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>2009-14 WAHHH why arent they making new stars its time to

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WAHHH why arent they making new stars its time to replace Cena

Fuck off.
Reigns wasn't what the fans wanted though.

They had their chance with Punk and Bryan and they blew it.
WWE at fault for Punk, but it wasn't there fault D-Bry was made of glass
>why are people complaining about replacing Cena with Cena Lite?
They only had a small window for Phil tho

failing the Summer of Punk angle fazed him out of it. Even a year long reign as champ didn't do much
Smarks want their indy darlings to get the classic WWE titanpush.

Except its not going to happen ever.
Well why do you have to have just one guy you're always pushing? Modern wrestling fans get bored quickly, if you have 4-6 credible guys at the main event level, the show generates more interest. Also, your top babyface should probably be able to get over organically as a face.
>wasn't there fault
Building around one guy has historically been the most successful approach
Didn't help that he was an afterthought in the midst of Brock and Rock vs Cena

Big Daddy Bitch coming out of nowhere and shitting up that Punk angle in 2011 derailed any momentum he had. The hottest act in wrestling was foreplay to the same shitty HHH/Nash feud no one cared about the first time.
Cena at his worst is still better than Reigns at his best.

Let that sink the fuck in.
Nobody wants anybody to get the forced overpush. Knock that shit off.
>Finn Balor
There's difference between building the company around one guy and sacrificing the entire company to one guy.

Making your entire card worthwhile is the reason why The Attitude Era was so successful: and if you don't believe me, look at the current RAW Tag Champions.
This. Punk would have been ready and dedicated If Vince just let him main event

Literally 1 month.

Hope you're looking forward to Nakamura on /SmA+ck/ ;^D
Just to clarify on this. Cena at his ABSOLUTE worst, as in his whole family just died and Vince is forcing him to perform, is 10 times as good as Roman on an average day.
>smarks backpedalling

5 years ago you wouldn't say that.
Holy shit Vince uses /asp/ie?
5 years ago nobody besides the few thousand (and that's being generous) who knew of FCW had any idea who Roman Reigns was.

Cena had been getting praise for his ringwork over a decade back. 18+
>WAHHH why arent they making new stars its time to replace Cena
>replace Cena
There's the flaw in your statement. Smarks never wanted to replace Cena, they just wanted him to stop taking up the spotlight. They don't want an appointed end-all-be-all face of the company at all. They want the most talented wrestlers/talkers to be rewarded with pushes and title reigns. They don't want one man shoved in their faces for weeks and months and years just because the kids and marks and Vince like him.
Revisionist history isn't just a staple of the WWE, it's also a staple of their flock, it seems.
Ugh, like, EXACTLY! We hated Cena for his overcoming the odds beyond believability, his bright colors, his pandering to the crowd, his five moves of doom, being told he "deserves" it, being a Total Divas star who politicks for his girlfriend, disappearing in the middle of a story, his "nice guy who loves this business" stereotype, no-selling injuries, his PG, PC corniness, trying to copy Hogan Austin and Rock, and his sheer scripted repetitiveness.

That's why we wanted Bryan, not Reigns!
>HHH/Nash feud

Why was this a thing? Why did Triple H insert him and his friend into Punk's shit? How is Triple H beating CM Punk getting him or Punk more over? I'm just wondering about the thought processes behind those decisions.
T...This is satire right?
>"smarks" are hypocrites for wanting Bryan

Imagine writing that much text only to be that wrong.

It is, but not in the way he intended.
Fine speech anon, but I don't see any point or argument made. Hustle some more text to recite with bad acting, why don't you?
That's a different time when people consumed media differently. We're so far away from the days of Bruno Sammartino selling out the Garden or even a guy like Austin who could unanimously get the entire audience on his side.

The closest we had to that was Bryan and, well, we don't have Bryan anymore, so we don't have anyone like that. Best to push and protect a few guys and see if anyone can get over in a big way. What they're doing right now sure isn't working
Punish Punk for hurting his and Vince's egos and getting over on his own.

But don't worry, they put the belt on him for a year, so that makes up for it. Did he main event a single PPV during that time? Uhhhhhhhhhhh.
There are plenty of guys who could get the majority of the audience on their side.

WWE buries them so they can give Reigns another try.

>I don't see any point or argument made

Funny, that was exactly my reaction to your initial post.
Too bad those two didn't draw a fucking penny. It would be suicide to have either of those two as the FOTC.
>Didn't draw a fucking penny
Jesus christ.
He didn't

18+ Authority Era babby

>Punk & Bryan didn't draw

Empirically wrong
The fans would have been fine with Rollins, Ambrose, Bryan, Punk, Zayn etc.

Not roman
Anti-smarks don't want the truth.
Fans absolutely would've been fine with Roman. The dude was crazy over in the Shield.

It's that they booked him in a completely retarded way and that's always gonna sour people on the guy. Vince couldn't keep his dick in his pants in 2015 and it fucked everything up.
Honestly Roman will forever be in this state of super hatred until they actually decide to not have him ride off the coattails of The Shield's popularity and give him a different look/theme/everything pretty much
>Did he main event a single PPV during that time?
He fought DBry in a very good match on a PPV, but the main event was Lauranaitis vs Cena. Go figure.
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The stupid thing is they even have a perfect blueprint of what to do with Roman, from people related to the guy no less, and they just won't follow through with it.
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a thug/gangsta Roman with the Usos in a heel stable would be more or at least as over as the Shield was. Roman is meant to be a silent muscle kinda guy, not le goofy sufferin succotash son kinda guy
that idea is literally BEGGING for the Roman/Usos stable to have a feud with Enzo & Cass
A stable that was partially Samoan Power Trip and partially just the Usos talking up Roman in the same way they cut those promos on American Alpha would be fucking great.

I don't even think WWE does stables anymore, though. You're either tag team guys or a singles guy with like, zero fucking variance or crossover (which is a huge reason New Day is so stale but that's another story). I guess The Club was kinda one before they broke up.
Yeah I can totally see a vanilla spot monkey carrying the company
>Building around one guy has historically been the most successful approach
aka Vince only has one business model approach.
Yeah, and Roman kills Enzo in that feud while the Usos cripple Cass.
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People don't want Roman because they don't buy the way WWE is selling him to us.

>commentary constantly says how he was the powerhouse of SHIELD
>never does any power moves and when he does he can barely pull them off on anyone that isn't a cruiserweight; also the reverse tombstone spot
>never lost a full feud clean
>barely loses clean if anything
>STILL is being sold as the underdog in many many matches and storylines when it's obvious he was never the underdog
>doesn't have any moves that would g et over with the crowd at all
>people still remember the atrocious promos he used to cut - sufferin succotash, LET ME TELL YOU A STORY BIG SHOW, etc
>still uses SHIELD theme and attire
While we're using labels made up just to attack a viewpoint, please check your alphaphobia.
eDrone alert!
Enzo and the hoodUsos cutting promos on each other would be pretty fucking fantastic.

Enzo and Cass would need another guy, like when they had Cena, though.
You're fucking insane if you think those two herbs are over. Don't ever give Vince business advice you retard.
They do stables they just don't put their top guys in them.
>League of Midcarders
>Social Outcasts
For them stables are a vehicle to put a guy over either in them (Shield,Wyatts) or to job to them(League of Midcarders)
The WWE doesn't see much value in keeping a stable around just to sell merchandise when its members are involved in different storylines.
You're fucking stupid if you think the Usos aren't over, uce.

Funny, they seem pretty over to me.
Nash got the pop of the night when he came back as Diesel that Royal Rumble. Vince was right to throw him back in the main event scene. It would have worked if Nash was just the guy Punk had to go through first to beat Haitch. The real problem was HHH not letting Punk go over himself.
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He wasn't even "crazy over" in The Shield.

And if you think it was a couple of months of shitty Vince booking that made crowds turn on Roman you haven't been paying attention.

So you've never watched him wrestle, got it.
It's not a couple months. I know people were getting tired of Roman before the Royal Rumble, but the Rumble and following that, Fastlane, is absolutely what shoved the knife in his back.

Vince has just made one dumbass decision after another since January 2015 to try and dig out of that hole and every decision has fucked things up worse.
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Hey guys check this out.
Ironically during the lead-up to Fastlane they had Reigns play heel and he was more interesting than he'd ever been before that.

And wouldn't get that interesting again until the feud with Styles.

Perhaps I misspoke: instead of "booking" I should've written "promos and character".
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I didn't know WWE wasn't there for Bryan's injuries.
>imagine if half of those kids will became wwe wrestlers and HHH will push them even harder than roman.
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>Vince was right to throw him back in the main event scene.

One big nostalgia pop doesn't mean you should get hot shotted into the main event scene.
It does if your name is Kevin Nash you pathetic little manlet smark.
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The problem is that the Summer of Punk needed to happen in 2010, not 2011. They already had plans for HHH vs Undertaker and Rock vs Cena as the top 2 programs for Mania set up. They couldn't have Punk be more over than either of those 4 guys.
Vince thought the fans cheering Roman over Bootista meant Roman was over. He wasn't, the fans just hated Bootista that much.
What's the point? Punk would have just taken Miz's spot of getting cucked by Rock in his first WM main event
gain height
Reigns was anointed as the next face of WWE before he'd even laced up a pair of boots.
Stars, mate. Plural.
>Vince was right to throw him back in the main event scene.
fuck off wolfcuck
We didn't need another grandpa way past his prime in the main event. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing these old fucks who can't go anymore getting praised by you fucking cucks just because they are tall.
People who actually attend these events want to see guys who actually look the part. Larger than life guys. Not skinnyfat manlets like Punk.
>he thinks "Larger than Life" has anything to do with physical size


>People who actually attend these events

Explains why Punk was the most over guy in years while Nash got...mildly-disinterested boos.
This isn't the territory days anymore, nobody gives a shit about that.

I'd rather watch a manlet who can wrestle than some big guy who is clunky and can't do anything advanced in the ring. I like my wrestling to be good
you that nwowolfpactv guy?
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