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WOR Ambrose Heel Turn and Joe winning the Championship

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>A fight breaks out between Balor and Wyatt to get Wyatt to stop his annoying as fuck insipid rambling about how for the past 5 fucking years he’s the one heel on WWE TV every week with literal “Get the fuck off my screen you Morbidly Obese piece of shit” heat.

>Roman Reigns defeated Samoa Joe and Braun Strowman in a 3-Way No Disqualification Match after pinning Samoa Joe with a Spear. Lot of people were not happy that Joe got pinned. Smart money might be on Joe winning the Universal Championship at the 4-Way so Joe and Reigns can get booked in a long program together since Ambrose/Rollins are booked to feud with each other and Wyatt feuds usually go longer then they need to so Wyatt/Balor will be busy. Maybe you can get your Wyatt reunion w/ Elias, Strowman, and Wyatt.

>Enzo and Show are discussing strategy. Cass is talking about how he’s going to destroy Big Show then break Enzo’s neck. Enzo decides to complement his height he is serious about making Big Show his new permanent Tag-Team partner.

>Elias Sampson defeated Kalisto. Still outraged over the finish of what was originally going to be the Main Event for this taping the crowd start to loudly chant CM Punk.I feel bad for Kalisto. He’s not even on the spectrum to join the dumpster fire that is the Cruiserweights.

>Dean Ambrose wants a match with either Sheamus or Cesaro next week.

>The Big Show defeated Cass via Disqualification. What is this building to a fucking Handicap Match? Why is this the fucking Main Event is the 3rd hour hurting this badly?
>Paul Heyman makes a proposition to Kurt Angle. If Reigns, Joe, or Strowman pin Brock at Summerslam then Brock will retire from the WWE forever. Obviously Lesnar is dropping the Championship at Summerslam because Dana White is offering him big named fight money in the UFC to see if its possible for Brock to win the ultimate fight which is passing a piss test with or without the Championship

>The Broken Hardy Boys Matt and Jeff defeated Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. 50/50’s for everyone. The Revival gets a victory over The Hardy Boys. The Club gets a victory over The Hardy Boys. The Revival gets a victory over The Club and The Hardy Boys get a victory over The Club. The Hardy Boys then proceed to get into a brawl with the other 2 Tag-Teams.

>Dean Ambrose still has zero interest in reforming The Shield. Seth Rollins is putting in zero effort in trying to make amends with his former Tag-Team partner Dean Ambrose. Sheamus and Cesaro are mocking Seth Rollins so Rollins demands a 1 v 1 match with either one of them. Sheamus takes the offer.

>Rich Swann, Akira Towzawa, and Cedric Alexander defeated Daivari, Tony Nese and TJ Perkins in a Trios Match. Akira pinned TJ. You’d think Akira would have pinned Nese since he’s the only one who doesn’t have any major developments going on right now and they’re trying to protect TJ right now because he has that thing going on currently with Swann.

>Kurt Angle decrees that Jason Jordan is the new #1 contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. A fight breaks out between Miz and his goons against Jordan.

>Seth Rollins defeated Sheamus w/ a Roll-Up. After the match, The Euros destroy Seth Rollins only for Dean Ambrose to come out and for him to get destroyed. So Rollins and Ambrose will be getting a Tag-Team Championship opportunity at the PPV and they’ll lose so they can use it as an angle for Ambrose to turn heel.
>they believe they botched the (Jason Jordan) angle so bad that they expected him to be boo'd
>came out to indifference
>awkward scripted questions that didn't reflect how the audience reacted AT ALL
>had to keep doing it because of the script

>Braun reading off of a Vince McMahon approved script

Its wishful thinking in believing Braun will walk out with the Championship since it'll clearly be Joe. I think the long term plan with Braun is they want him to reunite with Bray and then have The Shield vs The Wyatts

Elias/Strowman/Wyatt vs Reigns/Rollins/Ambrose
You think it'll actually be Joe? I thought it's pretty widely accepted that Reigns is going over, but maybe I'm just conditioned to expect the most boring outcome.

Why give Reigns the Championship now since the Mania plan originally now has to be scrapped because Lesnar wants to do more UFC

Give it to Joe. Have Joe or Braun or anyone else hold onto the Championship till at least Mania THEN give it to Reigns because at that point its not gonna matter. Mania is a 6 Hr show and they will be dead as fuck for that Main Event anyway.
Joe is not winning the title ever. Brock is retaining and carrying to Mania.
>Goldberg died so Brock could look strong for Samoa Joe

What the fuck IS this timeline even

No he's not. Dana can offer Brock more money in one day then Vince can offer Brock off a 1 year contract

Who fucking brings that shit belt to a UFC fight?

Goldburg was just as shitty

Nostalgia acts were a mistake. Owens has not recovered since jobbing to OldJew. Now Owens vs Shane McMahon is looking to be on the 6 hr Summerslam Card
It could not be more obvious that Brock is retaining between Heyman's promo and Roman looking super strong before the PPV. He isn't fighting until after Wrestlemania.

Budget cuts

Vince can't afford Brock but he can afford Heyman and Heyman has zero interest in being anyone's manager other then Brock so its a win-lose.

Brock can go to UFC. Raw has a build it can play till the Royal Rumble with Joe and Reigns
Goldberg doing the typical SS to WM shift wasn't bad m8, at least he looked the part
>Owens has not recovered since jobbing to OldJew
He's had a great feud with Jericho and is having some of his best main roster matches with AJ ya tool.

Not in the 2017 "Indie Invasion" era


Are you forgetting the part his big Summerslam Payday is going to be against fucking Shane McMahon?
This made me lulz

They did botch that Jason Jordan promo didn't they? I asked myself, "wait, he was boo'd?". Shoulda been Gable who has more charisma.
>Are you forgetting the part his big Summerslam Payday is going to be against fucking Shane McMahon?

The fuck you mean And fucking have Owens face Nakamura put them in something meaningful
Him an AJ are somehow having worse matches than the sum of their parts. They've been literally the worst matches that AJ has had in his entire WWE run.

We only got that 3 way between Styles/Owens/Jericho because Vince called an audible and since Jericho was in time in the time of his concert he could kill 20 minutes and give the Championship back to Styles.
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