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Holy shit how high did Lesnar have to jump? Goldberg wasn't

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Holy shit how high did Lesnar have to jump?
Goldberg wasn't even ducked that much

Also might make a Webm or two from Mania if you ask. Probably won't but who knows
I thought Jewberg finna got shoot knocked out caz it looked like Lesnar heel hit him in da head
Lesnar is based
Genuinely the most impressive athletic moment of the show, the turning point of the match, the moment Goldberg lost his chance to win.

And the commentary barely sold it, just ignored it.

Fuck this company.
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Also have this webm because everyone keeps posting a shitty gif
Make a webm of the Roman/Carder match where Carder doesn't react to Roman trying to do a spear and Roman has to stop and punch him instead.
shoulda just scorpion death dropped him and did the sting howl

woulda got some heat
You mean towards the end? The final super spear?
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I'm warning you sir. Please DELET DAT

Can I request Charlotte's corkscrew moonsault ?
Yeah, its around the end.
Roman runs to the side to do a spear and Carder just bends over like a faggot and he has to awkwardly stop and punch him.
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Here, I'm pretty sure this is what you mean. Leave Taker alone FaM

It was either last Mania or the one before where I took some requests and someone asked for her moonsault then.
pottery that as I take requests this time I get asked for her moonsault again. I'll do but only for that reason desu.
Fucking Carder probably got fucked up from that table spot.
Jesus Christ did Undertaker botch everything in this match? Feel bad for the guy, his body obviously could not keep up
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Still romans fault
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>thinking that was a real botch

Undertaker has been 'botching' repeatedly so that it makes sense an immortal character would have to retire. They even made a "can he still go" video package for him recently.

Literally every smark who doesn't know the wrestling psychology he brags about got worked.
Mate he's like 50 odd and it's tough getting back in there after not being an active wrestler. He did pretty damn well and it's tough to say if the two "botches" in this thread are really on him.
Screw the other shit, Lesnar is a beast
Either Taker lacked the energy or Roman lacked the strength.
he started off pretty good then suddenly everything went to shit so obviously something happened. of course his age and all the issues he has just made it that much worse. you also have to consider he knew it was his last match so there was likely a lot of shit going through his head.

really you can't blame the guy, he spent 30 years destroying his body to entertain us and this is the end result. you even see Roman getting distraught near the end, even go as far as to tell Taker he didn't want to spear him
Roman didn't have a good grip at any point.
That could have went seriously wrong

>Goldberg gets knocked out with knee blow to the face

>Goldberg accidentally hits Lesnar's leg which causes him to land a splits and tear his groin
Blame it on Oldberg not going low enough.
Lesnar had to jump all out to clear that shit, I wouldn't be surprised if he got pissed at him for not ducking enough.
Spear was clearly Taker but by that point he looked very disoriented

it was both. Taker didn't grab him right or jump up properly and Roman didn't have the strength to compensate

i'm betting this is why Taker actually wanted Cena. he knew Cena would have both the skill and strength to carry him through the match. only other opponent that would have made any sense would be Brock but they couldn't do that for obvious reasons
I can probably do a longer cut of this one but it seems pointless
i noticed some webms in the sticky too though, would be good if they were reposted
Taker is too cocky. He should've asked DDP for help 5 years ago. Goldust, Jericho, AJ, Jake, Hall got a new lease thanks to Dallas.
In the hindsight, regardless whose fault is it, it's probably best Roman that Roman didn't tombstone him after that struggle. Roman'd probably end up killing the old man since he can't longer control the weight of taker and will drive his neck straight to the mat.
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Lesnar is really good
you can't fix the hip and knee with yoga
Really you can't fix either at all especially at Takers age. Generally no matter how good the surgeon is you'll never really be right again
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Shane's shooting star press?
Why is Vince hell bent on killing his company?
Roman must fuck him better than HBGay ever did.
roman prolly concussed another person he was wrestling. Botch monkey that he is.
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Berg only gets knocked out when Berg knocks himself out.

Or Russo hits him with dildo.
can you do one from the raw women's match?

charlotte hitting nia or them working against nia or something. also charlottes autistic attempt to high 5 them
>thinks Roman botched their instead of a man decomposing before our eyes
Any chance he'll do a Shooting Star Press next year?
That was the most beautiful corkscrew ever done, male or female.

CharGOAT is so underappreciated.
wait, he did this with cena? thought it was only during that one match with taker
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Based JBL laughing at Romanetty fucking up in the background
He probably gave Taker shit for that match all night BJBL
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Pretty much the same as the wimmens raw match kek
He's like those charging videogame bosses that you have to sidestep.
brock is the GOAT. marked out when he jumped over him because goldberg wasn't low at all
Cena was his first match since Taker and he was fun af during it
I think that was after an FU where he sat up and laughed
Or Bret Hart wears medieval armor to the ring under a sports jersey
oh wow that's bad. literally taught wtf is going on now I see that's a botch (didn't watch it but just saw the gif)
shit bro that's sad
I would imagine Lesner trained for such an event. Goldberg is known for just hurting people by fucking up and having no technique. Notice how the entire match is 2 moves over and over with no variety? Likely because it's the safest way for them to do it.
And Dunn missed it live.
>that look on Romans face

He knows taker is done at this point
Shane is a great seller
Need webm of steph's ass jiggle during Trips entrance
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>he thinks that was selling

Jesus I didn't realize Sheamus caught a leg right across the face

she didn't even look back once she climbed the turnbuckle. she just glared at them as she was getting on the apron like "you fucking airheads better be in position in like 5 seconds"

is dirty deeds the most protected finisher now?
that's gonna be brouge kick. i think only 4 people ever kicked out of it.
damn you're right
shooting star is the absolute GOAT move in wrestling. the fact that shane pulled it off instantly made it MOTY.
Charlotte's corkscrew moonsault?
Cena, Orton, DBry and The Massive Canine
Shut the fuck up. People like you are legit retarded. You parrot a bunch of nonsense to make such stupid shitty points.

Undertaker destroyed his body for 30 years? Doing what? The fucker did more damage to himself in the gym than he ever did in the ring. Stop with your stupid bullshit. Don't even try to compare him, like he was some hardcore wrestling doing insane spots for a living. He barely left his feet for the majority of his career.
Yeah, those over the top rope leaps onto your own forehead are real easy on a 300 lb 6'8" man.

Also, tombstones and oldschools and chairshots oh my
Per usual.
He had general wear and tear on his body. Pro wrestling will take a toll on your body. He had a groin pull at the HIAC match with Foley and got burned by pyro once..
>tfw smarks doubted this match

One of the best matches that night.
Based BMAJ. Based Shan-o-Mac.

Looked like a fish flopping out of water in that webm. Nearly the entire roster must be great sellers to you.
Do you not understand that is intentional? Do you think Shane couldn't do all of these moves without the comic flailing if he wanted to? Shane has always been the middle manager son who's not quite up to his Dad's standards but tries any way. As such he shows off and does over the top silly things while seeming inept.

Shane is absolutely fantastic at what he does.
>Botch monkey
Reigns very rarely makes mistakes. You think Taker would have his last match with someone he didnt trust?
>Do you not understand that is intentional?

It looks like shit was my point. Perhaps too subtle for you. The rest of your post is honestly irrelevant nonsense.

You are literally retarded

Its not just about what moves you do its also what moves you take
Getting slammed about every day will take its toll

Look how bad Hogan is fucked up
Nice argument. It looks so retarded it was by far the best match of Wrestlemania, partly because Shane comes off as being less comedic than usual and got serious.
>Nice argument.

Try being able to construct one before dissing mine. AJ vs Shane being the best match of WM is not a fact, nor would that mean his selling was good.
Don't forget wrestling an entire match with a broken ankle.
you do realize he didn't always work part time right? you fucking kids only see these old guys as they are now and don't have a fucking clue what they used to do
It's hard to do mistakes when you use less moves than a Pokemon.
based undertaker intentionally making roman look bad to save us from three more years of wrestlemania main events
>Taking it on the knees

Then he seems to have bumped into the camera
Can't have been nice
You have a 6 hour Wrestling show, the biggest of the year and across the whole thing you ask for a high five attempt
To ALL marks,smarks and fans who think either Roman botched or Taker botched here it is explained by someone who understands ... to accomplish the tombstone reversal they were going for requires BOTH workers to time it perfectly. Not only is the timing need to be perfect but the guy BENDING backward needs to be able to actually arch their back. So you could see Taker was struggling to get Roman up to start it, then at this point Romans waist is already behind Takers shoulder when it needed to be in front of it so when Taker leans back and Romans feet hit they are both in the correct timing for the hopeful momentum to work right at the correct pivot point, so Taker pushes up juat enough that all the momentum they both just generated works correctly. So because of this essential DUAL BOTCH one can say it was him only or him only. Now their are circumstances like Brock and Cena or whoever that have LEGIT brute power to compensate a lack of momentum or flexibility to perform it. The absolute bottom line is that in no way shape or from should they have used that form of reversal. Taker doesnt have the flexibility required at his age and Roman didnt have the knowledge or skills to perform it correctly. It is one of the hardest reversals to perform fluidly because of how AWKWARD the movement is. I know you all will most likely call me every troll name conceivable but to truly understand why they BOTH BOTCHED the move, you have to understand the physics behind it.
Shane doing a fucking Shooting Star Press at fucking 47 YEARS OLD and doing it AFTER all the other shit he did all match is absolutely Incredible!! doing a backflip but pushing forward to do it moving forward is such a contradicting feeling to your mind and body to grasp.
Exactly. Basedburg putting an asterisk next to Lesnars victory

>Wow, it took 3 attempts, 13 years, and me injuring myself for you to beat me
Is that WebM supposed to prove anything? Corbin sold nothing particularly well
MOTN for me. Oddly enough, this was the only match that kept me on the edge of my seat for some weird reason. I guess the crowd was really into it and the story surrounding the match made it more exciting.
No it wasn't you faggot. It was mediocre
I'm just glad that it was a lot better than their first wrestlemania match.
If I were Corbin, I would legit hold a grudge that Ambrose ruined my first Wrestlemania
Based Shane, knew him and AJ would put on MOTN.
Kek he won the ARMBAR mate
Man I sort of stopped looking, it was too cringey and not really fair on either performer.
For Reigns, it's a botch that I knew everyone would shit on him for. For Taker, it's a botch that leaves a nasty mark on a Mani match
>Romanetty marks damage control how shit in the ring he really is
Huh, let's see here.

Roman, 4 years on main roster:
Striking (solid punches)
Ballerina punch
Samoan drop
Roll-up powerbomb
Triple powerbomb
Black tiger bomb

Undertaker, 30 years on main roster:
Striking (Same as Roman)
Soup bones (corner strikes)
Snake Eyes
Turnbuckle-aided "last ride"
Hell's Gate

Now let's use a few more people to expand our horizons:

Shitty looking right hands
Rope-hung DDT
A thousand variations of resthold, all of which are named head or chin lock

Ric Flair:
Chop block
Dick punch
I'm fine no I'm not
I'm going to climb this turnbuckle they'll never counter this

Thesz Press and Punch
Fuck You and Punch
Punch you in corner until you fall and then kick you

Weird, seems the guy with no moves does the same amount of moves as the guys with lots of moves.
You made a Taker moves list without including Old School, or his Arm Wrench he used to do. That's all I needed to read desu.

You don't know shit senpai, and I'm pretty sure you quoted the wrong person too. I don't even hate Reigns either, think his in ring work is fine now honestly, fits well within the WWE roster. Maybe it's because I've seen too much of him but eh
Austin also had:
>Vertical Suplex
>Running middle finger Elbow
>Sleeper Hold

Yeah, i like Austin. Don't bully me please.
I only used moves Taker still does. Sure, over the course of 30 years he's also done

Blatant chokes
throat thrusts
Big Boot
Top rope suicide dive
Actual last ride
That arm wrench lift you mentioned
elbow drop
a litany of little used submission/rest holds
Knee and fist drops

But again, the same could be said of anyone else on that list, moves come and go. My point is for someone who hasn't been around terribly long, he uses just as many moves as any other member of the roster (AJ and Cena when facing one another and only one another aside)
He did knock the Shane the fuck out at Survivor Series and gave him a concussion with that Spear.
b-b-but Roman has the worst spear in the g-g-g-game, even worse than E-e-edges, heheheh

>/asp/ in a single sentence
Wait, are you shitting on my post, or just /asp/ in general.

I mean, even if it was a botch, I still enjoyed seeing Shane get KTFO at Survivor Series. [spoiler]Serves him right for cucking Corbin out of his spot on the team. I bet he told Kalisto to kayfabe injure Corbin as part of his plan to be in the team.[/spoiler]
Singles nigga, use your peanut, knucklehead
It's not his first Mania though however you want to spin it
the board in general. That was a GOAT spear up there with Goldberg ending Nunzio's life.
>yfw even Goldberg called it a debacle
>Roman can't fucking lift an old worn man

He should be able to lift even DEAD WEIGHT.

Is there anything this lunatic won't do to himself in the name of a good show?
Could I get a webm of Naomi giving Bliss a wedgie when she threw her in the ring towards the end of the match
Have there been webm's from recent ppv's? I barely see shit posted
I don't know how he does it at that age
First time I saw this I didn't see the leg connect with shamus' face and thought he fucked up
I don't think they actually knew this was supposed to be a big moment.
I'm pretty sure Taker knocked his fucking head again. Guy's gotten a hell of a lot less lucky with age. He's taken too many blows to the head by now.
Nah it's santinos cobra
Fuck, I want Cena V Taker so bad

>it will never happen because of this botchfest
>kill me
Fucking same, though I'm pretty sure that leg went down on his neck.

Should be glad he's got a windpipe.
You forgot Big Show.
Either way they both took the hits well great match in general. Glad the Hardy's came out rather than the new day
Trevor M. here... It wasn't mediocre, I can't even find something wrong with this particular corkscrew.
Caesaro would have done it. Push him instead.

Hell, have him do the spot on roman.
He would have had his last match with someone vince trusts, because its vinces say.

Hence why he was in there with a B- player like Roman, Vince demanded it.
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>you will never get hit by Charlotte's corkscrew moonsault and then when she lands you fuck her in missionary position
Do you really see them putting Cesaro against Taker
based beeg
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I love Brock Lesnar, and I want you to love him, too.

Holy fuck that was literally perfect
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>reddit and /asp/ pop for this backyard garbage

Wow look at all that talent on display there
She lands on her feet, she probably could have landed a gymanstics still landing if you she wanted to.
Your webm stutters
I reckon if he caught it we might have seen more of Brock use Taker powers in future matches.
>B-but Roman is strong
CuckMan Punk did it
I want social Bork back

who had the best entrance at Mania?
They were all lacking imo
I think it's neat to see some yardtardness once in a while
Charlotte's was pretty good, threw me right back to flairs WM entrance. The spin, the pyro and the cloak etc.
Triple H's was a bit meh, he's really pulling everything out to try and better his gimmick of having a "cool" entrance at every mania. Got to see steph in biker gear though, so that was great.
Roman had a nice touch with the pyro going down the ramp when he did his little ground punch, but the rest of it was just a walk down.
Honestly, i agree, pretty much all of em were lacking, Charlottes was probably the best one that night.
holy fuck did brock skip leg day back then
Loved that moment, one of my earliest wrestling memories
*slide whistle*
not that surprising, as jucied up as he is he's a fucking freak athlete, I remember his combine numbers were insane for his age when he tried NFL
None of the other womyn could of done that.
>he unironically buys into /asp/ memes
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Haitch Mania 32 .webm
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I wish they'd gone all out. Haitch's entrance at 30 was so good.
Honestly, how many men could even do that?
>all those replica belts

so they're not allowed to refer to it as the "belt" or "strap" because vince is afraid it will devalue the title, but it's ok to walk out with 10 replicas.
Triple H entrances make me cringe.
Christ why do moves like this when it's painfully obvious they're catching her
wrestling is fake btw
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I feel like the Pyro should have continued to the ring honestly
that's probably why she managed to actually landed. Had she looked at them she would have fucking tried to kill herself as usual
youre listing what are essentially signature moves. A guy like Ric Flair and Austin can work a match doing something else. Fuck compare him to Shawn Michaels or Bret, no two matches are the same formulaic shit, they can work a part.
>Boreman Reigns thieving Terry Bogard's Gimmick.

Just when I thought I couldn't boo the man any harder.
Man remember when she did this and Sasha barely catched her?
He was at least able to walk off this time. Watching him leave at WM30 is just difficult, the dude clearly has no fucking clue where he is and has trouble just standing up.
I don't think there's any way in hell he was actually gonna give him a Tombstone, they just wanted to fake it like he would.

If the idea was for Roman to actually give him a Tombstone, that's fucking insane and we should all thank god it didn't happen.
Man, remember when Brock matches were fun.
Dude's a 47 year old non-wrestler and he busted out a picture perfect Shooting Star Press after 20 minutes of wrestling, including a coast-to-coast drop kick and a flying elbow to a table.

Hats off, you crazy son of a bitch.
ANybody else feel like this spot would've been way cooler if Ambrose had gone straight into Dirty Deeds uninterrupted?
It's up there. Only people to kick out of it in a year are Lesnar and Cena.
Literally who
But he didn't post a match from 2003
Every cruiserweight in the company and Seth
I liked
>Sheamus and Cesaro: Them wearing the same close is a pretty nice storytelling touch and shows how far they've come and the fire works were great.
>Bayley: I really liked the Macho Man robe.
>Bray: It wasn't anything different from his normal entrance but all those lights in the arena were just fucking cool to see.
>Jericho: It was just Jericho's standard Mania entrance with the countdown, but fuck it, I love Jericho's standard Mania entrance and the pop was huge.
>Cena: He ran the whole fucking thing, the madman.

I also like Sasha and Triple H's just because it feels pretty fitting that they're the only two characters to go "fuck this, I'm driving."
I'd say Naito seeing as Charlotte blatantly stole that move from him
Everyone's given Taker a tombstone at this point, it was probably the plan. Not like Taker would be in position to reverse it had they made the transition

...Yeah okay that was pretty good.
>"So this is what it's like at your level"
>Kurt immediately corpses

Brock Lesnar is a treasure
Brock is unironically gold when he does something on his own without much scripting.
so, after 20 something years and a match like this in his twilight years of being a NON wrestler.

We can safely say Shane is a fucking madman who can actually work a match.
>Shane crashing his head on concrete.webm
mom; "thats really funny sweety!"
carter; "THANKS MOM!"
>not everyone
cmon bud stop trying to look cool for /asp/
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