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It's time to rethink dog waste cleanup laws.

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2017-08-16 10.27.38.jpg
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I argue that picking up after your dog should NOT be required in parks and public areas. I have good arguments to back up my proposition.

1) Dog waste will biodegrade by its self in a short time and will contribute nutrients to the grass.
2) The bags used to pick up the waste end up contributing MORE waste to landfills than if the waste was just left on the grass.
3) An extension of point 2, the garbage bins in parks end up filling up faster, and attract flies.
4) Baggie dispensers/vending machines won't be needed anymore.
5) The grass that was touched by feces will still be dirty even after clean-up, so barefoot walkers will still step in feces. But at least a pile is more noticeable and easier to avoid.
6) Remembering to carry around baggies is a hassle for dog owners.
7) Picking up dog waste is an inconvenience to dog owners, and it's demeaning.
8) It is canine nature to want to sniff waste. By removing these valuable scent markers, we are curtailing their instinctual habits.
9) Getting rid of mandatory clean-up would be one less crime that could be committed, which is always a good thing.
10) Employees could be hired in parks to do the cleaning instead. This would create jobs.

It's time we get rid of dog-waste clean up laws. Do you agree?
No, in fact every dog shit that is found in public should be DNA tested and traced back to the dog/owner who should then:

1. Pay a (now trebled) fine
2. Do public service cleaning up local parks (1 hour for every gram of shit they didn't originally clean up)
3. Have their garden designated as a community dog toilet for the duration of their service
4. Be put on the sex offenders register
Dog shit kills grass mang
No. People don't want to step in piles of dog shit or have to constantly worry about dodging it. Nor do they want their dogs stepping in piles of poop, potentially rolling in it, etc. It's disgusting and unpleasant for everyone.

Also, dog poop doesn't degrade THAT quickly so places where lots of dogs frequent would be covered in an unreasonably amount of waste if (most) people did not pick it up.

Yes, plastic baggies add waste to landfills, but rather than just not picking up after our dogs, perhaps we should instead try to find a better solution to this problem, like creating cleanup bags made of biodegradable material.

>It is canine nature to want to sniff waste. By removing these valuable scent markers, we are curtailing their instinctual habits.
By your own claim in your point #5, there is still residue left behind so obviously dogs can still smell it. Cleaning up piles of poop doesn't prevent them from being able to sniff and explore those spots.

I get that it's gross and inconvenient to pick up after your dog, but that's just part of your responsibility as a dog owner. Even if you're ok navigating a minefield of dog poop, most people are not (especially not people who don't own dogs in the first place.) I own a dog and I don't like cleaning up her poop, but I do it as a consideration to other people and their pets, and to keep our favorite parks pleasant places for us to return to.

Plus, you can bet your ass if dog waste cleanup was not legally mandatory, WAY more places would become off-limits to dogs entirely because of complaints about the waste and not wanting to deal with it. That's already an issue despite waste pickup being mandatory, because many jackasses don't follow the rule. Not picking up after your dog ruins it for the rest of us because the general public does not want their parks and beaches covered in dog shit. If everyone did their part in cleaning up after their dog, dogs would be allowed more places.
You're irresponsible and disgusting. Congrats on being a degenerate.
bait post

but i just want to say i have a dog and i think people who don't pick up the shit should be shamed publicly for making the rest of us look bad
I wish my city'd change bag providers, it's impossible to pick up everything if the grass is too tall.
>live in country
>4 acre grass yard
>dog still walks all the way out to the field to shit
Just something she's always done I guess. If I lived in a city or go to dog parks I would definitely pick up after her, it's the responsible thing to do.
What if the area is already full of dogshit?
>walk in forest 4 feet off path where wildlife is already shitting
>dog shits
>walk away
As a dog walker I'd rather see a pile of shit on the grass than a black plastic bag some cunt has just dumped instead of binning it.

I mean what's the point in picking it up if you're just going to leave it on the ground in the bag?
My guess, it's easier to see and so people won't step in it. I live near a paved trail that spans 25 miles into the biggest city in the state. While it's so popular that it's rare to see shit just sitting about, you see at least 2-3 bags every couple miles. Really dumb because there is trash cans at all the crossings. The city has people driving the trail on golf cart things and they pick them up, though.
>Be put on the sex offenders register
Used to live by a 1-way scenic trail. People would bag up their dogshit then think "No need to carry it all the way and then back. I'll just hang it from this tree branch then pick it up on my way back."

And they rarely did. The trees were decorated with them like smelly Christmas tree decorations. And apparently this is a common thing since it was so easy to find photos of it.
Omg I'm dying
Imagine being that tree. Being among the strongest seeds from your parent and finally germinating after going though a cold winter of stratification. Then spending the next 50-100 years growing into a strong tree, only to one day be used as a Christmas tree for literal shit to be hung from you.
Fuck that.
I would leave
>3) An extension of point 2, the garbage bins in parks end up filling up faster, and attract flies.
>implying a field full of dog shit isn't worse at attracting flies
Yep! If I'm walking my dog and see another owner NOT pick up their dog's poo, I ask them if they need a bag as I have extra. Fortunately the dog owners in my area are very consi and most people clean up after their pet
How is carrying baggies an inconvenience? I just clip the holder to his leash
Not to mention we can't assume OP does anything right for his dog at this point, since he hasn't thought of all the fucking diseases dog shit can transmit to your own dog:


And many more!
Have fun with your sick shit mutt, ohpee.
In the US, are these laws usually on the city level, or is it a state thing? One is much easier to change than the other.
State and federal parks will have their own rules, but public land in general is usually up to the city.
In no way was I implying people should leave bags of poop around? They should be put in a trash bin. Leaving a bag of poop on the ground is just as inconsiderate and douchey as leaving it there without bagging it.
>Acting as if landfills are a bad thing


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Regardless, if I saw you let your dog shit in a public place I would pick it up for you and dispose of it in to your face.

Also peaple that baggie it then chuck it in to the bushes. Fucking disgusting.
I think your confusing herbivore poop with omnivore-leaning-carnivore poop. Dog poop is really bad for grass and has very little useful nutrient for plants.
I don't think I've seen dog poo bags that aren't also biodegradable. I'm sure they exist but come on. Pitch an extra buck and get the biodegradable ones.
Maybe it's different else here but our parks are awesome with garbage. Gets checked several times a day and if it's getting skunky it's changed out. Write your oarks department if trash cans are nasty.
True, but they aren't hard to set up and everyone plans for them anyway. Nor are they absurdly expensive. It's a very minor thing to want to fix.
It's so not. I bought a 5 pack of poo bags and scattered them. One in my car two in the house one in my jacket and one in my back pack. Of all the dog related hassles this lists under "having to pet the dog when your not feeling like it"
You make picking up dog poop sound like weight lifting. The only people that might struggle with it is a 90 year old lady. It's not that hard.
Sniffing poop also spreads disease. There's plenty of other things my dog can sniff at. She loves sniffing. There's never a lack of things to sniff at.
This is such a strange point I'm not sure how to handle it. Should we also make punching people in the street legal just to reduce crime too?
Most cities have enough things to spend your taxes on. Hiring a bunch of park depoopers is going to cost a fuckton of money and not many people will vote yes to more taxes because someone is too lazy to clean up after their dog. Jobs are great, but money is the issue here.

Just pick up after your dog, bro. Don't be a lazy asshole.
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I do this too. Feels good, because people are less considerate out here. Especially along the river walk.

>Some asshole starts walking away after their dog is done
>"Oh, sorry? SIR! I have an extra dog poop bag if you need one!"
>Hold one out
>He glares and takes it to clean it up while grumbling "Thanks" all irritated like.

Feels good, being polite so they can't get too pissy. Doubly so that I'm white and most people that don't bother with their dogs shit are white man hating navajos.
You mean you would leaf?
Fuck you, I'm not Canadian
>what is germ theory
>what are communicable diseases
>what are zoonotic diseases
Why did I even respond?
He can't. He's deciduous.
>) The grass that was touched by feces will still be dirty even after clean-up, so barefoot walkers will still step in feces. But at least a pile is more noticeable and easier to avoid.
it's very dirty energy
poop is probiotic
I actually eat shit regularly. I know it helps my digestion, because if I eat shit the volume of my shit is greater the next day.
Eat shit
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