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>Last night’s episode of WWE Monday Night Raw on USA Network, the live and same-night DVR viewership Nielson rating was 2.12. That is below last week’s rating of 2.21, below the 2017 average headed into this week of 2.20, and below the ten week rolling average headed into this week of 2.23.

>The viewership went down each hour, starting at 3.163 million, then 3.117 million, and finally 2.866 million. The drop from the first to third hour was 297,000, a little more than the average for 2017 of 236,000. The show built to a Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman main event.

>The rating a year ago was 2.44. This year’s rating is 13 percent below last year’s rating the same week, which is in line with the average drop off so far in 2017. The yearly average a year ago through this week was 2.55. The yearly average, as noted above, so far in 2017 is 2.20. That’s also a 13 percent drop off in live and same night DVR viewership.


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>Smack will officially beat RAM this week again
Jesus christ and this is 2 weeks away from Mania.

Raw is gonna fall off a fucking cliff this summer.
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it's fine, business will pick up after roman retires taketty
Get the belt back on Owens ASAP.
>People tune in for the chants
>RAM is so boring even their sextapes can't get the crowd excited
>People tune out

Holy shit
Fucking Braun Shitman killing the ratings. Glad Roman and Carder buried his ass
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The sextape leaks got me to tune in. Imagine how low the ratings would be without those leaks??

Paige's asshole confirmed draw, Roman confirmed anti-draw.
All this proves is the Paige's buttplug is as much of a draw as expected.
Fuck off Colby
based fstalker is living in your head complete FREE of RENT
I only checked the results this week because I wanted to see if people chanted about paige. I find it amazing that 3 million people spend three hours watching a show that has ten minutes worth of terrible storyline progression.
Roman beats Braun and ratings plummet off a cliff. Braun was the last draw on Raw and they fed him to Roman "suckin dick" Reigns.
This guy Roman has complete go away heat. Not like between a good guy wanting to beat a bad guy , this guy just needs to get off the tv. He has zero Chrisma, his facial expressions are cringe . No one likes him , it's obvious.
>Roman "suckin dick" Reigns
The absolute state of your lack of bantz
The leaks are done you can go now r/squaredcircle
no mass amount of people are tuning in for chants and something that has nothing to do with the product. girl isnt even on tv.

the product is bad.
Suck my clit, Roman!!! God I fucking hate you!!!!!
As with the fall of the Roman Empire, the fall of Roman's career will be long, costly and leave a lasting negative impact.
>liking Oreowens

>caring about Jasethy

>hating on record revenue reigns
Reddit hasn't gotten the memo yet
>i-it's everyone else that is killing the ratings, n-not my bae Roman!!1!


You have to go back
>Put Roman in the main event
>People just turn ofd


When is Romans contract up?
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>the level of samefagging in this thread
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>H-how dare you make fun of my precious Roman g-go b-back to R-reddit

The fucking state of Record Low Ratings Roman's faggot fanboys.
>imgur filename
Shoo shoo redditor
BBD claims another smark's sanity
fucking kek fedoraman is sperging out ITT
>Raw gets Taker, Michaels, Goldberg, Brock, etc, all to advertise their show
>All to sustain a 3.0

>Smackdown sustaining and even flourishing at times with just it's core roster, no guests

If the rumours are true and AJs victory at Manoa secures him a transfer to Raw, WWE has officially cut off it's nose to spite its face. All these big names brought in to save Raw and it's failing
If they put Roman over Taker (which they're going to) and then continue to push Roman as if he's adored by fans (which they're going to) and then have him get the title back... How long until Raw is pulling ratings in the 1.0's? Idk why the fuck anybody is still watching it even now aside from jericho. Every week I try to watch and end up turning it off after about an hour.
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>Record revenue Reigns vs Braun "proven" Drawman

>only does a pitiful 2.12

>furiously sperging out from computer and phone
>2 weeks to Wrestlemania
>The two guys in the main event skip a RAW
>The champion even skipped last week
What the fuck even IS this road to Wrestlemania? The only programs being built properly and given time to grow were Bray/Orton, Shane/AJ, and Owens/Jericho. And none of those are the main events
BBD making them seethe yet again
how does he do it
BBDWTS: the thread

Try not to break your phone in a spastic fit of rage, I know Roman tanking the ratings yet again has gotten you on edge.
kek fedoraman now claiming everyone is a samefag - the sign of a spluttering seething mess
This. Vince was able to make these kinds of calls before, but he's too fucking stubborn anymore to realize that a far less liked Cena is not who you hang your company on.
>his blood is boiling because he knows
>he has been worked by BBD
>you've been shilling your shitty catchphrase for over a year now
>still hasn't gotten over
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>BBD even managed to trigger Carter enough to make him post his defeated stock-reply image

I've said it numerous times now, but a 4 month shoulder injury or some shit would benefit Reigns. He'd get off TV for a bit, people would get over him a little, and it'd give Reigns time to polish his mic work. Hell, they could even repackage him a little. Having "Roman Wins LOL" every week is as annoying as Super Cena was between 2009 and 2012, only Reigns doesn't have the babyface charisma to pull it off.
Kek, surprised Fedoraman can samefag this hard considering how seething with rage he is. Those fat greasy fingers must be trembling over the Airplane Mode option between every post.
Reminder that Roman Ratingskiller is only over ironically with obese neets who like him because "le plebbit" doesn't like him.
F-fuck you

Based b-b-big dog w-working the s-smarks!!
But WWE got record revenue last year
Meltz even confirmed that he, Orton and AJ are the only three.

Damn you're blowing yourself out FOR me.
Reminder that the guy samefagging in this thread is a lone anti-Roman autist from /wooo/ who got btfo there so bad that he shitposts here to deal with the stress
I have never seen any(One) get THIS mad before.
How the fuck does the big dog do it? BBD is guaranteed (You)'s and guaranteed views.
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>wrestling fans finally realising that tuning in every monday for three hours to watch one of the worst shows on television is a complete waste of their time and they could be doing a thousand other activities which are more constructive
>guaranteed views.
Apparently, not really.
wtf his hands are so tiny
>Meltz even confirmed that he, Orton and AJ are the only three.
>Who is the biggest full time draw
>I don't there is one but

Then the first reply is fucking NEETwo talking about his compiled evidence
Only two of those are me.
Nobody gives a fuck about Roman Reigns the Ratings Killer apart from 1 (one) (ONE) autistic phoneposter.
Do you legit have autism
You literally have no banter skills whatsoever
>those tiny hands
wtf I hate Trump now
>guaranteed views
did you mean to say "guaranteed views going down"?

Based Big Dave Meltzer living rent free in NWO Wolfcucks head.
And it was still the number two show on cable last night, so....
>informed they are getting worked
>still get worked


>Nobody gives a fuck about Roman Reigns the Ratings Killer apart from 1 (one) (ONE)
>(one) (ONE)

Holy fuck u mad
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>1 (one) (ONE)
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>Love triggering my frustrated haters on 4Chan. Y'all jealous I'm so fucking based + scared to confront me on here cause I'll BTFO you cucks.
I AM -----FUMING-----
>Just kidding. In reality I don't give 4Chan the time of day but for well over year everytime I Google my name they're talking about me. sad!
>nWoWolfpacTV @nWoWolfpacTV Mar 20
>Just kidding. In reality I don't give 4Chan the time of day but for well over year everytime I Google my name they're talking about me. sad!

That's a lie and a half, holy shit.
This needs a thread desu, WOLFPACTV VS /ASP/
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I really fucking hate how this site has become so mainstream. I've seen this guy, Boogie and Pewdiepie all make direct references to 4chan and talk about being on here within the past week.
Stop samefagging your own twitter you ain't fooling anybody nobody even knows who you are.

Ratings don't matter anymore. Anybody who thinks they do is an Attitude Era KEK
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WolfpacTV will be added to the Wrestlemania main event turning it a Fatal 4-Way
Who was worse as the top guy Luger or Ramen?


seth rollins
I like you.
Not true. Ratings weren't this bad with Rollins and people liked him more than Roman Stains

Yes because BBD leaving would only do bad things to WWE
I don't think this guy counts as mainstream.
You started the trend and you know it Colby
This. neetWo is an anti-smark that even /asp/ laugh at.
>Wolfpakwhatever posts on twitter talking about 4chan
>Gets no replies
>Posts his tweets directly on /asp/ to get attention.
This guy is kinda pathetic, even by this board's standards.
Snackdown shits on RAW
Remove third hour.
The fact that WWE can make two more compelling feuds in a KFC commercial that make more sense than Taker versus Roman starts to suggest that Roman might be the issue here.
Nwogodpac is above this board
Don't forget that there was not a room full of monkey writers and Vince micromanaging everything when those KFC bits were made.
How does it feel knowing Braun probably got chewed out for Romanetty's record low?
He definitely posts on /wew/ cause there was a guy named MemberBerriesTV arguing about Nash there a while back.
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>braun jobs to ramen
>loses aura after backing down from undercarder
>gets blamed for low ratings segment with anti-charisma """"samoan""""

Life is hell for Strowman
>Triphammer is gone from /asp/ permanently
>as soon as this happens, nWoWolfpactv calls out /asp/

hello colby
you're a flop
>writers are at fault
>blame the wrestler
>neetwolf saying 4chan instead of asp
Not only he's a decrepit old bong, he's also a newfag
>I'll BTFO you haters
>While deleting any comments that hurt his feelings on youtube

What a fucking cuck
>50 year old virgin telling others to get pussy

>muh record revenue
>muh record low ratings

WWE will be dead in 5-10 years
I don't know if it's just a joke that everyone's on or if people actually choke on Roman's cock while writing those responses over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
Either way, it's become boring by now.
That lil guy isn't above much, he finna only 5'7"
Bring back 3mb
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>People in the thread blame Roman
>Raw champ over the past 6 months has been an obese, indie smark darling and an old, nostalgic smark darling.

? ? ? ? ?
maybe as many people just aren't watching television as they were in the past
Who is he again? Just some iwc personality?
Roman has been the main focus of the show and you fucking know it.
do an ama wolfcuck
>old, nostalgic smark darling
i thought smarks called him a part timer, or have we moved on from that yet
God shut the fuck up. Ever since I started hearing all of the criticisms of Roman Reigns, which I'll admit are valid, but way overblown, I've found the internet fanbase to be absolutely insufferable and the main reason why pro wrestling is dying IMO.

Ratings are dropping because casual fans have left in droves and it's due to you spergs. Learning all about the ins and outs of wrestling and being enough of an utter cancer of a fanbase at live events hijacking the show has nearly killed it. Forcibly pushing your most boring, flippyshit wrestlers.

Daniel Bryan and his numale, cuck of a fanbase is very close to ending wrestling being the slightest bit close to relevant anymore.
>the fans are responsible for the product sucking

loving every laugh
Compare the ratings from the past to now when indie smark darlings are signed and featured on the show. Or when fans took over the show. The fanbase is now flatout cancerous and have driven out casuals.
>Blaming the fanbase
>When the booking and overall product is abject ass

Fuck outta here man. Sitting through 3 hour Raw's are damn near impossible. Cruiserweights have a death slot for their main show. Smack is great, but has its faults and an incredibly bare bones roster.

A passionate fanbase is practically a license to print money, but when you actively go against the grain and spite them because they don't endorse your focus tested, casual appeasing bullshit it's no wonder ratings are in perpetual free fall.
pushed and watched by smarks, totally stupid idea

>Smack is great
B-show, not what's gonna make the company, who cares. Filled with all but one or two wrestlers that are charisma vacuums, largely beloved by smarks

>a passionate fanbase is practically a license to print money

You're again ignoring the declining ratings. These smaller, smarkier fanbases are not gonna generate much revenue with their NEET bux. Specialization is clearly inferior for the WWE vs. appealing to a casual audience. It always has been throughout their history.

Hard to do so when every time the camera pans over to the crowd it's a bunch of fat numales. Do you forget that they drove the push of the longest tag-team champs in WWE history aka a tag team of anime loving nerds with an MLP-tier titantron as they pranced out wearing unicorn horns that would light up?

Faggy as fuck. I mean, yeah man, that'll totally bring in the casuals. That's a license to print money! Watch out UFC!!

>Roman "suckin dick" Reigns.

Paige is going to be heated that he stole her gimmick.


>The absolute state of your lack of bantz

The state of your understanding of the State of X meme.

The difference is that the original Roman Empire lasted a long time on its own and enjoyed great success over long stretches.
brock and goldberg are main eventing mania and neither were on the show
Is this whole thread just 2 people arguing ?
Your typical anti-smark contrarian sad!
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Smacklads and Nintenbros

>product belonging to genre which thrives on being rough around the edges goes PG
>surprised when it's a confused mess of a product that nobody wants to watch

This isn't a problem with the actors who are playing the characters on the TV. This is a problem with retarded direction and a company culture that should be blue collar as fuck trying to be all corporate office in order to """clean up their image""" (AKA put a big hole in the side of their ship).
WWE went PG nearly a decade ago.

The current massive ratings drop began just over 2 years back.
Fans began leaving in droves JUST after Reigns won the Royal Rumble.


Steve Austin was an indy darling of his era.


big attraction brock working the weekly smarks
>Steve Austin was an indy darling of his era.
This tryhard revisionism

Indie darling means becoming popular in the mains by generating interest and support in the indies and carrying it over. That is completely not what Austin did. There was no grass roots fanbase following him from WCW into WWF and sticking with him through the Ringmaster. Austin's success was his own mindset and work ethic, the spot on booking of his matches and gimmick, and the fact that he wanted to stick it to WCW so badly that Vince was able to trust his loyalty and build him into a main eventer.
You know what's really depressing?

Year-by-year comparisons.

RAW March 16 2015:
>Hour #1: 3.88m
>Hour #2: 3.96m
>Hour #3: 3.91m
>Average: 3.91m

RAW March 21 2016:
>Hour #1: 3.44m
>Hour #2: 3.41m
>Hour #3: 3.31m
>Average: 3.39m

RAW March 20 2017:
>Hour #1: 3.16m
>Hour #2: 3.12m
>Hour #3: 2.87m
>Average: 3.05m
Austin got over AF in ECW and the MSG crowd going BANANA! for him at Survivor Series 1996 was instrumental to his success.


Jeff Jarrett worked his tail off and became an interesting wrestler we worked a match gimmick match and he was a swell fella
They tried this last year with his nose injury and it didn't work.

Granted it was only a couple of weeks but it's the same concept.

Reigns was losing overness even before his original injury in 2014.

He just isn't the guy, brother.
Pure revisionism.

Trying to say that Austin's super-over years were down to a grassroots following in Philadelphia is just jokes. You don't even believe that yourself.

When the WWE wants to bring in the stars from an era where people used to actually give a shit about wrestling, what years were these stars generally most active in wrestling? Is it 2009-2014?

An empire might appear to collapse overnight, but that's never how it actually plays out. They make a long series of severe missteps over the years, and keep pushing along like there's no problem. There are lesser signs of decline, then suddenly, the foundation finally takes enough of a beating that it all comes tumbling down.

After WCW's demise, WWE got progressively arrogant and lazy. Repeatedly caving to pressure from sponsors in a shortsighted cash grab is what set the clock ticking against them. Soon, they're going to be so broke that making a comeback would be nothing short of a miracle. I also have to wonder how those sellout bucks are coming along with their ratings plummeting like they are. Do you think that they have more or less negotiating power with sponsors than they did in 1999?
I stated facts.

You shrieked "revisionism".
The only difference between 2001-2008 and 2008-present is the letter in the upper-corner. WWE has been a creative mess since Austin turned heel.

>the product has been unwatchably awful for nearly 16 years
>somehow le PG rating is the reason for the constant ratings decline

2001-2008 weren't PG either and they still bled out ratings.
Roman could quit tomorrow morning and it would not matter a shit to WWE's bottom line. There are no stars, only the brand. They made it that way. They want it that way.
Wait, what facts do you think you stated?
Austin got over from smarks.
>FStalker thinks Austin got over in ECW
He was working dark matches until he feuded with Bret
That is an opinion. The facts would be evidence to prove this opinion.

Also, the discussion was about whether he was an indie darling, ie: he got big by cultivating support in the indies which carried him when he entered the WWF.

So far, we have heard that ECW created Austin, which is not true because there was no fan obsession over him when he appeared as the Ringmaster. And second, that "he did really well at survivor series" which is, you know, one of the main PPVs for the WWF and so as far away from being indie as it is possible to be in wrestling.
Look up where Survivor Series took place, dummy.

>won KOTR
>"dark matches"

lol Bretkek embarrassing himself in every thread

Apparently last year was a record year for revenue for them. As usual with Vince, if nothing else (and it likely IS nothing else), he's an effective businessman. Their TV contract also apparently increases in money until it expires. And wrestling shows are REALLY easy ratings for networks. Just look how goddamn awful TNA was for SO FUCKING LONG before they finally sucked hard enough for Spike to drop them. So the WWE could actually get a fatter TV contract for ever more hours of glorified filler and pablum per week.

But after that contract is a question mark. The Network was a success and subscription streaming stuff like that is the Hip New Thing, so they aren't without options. But how many people who don't watch at least one of the weekly cable shows somewhat consistently are going to buy the Network. As ratings inevitably continue to fall at least until Vince finally fucking dies, will there be a viewer base big enough, especially at the end of the next TV contract they sign, to support the company on?

Especially when, given the relative ease of distributing and selling wrestling content nowadays compared to yesteryear, there is no shortage of other options for people who actually LIKE pro wrestling and don't appreciate being insulted by dogshit writing and booking every fucking week?
Look up which promotion stages Survivor Series, dummy.

>WWF Big 4 PPV
>helps to create an indie darling

There are literally only three events every year that are LESS indie than survivor series.
>b-but he won KOTR
his next PPV matches were against Marc Mero, Yokozuna in a dark match at Summerslam, and then no one at all

I suppose copying me is the only time you can delude yourself into thinking you're clever, since you clearly don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about.
He also wrestled HHH on an IYH.

Summerslam was on the pre-show.

dumb Bretkek
That revenue is owed primarily to a deal signed in 2014.

AKA 1 year before the Reigns push killed the ratings.

>effective businessman

>Steve Austin was an indy darling of his era.
You fucking mong.
>Reigns was losing overness even before his original injury in 2014.
Revisionist history
He was still getting big pops every week then
You thought that Survivor Series helped to create "an indie darling". You argued yourself into a corner with that move and now you are flinging insults to try and back out. Very classless.

You can watch his SummerSlam contest where he cools the crowd in favour of impotent heel Orton.

And then there's the TV match against Rollins where he splits the crowd.
HHH at IYH was after the Bret feud started :^)
Nope. You didn't understand what I said.


In tears.
Was that before or after Hart returned and responded?
>Be 2017
>have dozens of billion dollar commercial sponsors
>have illuminati friends
>weebs still think ratings matters

Kek, WWE is Rich now and can do whatever they want ....cuz Vince got dem mad BIDNESS SKEELZ
Why is that depressing?
>lost nearly 1 million viewers
Face it - you thought that you could gain a few chin-stroking smark points by giving a contrarian opinion and got called on it.

Austin was by definition not "an indie darling": when he was in the indies he was no-one's darling; when he became everyone's darling, he wasn't in the indies.
Austin was a darling in ECW and, to a lesser extent, WCW. The cult following from this contributed greatly to him being so over in MSG which lead on to him being so over in Allstate.

Can you read or do you need me to draw a diagram?

>you thought that you could gain a few chin-stroking smark points

kek I like how you keep getting more neurotic.
>A-Austin was an indy darling too
He was in WCW for most of the time before WWF, but WCW was pretty outlaw back then
And no he didnt get more over in ECW

>trying to compare Austin to IWC flavor of the months
>losing consumers isn't bad

Contrarian or just dumb-as-fuck?
I'm not a Stamford Wife, so I don't give a fuck about their self inflicted troubles
WCW was the wealthiest promotion. It was the opposite of indie.

Austin brought no momentum with him when he arrived as Ringmaster. And all the momentum he built with the stone cold gimmick was achieved within the WWF, which is not indie.

Your attempt to make a contrarian point backfired and your posts are becoming increasingly flappy. Calm down, and try to find facts to back up your personal theory if you want to get it over.
>2.x ratings
Jesus Christ almighty WWE, lift your damn game.
You got blown out my friend
Actually, you got BTFO. Stay worked until you turn 18+ kid.
>literally holding back tears
ya seefin lil boi
ya boilin
the state of Carder
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RAWtists btfo
you knowi t's honestly not fair to raw at all

the last big drawing star they had was completely sidelined by injuires ( danial bryan) and they just couldn;t make a new star in time
WWE didn't even want to make Bryan. And they even tried using him to "make" Reigns even though it was clear he was done for even by then.

>y-you're uh-uh-upset

(you) lost
Gross or net?

>crediting the entire company revenue to 1 guy
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Didn't you say how depressed you were about it?
good posts
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small ratings roman does it again!
Thread posts: 190
Thread images: 19

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