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>tfw can't enjoy wrestling anymore

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>tfw can't enjoy wrestling anymore
its ok be like me
i love shit posting and trolling SMARKS

i spend more time here than anything else
cum join us /b/rospeh
consider that a good thing. only NEETS still watch that shit
I stopped watching it a few weeks ago for the same reasons
I got the network to watch WM. Will probably never use it again.
Stop watching WWE. I'm serious. It's fucking awful.

>inb4 /wewtism/
Try watching some puro - NJPW and Joshi. It will restore your hope than wrestling can still be good.
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young boy btfo.webm
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>tfw west coast so watching ram right now
>tfw i forgot what i was watching during a commercial break
truly riveting
This. The fun is troleing the RAW and Smackdown gamethreads.

I couldn't imagine anyone but complete idiots actually watch the WWE programming for the enjoyment of the WWE programming.
Stop watching WWE and explore some other feds. Watching WWE every week will literally break your spirit. Listen to Bryan Alvarez, the guy has to watch RAM every week and all he does it bitch about it because he's losing his soul having to watch that crap every week.
I don't know how he and Dave do it. I know Dave at the very least wishes RAM was 2 hours. As he said
>watching RAW is work. it's not fun and that's not what watching wrestling should be
and his opinion of SDL is 50/50 sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not, but at least it's not a 3 hour slog
ITT: beta numale cuck faggot fedora tipping fatass atheist redditors who think uncharismatic vanilla midget flips-and-shit wrestlers in obscure companies are SERIOUSLY worth watching than WWE at its lowest point

Would rather watch 1994 RAW than that shit. Fuck you losers. You're not cool for pretending to like that shitola.
ask your doctor if Lunesta is right for you
>8 buzzwords in a row
>h-hey guys i said the t-thing! c-can i be in the c-cool club now?

get laid dude
Stop watching WWE & get into puro. NJPW, Dragon Gate, AJPW & DDT are all you need, senpai. And BJW, if you like thicc guys hitting each other & deathmatches.

I never watch a second of it during football season, and even outside that I'll watch something else when commercials or something shit comes on. I have no idea how people watch all 3 hours every fucking week.
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>Try watching some puro - NJPW and Joshi
beta numale cuck faggot fedora tipping fatass atheist redditors detected
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>beta numale cuck faggot fedora tipping fatass atheist redditors who think uncharismatic vanilla midget flips-and-shit wrestlers in obscure companies are SERIOUSLY worth watching than WWE at its lowest point
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Fucking rekt
Fuck off weaboo fag
Based Japan working the anti-smarks
Stop watching WWMeme then
Why would anyone waste time watching an inferior version of something else
thats my wrestling bae, everybody else just back off.
Why is it called sports entertainment if it's neither a sport nor entertaining?
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OP, I had the same feelings months ago and then I gave Lucha Underground a try and now I love wrestling again. Try it.
The same thing happened to me in 2005, then TNA brought me back in 2007, then I stopped when TNA went to shit. Now I'm doing what >>2632382
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