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/aq/ - aquarium general

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- Crystal Red Shrimp Edition -

Continued from >>2158906

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including inhabitants, decor and issues.

Google is your friend.
Feel free to ask questions but know that there are a lot of resources out there that could answer your question a lot faster and accurately than /an/.

Make sure to include these things in your post before asking because we can't help you if we don't have the full picture:
-tank size
-any and all inhabitants + how long you've had them

FAQ Section

>How to handle algae, snails, lighting, easy plants for beginners etc:


>How to cycle your tank: http://pastebin.com/x4WnB0Ah
>General aquarium care sheets - http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/
>Livestock and plants for sale - http://www.petsolutions.com/ http://www.aquabid.com

We all make mistakes, so don't put anyone down - rather be helpful.
Chances are, you made a similiar mistake when you were starting out.

>Useful & Extensive database for aquatic plants and their parameters:


>Cool Youtube Channels:

>Aquascaping -

James Findley/The Green Machine

Dennis Wong

Filipe Oliveira

Oliver Knott

>Building your own shit/ Fish&Plant talk

King of DIY

Dustin's Fish Tanks

Wayne's Fish World

Aquarium related documentaries (German & English)

KGTropicals - Mostly Cichlid Talk
What are your favorite marine aquarium information resources. Ive been doing research for the past few months but I want to be sure I have a good base of knowledge before making a move
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Kuhli's are so cute! I want a tank full of them!
How does that work? Do you keep the plants in bags and fill them with CO2?

I've run into this problem trying to get info on houseplants, too.
Marimo balls are hollow inside. Imagine peeling an orange, except it doesn't split up as much.
Then you get some slate flooring tile from a home improvement store and beat it with a hammer until the pieces are small enough to tie the marimo to.
Anybody have any experience keeping fire belly newts? I'm preparing to set up a tank for one and would appreciate some tips/pointers
Hey guys.
Im thinking of starting a new forum website. Would anyone here wanna be a mod and help write some starter articles? e.g cycling tank planted tank forum etc etc.
Will be hoping to grow it and start doing aquascape competitions etc where people vote for best tank. Thoughts anyone?
Hey guys recently came into some money and want to upgrade.

I currently have a pet shop betta in a 5 gallon.
Hes cute but pretty colourless and stuff so I wanted to make it more interesting. Do you think I should get a 50 gallon and add other fish or get a 50 gallon, split it and get a couple more betta?

Obviously the problem with the first one is there are not many fish that you can house with a betta. I could get some corys I suppose.

Which would you recommend?
Any tips on green star polyps?

I have a baby 5 gallon right now cycling. It's just going to be in a invert tank. Light requirements?
I'll contribute. I have zero writing experience, and a moderate aquascaping skill.
Get a 50 gallon and put better fish in it. Leave the betta in his 5 gallon.

Do some cichlids or a planted angel tank.
would reccoment leaving beta in its mini tank maybe getting a 10gal for it then start a new 50 gallon.
Once you get a big tank theres no going back dont limit yourself with a beta fish. Also get him alot of plants for his mini tank to help keep water clean
What's it going to offer over other well-established aquarium forums?
well hopefully more regular competitions was thinking raffles if it got a nice community going and several topics I havent seen in other places.
You have to bring in people before you can do competitions. What topics were you thinking?
The usual for starters like setting up new tank etc etc. But I was hoping to do whole diy section link all the great youtubers like joey etc and tricks to getting cheap supplies.
E.g the ebay driftwood thats only 5$ shipped and is looks great.
also growing issues like camallanus worms which are becoming more and more common in retail shops
I like the DIY part. The thing about is that you have to create content, not just link to content.

Personally, I think there is no good database of fish keeping tutorials. You can ask on forums, but that isn't structured or retained well.

Do you have any experience in writing or web design?
>I think there is no good database of fish keeping tutorials
You mean like Seriouslyfish or Badman's Tropical Fish?

Personally I've always wanted something similar to Seriously fish, but for inverts. Planetinverts is okay, but it isn't as detailed and it's missing a lot of profiles.
Speaking of shrimp, are bamboos illegal now? I can't find those guys anywhere for sale, not even online.
Not so much. Ive written before and ive been in the hobby for years.
I agree about the structure which is why I was hoping to create my forum. I know ill need alot of content which is why Im not gonna start untill I have a few people who wanna contribute and help. Also I wont just be linking to others content purely just have a few helpful links mentioned.
I know it comes down mainly to amount of content and the website interface which is why im trying to find people interested in helping
could have a whole section devoted to inverts structured etc.
Ive never really delved into invert keeping that much tho so not something I could handle. Only ever kept a few cherry shrimp
>I think there is no good database of fish keeping tutorials
I should have specified, aquascaping. Also, almost every forum is slow. Reddit is shit

As I stated in >>2162131 I have no writing experience other than college comp, but I have experience in building communities. I'd be willing to contribute, and help with general management
hey email me at [email protected]
Its gonna take a while to get site going so give me a message in case thread 404s.
Send me any ideas/content you have aswell.
This goes for anyone interested
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Sorry for upsidedown pictures.

What shrimps could i breed without risk of cross breeding? Also what shrimp are the most sought after? Why Is it only the CrS? Also why are RcS so expensive for what you get?
saw some on aquabid some days ago. They have them in my local petsmart
They're technically illegal in Idaho for some stupid ass reason. So is have to ship them, so aquabid it is.
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How do I deal with the algae on me anubias?
Interested in putting live plants in my new tank. Just a 20g but would like to have a dwarf hair carpet and a driftwood tree but am unsure of what type of plant to put on that.

Would I need to get a CO2 system for this set up? I already have a twin bulb T5HO so I don't think lighting will be a problem and have a good substrate. I have seen some Seachem bottle that apparently makes CO2 for plants but would feel iffy adding that all the time. Have also read that you can make your own system with yeast and a gatorade bottle but want /aq/ input before I do/buy anymore
turn off your lights for awhile
UV sterilizatiom
A co2 system for a heavily planted tank is necessary, you can always just do a paintball co2 delivery system, it's cheaper than a regular system but just as effective. http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/20-diy/115850-paintball-co2-injection-diy-setup-tons-photos.html#/forumsite/20495/topics/115850?page=1
>What shrimps could i breed without risk of cross breeding?
Get one species of Caridina and one species of Neocaridina.

>Also what shrimp are the most sought after?
Where I live blue and yellow neos seem to be the most sought after neos. Black king kong and blue bolts are among the most expensive caridinas, but crystal reds seem to be the most popular.
That may be different where you live.

>Also why are RcS so expensive for what you get?
Are they? The shops around me sell high grade ones for $2-3 and hobbyists for $1-2.
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Yeah, rcs are so common I dont see how they are so expensive.

>High grade for $2-$3

Seriously? I get low to mid mixed grades for that much. They sell high grade sakura shrimp at about $4-$6 here. I haven't seen painteds on the market here at all.

What about blue tigers? Do they have a decent market?
brush of gently with toothbrush or get a bristlenose.

Bristlenose is life
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No, in the northwest of the U.S. we have alot of plants. But when it comes to the pets, its fairly bland. We used ti have alot of aquatic shops. But they all dies out before i got to have my own tank.
Why, does Australia not have a good shrimp market?
Where does /aq/ get rocks and wood? None of my LFS carry anything besides slate and basic brand name stuff that doesn't look natural.

I live on the coast but haven't found anything decent so I am thinking about ordering.
I've only found ebay to work for me. Every item has the actual picture, usually with a soda can as comparison. Most websites only have a generic picture of the product, so you don't know what exactly you'll get
I get mine from local rivers and lakes. Bit more of a hassle but nothing to bad.
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Anyone ever kept seahorses? What would I be getting into?
you can ask here too, there's a handful of reefkeepers on /aq/
There's at least one anon that lurks here and keeps them.
How much experience do you have with marine tanks?
Call it aquachan or 404tank

I'd be very interested in a network for trading/selling inverts
Moderate, ive had one in the past but had to take it down and was thinking about keeping seahorses because they dont need crazy flow and light like a standard reef tank. Also it would be cool to have a bunch of marine plants in there for them to hang onto. I understand that they need pristine water though. that could be a challenge.
yeah, but the macro algae can help with keeping nitrates extremely low. You'd still need moderate lighting to grow most of those.

My thinking is you set up a low flow tank with a bit of live rock and some macros, and once the algae are growing good you could start introducing seahorses. Macro algae can be fairly sensitive to water quality as well, so if you can grow those without any problems you're probably going to do fine.
Are there any freshwater/brackish species of seahorses? Or at least a freshwater species of aquatic animal that physically resembles them?
Look into freshwater pipefish. Most seahorses and their relatives are salt and brackish, but there are some pipefish that are freshwater
none that I know of, but like most reef fish seahorses can tolerate salinities down to about 1.011 SG which is well within the range of brackish tanks.

I don't know why you'd bother though. Brackish tanks aren't necessarily cheaper or easier to keep than full marine. Especially if you're keeping marine fish in them. And while marine parasites can't survive in brackish tanks, neither can the bugs that seahorses eat nor most of the algae and plants they normally like to live in.
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Another interesting idea would be seahorses in the refugium of a reef tank. im always interested in people displaying their refugium as a second tank instead of hiding it away in a cabinet. I wonder if it could work with a healthy population of copepods.
oh god that lighting

yeah, you could set up a fuge as a second display tank. I think that's what the anon here that keeps seahorses did.

but at that point you're really just running multiple tanks off a central sump. It would be cool to do, but the cleanest way would be to put the filtration in a closet and then run plumbing for saltwater throughout the house. Have a bunch of tanks connected but in different rooms.
Yeah idk what the fuck that lighting is but I love experimentation within the hobby. I like when people do something different and dont just copy things they saw on youtube. It helps the hobby move forward when people invent new methods of keeping aquariums
I have something like 30 new platy fry in my hospital tank

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My amanos sit for hours and groom all the leaves in my tank.
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>Why, does Australia not have a good shrimp market?
Because they're all on the barbie.
CRS is still in high demand and the most popular Caridina, but keep an eye out for pinto, galaxy and skunk shrimp - especially pintos have a rising demand.

In my eyes, you make the most money by selling low-mid-grade shrimp since most people dont care about how high graded their shrimp is and don't wish to spend money for the extra price.

The most money I ever made was by selling yellow fire shrimp of various grades to other aquarists in my city, just advertised them on this country's version of craigslist.

With Neocaridina colours, the demand can vary, depending on your region.

Here in Germany, it's usually (highest demand -> lowest demand) Blue, Orange, Yellow, Red, Green, White, Wildtype and with Rilis inbetween.
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I still want some black tiger shrimp.
Imagine a swarm of those guys coming out of the cracks of your rockwork to pile up on a bit of zucchini.
Freeze them in an ice cube tray and use them as food.
>skunk shrimp
Aren't those low order? How are you supposed to keep the larvae alive?

Orange rilis are my dream neo, but I've never even seen them in person.
nah, skunk as well as pinto and galaxy are just regular caridina. Skunk is just a Taibee morph. So no need for saltwater. Issue is rather, stable selection on the skunk pattern.
>It helps the hobby move forward when people invent new methods of keeping aquariums
true, but this guy is using a method that was outdated in the 1920's.

I've done lighting like that too, the only reason to do it is because you're both too inept to build actual LED's and too poor to buy them built. On top of that your credit has to be so bad that no bank in the world will lend you $100.

that's pretty fucking poor. But like I said, I've been there. That's a ghetto fish tank though. That lighting probably cost more than a real LED system, the only advantage is he was able to buy it $10 at a time.
What is the cheapest and smallest setup I could buy to keep some very happy and healthy shrimp?
A used 5-10gallon with sponge filter or hang on back filter and included (led) lighting.

You can go smaller, but if you are a beginner, rather get 5-10g, easier to manage parameters.
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I think we may be thinking of different shrimp.
"Cheapest" and "smallest" don't really go hand-in-hand, unless you're keeping them in a storage bin.
I have 1.3 gallon and a 1.8 gallon tanks with shrimp in them, but honestly if you're going to set up a tank from scratch a 5 or 10 gallon will cost nearly as much and be easier to keep.
If you get a hang on back filter, buy an intake sponge so that smaller shrimp don't get sucked up.
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Yeah I figure. That's what happens when there's a million morphs/mutations and people create some designer morphs.

Pic is the skunk I was talking about.
I just don't have a ton of space for it so the smaller the better. I figured it would be cheaper for a smaller one as well but I'm just researching everything right now so I'm a little clueless.
If I were to buy everything used what could I expect to spend on a 5 gallon setup?
Woops meant to say new not used.
All new, including shrimp, plants and all? I'd say 70-120 $ depending on what prices and products your store offers. You can save a lot of money via buying shrimp and plants from other hobbyists.
>mini tank
Just because normies thing 5 gallons is fuckhuge doesn't mean it is.
Anyone ever see pet store stock get labeled weird? At a local petco they have 2 tanks with Amano shrimp one is label as such and the other is Japanese algae shrimp and they are $2 cheaper but smaller.
Depends on what's available to you. I was able to set my sister up a 5 gallon betta tank for about $40 because I was able to get the tank and plants for cheap.

If you only have access to big box stores and online, you'd probably spend closer to $50 or $60, depending on what you did with plants and wood.
PetSmart carries peace lilies (Spathiphyllum), but insists on labeling them "umbrella plants." Also, their "white/gold ribbon plants" are just lucky bamboo.
I've heard Kuhl is are nocturnal and will generally hide during the day and hunt at night, if I get one or two of these will I ever see them?
If you get one or two, no, you'll never see them. Loaches are social animals. They don't do well on their own.
If you get five or six and give them a few caves for security, you'll see them regularly.
its not mini though, its small.
But anyway calm down
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Someones selling this saying its 20 gallons.

Reckon it is? Looks tiny.
They're synonymous.
>arguing semantics on an Uzbekistani ice sculpting BBS

Looks legit to me, but the best way to know would be to ask the seller for the dimensions.
>>arguing semantics on an Uzbekistani ice sculpting BBS

None of this means anything to me lad haha

And I think I should just buy it before it goes. Its way to cheap.
They have 10 gallon for 10 pounds as well. Thats a good deal gonna have to buy them both.

Any suggestions what to put in here?
I want to add corys to the the 20 gallon should I just put one betta in here on its own.
Dumb 4chan joke.

Get a pair of dwarf cichlids to go with your cories.
Not really a fan of cichlids but thanks anyway.
I'll do some research of what can be kept with cories, I only know about looking after bettas really. I've never had anything else.
Dwarf cichlids are a world different from the behemoths of Central America and the African rift lakes.
Any peaceful fish will get along with cories, though. You could also look into killifish.
Other gourami will have very similar care to bettas, if that's your comfort zone. Sparkling gourami and honey gourami are nice, but there are quite a few that would be happy in a 20 gallon tank.
Oh my god that fish is so derpy looking and fucking adorable.
Do ghost / cherry shrimp eat dead plant matter? I'd like a little help with that in my bettas tank
Oh right thank you. So would you say definatley don't put a betta with cories? I've been told those two get along fine.

Mine doesn't but I think they are suppose to.

Anyone know anything about filters and heaters here?
Which off these would you say is a better deal?


>So would you say definatley don't put a betta with cories?
Sorry, that's not what I meant. I was just making other suggestions. Bettas and cories get along fine. If you want a small shoal of rasboras or tetras to go in there as well, they'll all get along.

Of those two I'd get the first one. Stock LED lighting is rarely ever strong enough for most plants. The T5 light on the Econoline 70 isn't great, but it should be good enough for low light plants. I also like that the filter on that one has an adjustable flow rate.

Yes. Amano seem to do a much better job of it.
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Cute little bugger.
Well, my guppy just died. I'm not sure if it's because of fin nipping (there were only 2 of them, both males and the other one was the only one eating) or if it was because of fin rot. What are the indications of fin rot?
Saddle-like infection before the dorsal fin and similiar infection around the mouth, generally heavy breathing, deterioration of the fin.
You just got the one?

I don't see the appeal with shrimp
Wow, nice tank. What is that carpeting plant?
Six. The others are just out of frame.

Thanks. The carpet is marimo. See >>2160664 and >>2162108.
Depends on the betta, my betta would harass and bite my cories so I gave him away. Some bettas are chill and will even do good with mollies others are shit heads.
Which one of you said an Oscar could live with by bass. I put him in there Being 7inches as big as my bass. Within an hour that Oscar was nearly dead and I ended up giving it away. So damn you to whoever made me lose 20$
A bass is way too aggressive and dominant. Sorry that someone gave you that advice.
Why would you take advice from 4chan about animals without then double checking and researching elsewhere? Sucks about your fish though.

/aq/ is a gaggle of frothing retards jerking each other off.

under no circumstances should you do anything they say. In most cases you should do the exact opposite. You can't overstate how stupid the people here are.
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My killi fry are tearing up some brine and fairy shrimp.
Got some daphnia ordered, should arrive today.
>decide to clean my marbles crayfish tank
>she has black eggs
w-what do i do anons? i don't have pvc pipes yet
Run to the hardware store and get some. They're cheap as balls
What species did you get?
My friend brought me some ammonia too dose my tank, since I'm starting a fish less cycle. Is it safe if the ingredients say ammonium hydroxide amd surfactant, is this safe?
The ammonia hydroxide is fine but the surfactant is bad. Just go to a gardening store and pick up ammonia chloride or hydroxide.
Thinking of making my own CO2 system for a new tank I have planned. Been looking at the paintball canister method but heard some horror stories about it. Has anyone successfully done it before?
But if your post is true, then it is perfectly fine to keep bettas and goldfish in bowls. Because anons in these generals always say that you have to give them their own tanks that are of the right size, with the proper amount of filtration and heating.
I'm new to aquariums.

I bought Malaysian driftwood, just put it in my tank, and now the water is brown. The Internet recommends that I boil the piece of wood but since I have no fish yet can I just wait it out?
The tannins dont go away, or rather just rather slowly via water changes. Boiling might open the pores and might release even more tannins.

Best advice of mine would be to put the wood in a bucket or pvc container with water and replace it daily till the water no longer gets brown. Could tanke a week or two.
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>But if your post is true, then it is perfectly fine to keep bettas and goldfish in bowls.
and the thought has never crossed your tiny little mind that it might be perfectly fine?

this is why I love reading what you guys write.
the un-ironic retardation is amazing.
Hi Ila
that tripfag was wrong over half of the time.

which is still a way better record than the rest of /aq/ manages.
>its another everyone obsesses over nanos, shrimp and plants episode

Jesus anyone keep anything predatory or interesting?

They're a pain to get consistently feeding. I've had some that would only eat live brine shrimp 2-3 times a day and some i weaned off live to frozen.

Pipefish have been easier in some respects.
>says the frothing retard jerking himself off
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I've always wanted some of picrelated, but they can't ship here.
I just got myself some threadfin rainbowfish, they seem to be doing fine seeing as the males immediately started courting the females.
Lads could you keep cories in a 10 gallon?
My neighbor has a FOWLR with about 5 trigger fish its fucking awesome but the tank is so ugly
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Also he just picked up pic related
I don't like saltwater tanks.
Picasso triggers are top tier alongside clowns and nigers. Had a queen trigger shred my knuckles once for a dare. Was not fun or painless! They're piss easy to maintain and easy feeders, great at bringing out hesitant lionfish, wrasse and groupers into feeding mode.

Closest I've had to those are pic related, "Silver Garfish" (Hujeta). They were wild caught or live fed because they wouldn't eat much else but minnows or brine shrimp. Dominant fish starved the others then died. Bad batch, wouldnt recommend.
>tell me again about my fishes' feelings, George.
I would give my right arm for this tank
Are there any plant/fish combos I can have in like a glass sphere without a pump
looks a little cartoonish to me.
Not that I could do better.

Lads what fish would you be able to keep in that?
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Ever kept groupers? I miss my little panther grouper; one of the most puppy-like fish I've ever raised.
I wish I could have seen him full grown. He was about 8 or 9 inches when the power went out and my tank crashed while I was away for thanksgiving.
Yeah I've kept panthers for the most part. Currently raising a blue spot grouper up too. Great fish, very, I wouldn't say intelligent, but reactive? Especially visually. But then again..duh.

I find marine fish are more inquisitive and have better personalities, I just prefer trops.
The lady who owns it gave a tour that was pretty in depth and its actually a very simple system.
It is very bright and colorful but I think thats the best thing about marine systems, there are much more colors available than freshwater systems
It's difficult to balance the low-nutrient needs of corals with the messy feeding and shitting habits of predators. She's doing a great job with it.

I was first drawn to marine tanks by the riot of colors, but after a few decades keeping them and comparing them to actual reefs in the ocean I find most tanks crowded and almost painfully unnatural looking.

I just like to be reminded of the ocean when I look at a tank.
Looks like ADD in aquarium form. Not my thing.
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then what's your complaint with the tens of millions of people that keep fish in bowls?

if we agree the fish can't suffer and that the owners aren't in any financial hardship if their fish dies, what's the fucking problem?
Lads I'm gonna add some catfish to my tank.
Should I get a school of the same type or can you mix them? I wanted two albino and 3 peppered ones.
Lads I need help

I like

cory catfish
Pgymy catfish
dwarf frogs
Shrimp (all types)

Size isnt an issue so not worry about how many of each which of these are safest to keep together?

Frogs and shrimp im guessing no
but what about shrimp with catfish?
To many British people in these threads
Fuck me lads
It's best to stick to one type/color, but if you're going to mix them get albino and green cories since they're the same species.

>Pgymy catfish
You mean pygmy cories?
Those three can all go together okay, even in something smallish like a 10 gallon. Cories will leave adult shrimp along, but might eat newborn shrimplets. The frog might eat some shrimp if they swim in front of him, but they're not especially good hunters. A larger tank with some densely planted areas where the shrimp can hide would lessen the risk, but keep the tank shallow so the frogs can get to the surface easily.
Im not a fan of corals stacked on top of each other I like this guys tank though
he does a good job of keeping corals spaced out and giving them room to grow in
I decided not to get frogs. I went with 3 pygmy cories and 4 ghost shrimp.
Do you think I should get 6 pygmys or will 3 be fine?
I live in North Brisbane, Australia and would be interested in owning seahorses but no nothing about taking care of them.
Pygmy, dwarf, and dainty cories (C. pygmaeus, hastatus, and habrosus) are okay in a ten gallon. Others are going to get too big to have a proper school and give them adequate swimming space.

It has a very similar footprint to a standard 10 gallon, so stock it like one. If you get strict top, middle, and bottom dwelling fish (eg. marbled hatchetfish, celestial pearl danios, and pygmy corydoras) you can increase the numbers of each fish.

I thought maybe it was a joke, or a single person asking a bunch of questions.
Or both.
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I need shrimp
Get as many as you can afford. They aren't bothered by close quarters and they're more active when you have a lot of them. I have about 15 in a 40 gallon, but they all used to be in a ten gallon together before I upgraded.
I had a bunch but I suspect my Syno lucipinnis ate them all.
Why don't you buy one?

Ok I'll get 6, be nicer for them.
Thanks a lot for your help.

I did it twice, its because I usually post on /brit/ and they all just say it every post haha. Think the rest are mocking me.
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What fish have the best personalities that you guys have had?
Bolivian rams and the green sunfish at work for me.
Because fish are still susceptible to stress and because I value the lives of animals.
My albino cory catfish honestly
i had a chinese algae eater that had great personality

it would come stare at me when I stood in front of the tank too long or sometimes if I waved at it and would even move around/prop itself up on its front fins seemingly for a better look. Would hang out near the hose when I vacuumed the gravel

sadly he also mutilated half of my platies and mollies then suicided out of the bowl I put him in for temporary relocation

Man I miss that fish
>dark as hell, just took a shower an hour ago
>feel something wet
>crayfish tank water all over the floor
>pregnant cray just waddling in it, probably thinking it fucked up
>refill water and dechlorinate
>realized i took a shower and handled the crayfish without a net
How stressed is this crayfish and how much did I damage with the shower?
Anyone here order fish?

I've never done it before but no local pet shops sell any good fish so I've just placed an order now.
It was really overpriced as well.

Still, can't wait till Wednesday when it arrives.
Can you believe people still buy ghost shrimp when green ones exist?
very stressed.
very little.
did you refill the tank without looking for leaks?
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Chalk bass
Niger triggerfish
Coral beauty
What about flame angels?

Same as coral beauty
>available everywhere
>available nowhere
I can't imagine why.
just ordered 10, not that hard to find
Don't worry about the brown water, tannins are good and can help promote better health in your fish.

This is because tannins sooth fish, and the less stressed out they are, the less vulnerable to illness they are.
Shrimp, snails, and moss. Along with air plants like dracaena or potho vines.
The only thing I can think of is if the box with your fish are left too long on your doorstep, or take too long getting to you in an unheated/uncooled van.

Depending on your exact region, your fish could potentially freeze/overheat.
Normies don't "order" animals, much less shrimp.
oh dear

prawn salad
I have two lyretail creamsicle mollies and they have the best personalities ever! The female one doesn't care much about me but the male one is always playing hide-and-seek with me whenever I come over to the tank, I can sit there for nearly 20 minutes without getting bored just swaying my head back and forth cause the molly will follow me around. He also nibbles at my fingers when I stick them in the tank :)
I think they should be fine. It says this

They will then be shipped on our overnight service. You must be available to receive and sign for the fish to receive our arrive alive and 5 day guarantees. Please then read our acclimatizing guide on the best way to settle your new fish in. If there are any problems with your delivery please call us. There are sometimes delays out of our control due to weather, traffic and accidents, please call us if your delivery is late, we do still need you to be available for the delivery due to it being livestock.

So not much chance of it freezing. I think they should be fine just think I got ripped off
How does this look for a marine tank?
if you ever kept fire belly toads you'll know what to do, they're pretty easy, land and water and food twice a day
thats beautiful where can i buy those
My cories, they're playful little buggers. They're dumb little shits but they are always playing together and enjoy riding the air bubbles to the top of the tank.
They prefer cooler water, so dont let their water get too warm. Offer them enough space on land - like 1/3 land, 2, 3 water.

Depending on their age, some primarily hang out on land, before migrating to water and just going out of the water for basking.

They don't like too strong currents and should be kept in a species only tank.

Get them frozen bloodworms - they love those.
Hey guys.

I've got a dwarf honey gourami and some cardinal tetras in my tank.

I had about 10 tetras but due to them getting sick or jumping I was down to 6.

Recently I noticed there were only 5 in the tank. I checked all around and couldn't see a dried up body. Then a couple of weeks later it was down to 4.

I've recently noticed my honey gourami chasing them. He's definitely fed well enough but I assume he's eaten the last 2?

Is he only doing this because the numbers have dwindled? I have never noticed him chasing them before, they've always been fine together.

Will getting more tetras bring balance back to the force?

>had 10 tetras and dwarf honey gourami
>was fine until numbers dwindled
>2 possibly eaten by gourami
>wat do

I'm going to get more anyway but holding off because I want to be sure they won't get harassed before doing it.
Cardinals usually get a bit bigger than neon tetras, so a honey gourami shouldnt be a issue or are we talking still young and small cardinals?

If so, observe how it goes. You could try to introduce a male/female gourami, depending on the gender of yours, so they can socialize and dont project aggression towards your tetras.

I've had them all the same amount of time.

I don't think they'll get any bigger than they currently are.

I might reshuffle all the driftwood/etc in the tank and see if that changes anything
As an addendum, if yours were smaller, I had a similiar situation with smaller cardinals and already full grown black skirt tetras in my tank.

The black skirts ate the smaller ones and hunted them. The bigger ones weren't bothered, so if you had small ones by now, consider buying bigger ones.
I'm looking to start a 10 gal planted aquarium for my betta.

Is Fluval a good substrate for keeping plants nourished? Is there anything else I need? Is a CO2 system really nessecary? Also do I need lighting or are there aqautic plants that grow good in bright ambient room lighting?

Any help would be appreciated.
get at least some basic lighting, like a cheap LED or T5 fixture, if you wanna keep low/medium demand plants java ferns, anubias, hygrophila, elodea, cabomba or echinodorus etc.

Only get co2 if you wanna keep more demanding plants, for example carpeting ones or red ones and have a stronger light for those.

Fluval is a brand name, do you have the product name by chance?
It's called Fluval plant and shrimp stratum substrate. So its volcanic ash basically. It's just the only stuff available to me locally but it seems like its good stuff.

Thanks for the recommendations though, I'm going to have fun researching those plants. I like anubias a lot. I have a vivarium but don't know much about the demands of aquatic plants. Thanks for laying it down.
Stratum is a fine substrate for planted tanks. Since its an active substrate, you don't need to fertilize your plants that much or even at all, depending on what you wanna keep.
No Problem. If you are not sure about plants. you could always look up plants on sites such as flowgrow (in the OP) or do it in reverse and set your parameters and desired plant characteristics and get plant recommendations from the search engine. Really handy.

Got pics from your vivarium? What you keeping there?
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This tank was done with Fluval Stratum, Seachem Flourish and Flourish Excel (no CO2), and this hood https://www.amazon.com/All-Glass-Aquarium-AAG20009-Economy/dp/B0002AS59G with two Great Value brand "daylight" CFLs from Walmart.
Well I don't want to overstep /aq/ but here's a shitty pic. For now there's only hissing cockroaches in it, and supposedly the isopods and springtails I put in there but I haven't seen much trace of them. I want to get a crested gecko later on and move the roaches or something but I don't know if the space qualifies. Maybe get frogs or something more interesting down the road but I digress.

I had a vivarium/paladarium thread but it doesnt seem people plant their reptile's tank as much as their fish. With a good clean up crew you can make it very low maintenance though, I guess it's just not as common in the herp keeping hobby.
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Shit forgot my pic
Are you spiderman?
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I also prefer heavy plantation, if the species you keep allows it. It's not even hate but all this repticarpet and very bare tank design I see is very unappealing to me. I know its practical with many herps though. Can't deny that.

Pic is btw my fishtank, need to trim plants and maybe get a better phone cam someday, mine can't handle the light.
This is a beautiful setup. I love floating plants.
Very nice, what did you use for substrate, what dimensions and what kinda lights? I see some shrimp anything else in there?

And yeah, it's just funny how much money people could save, at least for smaller tropical herps, by investing in bioactive substrate. It can even provide supplemental food sources. I hope the hobby gets somehow more popular in the future.
Lads I legit can not wait
Its a 54l, which should be a 13,5gal.

Inhabitants are

70+ Blue Dream Shrimp + uknown amount of shrimplets
8 Amano Shrimp
12 dwarf cory cats (habrosus)
8 Otocinclus
2 juvenile Black Bar Endlers (used to breed those, kept them as leftovers)
3 African Dwarf Frogs, 1 mal, 2 females
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Ramshorn Snails

All in all, the ADFs may seem controversial with the shrimp if the desire is to breed them, but I had the same setup with yellow fire shrimp, selling them off on a regular basis. My guess is that the frogs don't really bother to predate the shrimplets, since the really small ones usually hang out on the plants, where the frogs don't go and the slightly bigger ones that visit the bottom are too agile for the frogs. Never even witnessed how a frog tried to grab a shrimp.

My substrate is JBL Manado, which is basically a non active version of Fluval Stratum but smaller grains (1-2mm).

Lighting is an Eheim Power LED with 16 Watts/1600 Lumen, a bit costly but a well worth investment for me. due to long warranty, energy efficiency and strong output.

For CO2 I just cook up my own sugar/cake topping base and mix it with yeast and water to produce the desired CO2 output via a ceramic diffusor. But I do plan on investing in a more professional pressure based CO2 system, so I can regulate it better.

Ferts I only use Easylife Profito 3ml daily and Easycarbo (basically EU-Version of Flourish Excel) 2ml daily.

Water changes are about 30%-50% per week, which amounts to a bucket or two, so not that much of a hassle. I plan is also to soften my water a bit up via a reverse osmosis system, so I can control some algae better and allow easier CO2 distribution for enhanced growth.

All in all, cost wise, this tank is pretty self sustaining. I sell plants, moss, snails and shrimp regularly and use the profits to invest in new equipment, food, ferts and plants.
thats a bit overstocked lad
Maybe, I seem to be able to get away with it, since the shrimp barely up the bioload and heavy planting and sufficient filtration keeps parameters very stable.
Is it normal for cherry shrimp to ride around on top of a twig catfish?
That sounds adorable, I hope you took pictures.
I'm not sure what a twig catfish is or how big it is.
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I would like some recommendations for a larger fish for my 29 Gal community tank.

Right now I'm planning on (eventually) getting 6-8 neon tetras
4 Cory cats
and 1 bristle-nose pleco

I originally wanted to get a pair of Angelfish, but I'm afraid they'll try to eat my Neons.

Could anyone recommend a more peaceful "showpiece" fish for my tank?

So far I've been considering a pair of Dwarf Gouramis or a Bolivian Ram.

Anyone owned a mystery snail before? How much did they add to your bioload? How well did they clean algae?

I've heard they poop like crazy. I think they're quite cute but not worth it if I need to double cleanings. Would just one snail make much of an impact?
Pearl gourami or kribensis would be my top picks. You could swap the neons for cardinal tetras or harlequin rasboras if you want the angelfish. Or, if you get the angels young, there's a good chance they'll never bother the neons anyway.

Very cool. Rachovii?

I haven't, but I've known people who did. They're fairly dirty for their size, and they aren't great at eating algae. They'll also eat soft-leaved plants sometimes.
Nerite snails are much cleaner and way better algae eaters, but hey lack the big antennae that give mystery snails their "personality."
With either one you'll need a tight fitting lid, because they can crawl out of the water.
It's really unlikely you'll need to double cleanings for one snail, but the overall impact will depend on how big your tank is.
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Supposedly. Here's the listing I got them from
So I've been cycling my planted 5g in preparation for a betta and some shrimp for a while now. I bought some of those API test strips to test my parameters as it gets closer to time for the fish. They've been holding pretty steady at: NO3 and NO2 both at 0, pH at 6.5, KH at 40, and GH at 120. Does that all seem alright for me to go ahead and get my fish?
How long has it been?
Rams are a good idea if your parameters and temperature are up to par.

Kribs, pearl and dwarf gourami are ok aswell. As for angels, I wouldnt keep them in under 50gal, but thats just me.
About a week of testing

he's just the retard who posts every picture upside down to get people to think he's aussie or something
NO3 at zero is suspicious. Do you know what the ammonia is at?
The strips don't test that, but I've been having my brother save the water from my nephews tank when he does water changes to use in mine to kickstart everything. I'm suspicious of these test strips really, I'm not sure how accurate they really are.
Anyone here have experience for treating ich in a freshwater tank with plants and inverts?
I used salt and heat for flame tetras and it worked. That didn't work for upside down catfish, though, so I upsed Seachem Cupramine for them and that worked well. Cupramine isn't safe for inverts, but if you can remove them to a holding tank you could make it work.
Look up the Esha brand - Esha Exit is the product you need. Best treatments I've ever used, that and Esha2000
Too soon.

What's the scoop on red-cap orandas? I've done some 'research' on them but almost everything that provides information on them, only goes into a short info blurb before talking about the other fancy goldfish breeds. Is their intestinal tract all fucked up like everyone else's? Do their wen's have nerve endings and should I cry when I trim it because the fish is feeling pain? How well do they get along with other goldfish?
Will my betta be happier in his own 2.5 gallon or in a 20 gallon with 6 albino cories?
Their intestinal tract is the same as a regular fantail goldfish. It's very compacted, but as far as short-bodied goldfish go, orandas are among the healthiest.
You might have to pay more careful attention to water cleanliness, since the folds of the wen give a larger surface for potential bacterial infections.
Personally, the risk of hurting the fish while cutting the wen is high enough that I just wouldn't do it. They can get along fine without being able to see well as long as they're kept with other mellow varieties of goldfish. It usually just grows back anyway.

Put him in the 20 gallon.
Is it worth getting the really hard to remove algae off tank decorations or not? I've never heard of it being detrimental to the fish and I don't care about aesthetics.
Also, what's the best way to get algae off silk plants?
Hey guys, are aquarium LED lights supposed to be super fucking expensive? I want to setup a planted 10 gallon so I wanted a full-spectrum light. I paid 200 something dollars CAD for this thing by Current. It has a little remote and everything. It's cool and all but can't I just buy the light by itself and not the remote?
for showpeice get a bunch of kuhli's, you could keep atleast 15 in that tank
It isn't detrimental to the fish.
Best way if it's really stubborn would be boiling or bleach, but it might damage the silicone or affect the color.

That light is about half that in the US, but that could just be regional. That model is only made with the remote AFAIK.
Kuhlis aren't exactly "showpiece" fish, there's no guarantee he'll see them most of the time even with that many

I keep 10 Kuhlis in a 40 breeder, and they only occasionally showed themselves even in a heavily planted tank. After rescaping and making the tank more open, I actually see them doing their little dances in a corner of the tank all the time instead of just hiding like before
Fuck myself

Just got an ich outbreak in my 20 Gallon
Ive got an existing tank that is gravel only substrate that I'd like to put live plants in. If I lay a soil base down, put my plants in, let it settle etc am I okay to put my fish straight back in or do I need to cycle the tank all over again?
Really? I thought they liked there own little space. Hope he doesn't bully my catfish
Someone convince me not to make a nano reef tank. I spend lots of money on my hobbies and I have had planted freshwater aquariums for years and I just want corals and motile inverts. I know I'll probably just make an algae ridden mess but the possibilities of it being beautiful no matter how small is still alluring. I have a 3 gallon rimless tank, a 7 gallon rimless tank and a 15 gallon standard tank laying around. I've been researching all evening and I'd actually planned out doing this about a year ago so I researched it extensively then.

Will I have to do like daily water changes or just top ups?
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Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have loads of these lying about.

Can I put them in my tank?
as long as you don't have any fish you probably won't be changing water more than once a week or maybe once every 2 weeks.

You will be topping evaporation pretty often on a lidless system, invest in a good RO/DI unit.

there's no reason you shouldn't do it if you want. Just take your time. Get some sand and live rock in there and let it sit for a month or two with everything running. Then add some clean up crew if you like. Then start adding livestock very slowly.

Nano's without fish aren't that difficult in my opinion. Even with fish people make it more difficult than it needs to be by feeding every day or even several times a day.

I feed my fish twice a week, the rest of the time they hunt whatever they can find in the rock and sand. I think a lot of algae problems come from overfeeding fish.
What plants do you want to use? You could just use root tabs.
I've never cycled a tank in my life...
Do more research bro, limit nutrients as much as possible an think about getting a bigger tank and running a sump.
there are hang on the back refugiums and protien skimmers, as long as you are running something to pull excess detritus and nutrients out of the water and not overfeeding your tank your nitrates wont get out of hand. People think that reefing is hard but as long as you arent a retard its fairly straightforward, do 5-10% waterchanges weekly and depending on what corals you want you should dose some kalk.
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Do you guys quarantine livestock?

I dont have anything worth the additional setup.

tl;dr I'd rather lose all my stock than set up a quarantine tank
I guess its more of a marine thing sence ich,hole in head, boryopsis, and various parasites can ruin thousands of dollars worth of stock
Salt and heat man, salt and heat.
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Just like other times we handle fish
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That looks delicious tho...
if your fish have ich its a quicker death desu
What kind of fish would you suggest for a tank 10 gallons or less?
>late night walmart run
>walk past the fish center
>parrot cichlids and mollies are all scratching against the surfaces
>goldfish at the bottom are all covered in ich

Dwarf cories
A betta
A dwarf gourami
Ember Tetras
Neon Tetras
Micro Rasboras (Chili, Galaxy etc)

Basically anything that's small.
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I just finished this tank! I live next to lake Kasumigaura in Japan, it's the country's second largest lake. I received the tank for free and I I thought it would be nice to do a local species tank. The plants, driftwood, mud, rocks and even water are collected from the lake and its tributaries. Little worms can be seen digging through the mud, and snails came with the duckweed. The fish were bought from a local fish shop that sells several species from the lake. I have Dojou loach and Medaka in here, and may expand with more species in the future. Dojou loach are a very charming fish, they do silly things like piling up on top of each other. Fish shops keep them in all their tanks because they help clean and are super chill. Medaka are also chill, and children keep them as first fish because they are hardy, clean, peaceful and small. They live in the rice fields, as do loach, and people have kept them for centuries. So far I've only spent about 15 bucks on this tank, and I'm very happy with how it's turning out.
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Another shot of the loach, there are four in the tank and ten medaka. The silly critter decided to wedge itself behind the filter for whatever reason.
Cool idea. I'd love to keep local species too, but our streams and lakes are too cold to replicate the temperatures at home, unless you set up a pond in your yard.
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Betta cost my 6 dollars

He's not the cutest but he's very playful.
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sorry bout that
I am so glad my town's walmart did away with their fish desu. Nothing breaks my heart like diseased, unhappy fish :(
Whoops, I meant saltwater.
Dojo loaches are social and shouldn't be kept alone. They also get up to 30 cm long.
whys that veal tail tryna pretend its a halfmoon?
personally I'd go with a tank raised neon dottyback or perhaps an ocellaris clown. Maybe a purple firefish, but they're more delicate.

If I was feeling really lazy I'd probably just go pick out a good looking damsel that doesn't get big. I like the Fiji blue devils, they're pretty much indestructible.

sticking a fish in a pico reef makes it harder to keep though. Water quality will suffer because fish produce a lot of waste.
a clown or a damsel is all that will fit
heres a guys 14 gallon cube tank
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Did I screw this up?
I got some daphnia the other day, put them in a 5 gallon bucket, and accidentally dumped more spirulina powder in than I intended to this morning...
I siphoned some out into a glass jar, and it looks like this:

Should I redo the water, or wait?
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Here it is next to my fairy shrimp jar. It has a lot more blue color to it
What fish would you put in the ultimate temperate tank /aq/?

Already gonna have white cloud mountain memes
There are four of them in the tank, the others are hiding under rocks, in algae, etc. Also, I've heard a wide variety of sources tell me the Kasumigaura species only grows to 15cm. If they get bigger than that I'll get a bigger tank.
Hey fellas.
So I leave for half a week to go on vacation, and I come back to find all my fish dead, there was a power surge but all the electrical hooked up to the tank systems work.
The tank is covered in algae and as far as I can tell the plants are all alive.

1. What the heck could have killed all my fish
2. What should I do now?
1. how do you know there was a power surge?
2. do you even know what a power surge is?
3. are you talking about a power outage?
4. if you're talking about a power outage and it lasted more than 1/2 hour it probably killed your biofilter causing the tank to cycle and kill your fish.
5. if you're running an airstone to increase capacity then that stopping for an hour or two could kill all your fish.
1, 2, & 3. My neighbors told me, some of the outlets don't work, need a new TV too
4. Didn't know this thanks
5. No air stone
Also should I keep the plants?
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Rainbow shiners and orangethroat darters.
>1. how do you know there was a power surge?
>2. do you even know what a power surge is?
>3. are you talking about a power outage?

Not him, but 9/10 times when there's a power surge there is a subsequent power outage.

Absolutely keep the plants, if they're still alive there's no reason to get rid of them.

Like the other guy said, the bacteria in your filter probably died off, causing your fish to die. Either that or they got zapped to death.
I have brown algea, How do i get rid of this?
i did the water tests and everything is perfect, I only have 2 small mollies and 2 small platy in a 10g tank, Ive had them in for about a month meaning my tank just cycled that much long ago, does that mean this is normal?
Its started to get on my plants this is what makes me sad, I only have 2 swords and an anubias

amano shrimp aka algae eater shrimp.

get like 4 or 5 for your 10 gallon. It'll be spotless in less than a week
Brown algae is nearly unavoidable. Amano shrimp and nerite snails are especially good at cleaning it up, and they'll fit in your tank great.
Otos also eat brown algae, but they're rather delicate and significantly higher maintenance than shrimp or snails
>I have algae

move your tank out of the fucking sun
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I got a new nerite. It's a zebra nerite, but it's completely black save for one small yellow stripe.
>Ive had them in for about a month meaning my tank just cycled that much long ago
did you cycle the tank before you put them in?

if not you should be aware it takes longer than a month for a tank to cycle. Your tank probably hasn't cycled yet.
thanks, of course i looked this up and I read this before but it really makes me feel better hearing this from people personally answering me, and im open to research new ideas I might not had heard of yet
you too buddy, thanks a lot for the answers
its not near any window nor sunlight
maybe that wasnt the best way to word it, I meant, It took about 2 months to cylce my tank, and then after that I added my fish, which have been there for a 4-5 weeks.but it wasnt until about 2 weeks ago that the algea popped up or spread a lot, ive done several water test thought the 4-5 weeks ive had my fish and with water changes my level are great. the reason I mentioned this is because I read in some sites that brown algae is common for tanks that just cycled but idk much about this stuff yet, could be wrong
>and theyll fit in your tank great
Does this mean amano shrimps will get along with mollies and platies? my fish are 1 inch to 1 and a half inches large, I dont have to worry about the fish eating the shrimp or the shrimp and my fish having clashing needs right? (temp, lighting, water quality, etc)
Because honestly i was looking into getting shrimp and now that I need them this would be a double benefit for me
>I read in some sites that brown algae is common for tanks that just cycled
yeah, it's normal to get a diatom bloom after the tank cycles. Diatoms are called brown algae, they look a bit like dust or mud usually.

either way the other anons' recommendations are perfect.
>hurr durr algae is only caused by sunlight

There are many causes of algae, too much ligh, too much nitrogen, irregular light cycles, not enough trace nutrients, and the list goes on.
rate my 10 gallon convict breeding tank.
>bright lights
kids sure do things differently these days.
Fuckers laid eggs.
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that's a nice mat/table combo you go there
and yet if you take away the lightsource, the algae will die

but keep hurpdederping if you like
June bugs keep flying in and drowning in my tank
worse is my bettas wont eat them. I fucking hate summer
Big O can't wait to snack on them convict fry. mmmmmm
Is there anything I can put on my emersed plants to stop my cat from trying to eat them but that also won't hurt the tank inhabitants?
A lid?
it's just an illusion because of the curve in front I think. that looks like a 20 gal.
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Just bought five fish/bugs for my 6g spec

Albino neon tetra 3
Blue shrimp 3
Otocinclus 2
MTS 10

Just fell in love with the Albino tetras

Also got prime, flourish and excel
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>Albino neon tetra 3
>Otocinclus 2
Why so few?

Also Jesus Christ Anon those things are fucking horrifying.
it jumped out while splashing some water out with it
it's doing fine now though, thx anon
10 gallon isnt even big enough for a minnow you sick fuck. This reminds me of when I found out a local breeder kept bettas in 15 gallons the cunt.
They're growing above the rim of the tank, so not unless I put an upside down Tupperware container on them or something.
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It's a six gallon tank so I got the minimum, same with the tetras.

So I couldn't find one picture on Google that looks like the one's I got except for this one and even it doesn't do them justice.
This had better be satire or a troll
Just because they can survive in a 15 gallon doesn't mean they should, how would you like it if I kept you in a cage?
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>ex left me with some fish
>I know nothing about fish or their illnesses/diseases.
>two (out of four) of them died
>mom took it upon herself to replace all the water
>find out later that was probably a bad idea
>I cleaned the water pump/filter
>I bought new pads and carbon
>bought new algae eater from PetsMart (last one died)
>it died in about a week
>looks like one of the survivors is about to die soon (pic)

what are some preventative measures/steps I can take to save it/reverse damage?
>and yet if you take away the lightsource, the algae will die

Can't argue with that. However, the plants would die too.

My point is that there's a LOT more variables that affect algae growth than just lighting.

Water flow, nutrient ratios, and CO2 levels to name a few.
A 100% water change is usually a bad idea but it's sometimes necessary.

You cleaned out the filter? With tap water?

That's where shit really got fucked, the nitrogen cycle takes place in the filter. By washing the filter you killed the bacteria that metabolize toxins. That's why your fish keep dying.
>By washing the filter you killed the bacteria that metabolize toxins. That's why your fish keep dying.

But you need to at some point because it's also mechanical filter for debris
Washing the whole thing with tap water is not the way to do it though. It's best to wash it with water from the last water change.
what are my options now? I have a smaller 10 gallon tank I can move them to but that is also new(they're currently in a ~70 gallon tank)
Well I removed all the water from the tank and scrubbed the tank clean but skipped the part about removing the substrate and now the water is partially cloudy. Shit.

Should I just start over and do it right this time? I also skipped the bleaching step.
>Change the water in my planted nano yesterday
>Wake up today
>One of the shrimp has climbed out
>Another one is dead in the tank
>All the white clouds are at the top gasping
>Test water
>High ammonia AND nitrites

How the fuck does changing the water increase ammonia and nitrite?
Tested water again, no ammonia, but off the charts for nitrite.

This is a tank that has been set up a 3 months and has a filter that had been attached to a fully cycled tank for 6 months.
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>a month ago notice literally hundreds of mosquitos coming out of my 10 gallon tank. I could literally see the larvae EVOLVING BEFORE MY EYES LIKE THEY'RE POKEMON
>genocide them all over my kitchen with a mop and broom handle
>try mosquito dunks
>they grow stronger
>totally empty tank, throw gravel outside. HUNDREDS OF BLOOD WORMS INFESTED THE GRAVEL
>new gravel new filter a week ago
>they're back.
What do I do? My house is clean and does not normally ever have bug problems except occasionally fruit flies.
I do not know what to do anymore. And my fish are too retarded to eat them.
Nice quads.

Seriously though, I don't know enough about daphnia to make a call there.
That color difference is a little weird, looks like it's two different types of algae.
What's your tap water params look like?
Maybe something changed in your tap water and set off a new cycle?
Tap water is fine, made sure to test it and it was clear.

I don;t know if maybe the Prime I put in to remove the chlorine may have not worked and killed all the bacteria?
betta love mosquito larvae. Alternately get mosquito fish

kuhlii loach hunt bloodworms. They'll dig them all out of the gravel for you. Get like 6-10
Well I did a 50% water change, waited an hour then did another 50%. Nitrites now back to normal.

All my white clouds are fine. Ammano shrimp is hiding. Hope non of them die, I've already lost one Ammano.
Nature tank guy here.
Two of my medaka (rice fish) have died. One looks like it had internal bleeding, the other had no issues I could see. I'm not sure what I did wrong.

I don't think it's ammonia poisoning, because all the fish were and still are lively. I've had them in the tank for only a day and a half, and they readily accept food. I did not cycle the tank, as I assumed the bacteria in the natural water and mud would be sufficient.
The rocks are from my parking lot, but I washed them beforehand.
My tank is filtered and aerated, and as a precaution, I've just done a 50% water change with chlorine treated tap water. I washed out the filter and filled it with bacteria infused media.

Medaka are kept in vases and shit, they naturally live in the rice fields, they are supposed to be really sturdy. The ones at the fish store were kept in an unfiltered 10 gallon bucket, there was a good 100 of them in it. Similar story with the loach. Could it be they were already ill, and the stress of relocation killed them?

The only thing I can think is that the duckweed might have had some sort of pesticide on it, as it was collected from a field. However that field was filled with bugs, and the duckweed was crawling with life when I collected it. I've placed all the plants in a separate, plants only tank for now.

Lads how do I move my betta into a new tank?
Can I just drop him in? Both tanks are near enough the same temperature and bettas are hardy fish right?
As long as the water is from the same source and treated the same way you can move him by just dropping him in.
Take the rocks out, if they were in your parking lot they better be actual river rock otherwise they are possibly bad for your tank. take the mud and pond water out, go to the store and buy different fish medicines, they are all probably sick and have parasites. For the parasites api general cure is good, then pick up api triple sulfa and E.M. for a good general cure all jungle lifeguard.
Did you change your filter?
Buy some Api stress coat, it removes chlorine and heavy metals from water. Get some quick start, it reduces ammonia build up. Do daily 30% water changes for a week or two and then do them every other day for two more weeks. Then the fish should be good and the tank cycled. Remember treat all new water with stress coat and quick start.
Did you have fish in the tank? Most predatory fish (so most aquarium fish) will eat mosquito larvae.
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Do any of the newer phones have decent macro lenses?
My Note 3 has a bitch of a time focusing on anything inside 6 inches
No, but you can choose were to focus now by tapping the screen.
Different stocking levels, substrate types, and food could make the pH, hardness, and nitrate levels different between tanks, but it's really unlikely that a betta would be affected.
Personally I'd acclimate him simply because I don't find it to be that much is a hassle.
>I did not cycle the tank, as I assumed the bacteria in the natural water and mud would be sufficient.
Not necessarily. Could you test the water for ammonia?
There are aftermarket macro lenses you can buy for cell phones.

That feature never works with aquariums. Glass/water/the tiny thing next to the other tiny thing always gets in the way.

I want a phone with a slider for focus.
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Personally I would consider 5 tetras the minimum, but I know that a lot of people have done just 3 before.

That morph seems to be called "blue eyed gold neon tetra." It's not a true albino, anyway. A more proper term would be "achromatic."
>I want a phone with a slider for focus.

This. So much this.
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Here's a pic of them just swimming in place.

It was after dosing excellent which seems to effect the fish as well as killing the shrimp
>dosing excellent
Excel? I've never had issues with it, even with shrimp in a 1.5 gallon tank.
New thread >>2165089
Thanks for the information, will be investing in ammonia test kits, meds, everything else as soon as time permits. In the meantime I think I figured it out. The piece of driftwood in the tank was positioned directly above the filter bubble stream. I looked closely at one of the dead fish and one of its find was damaged. As I said, the other one had internal bleeding. I think the poor critters were being slammed by the bubble stream current into the log. Medaka are not fast swimmers, so they wouldn't have been able to get away. Also explains why the loach are fine, those guys are quick when they need to be.
Alright thanks lads, i'll do the whole add them to a bowl of mixed water thing first then I guess.
No, most aquarium fish are racist and these will upset them.
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>have 6 kuhlis
>they all scatter around
>rests in random, hard to reach places no other bottomfeeder can reach
>4 of them dig under a rock
>"where the fuck did they go?"
>see a tail sticking out
>mfw i thought they were stuck at first

fucking assholes
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