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Himitsu no reptiles

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Apparently there's a manga about reptiles. Has anyone read any of it?
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It looks well illustrated and it seems to go into care and breeding.
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Curious. I might check it out
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i recognize that illustrator
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What are you nervous about? Its just a manga about reptiles.
looks shit. nips are horrible at pet keeping so it's guaranteed to be full of misinformation too
japs and chinks constantly torture and eat any living thing they come across, i wouldn't trust them with a single lizard
I would go into breeding with her.
>reptiles (male)
no thanks
I might have to pick this up.
Isnt that the trap artist
Author: Ryo Kujirakawa/Gujira (鯨川リョウ)
Title: Secret Reptiles/Himitsu no Reptiles (秘密のレプタイルズ)

Beat me to it.
Yeah that girls really looks like she knows how to breed that monitor hehe
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>dykes with colored hair
at least they got the herpkeeper demographic right
any translations available?
They probably all have dicks anyways.
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Couldn't find any, would be interested
>nips are horrible at pet keeping
they're far ahead of americans in most herps. all we've really got them beat at is morphs (which is mostly just inbreeding anyways). I "read" http://boxrep.exblog.jp/ for the pictures and pic related is in one of thier front page posts. A top tier salamander from the US.
leagues better than the average american though
>leopard gecko is cute trap
So is this porn or not?
Anything is porn if you try
This is his non-porn, actual serialized manga series.

A lot of ero-artists eventually turn into professional mangaka at some point. Extremely hardcore like ShindoL and Fatalpulse never will, but very many do.
I would if it was fucking translated.

I can't into moonrunes well.
Me on the bottom left.
How much does it usually cost to have something translated?
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>It looks well illustrated
are you fucking blind
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Please tell me bottom right is a boy.
It seems not
>nips are horrible at pet keeping
Only if you're retarded enough to think Japan and China are somehow the same place.
The Japanese are far above Americans in pet keeping and likely on par with western Europe.
Weaboos think any sort of anime styled art is God's gift to earth. His art looks like he's actually from the USA posting it to deviantart. Unfortunately most people cannot tell the difference between actual stylistic licenses and downright fucking awful.
Look at that fucking profile
The reps look quite detailed.
Thats because they are traced. Not sure about the entire manga but you can definitely tell when he couldn't get the anatomy right on a snake, of all things such as the bottom right here >>2426174

Japanese artists usually can't draw animals in general.
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>being this fucking butthurt about an art style
neck yourself
You can find more girls with dicks over in /d/, friend.
depends on the pet, like >>2427537 said, they are pretty damn good about herps, they suit the cramped lifestyle of the average Japanese in an urban area. Unfortunately Japan has an immense problem with latching onto trendy animals that should not be sold without permits being involved, and much better living conditions then what they can usually provide. Sugar gliders, Fennec Foxes, Slow Lorises, and so on tend to have some rather poor living conditions and are insanely popular over there. And to make matters worse animals that should be either outright illegal to get, or require specialized permits to even sell, are being sold openly and blatantly at shows and even normal stores! And this also applies to reptiles as well, hell even more so since like I said before, they are well suited for the lifestyles of the average Japanese person so they are very popular. Especially tortoises, many endangered species of tortoise are openly sold there and the government does not yet fully grasp how big a deal this is.

TL:DR Japanese are pretty good with herps, not so great with exotic animals because anyone over there can get one due to the lack of enforcement on trade laws. So you get people buying something on a whim that requires taking permit tests elsewhere to obtain which makes them seem really inept in general.
reminds me of a time when /tg/ ran into a manga that was essentially like this 'cute girls into X, a lot of talk about the culture and terminology of X' except in that case it was tabletop gaming, specifically RPGs.

/tg/ got shit done and got to work on translating the thing. Can't recall if they looked for outside help from one of the other boards like /a/ though. I know that happens now and then.
Have you seen a Jap animal shelter? They are all completely filled to the max, several dogs in one kennel, and filled with meme breeds like poms and Maltese and chihuahuas. They generally only give surrendered dogs 3 days to get adopted or die. Japs care more about status than they do the actual animals.
Looks more like its about the girls and it happens to feature reptiles, them again its still better than monster girl shit
And Westerners are better?

Never said they were pal. Although if our shelters were full of poms, shelters wouldn't be crowded for long.
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And you can find more of your kind over at /reddit/.
>extremely hardcore

Both anime and gay porn are as reddit as it gets.
Wow, that's cool that he actually did a real manga. I love his art but Japanese porn is a waste because you can hardly see anything with all the black bars.

I'll totally read this if it ever gets translated.
This is an anime website. GTFO if you don't like it.
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>tfw male partenogenesis
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It's an anime imageboard, you fucking nigger.
>plebbitfags are this desperate their meme artist gets approved by 4chan
>Gujira isn't 4chan approved
Holy shit you fucking retard.
>gujira is approved by muh 4channers he isn't some plebbit meme artist i swear
How quaint.
>being this autistic
I hope you're enjoying your first month here, newfriend.
>n-no y-your autistic and new not me muh friends from r/4chan love Gujira so 4channers must too
How cute.
translation when?
when you get to it
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Literally what are you even getting upset over? Because you don't like the artist, nobody can?
Last time I checked I wasn't sperging out about how some anon dared criticize my favorite artist.
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Don't know what people are complaining about, the art isn't that ba-
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ill read it, but ill probably have to stop every 30 pages to go fap because I love this guys porn
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Thread images: 17

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