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Fucking called it.

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Thread replies: 68
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Fucking called it.
Did Carter report or did the pedomods delete the thread?
take your pick, either one is likely
take your pick, either one is likely
This board is a schizophrenic nightmare.
Fill me in
fuck off

why are you even allowed your trip again?
this board is literally worse than /b/. the only board that's worse is /mlp/
I didnt report it.
Welp, I'm going back to /r/squaredcircle now. Bye bye forever!
No, I'm going to laugh and slightly pity your sad existence.
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Based Carter keeping the board pure.

Why is this retard pit so addictive?
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what's going on?
I made a thread calling out the mods for getting worked by Carter/Yelissa and it got deleted in less than 10 minutes. This confirms that either Carter is a Janitor or we are all getting worked by the mods.
Reminder CartNEET/Deansperg/Yelissa is the mod/janny
It's so obvious at this point

Why couldn't it get modded for being off-topic?
what happened?

>he does it for absolutely free

How much state benefit do you get for your mental illness?
Called what?
Called what?
Next time put the meta-thread disclaimer
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ya seethin boy
Post the mama stories.
this entire thread is two people talking to each other
yelissa admitedly reports every thread she doesn't like.
>mfw i browse /mlp/

Yeah, screw those guys desu
Yelissa/Carter is 2coldSteve0 who is a mod
then why doesn't he abuse his powers like roguemod
The autist known as "dean" and "Carter" is a mod, how was this not already known, it's basic /asp/ 101.
I've had dozens of comments and threads deleted that either blew him the fuck out or addressed the problems the board has been facing the past couple of years.
The mods and maybe even janitors on this board aren't just "ha ha you're an autist" he/they have legitimate mental handicaps and disabilities.
>CP is posted
>Stays up for a day and a half
>Yelissa pics gets posted
>Immediately pruned

Cuckter pls go
Carter IS a mod , I got banned for calling him out once on his bullshit and it wasnt even a thread its just a post on one of his shitpost thread.
No im not Carter or a mod. im a girl and i don't report threads either.
thoughts on the meme fight
Or another will be born.
So glad u did bro thanks.
Team 10 erryday bro.
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Goddamn look at Dave Melina's body language. Can't believe my nigga Mundo was such a cuck.
I'm aware, I just wanted to prove it so people would quit replying to Yelissa/Carter post and just filter them. The fucking mods here are a joke.
It went exactly as I thought it would. There was no chance McMemer was gonna beat Mayweather at his own game. I have a lot of respect for Connor and his ability but he was outmatched and he underestimated his opponent to his detriment.
Literally this. If anyone thought the fight was going to McGregor, you're a fucking idiot mark.
This board is TRASH! DELETE IT
I agree.
They won't delete a containment board. That's why we have /b/ /pol/ /vp/ and /mlp/. These boards are necessary to keep our autism out of the less retarded boards.
It's a goddamn animal house in here, man. I just wanted to talk about rasslin'!
I never thought of it that way... Fuck, we're basically chuds.
rasslin is only a part of what this board does, unfortunately it's also a sperg zone.
wtf is a chud?
C.H.U.D., it's a movie. Go watch it, it fucking sucks but it's hilariously bad.
2coldSteve0 was here way before Carter was.
This fucking sucks lol I love it
What do you think? Are we not the chuds of 4chan?
too true my dude.
False, Carter/Deangod was here in /sp/ days and even created the special 1000 gamethread
didn't 2cold get the ban hammer?
That was the original Carter not the spic wannabe.
Maybe you shouldn't post off-topic threads, moron.
Some of you people need to take more pride in this place. This is a fine place to discuss wrestling on one of the greatest message boards of all time. Have some respect for this board and treat it well.
Meta-Threads aren't off topic you retard.
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>Some of you people need to take more pride in this place. This is a fine place to discuss wrestling on one of the greatest message boards of all time. Have some respect for this board and treat it well.
I think you mean this entire board

Carter is a nigger so anything is possible. Seriously, he is a black man
I didn't know that but it makes a lot of sense
Thread posts: 68
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