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What did he mean by this?

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What did he mean by this?
I do not watch anymore ROH or utterly (check with them about a year ago), but now it is right WWE on fire, and the development by the year ( with a few small problems).

Based on what ya tape, most Japanese and ROH.

more than the Attitude Era in both directions. should be on form, and if you can not find utterly with their lives than less should extend across ROH.

But online "fan" turn off casual and damage the product. Just saying ...
"Please watch our terrible TV show."
>please watch our sport
What a desperate fag
>my generation can't draw and here is me admitting it
>please watch raw guys
He's being a corporate shill.
Literally begging the internet
He had two other Twitter posts where he praises world wide talent other than WWE including ones he is working with on a day to day basis.

Course /asp/ would never post those two tweets and just whine shill.
NJPW ROH even Evolve are all putting on really good matches for the new type of "instant gratification" crowd that's around these days. Yeah there are a lot of quick flippy spotfest but even still the main events are doing higher workrate stuff but still telling a good story.

Wrestling is good if you like wrestling, if you like laugh out loud promos those are few and far between wrestling wide, but honestly they always have been.
A good promo can go viral, like punks pipebomb promo
He's right, you know.

The WWE reboot has been very interesting. TNA is at its least bad. LU and ROH have things to offer. Things aren't perfect, and never will be, but quit being a shitty snob and try to enjoy it. You just might enjoy life a little more.
>across the board
>corporate shill
Just my opinion, but I prefer posts that are thought out.
I agree 100% I'm not discounting the importance of promos, just saying this "era" is seems stronger on between the rope told stories than promo cut stories if that makes sense.
Begging, pleading for viewers on Twatter
>I am begging you to watch my cringy, corny and terrible TV stunt show.

Based Crossfit Christ working the fatty smarks
>smarks don't like Seth
smarks love >da man da seffer you fucking smark
Hello Carter.
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