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My neighbor beat his dog for 20 straight minutes last night.

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My neighbor beat his dog for 20 straight minutes last night. For 20 straight minutes the dog screamed at the top of its lungs while he yelled at it. I could hear him throwing it at the walls in his garage. This is the 3rd time I've heard this happening. All 3 times I've called 911. All 3 times all the cop did was drive by slowly and leave. I've submitted reports to animal abuse investigators many times. Nothing has been done, hes still doing it. Cats are left in the street mutilated and I've heard them screaming from his house as well.

Please help me figure out what I can do to make this guys life a little more miserable. I want to take things into my own hands. I don't want to get in trouble of course, but I'm not exactly looking for legal options since the system is failing on this issue.

Any suggestions? Legal or not. He's huge, hes a marine I believe. I can't physically hurt him. So that's not really an option.

Monk's hood greens mixed in his salad.
light his house on fire

the flames of vengeance will purify his sins
Ever knocked on his door?
I mean if you feel so strongly that you have called the authorities several times, as well as make a thread here, then surely you are concerned enough to talk to the man face to face, right?
yeah.. I'm not going to confront this psycho. What will confronting him even accomplish? He obviously has mental issues.
Idk anon.. the more pissed off he gets the more he'll beat his animals. You could always just buy a gun and kill him. Or try to convince people to doxx him. Anything else I could think off would harm the animals inside his house as well, just locate your nearest militant animal rights group and they'll probably lynch the fucker free of charge
If he gets aggressive or tries to attack you, police will respond. He will finally be in trouble. Dont be a wimp. Bring a friend if you have too. This is for the greater good. Also bring a camera.

Confrontation may be scary but unless this he will continue this shit.
>My neighbor beat his dog
>All 3 times I've called 911

This reminds me of those commercials from the 90's that were trying to teach retards not to call 911 over a broken window.

You don't call 911 for animal abuse. While you're being an over-emotional faggot, a real person who is getting gangraped by niggers is getting a busy signal.

It's not that hard to look up the number for your local PD. Give me your zip code, I'll do it for you so you can put it on a sticky note by your phone. Oh, wait, you're probably a fucking millennial. Then you can put the sticky note on the back of your thousand-dollar electronic leash.
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>I want to take things into my own hands. I don't want to get in trouble of course
The houston metropolitan area is the 4th largest in the US, they have plenty of dispatchers.

Also the police depts website says to call 911 for animal abuse that is currently happening. They were more than happy to help me.

Like I said, I reported it to the polices animal abuse hotline, as well as the other 2 largest animal abuse investigation associations in the area.

They all told me without evidence they can't do much. Which is why next time I hear it gathering evidence will be my first priority.

I'm very sorry for whatever trauma you've witnessed in your life. I hope you feel better soon
Also if you don't really care about really passing him off or potentially hurting his animals (since they're already fucked by the sound of it) you could:

>puncture his car tires
>set his car on fire
>sign him up for a bunch of stupid mailing lists
>order pizzas and cabs to his house
>place large orders at online retailers that have a "pay at the door" option
>vandalize his property
>dump a bunch of gasoline or rotting meat into his air conditioning unit
>wait until he isn't home then fake a nigger tier break in and Robin hood those animals away
>if he's a vet you could possibly contact the military and inform them of his actions (they probably won't care)
>make a gay craigslist add telling people to come to his house then grab some popcorn and watch the Marine vs tranny brawl that will inevitably ensue
>brick through window
>brick with vials of bleach and ammonia through window
>poop on his lawn
>contact your local BLM/feminist/uni liberal idiots Facebook group and convince them to picket outside his house or something
>find a way to anonymously contact his Facebook friends/family members with some sort of evidence of what he's doing or something

This is all assuming you own a gun because from the sounds of it this guy probably wouldn't react well if he ever caught you.
*pissing him off
>Also the police depts website says to call 911 for animal abuse that is currently happening.

: Officers are supposed to investigate any report of animal abuse or
neglect. Contact HPD through Dispatch; they will assign the report to an officer to investigate and follow up.

To make a report, call HPD Dispatch: 713
3131 (do not call 911)"

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sorry, you were saying?
And just so you know. I was weary about calling 911 the first time it happened for that very reason. I found the information online telling me I should, but I double checked with a friend who's a cop and happened to be awake. He pretty much told me to hang up and dial 911 right away.
>Lol millennials
People call 911 over even stupider shit like someone parked in their parking space. Animal abuse is fine, but also free free to call a less non-emergency number to the police department.

>Source: was a 911 dispatcher for a bit
Job sucks. It's eother insane people calling about shit that doesn't matter or having to listen to people(even kids) screaming and sobbing about how someone was just murdered, someone died suddenly, etc and you had to stay on the line. Occasionally hearing gunshots in the background or the other end going silent. Its fucked up.
Pets could use their own 911 though.
Also this could vastly depend on what officers are responding, or even the dispatchers. I moved and my neighbor has a dog who screeches bloody murder at least twice a day. I went out of state for a little vacation and I heard it again. Found it was the same neighbor. They adopted this dog, and its a thing it will do even on its own. She wants to get rid of it but she hasn't because her kids love the dog. Even while being there, cops came over because the dog has done it on its own without anyone near it thinking they beat it. She had vet bills to prove that it's been to vets to say there is nothing physically wrong. I spent a long time thinking this was bullshit but I'm inclined to believe it's true. I feel bad since it is a good dog. It loves everyone but just lets out these horrific screams often. And officers have and still do respond to it very accordingly. When they come to the door as normal the dog is happy to see them, and in the middle of petting it might let out those screams.

Maybe its in some sort of pain no vet can figure out but my point is that areas and officers vary. They pick and chose how fast and how much they respond. The ones here grill the fuck out of you. Before I moved? Some drunk girl was screaming, crying and trying to get on my yard while a bunch of people tried to force her into a car all while on my lawn. All of them were wasted. I called 911 just because they were all too drunk to drive (holiday weekend, many, many kids in the street)and the dispatcher was a huge cunt, and while I waited not one officer even drove by. I get holidays are a big deal and you're loaded but shit.
Thanks for trying to call the police. I'd be pretty alarmed if some people were trying to shove a screaming drunk girl into a car.
So, you've never seen him abuse an animal, and you refuse to even look him in the eye when you accuse him correct?
Not that any of that stuff is important, maybe you should order him a few pizzas and bitch about him on a Portuguese basket weaving forum. That'll show him.
I posted this on a few different boards and got some really good suggestions/advice. Not much from this one, but I got what I was looking for. Confronting him isn't part of them. Thanks for your time though
I personally don't think she was in any actual danger such as rape or whatever. She came from my next door neighbors party. I used to party a lot myself. She was so drunk she was just rolling on my yard. I confronted everyone, told them they were too drink for this, maybe they should stay at the party until sobered up, etc. Everyone else was so assured she just wasn't used to drinking but they were all so drunk I could smell them. While I don't think she would have been hurt I called 911 just in case. Dru k driving is still awful. My sisters fiance was killed by a drunk driver while walking home from work, and she found him barely alive since it happened to be only a few yard away from where she was working and had been on the phone with him as it happened. The hit and run asshole was only found because an auto shop reported blood and hair on the car, which matches to him. Such a sweet man who went miles on foot to catch a train to a job.. Another close friend was hit by a drunk driver, and another one was arrested FOR drunk driving. I feel very strongly about these things.
I would have offered those drunk ass people a place iny basement if it kept them from driving but I'm no creep. I am disappointed that the entire two hours I sat on my porch that day not one officer rolled by. Maybe they were busy with other drunks since it was a holiday but who knows. I just hope these drunk assholes didn't hurt anyone.
1. Try talking to him
If he is a Marine he need some help coping what he has seen in some part of training or war? Maybe you can understand his mutilations and beatings and heal him.

2. Don't try to make his life miserable with pety pranks.
People who physically hurt animals are likely to hurt/kill humans in the future.

3. Go up the law food chain.
The local police aren't doing anything and neither are animal abuse investigators. Try contacting someone higher. Maybe a chief police men or the head of the local ASPCA?


You may think I'm joking, but I'm being dead serious.

If you want, bring a friend or something. If you want to do it by yourself, either get /fit/ or man up.

Everyone thinks /an/ is nothing but a board full of wusses and rattlesnakes. Everyone forgets that half of the people that browse this board are closet /k/ommandos and /out/doorsmen.

Knock on the door with a bat and a posse and see where it goes from there.
Outdoorsman of the internet. I'm sorry I've let you down.

Hopefully one day you will have the chance of performing that yourself while not speaking hypothetically

No one thinks your penis is small I promise
Just be a little more vague when you call in.
yeah. Thats what I'm going to do if this happens again. Didn't think of it earlier but thats a sure fire way they at least knock on the door.
RECORD IT! I would start recording (in your house of course, just the sound presumably, with you saying the time/date and what's happening etc) what's happening so you have some concrete proof. Pretty sure it's legal to record sounds that reach all the way to your house even if he isn't "consenting" to being recorded but idk. If the cops aren't doing anything still, IF HE IS A MARINE I can almost guarantee his commander or boss or whatever the marines have will be interested to hear about this and he will probably be either severely disciplined or kicked out. Best of luck OP and thank you for trying to stop this
Just say you're hearing screaming and crashing and it sound like somebody is crying inbetween the crashes.

Not your fault you can't distinguish between animal noises and woman noises.
This is probably your best bet, anon.
Record the sounds of the beating for posterity and then contact the local news if the cops continue to not do anything about it.
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