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ITT: A+ Players

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Thread replies: 67
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Post em
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they should call him mr tv because he steals the show
is seth in the stands behind them? because all i see are a C- and a B level player
>indieriffic vanilla midget
>a+ player

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Can't have one of these without Rated R Superstar bitches.
> taller than Reigns & HHH
> midget
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>Man of Steel
>Fast machine
>Pockets full of cash and bling
>Greatest is his only destiny
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PREACH IT BROTHER! I remember when Zack Ryder and Hass were the Edgeheads haha
>daily reminder than every MITB holder is desperately trying to be Edge

>Zack was in a Mania main event
>closest punk ever got was the match before the diva buffer

Cant forget this glorious bastard either.
he wasnt even the best member of the Brood
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Booker Fucking T.gif
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Glorious Booker T
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>still getting worked by the GOAT heel
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>christian was better meme
>having to leave for TNA for a push
>returns and gets put in ECW
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He wasn't a full on wrestler, but every time Shane O Mac's music kicked in I fucking had to get up and do the dance with him. He is so money, I hope he comes back sometime to fix the mess that has come since his absence.
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>if you don't get pushed in WWE, you must not be good.
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>I judge wrestlers talents by how much they were pushed in WWE
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>Christian is anywhere near as good as Edge
Reminder of the OFFICIAL PLAYER rankings (brought to you courtesy of /sp/)

> A+ players
Austin, Rock, Hogan, Savage, Bret, HBK, Kurt Angle, Seth Rollins

> A players
Flair, Foley, Cena, Punk, Warrior, Bryan, Undertaker, Lesnar, Andre the Giant, Ricky Steamboat, Goldberg, Sting, Paige

> B+ players
HHH, Jericho, Eddie, Benoit, Edge, Razor Ramon, Mr Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Terry Funk, Roddy Piper

> B players
Orton, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Christian, British Bulldog, Booker T, Vader, Owen Hart, Kane, Cesaro, Dean Malenko, Shelton Bejamin, William Regal, Rey Mysterio

> C+ players
JBL, Batista, The Big Show, Sheamus, Diesel, Yokozuna, Tazz, Matt Hardy, Raven, The Honky Tonk Man, Chavo Guerrero, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Ken Shamrock, Big Boss man, Reigns

> C players
Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Lex Luger, MVP, The Great Khali, X-Pac, Jeff Jarrett, D-Lo Brown, Marty Jannetty, Dean Ambrose
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>Seth Rollins is A+
>Cena, Taker, Lesnar, HHH, Jericho, Edge, Hall, Nash, Orton, Batista, Show, Miz are below him

man you guys are obsessed - I guess the loss of traffic probably isn't good for you
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>liking a glorified garbage wrestler
> Flair not A+

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>main evented Mania over HHH vs Cena vs Orton and Flair vs Michaels
White Jesus is the original A+ Player, facts are facts.

Best diva since Lita. The Paige pipe bomb was diva promo of the year.
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Fuck it, WWE might not want to push him, but I WILL! Ya'll just got Fandango'd. Also, what's with Vince burying so many wrestlers who the crowd loves? Also, Miz is probably the best "supporting" wrestler since Foley, he can bring out the best in almost any other wrestler, always like his matches.
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Goldust is glorious.
Too bad Miz is shit in the ring and a heat vacuum
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He might not be great in the ring, but he knows how to do everything else pretty damn good. He can cut a promo, he can work the audience pretty well, and he brings out the best in other stars, that's at least why I like em. Also, that John Morrison/Miz tag team was pretty dope
>heat vacuum
>saying about this about the only wrestler who can garner heat on demand
how dumb are you?
Miz is awful on the mic and can't get over without somebody else, even then it's not guaranteed

He was getting crickets after his return last year until Sandow got involved
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He's a Heel, he's not suppose to "get over" he's suppose to get boos, and he does. End of story. Also, he's not that bad on the mic, hell he's pretty damn good. He's Awesome.
> being this newfag

"Get over" means to garner the desired audience reaction. pls go hommu, young boy.
Yes, I am new to this board, but I've been a fan of the WWE for all 20 years of my life. Also, thanks for telling me the true meaning of "get over", I thought it only referred to Faces
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>thinking otherwise

OFFICIAL PLAYER RANKINGS (with fixed tier placements and Paige removed altogether)

> A+ players
Austin, Rock, Hogan, Savage, Bret, HBK, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair

> A players
Foley, Cena, Punk, Warrior, Bryan, Undertaker, Lesnar, Andre the Giant, Ricky Steamboat, Goldberg, Sting, HHH

> B+ players
Jericho, Eddie, Benoit, Edge, Razor Ramon, Mr Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Terry Funk, Roddy Piper, Seth Rollins

> B players
Orton, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Christian, British Bulldog, Booker T, Vader, Owen Hart, Kane, Cesaro, Dean Malenko, Shelton Bejamin, William Regal, Rey Mysterio

> C+ players
JBL, Batista, The Big Show, Sheamus, Diesel, Yokozuna, Tazz, Matt Hardy, Raven, The Honky Tonk Man, Chavo Guerrero, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Ken Shamrock, Big Boss Man, Reigns

> C players
Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Lex Luger, MVP, The Great Khali, X-Pac, Jeff Jarrett, D-Lo Brown, Marty Jannetty, Dean Ambrose
> fan of WWE for all 20 years of life

Well there's 2 reasons why you don't know shit about wrestling then
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Morrison Baby.gif
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Whatever you say boss. I still love it just as much as you do. Also, John Morrison is A+

>"i've only watched wrestling since 2005"

Adults only, please.

>"i speak entirely in memes"


git rekt cunt
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Also, can't believe we forgot the Gold Standard guys. Benjamin was fucking glorious in the ring, and on the mic. To bad he's too busy beating up japs now over in NJPW
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>relevant for approx. 3 weeks
>some internet fanz actually believe this
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In Kayfabe, is Lesnar the best of all time?

As in, Lesnar vs. anyone and he should win assuming the finish is clean?
>wcw did a North Korea PPV
what the fuck?

Undertaker was the former kayfabe GOAT
>MVP, Jannetty, The Great Paraplegic making it to that list
>JBL and specially Batista that low
>Big Match John not an A+

Post UFC Lesnar is the best of all time. In kayfabe of course.

I can't think of anyone that was ever more protected than Goldberg

Why is Bret in the A+ category when he was as bad as Kevin Nash in the 90's?
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>Seth 'record low ratings' Rollins

He's a C at best

>"I'm in high school"
kill yourself, memer
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>"meme meme meme meme"

Eighteen Plus
>Jake "The Snake" Roberts not being in A+
Be an hero.
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>calling someone newfag on a new board
the post before your post is almost 40 minutes ago. kek. /sp/ fucking won.

>warrior and boring 80s nostalgia babby big show being A
>Cena and Lesnar not A+
>Bret Hart is A+

Jesus christ famalam, off yourself

>being reddit: the person

How much do you claim to enjoy Divas matches? Is Kevin Owens your favorite wrestler?

Christian was better in the ring.
Edge was better at cutting promos.

>thinking this is a "new" board

Holy shit you fuckers are retarded. Asp has been around for years. It's had rassle threads for years. This was fine until you started spamming useless bullshit a few days ago.
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