

East Juryo #9 Tokitenku
(Tokitsukaze Beya)
has withdrawn the 1st day of the January Tournament.
pretty amazing that aerts didnt knock him out with the first shots of each round, baruto was pretty open in the charges
Aerts seems out of sorts, he should have performed better than he did there
whyy did he stop Sumo if he's doing rizen?
He got injured and started performing pretty poorly, ended up getting demoted to Juryo and that's when he retired from Sumo. You can't enter Sumo again after retirement.

He's probably doing Rizen because he needs money or because he enjoys fighting still.
>ended up getting demoted to Juryo
wasnt he yokozuna... or just an ozeki? given that he won at least one tournament he was probably top spot until that injury
Just an Ozeki, had he been a Yokozuna he could have just taken the time off to heal without losing his rank
How is Sumo compared to other grappling martial arts?
Probably most comparable to Judo and it's relatives, but the ruleset for sumo removes ground work
its a lot different.
one because the matches are so much faster and two because not only do they have to watch out to not fall ,but also prevent being pushed out as well. it completely changes the dynamics.
like you see how a lot of these sumo wrestlers fall from a really shitty neck pull? they have no choice because they have to be leaning really forward to prevent being pushed out in the first place. but you wouldnt see anyone fall from a neck pull in wrestling or judo. (though in wrestling its still used a lot to get to your opponents back)
Day 1:
Some great bouts and some funny ones today

Okinoumi's twirl was pretty awesome
Kisenesato vs Aminishikii had some great crowd reaction
how is ichinojou E3, didnt he have like 2-13 last basho?
Not that bad, 6-9
kotoyuuki beating someone with technique... what is this crazy new world?
awwwww yes sumo is back

I predict a Japanese basho winner this year. Mitakeumi in November. Cap it.
Nice to see, I was predicting a spectacular plummet from his new rank, but maybe not

Now this is a bold prediction, would be crazy to see Mitakeumi win though
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axf7WiFbiU8

And Homarenishiki's first bout of the year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w59DpdTtIbY
>I predict a Japanese basho winner this year
that would require all 3 yokozuna and teruno to somehow get injured simultaneously.
i know myougiryuu is top10 level and gagamaru is a walking blob, but did that roll from gagamaru look suspicious to anyone else? he kinda looked like he jumped into that cartwheel

It's more wishful thinking than a prediction I believe in. Looking good so far this basho anyway.
What a great throw from Shohozan

I think he just had a lot of momentum

This guy has been posting analysis of each fight along with decent quality videos, he's doing a pretty decent job
Day 3:
Is Endo injured?

Bit of an upset with that Ichinojo match
Myogiryu vs Tamawashi was fun
Always fun to see those pillows fly
Who knows how long this will last, but here's an NHK live stream that includes the sumo broadcasts


I've been watching it all this week. Last basho I actually bought the package, it was a waste since there was no commentary or replays. Before that I used BETV and NIJITV before that.
The ustream is way too expensive to not have the english commentary, I'm not sure what they're thinking with it

I'd kill for them to offer a nice HD stream with english commentary for a reasonable price

I'd buy that regularly, but last basho I was in the mood to stay up and watch it, so I paid for it. Never again.

If no stream is available, I'll just wait for the youtube videos the next day.
I'd like to hope the iOS/Android app being available in English and pretty reasonably priced is a step in the right direction that might eventually get us proper coverage

But yeah, I'm glad people like Kintamayama do such a good job
Day 4:
That Kisenosato vs Tochinoshin match was something else

And that's the side of Harumafuji I like to see
Day 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szjn7hlwzjU
what's up with Yoshikaze and Shohozan killing it lately
How did Okinoumi keep his cool? Surely he knew that he hadn't stepped out. I know they're not meant to react but he didn't even blink. Even worse when they could easily have reviewed it in a matter of seconds and he'd still be unbeaten.
>I know they're not meant to react
thats not how you spell kotoyuuki
There's been a lot of talk about a possible Ozeki Yoshikaze in the near future, and it might be deserved at this point

Pretty easy to accidentally brush the ground at the edge, he probably assumed he fucked up until he saw the replay later

This is even sweeter because of Hakuho telling him to stop barking a few tournaments ago, get rekt Hakuho, Kotoyuuki is coming for you
Man, that day one bout with Aminishiki was awesome. Didn't expect that.
Day 6:
>all those rikishi out due to illness and injury

Pretty disappointing, I was hoping to see Aminishiki's wiliness today.
Everytime Aminishiki jumps off of dohyo i pray
damn, ikioi v. yoshikaze
For real, some day those knees are both going to blow
Wow so many rikishi dropping out
day 7
there are like 10 people injured, why dont we see much juryo guys now? or do they just cancel 5 matches overall
That finish to the Goueidou match was amazing

Not to state the obvious but the Yokozuna are just on another level to the rest of the guys.
Day 8:
18 scheduled bouts on day 8 instead of the planned 21

They're reducing the number of matches
Nice fighting spirit from Yoshikaze, as always

Quite a silly match from Aminishiki
wasn't this like the third henka in a row against aoiyama?

Hasn't tried it on him since 2014 it looks like, Aoiyama is pretty dominant in their meetings too
7:38 whats up with gueidou's elbow
Pretty sure he's wearing an elbow bandage and it's been rolled upward during the bout
Day 9:
ichinojou is such a fat piece of shit

a lot of timing fuckups today
>ichinojou is such a fat piece of shit
not as much as gagamaru, holy shit i hate seeing these fat guys who only win because of their weight advantage.

its not like aoiyama who actually has technique and strategy
>holy shit i hate seeing these fat guys who only win because of their weight advantage
>in Sumo

Look anon I appreciate the technique and skill to be found in the sport as much as anyone else in this thread and also hate the typical generalization of rikishi as lardasses, but come on now.
>nobody talking about Hakuho's extra shoves

he should retire already
Ichinojo is young and relatively new to Sumo, give him time to learn, he's got another decade of Sumo ahead of him barring any major injuries.

That slap he gave one of the Ozeki after the match was over a few tournaments ago was seriously uncalled for and I'm glad he got reprimanded for it

His fight with Yoshikaze yesterday however, harder to tell if it was intentional or not, either way he definitely needs to be more respectful, especially as a Yokozuna
i dont get what kind of enjoyment you find from watching guys like gagamaru fight.
is a dude is extremely lighter than him and doesnt henka he will win. only in the top 25 do you find people who take advantage of his non-tachiai
Well, one of the unique aspects of Sumo is its openweight nature that really helps to show that size and strength matter and matter a lot for martial matters. I enjoy displays of size and strength, being fairly large and having played rugby I find there's just something very satisfying about bulldozing.

Having said this, I already told you I appreciate the technique and skill to the found in the sport and hate the generalization of rikishi as lardasses that can only charge forward and win due to size. Competitors who show strategy, vary their gameplan and demonstrate actual skill are much more entertaining to watch and help bring out the best aspects of Sumo. I just feel that complaining about bigger men taking advantage of their size in this of all sports is rather silly.
The problem with Ichinojou is he just gets fatter and fatter and is lazy as fuck and doesn't seem to care.
What's your opinion on Akebono?
>hating on Hakuho
>an aggressive belligerent foreigner who comes to Japan and dominates their national sport to the point where all the record books have to be rewritten and the only times he loses are to other foreigners
>says shit just to make people mad like when he complained the judges were biased against him since he's mongolian then claimed he misspoke because japanese is a "complex language"
that man is an inspiration to us all
Sounds like someone can't handle the Hakuho!
Jesus, I know it is over the halfway point but the Rekishi are really nervous this tournament.

Hakuhou is the 止まられない 人だよ~~~
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>mfw Hakuho henka
Has there ever been a mishap where someone shat themselves on stage?
Are sumo wrestlers drug tested regularly?
I think since late 2009 or early 2010 there was mandatory tests. I am more worried about match fixing than drugs to be honest.
He has apparently been on special diets for awhile, and somehow continues to gain weight, pretty sure he's now the heaviest in the division after the last weigh in
Day 10:
>Kyokushuuhou vs Myougiryuu

Great another botched decision.

Looked at it a bunch of times, the decision's actually correct. The heel of Kyokushuuhou's right foot doesn't touch the ground while he does the hatakikomi even if it looks like it. Then Myougiryuu hits the ground, Kyokushuuhou's left foot goes out, and only then his right one. Tough call, but I think they made the right decision.
I'm another fat shamer. Generally don't care who wins but always root against the fat guys.

Most of them are not even strong, they get thrown around by small guys with good technique. At least fat guys in the NFL like Wilfork are strong as an ox.

You can see the shadow under his foot the whole time, I think it was the right call.
that's why I always root for Amuuru, the mad russian
he doesmt seem to be doing too good tho
Amuru apparently spends 4-6 hours in the gym after traditional training every single day, that dude is all fucking muscle
he's doing good enough to stay in makuuchi
Day 11:

The bout that may or may not decide the Basho, and any Japanese hope at a Yusho, Kotoshogiku vs Hakuho
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I didn't know where else I could talk to someone about this shit but thank god there's a sumo thread out here on /asp/.

>K O T O S H O U G I K U
>K O T O S H O U G I K U
>K O T O S H O U G I K U
I want to see if he says anything about the koto/haku match because I KNOW some niggas out there are claiming shady shit just because hakuhou lost
If you really want to dig into that hole, the sumo conspiracy site is SumoTalk

Is concern still warranted after the 2010 scandals? Absolutely, but the guys over there are full on crazy with the most bizarre reasons to justify their viewpoints
this was Giku's 5th win against Hakuhou which means he'll retire soon since his strength is depleting
Can't say I'd be happy if Kotoshougiku won the basho - his sumo is horribly boring. Belt grap and hump to yorikiri may be a solid gameplan, but it gets old fast. Don't think he's done much else this basho.

It get is when people complain about Hakuhou being too dominant, but I'd still rather see some nice sumo take the basho than this.
It's a little hard not to get sucked into the excitement over a Japanese Yusho though, the reactions of people will be really interesting to watch if Kotoshogiku does win it all

He's not my favourite, but I do appreciate Kotoshogiku's style for what it is though
Kotoshougiku winning would be like Leicester winning the Premier League. Cmon fat man you can do it.
The one winning the Basho should be Okinoumi.

What a rob.
I hope Hakuhou won't lose another match, it would be sad to see a pattern where he wins his first ten to twelve matches and loses the rest.
Eh, he's lost two more bouts since then fair and square, even if that first loss was called properly he'd still be out of the running

Not that I don't want to see an Okinoumi yusho, that would be amazing
well I have always enjoyed how he's a bit more flamboyant than anyone else during the pre-bout rituals
Day 12:
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Well Jason usually gets his uploads up a bit slower but he's reliable enough, there's also the mongolian TV VODs

Not quite as good as Kintamayam, but not awful
i ROFLd when gagamaru fucking evaded a dude
please someone stop kotoshougiku, if there is gonna be a japanese yusho let is be yoshida or ikioi or someone who isnt just a human battering ram
so what habben in the end?
Just had Day 13, not over yet. Kintamayama can't post the last 3 days of video. Looks like the mongolian TV archives are no longer free, so no video is up or easily available yet.

Jason should put up day 13 videos later today though
Scratch that, found a decent Day 13 video on Sumo Forum

Day 13:
And if you don't know the rikishi yet, here's the day 13 matches with results hidden so you can follow along http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Results.aspx?b=201601&d=13&hideresults=on

IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes! kotoshou lost his lead to kisenosato i think.
meaning kotoshou, hakuhou and haruma are tied for the lead
>mfw toyonoshima wrecks everyone in playoffs
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>mfw the Japs choke
>mfw Hakuhowinslol
does the yakuza have an action riding on this?
>that arm drag Toyonoshima used against Kotoshougiku

Amazing, Kotoshougiku seemed like he had no weight on him that match.
12 wins
○○○○○○○○○○●○○ Y1w Hakuho
○○○○○○○○○○○○● O2e Kotoshogiku

11 wins
○●○○○○○○○○○●○ Y1e Harumafuji
○○●○○●○○○○○○○ M7e Toyonoshima

9 wins
○○●○●○○○○●○○● Y2e Kakuryu
○○○○●○○○●○●●○ M6w Okinoumi
○○○○○○●○●○○●● M8w Takayasu
●○○○●□○○○○●○● M13e Takekaze
○●●○○○○○○●○○● M13w Takanoiwa
koto bout to be bopped in a playoff. good basho though at least it was a fun watch
This guy has all the Day 14 matches up, posted individually but not too laborious

Day 14:
Love the crowd reactions. Looking forward to Jason's upload of the Koto and Hakuho matches. You get some great reactions in the slow mo replays.
How did Tochinoshin lose today? Was it the way he fell on Aminishiki near the border of the Dohyo?
Hakuhou just fell to pieces, how is this happening? He has tons of juice for the 2/3 of the basho and then he runs out. Just losing once demoralizes him so much, which thus causes him to become even weaker.
I would like to see the betting analysis for that Hakuhou match
im gonna laugh if toyonoshima wins this
According to the call, they believe his had touched first. Even after watching the slowmo it's a tough call though, I expected a rematch.
Almost seems like he's just been fooling around lately, trying new techniques for the first time ever in a real match just for fun, pretty cocky

Not sure what he was trying to do today though, that was bizarre
notice how he did the opposite of his usual tachiai opening, he put down his hands first and waited for his opponent
This guys' got the bouts up again


Probably Kintamayama in a few hours looking at how he's been posting, weird end to a weird basho
would also like to know this. Love sumo matches and want to train something as similar as i can, what would be the most similar art i could train?
Many Sumo come from Judo backgrounds, as mentioned, but Mongolian Bokh is very similar to Sumo and the reason Mongolians are great recruits.

Georgian Chidaoba also accounts for a good number of georgian recruits. Not a huge help, not likely to find places to train in those either. Maybe your country has a traditional wrestling practice that shares some similarity?
And day 15 from Kintamayama:

So if Hakuhou doesn't win the next basho we should highly expect him to retire right? I have been watching sumo since 2015 Osaka basho so I haven't seen a Yokozuna retire yet.
What would happen if Aminishiki fought a copy of himself? Would they both henka? If they did henka would they do it with such force that they would create a henka tornado in the middle of the Dohyo and the result of that henka tornado, the stadium would be destroyed, thousands of old people are dead and the henka would be banned from Sumo?

Does that sound realistic?
The tornado would happen if Harumafuji fought a copy of himself. They would both catch the mawashi and turn around, start spinning like a propeler and fly into space.
he said he wants to keep going until 2020 for the olympics
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>mfw The Hakuho destroys everyone in the Olympics with ease
>says he was working at half speed to save himself for the gold
>retires saying that he's already beat the world, why go back to just Japan
He's still pulling Yokozuna numbers, well be seeing him for a few more years still I think.
I like the new rikishi, Shoudai. I think he shows promise.
Agreed, cool to see a kachikoshi on first showing in Makuuchi.
its good we got to see hotoshou's power pose in the salt throwing part, really adds some character to his eventual tournament win
Why you bumping, now it is time for sumo fans to do something else for two months until the next basho.
It's nice when they do something easy to remember, really helps keeping names to faces.

Next tournament begins March13th and takes place at the Osaka prefectural gymnasium
thanks for the thread

wish there was more discussion going on, i guess there aren't enough sumo fans on here or they just don't like posting thta much
The English speaking sumo community as a whole is quite small. I don't expect crazy turnout in these threads, but maybe if a few more people get into Sumo then I'm happy.
I enjoy Sumo, used to watch with my grandma when I was a kid and had no idea where I could find matches online so yeah, this thread was useful to me.
That's awesome, it makes me very happy to hear that this thread has helped even one person find Sumo. Thanks Anon!
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