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>1 9 Y E A R S. O L D.

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>1 9 Y E A R S. O L D.
wtf i hate puberty now
W T F am doing with my life?

>Tfw 20 and just failed college

Inb4 back2r9k.
What the fuck? That shit already started and ended? Wasn't it just announced a few weeks ago?
Is that Shane Douglas Hard Gay?
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>tfw 24 years old.
>tfw stuck in a dead end job.
>tfw can't grow facial hair.

Fuck you WWE, why are you making me have these feels?
He looks 35, shit is this nigga gay? He looks like a fag.
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And suddenly this turned into a /r9k/ thread
I thought the rule was no signees under 21 after the Paige crash and burn.
there was a text leaked of him trying to hook up with a trans woman and he talked about how much he loved transgendered women. i dont know if id qualify that as gay though.
>likes dick
>not gay

low T nu-male cucks everyone!
>likes dick
>last name Bate

lol I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me guys
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>5 fucking 7
>smaller than the crusierwait champion
>the state of Yuropoors
Britain left, they don't count anymore.
And I'm almost thirty one, broken and busted, physically incapable of shit and going nowhere. Sometimes my hobbies make this so unerringly clear.
At least I have shitposting!
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>all these people actually being bothered by this revelation.
His gay power level is over 9000.
he looks 30ish in the photoshopped left pic but in the live pic with Haitch you can tell he is a young manlet homosexual

who booked this cuck to win WWE or some UK indy shitter promoter?

Before you say WWE how the fuck would they know who should win?
how do you fail college at 20 didn't you just start it
>jacked on steroids
he looks like your average highschool footballer who fell for ss meme
looks like james ellsworth but without the it factor
pretty sure the whole tourney was a shoot
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>5'7 175 wins a UK open weight shoot tournament
you give the average high school football player way too much credit

most of them are fucking geeks
It was held yesterday and the day before.
Doesn't surprise me he's a manlet, I hardly ever see anyone above 6 foot here in Britain
>thinking that pathetic body is steroid fueled
Don't be jealous, fatty
>YWN have a gf like Cathy Kelly
Why even live, lads?
she is his gf huh.
No, but she probably wants his manlet D now he's a champ and has an English accent that for some reason American women cream themselves over.

>he talked about how much he loved transgendered women

>is dating cathy kelly

really makes you think.
>tfw 22
>lost job at xmass
>gf trying to help me get a job at her place (fucking MD)
>keep getting rejected yet they keep telling her they will sort it and to reapply
>just want a job cause days are nothing but endless drag

at least I can grow hair tho so fuck you faggot
What's the percentage of /asp/ that uses this shithole and wrasslin in general to avoid real life?
good for him, im glad he is doing his thing
wh-what did she use to take the pic?
>He doesn't have a camera attached to his head in the CURRENT YEAR

How come his moustache is older than him?
It's a family heirloom.
>hardly anyone over 6 foot
Do you live in Bradistan or something? Entire north of England is 6 footers
The more important question is what will happen to Tyler Breeze?
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>only on a one hour a week show on internet tv
>big money contract
Worked for Noam didn't it?
>big money contract
>not Gnome-ing the meme
this lad has quads the size of everest fuck me
lmfao how tall is he
This probably makes a lot of 18-25 years old fans feel bad about their lifes and broken dreams. I don't think that this has been a good decision. However, the tournment has been great, the champion is talented, the matches just amazing and, in conclusion, a good show for the fans. WWE should do more tournments as this or CWC
What's his gimmick?

I started when I was 18
Ha ha epic. Upvoted.
When does the weekly TV show start?
>Why even live, lads?
Mexican food?
Just do a comms major you retard
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>finally graduated yesterday
Unemployed since April 2015 and moved back in with parents.
No further education (got kicked out of college after 6 months when I was like 19).

You're not alone dude, some of us are also fuck-ups.
Is he like 4 feet tall? He looks like a 10 year old standing next to haitch

>B A S E D.

Best match of the year.
Are yuropoors now mexican/spic level short? Nigga looks 5 foot 2. AJ looks taller than this fuck.
Would taste her feet 24/7
at least you wont die at 45 by heart attack anon.
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