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Nakameme rekt and exposed.

How is that no money from wrestling vids going for you faggots? Enjoing that no-food diet?
Source? I've heard it mainly for gun and racist channels
>No money
>Already made 25+ dollars off of a 15 minute video in a few hours.

Plus they rekt this match real good. There is absolutely no appeal in Nakameme and this match. This guy is boring and has nothing to offer over any other indy fag that comes to WWE. Kill yourself smarks for loving him.
>this video again
First NWOfaggot and now smarkbusters?
Stop shitposting on /asp/ and fuck off
I haven't watched the video but is it supposed to be some kinda revelation that Nakamura phones it in for unimportant matches?

Cause that's not news.
Advertising is against the rules
Can't wait till he has his first televised match and btfos all of you for the second time since he came up to the main roster
when did this board become the place for nobody wrestling channels to shill their worthless opinions?
Imagine being so invested in your shitposting that a bunch of pro-Nakamura posting drives you to go looking up anti-smark wrestling youtube channels for material.
These fags are the DarkSidePhil of wrestling videos
At least Phil is "successful"
Anti-smarks will forever be in the minority going forward so it's not like these guys will have any sway.
You know smarkbusters get thousands of views on their videos while smarky accounts get literally TENS?

Smarks literally can't draw and make no dimes compared to based anti smark smarkbusters. Your little theory lies down dead.
WhatCulture gets so many views they could use they ad revenue to start their own fed.
What? The biggest wrestling channels right now are smarky as fuck and have thousands of subscribers and have millions of views. Smarkbusters have less than 5,000 subscribers and you are trying to tell me they are huge? I know you are so delusional and need validation for your opinions through YouTube channels but being so blatantly wrong is sad.
Explains why they're constantly bitching about "smark" crowds.

Where's your "anti-smark" crowds at?

WhatCulture is not an amateur channel that two guys made and don't even give a shit about their videos' quality. People behind WC put lots of effort into it, as well as money (let's not forget WhatCulture is a chain of channels on many topics). It's basically a huge corporation at this point. Smarkbusters? They maybe put 10 dollars for the shitty camera they got and not changed since. I'd say percentage-wise smarkbusters got higher revenue than WhatKEKture. I was strictly talking about those amateur channels. Let's not compare IGN to little kid's small gaming channel, it's basically the same case.


They jumped into more respectable sport that is MMA and they are not going back.
Not only that, they got guys like Kurt Angle and JR and Broken Matt. Say what you will about their videos (which aren't great and Adam Blampied seems kinda fake and like he has trouble formulating his own opinions) but they are successful and WCPW is pretty good
>they totally exist they just watch MMA
Oh man, you're actually sticking up for some dopey wrestling youtube channel on /asp/.

Step back and examine yourself, dude, it ain't that important.
Even if you're talking about smaller channels with fewer guys behind it, SB has less than 5,000 subscribers, while both Wrestling With Wregret and Going In Raw have over 100,000 subscribers. You cannot argue with these numbers.
Read >>2545622

Wait so we can't have a conversation? Why does it allways happen nly when the smarky side gets BTFO that "oh well, don't get worked" argument appears :D?

>Argument 1
>Tries Argument 2 to destroy Argument 1
>Uses argument 3 to destroy argument 2
>Is seething that his anti-argument got rekt and goes "well, you better examine your life because you are sticking up for some youtubers hurr durr"

IDK who is Going In Raw, but WWW is NOT a smarky channel. Well he isn't antismark as well, he is just a big youtube WWE channel, nothing pro-smarky about him either. You are just literally making up arguments. Again, I was talking about channels such as: https://www.dailymotion.com/SmarkBusters

Watch their smarktober videos.
Nobody's watching your videos you faggots
>everybody is smarkbusters

Literally seething as hard as it's possible. I have seen this """""""argument""""""" used here so many times on various people.

Btw. Smarkbusters (at least righty) don't even know what 4chan is.
You're grasping for straws at this point

I'm almost certain you're one of them at this point, so stop advertising. It's against the rules.

fuck off with your garbage channel that you're begging people to watch by posting it here
You're such a mark for these nobodies that you even know if they know about 4chan or not?

You've literally worked yourself

And the posters count somehow magically didn't raise. I wonder why.
i can hear the neckbeard in their voices
how many times do these faggot kids say gay?

i cant believe people find this funny
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How the fuck do people praise Nakamura when this is literally all I see from his matches? It's just all flourish with 2 moves in between. Yet they will badmouth a guy like Jinder Mahal who at least will do wrestling when he goes to a fucking Wrestling event.

Weren't smarks the ones who complained about a lack of wrestling in their wrestling when it came to Vince Russo?



Are they fucking 12, or just autistic?
He hasn't had a good match in WWE yet (the Sami one was ok) and smarks just bandwagon because he's japanese
The amount of weaboo wrestling fans is ridiculous
They are the only reason why Asuka and Nakamura are even in the WWE
Didn't this thread already happen or something?
Nobody complains about Jinder Mahal, he's a good worker. He's just a jobber.
>they don't even know what 4chan is

I want to believe this is true because it's fucking hilariously ignorant even by their standards, but they shill here all the time. Like in here for instance.
>Nakamura got a following among the circles that watch NJPW because he's Japanese

Japanese guys are quite rare in puro after all...
>REEE why are WWE signing a bunch of wrestlers from one of the most prominent countries in wrestling

state of dis white trash
nobody cares about your gay youtube channel
BKOSS literally living in this faggot's head rent-free.
How will smarks ever recover?
>(You) working yourself into a frothing shoot.

>your head

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Honestly couldn't care less about this dude. He's a shade of what he was in his prime, designed to appeal to simpletons who just want to consume shit.
NXT/WWE Nakamura is a sorry thing indeed
>They jumped into more respectable sport that is MMA and they are not going back.
anti-smarks seethe about MMA way more than WWE

they literally go onto MMA forums and shitpost because Brock Lesnar roided his way to a victory
>based smarkbusters confirmed kryptonite for nakameme that sends him into a seething shoot

How many more (You)'s will the smarkchads grant us
This thread starting with this post is everything wrong with neo4chan.
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>tfw modern wrestling is so shit that YouTube won't even allow videos of it to be monetized
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>All this salt at a single post
One of them squeaks around the 4 minute mark.
>Already made 25+ dollars off of a 15 minute video in a few hours.
Wrestling videos don't make money anymore
Damn, is this the average Anti-Smark?
Those cunts are even worse than actual smarks. And Marks are fucking geniuses in comparison.
Damn, I need to change my allegiance.
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I wonder what they'll call him on their Wall of Shame, when they inevitably put him on it?

I hope they have like a hundred of shitty matches to prove how uninteresting AJ Styles vs Nakamura would be.
>literally one of the comments on that video is crying about how Goldberg and taker left and that roman reigns entrance is better and the WWE is dead now

Holy fuck I'm triggered
>big wrestling fans that use the internet dont know what 4chan is

Highly fucking doubtful considering /woo oo/ is one of the biggest wrestling boards on the internet and you could easily make the connection between 420chan and 4chan
>real life Roman posters
Can we ban all Smarkbusters shills already?
let me guess they love Roman and call him the best
>this is what is called trolling these days
>shilling literally garbage videos
so its confirmed that these fags and nwolfcuk lurk /asp/ , who is the next to be confirmed?
Shinsuke has a very Western gimmick, I've always thought that's why he appealed so much to them desu. Tanahashi is better than him in every way, but Western fans have never cared about him as much.
They think Roman sucks but is better than all of the Indy midgets who are just happy to be here
Everybody loves Based Ace Tana
You worked yourself idiot. They do say Reigns is better than anyone in WWE right now (talking strictly about full timers) but still gave him shits where it's due, and constantly laugh off his "Eye lub muh family". Try again you sperg.
>They do say Reigns is better than anyone in WWE right now

kek they really are braindead
Marks pay to see him. Stamford wifes pay to cheer him. Smarks pay to boo him. Everyone pays to get a piece of BBD.

Btw your wonderboys aka indie smucks aka indie manlets suck in ring, they take 90% of botchamania videos failing at performing basic moves in 5 minute matches.
Explains why house show loops with Roman headlining consistently under-perform.


Learn English.

>Btw your wonderboys aka indie smucks aka indie manlets

I hate this meme but: cringe. Fuck off back to your Google+ circlejerk safe space already.
>Learn English.
Literally doing this so thank you for your concern. I doubt you speak any non-native language half as good as I do English though.

>Explains why house show loops with Roman headlining consistently under-perform.

Oh no, who would have thought that house shows are doing terribly. Hmmm let's forget they were like that for years now, let's push it all on Reigns! It's just one man's fault, of course, because fat smarks didn't get their neckbearded faggots of thin as paper wonderboys in the main events. Cry me a river.

Also I love how you just ignored the part abotu botchamanias.
Actually theyve said Cena is the best wrestler on the roster right now numerous times
The house shows under-perform compared to his peers, dumbshit.


Maffew has said the reason CZW is featured prominently on there is because it's the promotion he personally watches the most.

What's your point? That non-WWE has more botches than WWE? No shit, how do you think basic math works?
Not a full timer ATM. But yes that's true, they value him higher than Reigns.
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>How the fuck do people praise Hogan when this is literally all I see from his matches? It's just all flourish with 2 moves in between. Yet they will badmouth a guy like Steamboat who at least will do wrestling when he goes to a
HOLY SHIT you are actually retarded, because someone can not be that good of a actor.

I was speaking about clips from WWE alone, If we were talking about WWE + indie feds that would make 99,9% of all the botches. Please, consider killing yourself right now.
Well it's not like Roman 3-moves is gonna botch too often...except when he fucked up the very first move in the main event of WrestleMania last year.

Even though it's the most basic sequence there is.

>he keeps begging me to suicide

Oh yeah because your wonderfull Finn gaylor has more than 3 moves Buahahaa.
I think Finn is massively overrated. Even so:

>Sling Blade
>Pele Kick
>Tope Suicida
>Buckle Dropkick



Wonderful* is obviously what I meant.

Btw I'm out of here, don't think you WON any argument here because you failed to bring a single good argument and you are a failure in life and your parents are probably regretting this decision of ever giving you life.
They're right though

Roman still gets prime tv time while Jinder and Matt Hardy are already spiraling towards irrelevancy
>I'm not running away this is a tacticool retreat

>Roman is better than 3MB's worst member

Really impressive.

>being pushed means somebody's good

What a mark.
Are these guys -18? No knowing rubbing the boot laces/seams as a means to fuck up your opponents vision as opposed to a kick.

Didn't even need to open the link to know this was a smarkbusters video
Buy a banner
I'd be amazed if they were even born within Kurt Cobain's lifespan
>smart marks
>anti-smart marks
You are marks. Fake distinctions just make you more of a mark because you're more invested.
NJPW is gay
Let's see:

>Joe Cronin
>Wrestling With Regret
>Steve and Larson
Over a million combined
Over a million

Not even 5,000

Kek. Anti-Smarks are fucking pathetic.
Give them their pennies now that they won't get revunue by spamming
What's Patreon

I'm sure the SmarkBusters are more richer than your ass
Obvious bait.
Kek. Literally repressed virgins getting mad at wrestlers for being gay and acting like they are cultured in it. When will the fanbase not be shit guys?
>I'm not running away this is a tacticool retreat
People have life, I'd really suggest you getting one too.
>these are not pro-smarky channels
Yes they are, you retard.

>and what cuckture is a fucking chain which has millions put into it
Its wrestling channel is the only one from that brand that has over a million subs. You're a literal moron.

>I wish murders were legal, I would commit it on you.
Absolutely seething.
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>I wish murders were legal, I would commit it on you.
>Yes they are, you retard.
O wow what an great argument!

Just because they know shit about other federations than WWE doesn't make them pro-smarky. It just makes them to be general wrestling channels. If they would be crybabies like smarks are, then it's another pair of boots.

>Its wrestling channel is the only one from that brand that has over a million subs. You're a literal moron.

Kek, he needs to look at some funny statistics like that to support himself because he lacks a single argument. And you lack a brain. Already established that it had millions put into it.


No, shut the fuck up and cry into your body pilow, you fat, smelly, disgusting neckbeard.


And the poster count didn't move. Makes you wonder.
That was legit cringe.

These kids are stuck being pretentious 13 year olds who were bullied in school.
>I wish murders were legal, I would commit it on you
>'Smarkbusters' getting so worked up by no one liking their shit channel more than actually good channels that they literally resort to death threats online
>no one liking their shit channel
Read comments on their videos you retard.
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>O wow what an great argument!
Take your Adderall, lil' Jimmy and go to bed.

>Just because they know shit about other federations than WWE doesn't make them pro-smarky.
You clearly haven't watched any of their content if you think none of those guys are smarks. You're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.

>Kek, he needs to look at some funny statistics like that to support himself because he lacks a single argument.
There are no statistics to look at. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can simply go to their channel, then look at their sister channels and compare the numbers. Anybody who isn't a retard can do this in mere seconds.

>No, shut the fuck up and cry into your body pilow, you fat, smelly, disgusting neckbeard.
>This much projecting
Kek. Stay worked.
BTW. here are few funny/clever/making-smarks-seething ones from this video:

>Nakmaura's entrance looks like one you edit on WWE games where you change a male superstar entrance to a diva.

>I do what Shinsuke does when I'm drunk, only funnier, more charismatic and when I inevitably get into a fight it's more believable than his kicks

>The democrats have definitely put something in our drinking water. (By "Mike Pence")

>A Smark admitted that the reason he hates Reigns and likes Bryan is because Bryan is someone the fans can get behind unlike a 6'6 blue eyed Samoan. So gay.

>Crispy match 5 stars

>FFS, this is what SJW smark fans are holding on to as the future of the business. Everyone of them acts, walks and talks as if they take big dicks in the mouth and ass. Remember when wrestlers were suppose to look like bad asses and not refugees from a bath house?

>I didn't bother watching the match since I already knew what it would consist of. Shinstain does numerous kicks and while Ziggler flops like a fish. Lame would be too "kind" to describe this, it's pure garbage. (and this guy was pretty much right)

>God, are these two morons even trying to wrestle?!? And yet their fans will tell us that someone like Roman "can't wrestle"! Absolute zero stars for this match, if you can even call it a match.

>Welcome to WWE Impact!

>The funniest thing about this epileptic asian fairy is that the obese sweaty neckbeard smarks think this guy is so charismatic all the casual normal fans will love him. can't wait for this assclown to flop and watch the smarks claim wwe intentionally buried him.

>No wonder why it was a dark natch, so the ratings wouldn't fall down the radar to below a 1.0 rating.

>Two squiggly spaghetti sewer perverts flailing around and punching the air around eachother's heads. What a match, maggle!
I missed one:

>Fuck Shitstain Nakamoron
your little tantrum in this thread means I'll never click on any of your links, sorry. you, wolfpac, that faggot with the egghead (Scam something) and the other antismark neckbeards spam your shit here because your content is contrarian teenager garbage and isn't going to grow otherwise.
>I am not going to look this way to see the couter arguments against my BS because I love to live in my comfort zone of my own shit I believe in.

It's the "everybody is smarkbusters here on 4chan" episode. What's new?
I got adblock so even if I looked at your garbage content, you can't draw a dime from me.
>being a huge faggot appeals more to the west
These guys talk like 13 year olds, every other line.. HA HE'S GAY SO GAY WHY'S HE SO GAY FUCKING GAY

also theyre shitting on him for not having a 5* match that only like 15k people are gonna see
so forced
pathetic they shill their channel here
I didn't notice this until Smarkbusters, but why does his pants look like they're about to fall down?
Your channel sucks m8. Find a new avenue of life.
you gonna keep spamming this trash?
>51 unique IP just told OP (memebusters) to kill themselves
51 IP's but it's still just the same 5-6 people talking to themseves over diffent proxys
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>Being this paranoid
>most of the match is wrestholds
>for whatever reason the crowd is cheering

I bet if it was Orton doing wrestholds they would chant CM Punk during it.
He's trash and he will never amount to anything.
What's an example of a "somebody" wrestling channel?
One that draws dimes
There isn't one
and yet they're still worthless garbage lmao
anti smarks have enough common sense to stop watching garbage when it gets this bad
wcpw is trash
lmao meanwhile you probably cream your pants thinking about garbage channels like whatcuckture
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Why has Nakamura worked you so thoroughly? Are anti-smarks really this sensitive?
go pleasure yourself to a disgusting japanese vomit fetishist
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lol worthless cuck thinks if he ever got off his disgusting fat lazy ass and made a youtube channel where he posted videos of himself jerking his 2inch dick to nakamura and balor matches he would get viewers
>Getting so worked by /asp/ that you relentlessly samefag in the thread you made because people disagreed with you
lmao ok there you big mature faggotnow fuck off and go wear your "im a hugger shirt" and watch my little pony
Dude get over it, this board is empty.
He cant speak english or cut a promo or be entertaining if his life depended on it. He has no business being in wwe unless he is going to be a comedy jobber which he will be.
>This thread
>Smarkbusters having an autistic meltdown after getting told to fuck off by the only website that is terrible enough to share similar opinions with them
>implying there aren't just 2 people right now on the entire board.
you mean like you do every time you're about to cum while watching nakamura's entrance?
lmao name one person on this garbage roster that's better you obese neckbeard trash
so literally none?
Righty, didn't you admit you were a NEET virgin in one your videos though?
>This pants-on-head retarded meltdown
Holy shit, this is just sad.
your dimes are are just as worthless as you are
>worthless disgusting obese neckbeards
This is pathetic even by this board's standards. Seriously, dude, get a life.
Not going to watch these autists sperge about. Instead I watched the match. Is was a normal paced 10 minute dark match. It had the normal formula of control (face starts, heel works mid, face rallys and wins) it wasn't a finisher spam. It was exactly what i would expect from a dark match.
Regardless of if you like him or not, there was nothing wrong in that match
>Based Shinsuke working the anti smarks so hard they are trying to dissect his fucking dark matches for flaws

>Already made 25+ dollars

That would probably be decent if they were below 15 years old or living with their parents
You realize cobain died in 94 right? Even if they weren't born in his lifespan they are most likely still over 18.
>are more richer

dumbfuck anti-smarklet
>1 of 20 results

I guarantee more than half of them are the samefag.
Now pair that with them acting like they watched The Attitude Era live.
they actually claimed that they didn't watch the attitude era live

I can't wait for roman to instakill him with single spear ;*
Literally noone makes money now, only YT super cuck clique like Casey Neanderthal

holy fuck these spergmarks are seething

also how can you be homophobic and watch pro wrestling lmao
Imagine making a 15 minute video watching a dark match recorded from someone's phone involving a wrestler you "dislike".

Dare I say OBSESSED?


Fuck I'm still drunk
Jesus you people are fucking mean
Were they even making money? They've been around forever and still not cracked 5k subs.
Smarkbusters have literally drawn no dimes
At least people make parody videos of Phil mocking him
Mark busters don't even have that
Read >>2545605
It's backed up with their own Smarktober series from last year, google it.

>Barely 3 years

Yeah sure anon, they were around since the day you were born. 3+ literally
Too bad shilling your channel on here still hasn't gotten you past 5K
>have no arguments left
>"y-you are smarkbuster" """"""ARGUMĘT""""""
They're kind of over exaggerating the reactions in a really cringe-worthy way but they're pretty much right.
There are no arguments when it comes to (you) guys being faggots
They have some points amidst all the sperging. It's a pretty bad match, and from what I've seen in NXT, it's par for the course for Nakamura. He also displays zero charisma, no matter how much people seem to want to convince you otherwise.

They're edgy insecure faggots though, to the point of making jew jokes while unironically defending circumcision, lmao.
>He also displays zero charisma, no matter how much people seem to want to convince you otherwise.
t. retard
Prove me wrong.
>no charisma
>over without saying a word
>Dark match
>Six minutes long
Next you'll tell me Cena's bad because of his house show matches.
He's over from hearsay alone. Don't pretend half the people chanting for him before his entrance at takeover watched a single one of his matches prior to everyone jizzing over his AJ bout.

His NXT matches haven't been much better, though.
>over from hearsay alone
>watched his last high-profile NJPW match

So which one is it?
Apart from his one with Sami.
And every other takeover match has been good at the very least.
He's also a draw.

How the fuck is he a draw? He's not even been there for two weeks.

People said the same shit about AJ Styles, and look how that turned out.
>was drawing record numbers for NXT tours all last year


Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>draws record numbers selling thousands of tickets for house shows of a developmental brand
>gets taken off said tour to move up
>ticket sales almost drop by half

Nak's a draw and always has been since becoming insane in mexico. He's also yet to have a bad match, just slightly underwhelming matches. The match with Joe where Joe wins with the dick kick was great, Sami match was great and both the Roode matches were literal perfect "old school" main events. Like, the type of match Triple H could wish he had.

>no charisma
>has the crowd in the palm of his hand no matter where he goes without doing shit

?? Shinsuke wasn't over, his moveset, theme, catch phrase, wrestling ability and general charisma is over. That's how retarded you sound.
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>two geeks bitch about a man who is considered to be a great wrestler by other wrestlers for having one bad dark match

I think they're the real smarks
The whole point of wrestling on house shows before a TV debut is to iron out any issues.
Being liked by a bunch of worthless sweaty disgusting obese basement dwelling neckbeards with mental problems does not mean he is over.
Only disgusting fat smelly neckbeards give a shit about trash like matches and ring ability. He's garbage and not entertaining. He is disgusting worthless trash with nothing to offer and doesn't belong in an entertainment company.
>he's still pitching the same bitch fit he was yesterday

Jesus fucking wept.
take a shower you smelly fuck
Did that 3 hours ago. Why do you think that's so exceptional? Because you spend all day erry day having the same tantrum on here?
Based ching chong working antismarks
lol have fun watching this queer get buried
>BBDWTOS into a copycat meme
Have based Smarkbusters destroyed Asgooka yet?
Don't think they even know who she is.

Kek based
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keep going on about how gay it is, but they are watching wrestling which is the gayest thing around
Thread posts: 200
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