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This beautiful girl died of lead poisoning today because the

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This beautiful girl died of lead poisoning today because the vast majority of people don't give a shit about them, not even enough to prevent lead poisoning. There are a handful of good people in the world, it seems everyone else lacks compassion for anyone that's not a human, so self centered and disgusting. I wish I could change people's minds, she didn't deserve this. None of them do. become more and more aware of this shit every day it seems, this in particular. She took one mouse from Jaye, and died in Stephanie's arms. They deserve so much more than what the human race provides.

I'm fucking fed up, so many birds come into the raptor center with lead poisoning. Even when it's not, most of the injuries are human inflicted.
What can the average citizen do to help prevent Bald Eagles from contracting lead poisoning?
when you cum in a girl with a shaved pussy scream "FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!"
This thread will now dissolve into US politics and firearms.

But for real, California for example has banned the use of lead ammunition in areas california condor's ranges. Which would be stupid and useless if this wasn't just the first phase of what they want, since they are looking to phase out lead based ammunition for hunting in the state entirely. For what an average citizen could do other than not using lead-based ammunition if they hunt? Get mad on the internet and raise a stink, I suppose.
fuck that bird ass bitch i'll poison like 50 more if obama bin laden tries to take my guns
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See? You can't talk about bald eagles on the internet without some asshole talking about freedom and burgers, or politics or some other stupid shit. They're just birds for crying out loud! Love them for what they are.
I love that they represent the greatest country on Earth. Every other country has some faggot bird like pheasant or peacock, meanwhile America picks a bird that's an apex predator and doesn't take any bullshit from anything
The bald eagle is a notorious bully and carrion klepto. But at least they look cool yeah
All birds are inherently assholes
Screw you Anon. That's just what birds do, so get over it. Have you ever even met one in person?
I met a swan in person. i had bread in my hand and held it out to feed it to him but right as he went to snatch it out of my hand i kicked its head and sent it's stupid skull 10 meters right into a pond
That was the dumbest thing I've read today

Nice bait
found the PETA member
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PETA is a hypocritical terrorist organization

I am no PETA member
The overwhelmingly base cause for lead poisoning in birds in the use of lead shot by waterfowlers. Predatory and opportunistic birds can ingest lead pellets from crippled or dead waterfowl, and the birds themselves can accidentally pick them up while sifting around for food. Several states already mandate non-toxic shot for waterfowl hunting.

As a hunter, sometimes I use non-toxic shot, sometimes I don't.While the intent is pure and it's often mandatory on state ground, it isn't perfect. Non-toxic shot just doesn't pattern like lead does. The cheap non-toxic steel shot just shoots very differently. And the better substitutes (like iron-tungsten-nickel, tungsten-tin-bismuth, or tungsten-polymer matrix, to name a few) are often much more expensive than old fashioned lead. This being said, I usually use non-toxic shot if it is appropriate for the given situation.
I don't give a shit about hunting but it's always really interesting hearing about it's impact on wildlife.
>and doesn't take any bullshit from anything
That's not how you spell hawks
Everyone uses steel or bismuth shot now, it just takes a while for shit to change.
>raptor center

In Sitka?

Is Volta still alive? Probably not, but I just want to know he had a good life.
Over waterways. Bald eagles eat more fish. Goldens eat more rodents. I wonder if they suffer from the same. Then again mice are a lot less of lead eating morons than fish...
And california is pairing with the atf to reclassify non-lead ammo as armor-piercing to ban it too.

Fucking shitstain politicians man.
No, in Western Washington. Not naming the specific city, this is 4chan after all.
Guy from earlier, and while I'm sure the fish do account for a bit of the issue, most of the problem is with other, smaller waterfowl. Large predatory eagles and hawks often feed on crippled or dead (and live, but that's a lot more effort for a not-guaranteed meal) ducks and teal, both popular game birds. These small waterfowl can pickup pellets either by being 'winged', that is, hit by some shot but not enough to bring the bird down where it can be retrieved, or by their feeding habits. Both diving and dabbler, though especially dabbling, waterfowl will sift around in mud and vegetation for foodstuffs, which makes it easy to accidentally ingest lead shot.

As for terrestrial eagles, you're mostly correct. Their favored prey items usually do not accidentally ingest metal pellets laying around, and there is a far lower rate of wounded animals surviving once shot to be later eaten by the birds. It is possible for some to be picked up by the smaller prey birds like quail, but this is again at a lower rate than from waterfowl. Upland game birds like quail and pheasant are easier to retrieve and thus less likely to be found by a predator. They're also less likely to get away winged; their smaller bodies, combined with the smaller shot size used, means that even being hit on the edge of a pattern will probably put one down.
>California for example has banned the use of lead ammunition in areas california condor's ranges. Which would be stupid and useless if this wasn't just the first phase of what they want, since they are looking to phase out lead based ammunition for hunting in the state entirely. For what an average citizen could do other than not using lead-based ammunition if they hunt?
>Using steel/steel core ammunition to hunt.
A slow, painful death awaits many a durr.
Would be better for everyone if Johnny Cash had killed them all.
There won't be any slow deaths for eagles from eating lead ridden meat, so that's a plus.

It's worth it.
I don't know anything about guns and/or ammunition, can you explain?
Not him, but in simple terms:
Lead is soft, and tends to deform its shape when it encounters resistance. Combined with the special shape of most hunting bullets (JHP or SP, mainly) causes the bullet to expand once it enters an animal. The small bullet expands to many times it's original surface area, creating a much larger wound channel, causing massive trauma, shock, and blood loss, which kills the animal very quickly. Sounds gruesome, but in reality the bullets do their job and result in a quicker kill with less time suffering.

Steel core ammunition, on the other hand, is much much harder than lead and does not want to expand. Instead of a tiny bullet leaving a big hole, it's a tiny bullet leaving a slightly less tiny hole. There are some special snowflake bullets that work around this problem, but they are more expensive, hard to come by, and not well known.
Again, it's better than lots of birds dying from lead poisoning. Your need to hunt isn't more important than the the safety of other wild animals.
it is though
Not that anon, but I'd imagine he means its basically raptors/vultures vs other animals that eat carrion, which tend to be animals we consider pests and are not endangered/protected. I'm not sure if birds are more sensitive to it, or they are just ingesting higher amounts of it(not just the carnivores, but waterfowl too who eat it as grit). Lead poisoning also does not just effect birds, but aquatic animals and our waterways.

Or he has something entirely different in mind.
well we cant have environmental regulations, that would inhibit muh freedoms and impose dem dam guvmit taxes
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Pfft. Bald eagles are pleb teir. Red kites are graceful, majestic bastards. Also we've got a motherfucking dragon on our flag.
Also I love how you still think you're the greatest country on Earth. Gotta love that optimism America.
We can't even keep lead out of the water in Flint. Kind of hard to take care of animals when we can't even take care of our own.
Yep eagles are awesome. Condors are just even uglier vultures.
There aren't condors in Washington, that's why California needs to get their act together.
An animal shot with a steel core bullet could very well take days to die.
Often they are simply incapacitated by their wound, but do not die from it, meaning (if they were tracked by an inexperienced hunter) could very well spend days dying, whilst lying in a pool of their own blood and faeces.
Contrary to popular belief, hunters do not enjoy causing pain/prolonged suffering and this is a worst nightmare for most hunters.

Steel bird shot is an exception, but in such a case you should always be recovering your game anyway.

Tl;dr: Go to a hunting club and proudly declare that they should use steel ammunition, you will be slapped six ways from Sunday for being an ignorant fucking moron who will cause animals suffering.
birds are not that important
I feed a black bird on a roof in Paris please do not desper
better than any eurabian country at the moment thats for sure
Well if you're happy with your rose tinted spectacles, then I'll be happy here with my free healthcare and lack of gun crime. Not saying my country isn't a shithole in its own right, but at least when I walk in to uni I don't risk a shooting followed by crippling medical bills. Each to their own a guess.
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Why are you on /an/ if you think animals are worthless? Go jerk off to traps on /b/ or something, faggot.

I agree with you, but the OP had nothing to do with politics. I knew I couldn't make a thread about bald eagles without people arguing about the US. Who the fuck cares? What do bald eagles have to do with the US? Our pathetic government has treated them, along with other wild animals so unfairly over the years. We'll poison the fish they eat with pesticides that make their eggshells brittle, and we paid people five bucks for every pair of eagle feet they turned in to the Alaskan government, and we have the audacity to claim they represent America.

Fuck your nationalism, it has nothing to do with these birds.
>Not saying my country isn't a shithole in its own right, but at least when I walk in to uni I don't risk a shooting followed by crippling medical bills.
Per capita, the US is the least violent country in the Anglosphere.

Throw out violent crimes committed by dindus and the US would have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world.

I would feel a lot safer living in the US than my country (LA, Chicago and Detroit excepted - NY was surprisingly calm when I went there, a lot safer than home.)
other animals can be important, just not birds
I work in a sporting goods store in NorCal, we don't get much steel shot compared to what we'd need to phase out lead.
Personally I think phasing out lead is a good idea, I just doubt it'll be done competently. But as long as Los Angeles has 1/3 of the state population, I guess it's a moot point whether counter measure ballots would survive November. I do wonder what metals are the most feasible for bullets. I mean some are obvious, but I wonder if some lesser talked about ones would be just as good. I mean price too.
>Your need to hunt isn't more important than the the safety of other wild animals.
A lot of people hunt for food out of necessity in really rural areas. So you're not wrong completely, but not all hunters do it for trophies. Most hunters think trophy hunters are like overgrown frat boys with no damn respect for nature, what with all the wasted meat the trophy-making process necessitates. Plus, if one isn't a drooling idiot, subsistence hunting can be healthy as fuck for every-one/thing.
>no antibiotics, bland flavor, exorbitant cost, or bovine-prion
>glourious venison, rabbit, pheasant meat taste
Honestly, I feel trophy hunters have done more damage to hunters than even Michael Moore could have ever dreamed of.
But yeah, the thought of a poor farmer type being banned from their primary source of food because city folk got butthurt about Bambi's mom dying, kinda gets me steamed, is all
>bovine prion

A ton on deer here have CWD, which is suspected to be a prion disease. They say it's not hazardous to humans, but given the number of people who actually contracted Mad Cow compared to all the people who eat beef, crossed with the number of people who eat venison, not even including the low rate of diagnosis of prion induced encephalitis, and the frequency of venison vs beef eating, I would say it's very possible wild game is at least as dangerous as farm raised beef. Probably more.
Lead bullets is literally a non-issue.

Outdoor ranges in the US are self contained. You cannot move the soil once its been used as a range. Water supplies near by where runoff will occur are usually monitored.

The amount of lead that leaches into the ground at a shooting range is insignificant compared to lead pipes and other environmental sources of lead.

Animals do not get killed by lead from a shooting range leaching into their environment. They get killed by the lead that hits them at 3000fps.

>source: Family owned range
No one is talking about shooting ranges.
The issue is animals getting shot and then scavengers eating the meat along with the pellets in it.
Also some animals straight up eating the pellets that miss and fly wherever.
Hunters are cowards.
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I bet you look like this
>muh free healthcare
I love how you euros boast about your crippling taxes
>lack of gun crime
Yes I'm certain you love being an armed as your 1984esque government forces hordes of middle eastern savages that live off your tax money and rape your women. Being able to defend your selves can't be a solution of course because your government will blacklist you as a bigot and punish you for "hate speech" if you so much as speak out against the current crisis you Eurotrash fags are going through right now.

Continue to spout your healthcare and gun control rhetoric all you want as the leftist politicians who you vote for actively sabotage your nation. I know you;; just bend over and take it, its what euro do after all.
Your rhetoric is a bit late, the course is already altered. Even in the countries where liberalism is religion, like Sweden, the open doors policy is no longer. I'm glad since I'm a middle road guy, and can't stand much either far left or far right.

But then maybe you get your information from stuff like the "With Open Gates" piece, and are not interested in reality.
Why don't you explain how to stop this issue
Deer steaks are delicious
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