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Based Steph

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>McMahon told NBC OUT her organization is committed to inclusive storytelling going forward.

>"We will integrate LGBT characters into our programming ... and I do think there will be an opportunity to integrate some of those storylines in the near future," she said.

>Through its partnership with GLAAD, an LGBT media advocacy organization, WWE is also prioritizing sensitivity in their writers' room.

>"We've had GLAAD come in and speak to our entire writing team and give a whole tutorial on sensitivities, the right words, the wrong word [and] why those words matters," she explained. "I think that with their guidance and support, we will be able to portray that [LGBT storyline] appropriately."
>We will integrate LGBT characters into our programming

Seth is gonna be replaced :"(
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>tfw Vince purposefully approves only the wrong words
Fuck this gay Earth.
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Either Seth or Finn will he the first bisexual champion

JUST start spamming gay jasethy gifs
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Bigoted AJ gimmick when?
Only Trumpets don't like this
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(You) loook sooooooo

good to me
My fucking sides

Didnt they already try this when they had that jobber dress like a woman and win the woman rumble or something like that. The cucks flipped out, and now they will applaud another chyna destrying everybody
Are they trying to kill the business? Do they not care? Why do they want literal flippy faggots? Do they not know that SJWs don't give a shit? Fuck me, please God let Vince live a long life.
Pushing Darren Young is enough torture anything more on my TV I'm might have to quit WWE and pick up NJPW and the various indies I follow full time.
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>tfw BMJ's retirement match he loses to a literal fag
It's over, this is how WWE dies. It was a good run lads
So many bigots and homophobes in here, wow.

Only someone under 18 would be so immature and hateful
SummerSlam 13 was when the WWE died
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>tfw No Way Jose becomes Black Lives Matter Jose
Does it bother anyone else how Darren Young humps every opponent he pins?
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Only someone under 18 would actually believe there's an evolutionary gene for gays.
Faggots are not entertaining, it would be pure cringe and bad television. Fuck off
Why do the NEED to integrate a LGBT character? Why can't Darren Young just be Bob Backland's student... oh yeah and he's gay, the end.
Or bring back Golddust. Shattered Dreams was over as fuck
Yeah evolution is all just bullshit
Imagine being HHH

So alpha at the start,

but now so henpecked and cucked. Poor guy.

I'd rather be a relatively poor casual viewer.
Evolution is a mystery.
I predicated there is going to be a tranny diva eventually.


Another thing is that black cena and pat paterson are flaming faggots.

Also mexican wrestling has always had faggot characters.
there is even a name for them.


but clearly steph is just trying to get sheckles from her jew masters.
>born gay
Pick one.
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Already happened.

yeah this is what I meant from >>1587820

This is just wwe reaching the bottom of the barrel not realizing pandering to cucks doesnt work because they never buy the product.
Still waiting on my genderqueer feminist diva tbqh
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We already have Stephano McMahon and Charlie Flair.
no, i mean like a legitimate tranny tumbler posting sjw, not santino cross dressing.
Sasha is already a tranny
Good god this is going to.give me nightmares. Haitch is a literal faggot. Turned qt Steph into chyna
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Taker has to comeback and do this


To all Gay fags.
Why can't based Shane care more about his father's company so that Stephanie doesn't completely ruin it?
I remember i attended an outlaw mexican wrestling show near a flea market once and one of the wrestlers was a super gay comedy wrestler who forced his opponent to kiss his butt
they already tried reaching to women and feminists and it has made next no change in the ratings, what do they think bringing in traps into the product is going to do?

Kill the product for good?
He can smell the sinking ship from miles away
Those comedy acts, they are never taken serious just like the midgets

Your siblings carry much of the same genetic material as you. Homosexuals, not having children of their own, are able to acquire more resources for themselves thus increasing their own chances of survival, and have the time they don't spend on kids of their own to help their nieces and nephews survive to reproductive maturity.

Your selfish genes don't give a fuck whether they continue you on via kids of your own, or your brothers kids that you help raise.

Also, 18+.
He's Hispanic not black
Go suck a fat faggot cock then kid
>necessary definition of life in biology is self reproduction
A homo raising others kids just makes you a gay cuck.
>are able to acquire more resources
Is this a reference to drugs? because fags are more likely to be abusing drugs alcohol and cigs so their chance of survival is smaller.

Natural selection baby
They ruined movies and video games, now they are trying to ruin WWE...

>Meet Muhammad Pooinloo, our first ever LGBTWTF superstar!
>Promos with Goldust and Breezango. Tells them to stop degrading the LGBTWTF community.
>Feud with Darren Young. Calls him not a true LGBTWTF member for not openly showing his beliefs.
>Milky Way Intergalacting Heavyweight champion in 3 months, squashing both Seth and Reigns.
>It is my pleasure to announce the LGBTWTF Division here on RAW!
they had that already with Billy and Chucky
You can be both retard

And yet homosexuals are in fact alive, and homosexual behaviour exists in multiple species. It's almost like there might be a reason for it, in the sense of increasing an organisms fitness to survive while also increasing the chances of other family members children surviving to reproductive maturity. A reason you said doesn't exist.
I can't believe you're pretending to be this retarded.
Get a girlfriend, then jack off to her getting pounded by a black cock, you cuck.
if you are a fucking gay man

how do you reproduce?

holy shit
Once again:
>born gay
Pick one.
If the first two then not the third. AKA chose to be gay. AKA retarded lifestyle and should rethink your decision. Pleasure comes from habits.

He's a Hispanic black. A spic nigger.
next week we gonna see vito makes his debut again
Yes, because people chose to be vilified and hated by communities for thousands of years. They chose to be something that can get them killed. Anyone that thinks homosexuality is a choice is retarded beyond words.

Shockingly, homosexuals are also more likely to be socially ostracized and are more likely to be victims of violence. Environmental factors that make people more likely to do drugs.

By acquire resources, I mean that homosexuals can use resources themselves that they would otherwise use on their children. In modern terms, they can spend more money on themselves.
I honestly won't be bothered about this as long as they don't force 'THIS PERSON IS GAY' every week.
Yes, they did. People are strange and corrupted by pleasure. Just like people suck dick for meth. Your fabulous scientists will never find that gay gene you fucking faggots
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I knew Romina transition was going to happen.

Romina for Women Champions now
I prefer Romina
Finally someone who actually knows biology

But the real question is, why force gay characters? I prefer characters that are really uncomfortably homoerotic because actual gay people are boring. Look at Darren Young for example, pretty normal dude, happens to like dick. How do you make a storyline out of that?
I don't trust WWE to make a gay character that isn't insulting. This is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
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Keep that shit on the B Show, RAW, and I don't care
Holy shit vince don't fucking die
Dalton castle is better at being a gay wrestler than actual gay wrestler darren young.

Based Vito
To be fair, Goldust in a wig was entertaining. Then again he was just a comedy jobber who won the tag titles and nothing else, so it's different.
>It's the Royal Rumble and the last 2 people in the ring fall out so number 30 will win it by force
>post yfw this music plays and the crowd loses their collective shit
Yeah, I haven't really been watching this shit company lately, but I think it's time to stop completely.
Gaitch was never alpha.
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"And on her way to the ring, the biggest and most brutal carpet muncher WWE has ever seen"

the only way they can get Roman Reigns over is make him "gay"

you can't boo a gay man - that's homophobic!
Remember Rico?
he was gay as fuck
Vince will die and Steph will get the company

Shane will fuck off again

Haitch will probably just start an indie fed

The WWE will be dead in like 5 years

>mfw Deanetty is our only hope
Hopefully the fag just accepts Stone Cold's challenge
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>we get mentally ill tranny freaks and fags
>smackdown gets all the top talent and a stripping eva marie
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the pastures called
They won't do stuff like this because there's no guarantee it will get heat. Southerners will cheer him over the fag.
Can't wait to cancel my subscription and let wwe gay sex itself into obscurity
Quite a few queer comedians are quite funny.
Objectively speaking they aren't.
the day this happens I won't watch wwe again
>Finally someone who actually knows biology
Does 't reproduction drive most creatures?
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>Bigoted AJ
That's a shoot hoot
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Literally the death of the company, steph and gaytch have killed it

Look what happened when they put the championship on the gyrating homosexual stripper HBGay back in the 90s, the core audience fucked because he disgusted them and ratings hit their lowest level ever

We havent even got Bret to save us anymore

RIP in peace
Wow. I mean you would think with record low ratings and counting, they would wake the fuck up.
Let me copypaste something I posted in the other thread here

>Oh, the company known for having now the shittiest creative alive is trying to make a storyline based on a theme so new and controversial only a real fucking genius can make it work with over-sensitive faggots that are going to get offended with any stupid shit anyway when they see it.

>The company known for having a man in drag the Miss WrestleMania only for comedy, is now saying they're trying to make a LGBTABCDEFGHIJKL story or LGBTABCDEFGHIJKL characters

>WWE is truly dead, all the shit is going to generate for them is some legendary bad rep if they fuck it up. And they will with a creative team so atrocious.
We want the sjw audience.

Perpetuation of genetic material drives most creatures, of which sexual reproduction is a means to that end. It's not the only means to that end though.
Exactly, otherwise colony insects would not exist because worker bees and ants are all sterile. It's their sister, the Queen, who reproduces, but they take care of the offspring and provide food for the colony.
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Theyre going to make him the first Universal Champion because hes gay
>That's a shoot hoot
since day one-ski
here;s whagt they need to do, i'm a little drink because i just found out ecuadors not a city and i dont kno how to handle it

oh kay so you take all the gays on the roster (darren young, zack ryder, darren young). you make them a stable (or GAYble but people might get confuse with clark gable) and call themm the seministry of darkness (daren's the darkness).

then you have a stable filled with literally every other superstar on the roster (big show, albert rio, the miz, i forget the others). they come to vince and are like "we need to stop these gays from taking over". they are led by aj styles, karl anderson, and festus (no not gallows, festus damnit). they call this stable The Club cause gay guys like to go clubbing, it's a trick.

week by week a member of the club converts to homosexuality and joins whatever those gays were called i dont remember.

wrestlemania season rolls by and the gay epidemic is getting out of hand. only the three leaders aren't gay =(and brock lesnar bc he only does gay for pay). the club challenges the rest of the roster at wrestlemania main event (only match on the card besides alberto del rio vs sheamus).

during this match, aj styles noticeably starts to do gay stuff. five knucle shuffles, soldier salutes, attitude adjustments, all that gay shit. corey graves calls this out on commentary, byron saxton doesn't respond because i fired hium months ago in this scenario,

aj then makes a confession, he's been gay this whole time. his wife then comes on stage and takes off her wig. she's actually darren young. this shocks everyone on the semen stable.

the next two hours of wrestlemania are a performance of cats the musical
Have sex
You know you're allowed to watch Smackdown, right?
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Tsk, tsk. The rawtists made their choice and there's no redos for stephcucks
Intercontinental as well. I think twice.
well, i was going to cancel my subscription soon anyway.

Raw and Smackdown have gone down the shitter in two episodes, and I'm not paying 9.99 for the CWC and NXT.
Wow theyre getting desperate for ratings. According to GLAADs standard, cena wouldnt have been able to make gay jokes which were like half his promos back in the day. Also wwe is gonna alienate the rednecks that watch it to pander to sjws, a vocal minority that dont actually give a fuck about the company and just want to censor everything and pat themselves on the back. Fuck when wwe was good they wouldve made sjws a heel stable like right to censor, not let these fucks control the writing staff...
Bring back gimpdust w/ charlotte as valet/dominatrix
But there are more shit you can watch on the WWE Network
Yes they did
Turns out three times. Nine time Hardcore Champ, too. Not that that means anything.
Storyline where Asuka seduces Bayley fucking when.
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>call themm the seministry of darkness (daren's the darkness
okay you got me 10é10
I made this! I'm glad my epic meme is gaining traction.
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>WWE confirms what everyone already knew about wrestling
So what is this actually going to change?
This might genuinely kill wrestling for me. I can't go anywhere but jap games and books to escape from the poz, huh ?
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Not sinning is a choice anyone can make and you'll be better off in the long run
Darren Young?
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cant wait for the rating to drop even farther because LGBT shit doesnt excite wrestling fans, and LGBT people arent tuning into Wrestling when theres protest and charity fundraisers that need forced sympathy.
God doesn't exist.
Nice self-entitlement.
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>We will finally see AJ Styles versus The Gay Community

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