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Based Blissfu. Beckettyfags on suicide watch

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Based Blissfu. Beckettyfags on suicide watch
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we did it, reddit!
Cunt gets an abortion so she doesn't have to compete at No Mercy. Thank you based Bliss for legitimizing the belt.
Becketty picked the wrong time to get that abortion.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Wrestling is fake.
Truth is relative

The more you say it, and the more people see it, the more truthful it becomes.
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Shes a jew.
No, the more likely it is that very gullible and stupid people see it.
t. The ghost of Becky Lynch's aborted fetus.
>le edgy harley quinn rip off tiny girl for tiny dicks

Nia Jax is our girl here faggot
She's currently crying on Talking Smack cause her family was in the crowd. Face turn when?
No wonder JR hated her
Alexa is crying right now.
>le pig tails means Quinn rip off
Kids on 4chan are pretty stupid
I'm this context, yes it does you fucking idjit
They literally call her "the Harley Quinn of WWE" on television.
>wwe knowing anything about comic characters
Just because they said or doesn't make or true.
What, it's right fucking there, she did it when Suicide Squad was released
Oh yeah. A character is looks only. Nevermind she acts nothing like her.
It was all about the look
Are you stupid or something boy?
Was it about looks only? Well I'm btfo then.
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Taking a shower now my man.
I'll hit the weights after.

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>jigglin' jiggcow

Get a clue
but i was right about you have a tiny dick
just cus you can't hand that fart game
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You neowooaspies probably don't even know about the original blissfriend on /wwe/

Buncha idiots.

Are you on the spectrum?
no one cares about you tripfaggots
Didn't her underwear get exposed tonight
Yeah but they looked like period panties
I didnt like that she broke kayfabe on Talking Smack. It ruined my immersion
She pseudo broke kayfabe.

When asked about Becky she immediately went back to being a heel and dismissing Becky and refusing to give her credit for anything.
If anything, that made the segment even more ridiculous and transparent
Didn't bother me.
The comically evil mustache twirling heel personas that can't enjoy anything ever is far more ridiculous to me.
Can you explain how she did?
she was crying about her parents being in the crowd and kept apologizing to dbry and rene that she was crying. She also literally said "i didnt really think this could happen" It was weird she was a snivelling little bitch for half the segment then suddenly acted mean then suddenly said "thank you" and smiled sweetly at the end
So heels aren't allowed to show emotion now?
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based bliss working the smarks
>Reddit don't fawn over Bliss
Got some bad news for you. Every girl /asp/ picks has been claimed by reddit before besides Nikki
She's a woman, all those bitches do is cry. She's just following in the horsies footsteps
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Horses aren't the only animals who cry after winning titles.
Wow what a heel

Dumb piece of shit
You seem upset.
He was a face during his feud with Haitch
It adds to her character, it doesn't detract. They are building characters to have a wider base.

Let's see a couple of examples:

Carmella is cowardly, she will attack Nikki at every opportunity, she hates her for stealing her thunder at SummerSlam. But she won't také other's credit, because she is proud at what she does. She thinks she will hurt Nikki by exposing her not so nice attitudes and manners shown in Total Bellas (it's not very effective). She is scrappy, not really good in the ring, but she will také it to her opposition. And she won't lie about something, so far she was always telling the truth.
Other heel in the same division is Natalya. Nattie is a liar, not really a coward, but she will attack Nikki from behind to také her spot at Survivor Series, cause it's important match and it's in Canada. She thinks she is clver by quoting songs and motivational saying you can see on Instagram or Twitter. She loves her cat. And she is a veteran wrestler who knows is better than anyone else.
are you autistic or just dumb?
>implying Becky and Bayley aren't reddit incarnate with AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Nakamura, and Finn Balor

>implying Bliss isn't objectively anti-reddit in wrestler form
I thought the same, but she it seems okay since she was a recent call up already moved to the top. Her arrogance was still present when she btfo'd the lynch further on
Why is this board in such denial that bliss is a smark darling? Are you really that childish that you can't like anything popular?
>caring about plebbit

kill yourself
Try harder, wrestling nerd

hello, redditor *tips*
holy shit get plebbit's dick outta yo' mouth you pathetic loser
>obsessed with reddit more than the actual users of reddit
Which part of her is "anti-reddit"?

Her Harley Quinn outfit? Her saying "I can't even"? Her constant Disney references?
>Not liking our based BRAAAAPfu Nia "lotta mass, lotta ass and alotta gas" Jax
She is the WWE queen of farts for fucks sake
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Yuk fat
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Blissfags will be on suicide watch after she transitions the title to Nikki at the Rumble.
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>legitimizing the belt.

its basically a consolation prize, nothing but paper champions on SD

But, for a laugh, let the '4 feet of fury' keep the belt warm until real competition shows up
And Becky was the first Irish wrestler to hold it, whats their point?
>nothing but paper champions on SD
SEETHING rawcucks have no room to talk with their Intergalactic Title Belt
>Nothing but paper champions on SD
You mean the only World Title worth a damn in the company? Silly Rawtist.
Based Big Money Bliss!
She's more like a bucket of KFC than a woman.
Talking smack is kinda weirdly half kayfabe half not.

A few times they've referenced things like TNA and called people by their real names.
that is what women say to you yes
im trying to chat with them i think the link is broken.....
mushi mushi waifu desu
A sexy jew
Over hyped, over pushed, over weight. Where's a 'piggy jax' angle when we need one?
I require proof
I am just gonna say it.

Bliss is the hottest in WWE right now. Maryse is porn hot but Bliss is spin on my dick hot.
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