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>Live in apartment. >Heard last year my landlord sprayed

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>Live in apartment.
>Heard last year my landlord sprayed one side of the building for roaches.
>Roaches start trickling into my side of the building.
>One day see this smug fucker crawling on my TV.
>Kill his dumbass
>Start seeing more and more roaches sneaking into my house
>Don't know where the fuck their coming from but looks like they set up shop.
>Today just playing the vidya
>Roach runs up side of table leg as usual, try to ignore it.
>The fuckers always look me in the eye like they're talking shit and then run back down the table
>This time for some stupid reason I decide to point a flashlight at it
>It runs under the table leg
>"Wait why the fuck is there space under my table leg!?"
>Point flashlight at the leg.
>More than 10 roach heads are sticking out, hiding under my table
>Gas their nest
I have never been more satisfied.
Fuck roaches.
I had ants set up shop in my apartment
>walking around barefoot
>feel a bite
>for a few days I kept seeing a few ants here and there
>leave a snack on a paper towel on the carpet
>come back after like an hour
>there's a little line of ants running through the whole room
>it leads to a tiny hole in my wall
>spray ant poison into it and plug it up
I never saw another ant in my apartment. Fucking dicks
>family runs rental mobile home business for 'hispanic immigrants'
>usually they're okay, just a little dirty because they don't clean up well
>one family is a fucking mess, fatass mom drawing benefits, alcoholic dad, 3 or 4 young kids
>they don't clean at all, when they finally leave the house is disgusting
>tiny ass roaches everywhere, in the walls, ceilings, under the floors, everywhere
>worst infestation I have seen, I'm talking you would have to measure them by square inch
>bug bomb the hell out of it, spend weeks tearing up floors and walls to replace them

It was so bad the fumes from the roach crap actually made their kids sick. We were so glad when they finally fucked off.
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>catch em live in glass jar upside down on counter
>tilt jar ightly & take a Bic lighter and empty some gas into it
>strike lighter near jar
>brief poof of flame
>roach freaks out
>dies after a couple of times
So satisfying.
The german roaches that occassionally make their appearance in my apartment, seem to survive a good 14 days when stuck on a sticky trap. Sometimes i'll throw it out in the sun for half an hour or so to make their lives miserable.
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>wake up one morning to roommate complaining about flies on the sliding glass door to the balcony
>no pesticides
>kill as many as I can with febreeze until can runs out
>most don't die but become weak and slow to react
>take a butane torch and toast them one by one
How do you gas roaches?
Why did god make these things?
I'm sure they play some sort of important role in the ecosystem. It's like spiders, creepy as all hell but extremely important to control insect populations.
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Wondering if it would be possible to use one of these with a normal fluorescent bulb to give my sundew some extra light so it can dew and color up more? If yes, do I point downwards, sideways or what.
Someone once sucked a ton of wasps into a shop-vac and sprayed a half a can of Raid into the tube.
>"Honey, can you change the bag in the shopvac?"
"Huh..? Oh sure! no prob---AARRGGH!!!"
To keep a lonely robot company in the future.
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>had earwig infestation earlier this year
I tell you, waking up to those fuckers in your bed is not pleasant. Or finding them in your suit AFTER you put it on.
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>fuckers sneak into house at some point in childhood
>family never did anything about it until a year ago
Looking back I have no idea how anyone was okay with this
There's no bag in a shopvac
>>family runs rental mobile home business for 'hispanic immigrants'

Are you a Jew?

Please kill yourself
>not getting food grade diatomaceous earth
>not spreading that shit everywhere
>not cramming that shit inside your walls by unscrewing the covers on the wall sockets
>not mixing it in with all of your dried goods that are kept sealed within plastic containers
>Disposed every cardboard box at home.
>Covered most of the holes I could find.
>Wash dishes immediately after finishing eating.
>No roaches around.

Feels nice to not have to kill them when there is none. Still, one or two of those big ass cockroaches from outside gets into my house and then they meet the shoe.
Other bugs like spiders, centipedes and crickets, even small lizards, get in from time to time, but I pick them with a paper sheet, a plastic recipient or my hand and bring them outside. Hell, I even got a small bat inside and got it out like that.
Fun times.
lol. you didn't google that before you shot your mouth off.
never change 4chan.
And the award for "edgiest fucker on thread" goes to...
I hate those people that want their petty revenge on insects. You do realize those are not out to get you, right? That's like setting the table on fire because you stubbed your toe on it.
Sometimes people just want to watch the world burn. What's wrong with that?
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