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When it comes to insects, are you a scooper or a smasher? Do

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When it comes to insects, are you a scooper or a smasher?

Do you carefully scoop them up and set them outside where nothing bad will ever happen or do you just deliver swift judgement to teach the rest a lesson?

Screamers not welcome. Take some responsibility.
I do my best to get them outside if they're meant to be in this ecosystem or put them in the freezer if they're invasive.
I murder the fuck out of Thrips. Fucking thrips, killing MY fucking roses.
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You are my little friend


I put insecticide around my windows and doors, anything that passes and is capable of resisting it is getting a smash.
Fucking smash. I hate insects. If they're not flying and buzzing around your face, they're just eating your food and being a general pest. The only bugs I spare are endangered ones like bees and mantises.
Spiders are bros.
scooper typically. If its a cool insect, ill pin it though. for instance, a honey bee snuck into my dorm through my screen so i froze it. will probably pin it this week if i get around to it.
Oh right, I forgot. Not ladybugs, I scoop them out.
Neither, I ignore them. Excessive insects are symptoms of environmental issues in your house that need to be addressed and addressed in more ways than "kill der bug". In other words, I be a man and figure out what the fuck they're eating so I can remove it or remove their access to it and they go away.
spiders go outside

flies and pantry moths get eradicated

>killing pollen-bros

Absolute scum.

>figure out what they're eating
>stink bugs and lady bugs overwintering

>torch all neighboring crops in response
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I guess I'm a handler -- I don't bother with containers anymore, I get them on my hand.

This is if they really need to go outside, and have wandered into the house by accident (typically wasps, crane flies, & the occasional cockroach). If they are naturally house-dwelling, like certain spiders and centipedes, I'll pick them up, but just for fun, then put them back where I found them (or in a different part of the house).

Exceptions are parasites or disease vectors like fleas or mosquitoes, in which case I am a sprayer (alcohol)
>free handling belostomatid
why the fuck
I kinda leave it alone unless it is a spoder. I love spoders. Must hold and love.

Yet, fuck stinkbugs. They can die in bowels of toliet hell.
Actually all the insects stopped coming in once I stopped cleaning
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free to go
free to go
free to go if indigenous
>those giant orange wasps/hornets that can kill you or your pets
smash, I actually let 2 go over time w/out knowing what they were but next time one enters my house its gonna be gently killed and preserved as a prize. Let me tell you, I thought I was being woken up by a fucking helicopter and it was one of those giant fuckers slamming against my bedroom window.

free to go
>pantry/food related bugs
feed them to my toads
>big fat flies
whatever I feel like (feed2frogs, smash or release whatever is easier at the time)

>house centipedes
generally I pretend I didn't see it and let it roam the house, unless it's a giant fucker who literally bumps into me, then to the frogs it goes.
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I'm a careful handler. Here's a picture of a diving beetle I found one day.

The only arthropods I go out of my way to smash are usually haemoparasites like mosquitoes and horse flies.
>free handling anything but 8-legged bros
>house centipedes
let them stay
>everything else
put outside. unless I don't feel like walking down 4 stories just to let a fly outside at the moment
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>killing bee bros
I don't think those can kill people unless you're allergic
nevermind, I looked it up and a single sting isn't fatal, but multiple can kill you. interesting
My grandpa was killed by a bee and as a result my mother is absolutely terrified by them. I moved away from home at 16 yet still retain the instinct to remove bees at all cost.

Most I scoop.

Some I kill.
>My grandpa was killed by a bee
no he wasn't
>those giant orange wasps/hornets that can kill you or your pets

Do you live in Japan?
>old +allergic to bee = kill
it's the Trthu
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I am terrified of insects, just found this in my house

size of the body is about the size of my index finger, but way thicker.

I am not sure how to handle this, so far I'm hiding in my room hoping it goes away.
I scoop unless there is a threat of the house being infested.

e.g. when wasps start to build a nest on the porch, or when ants start sniffing around the kitchen

I hate killing them, though. Wish I could just use pheromones or something to make them go away
I've started putting milk bottle caps over them and just leaving them until the problem solves itself.
Found a 3 month old wasp under my bed after I forgot about it the other day, it's still there.
do not fear mothbro. he only wants a friend and youre being mean
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I live in Portugal
Don't ask me how these things got here.
I'm not 100% sure it's the japanese kind but they are giant orange wasps so what others are there?
Why do people still smash when vacuum cleaners, both big and small exist?

You know in Australia, people buy vacuum cleaners based on how well they suck up and kill insects, right?
As long as insects don't break the NAP by invading my personal space, we're cool and I'll usually just pick them up and put them outside or leave them be. Spiders get preferential treatment for killing other insects.

If they enter my personal space, I reserve full rights to smash them into a wet paste.
Are you sure they aren't just the asian wasps? Because I live in Northwest of Spain and we have a similar problem with that specie (Vespa velutina) but not with the Asian giant hornet (yet, I think).

As how did they get there:
>Vespa velutina has become an invasive species in France where it is believed to have arrived in boxes of pottery from China in 2004
>The hornet spread to northern Spain, as confirmed in 2010 by the Beekeepers' Association of the Basque Country (Gipuzkoako Erlezainen Elkartea) and the Neiker entomology institute in Irún, after breeding colonies were found.[13] It reached Portugal in 2011.[14]

>fucking chinese imports

Same thing happened here in the States with stink bugs
I can't be fucked to deal with bugs. Except for wasps. Those faggots aren't allowed in my house.
but they're incredibly painful
>chinese imports
>Big water bugs


Burn or douse in bleach:
>Bed bugs
I hope you meant wasps, those fuckers deserve righteous judgement, unlike bumblebros
I just ignore them until they land on me or whatever. Then I flick them off or crush them depending on the level of intrusion. I actually make insect hotels to put in my garden to attract beneficial CATERPILLAR ANNIHILATORS!
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I'm a handler
Thats a rustic sphinx mothbro.
You can fold his wings back and put him outside if you want. Or put a sponge out soaked in water and honey and gove him a snack.
Most insects and spiders get swept outside. Wasps get fucking nuked with every poison that I own.
Ever get bit by a spider? I get a lot of them, capture and release but sometimes it gets a little sketchy trying to get them in whatever container I have.
I used to be a smasher but for the past couple of years I'm typically a scooper or a flicker. The biggest exception is mosquitos, I murder them with pleasure because they always suck me
Depends on the insect
If it's something I like such as a bee I'll scoop it but if it's a piece of shit like a fly or a mosquito it gets the swatter
Wasp are just as important as bees

Only good wasps are the ones that kill stinkbugs.
You're going places, anon.
You're gonna grow up and be a beautiful adult.
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Fucking this
>all these people touching BUGS

Where did this epic may may come from, precisely? I know it's CCD for bees (even though this still doesn't make them endangered you monkey) but I have no idea why anyone considers most mantis species "endangered".
What else would you call a species that eats its mate? No concern?
>What else would you call a species that eats its mate?
I would call it irrelevant since the discussion is about an endangered breeding population in the wild.
>only girl bugs get to live

Didn't know /an/ was also a haven for white knights
His fault for sticking his dick up a beehive
>smash or pass
It was a horse dressed as a bee.
You're a big guy
I've lost count on how many dragon flies and cicadas I have rescued from cobwebs. They fly into our storage warehouse and head for the skylight where they get their wings and legs all tangled up.

I always pick them up and clean them off before taking them outside to release them.
If they are in my house they will die.

If they are outside I ignore them.
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>Vespa velutina
You're probably right Spainbro
Disregard the pic related on >>2359376 because the big ass wasps that got in my house were either Vespa velutina or the European Hornet (Vespa crabro) and I'm inclined to blame it on the euro hornets bc asides from being big I'm very positive they had quite a bit of strong orange in the coloration.
He was just eating when it flew in and stung his tongue or throat, can't remember. Anyway it swelled up and he choked. Curse those little bastards.
Smash everything except the spideys. Like cats, they eat things that are more annoying than themselves.
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Regular Bees are meh but Bumblebees are sublime.
I'm a flicker, don't approach my vicinity if you don't want to leave it at an accelerated velocity.
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I'm a scooper

that's hardcore

Bugs like mosquitos and flies get fucking smashed. Roaches also get smashed. I will scream at spiders and roaches but I will release spiders and other buggies if they are not brown recluse tier. Most bugs that grace my home get to leave happily.

>killing bees
I don't have excessive insects, sometimes one gets in and I leave my window open pretty often.
Moths are friends and for releasing or ignoring.
once my room got invaded by ants all along one wall, i used a dust buster and then just emptied it in the garden

I have spray for cockroaches but i try to let spiders live, even though they scare me
Yea but they're dicks to me, bees leave me alone and happily buzz around my flowers.
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>killing bees
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Would an armadillo work as a pet?

Now while im asking this, also keep in mind im not just being to lazy to look it up. I want you guy's opinion on would it work as a pet? Would it be a smart choice? Are there any reasons the armadillo wasn't domesticated by early indians other than the fact that they had no need to. They dont give a service like a dog, cow, or horse, but is there another reason, like being very incompatible with humans?

Can they be domesticated, do they frequently attack, whats their deal?

What do they eat? What kind of temps to they like, or environments?

Dont have one, uncle found one yesterday tho. Im not into them, just curious, im more of a reptile guy?
Enjoy your leprosy
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Why the fuck is this posted here? Did you mean to start your own thread?
It's like a tortoise that eats insects some more and moves around faster. If you want one get a fairy and stick it in a big stock tank with a few feet of soil like a medium tortoise
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