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russian-roulette (1).jpg
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Honestly can not believe that I have gotten so low as to come to 4chan of all places to cry out for...I don't know what. Help I guess....so ready for some stupid troll to come in here tell me to just do it already because I'm a pussy...but truth be told I put a gun in my mouth every night and am running out of reasons not to squeeze the trigger...fuck what am I even doing posting this bullshit on 4chan
why do you want to kill yourself
File: Lethal_Weapon_Suicide.jpg (122KB, 628x354px) Image search: [Google]
122KB, 628x354px
what problems are you running from?

I wish I had an easy answer...the short version is that almost four years ago my life pretty much ended, and every time I try to put everything back together it gets fucked up
at least you came to the right board
go, tell us what it is that is bothering you
as far as what problems i'm running from....

$$$ issues
I know it sounds angsty and stupid but I have the damndest time getting even my own parents to understand...and oh yeah I sunk so low that I am crashing at my parents place again
if you're going to kill yourself you might as well type out the long version. We can't give you reasons not to kill yourself. We can give you advice on the problems that make you want to do so.
And when I say my life ended I mean I was quite literally struck by a car while pulling my friend out of the street....well some people say I was pulling him out of the street some people say I was chasing his dog....him and I don't talk anymore so I'll never know what really happened...anyway car hit me going 35+MPH put me in a coma for about 2 weeks shattered my left leg below the knee, bounced my brain around inside my skull like one of the power balls in a lottery pretty much ended a USMC career literally right after me picking up PFC...spent about a year in a hospital and the wrest of my 4 year career in recovery lost a girlfriend...lost IQ points so i'm a borderline retard and having one hell of a time in school...like I said im pretty much a burden to my entire family now...and so I have a gun in my mouth every night and its really hard not to squeeze the trigger
Next time you want to off yourself, do this:
Grab an AR-15. You can get them cheap at your local Walmart, or alternatively a gun store.
Search on google for highschools, colleges or malls in your area.
Take a stroll around and scope the potential targets. Map out potential routes and escape routes, where are the panicking normies most likely to escape towards?
Pick a day you know there's gonna be alot of people there. There's tons of events happening in schools and malls.
Prepare a decent amount of explosives. Those can be easily made with every day materials, google it. This are your escape plan, you can either off yourself with them or use them and escape in the chaos they will create.

Optional: Body armor will let you kill more normies if confronted by security or police or just carrying normies.
Carrying a sidearm can be extremely useful, some normies might try to disarm you.

Remember, good planning and fast action will net you a good high score. Flexibility is key, you never know how things might go, the best of the best like Breivik were so succesful because they could make correct decisions on the fly.

Good hunting brother.

as tempting as that sounds the last thing I would want to do is give the fucking libtards more ammo (pun intended) to take guns away from people....shit I mean I read a couple places that when somebody commits suicide family members/loved ones are more likely to do the same thing...I appreciate the help but maybe help me figure out how to make it look like I died accidentally
if he wanted advice on how to be a mass murderer he would have gone to /r9k/
or /b/

or /k/
Don't be a victim, OP. It seems like everyone these days is a fucking victim. Yeah, your life sucks, but whose doesn't?

Suck it up. You should be dead, but you're not. You lived for a reason. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and fucking move on. And don't you dare put your family through the trauma of discovering you wasted on the floor with a bullet in your skull. Don't be a fucking pussy.

Also, you shouldn't feel too bad for moving back in with your parents for a short time. It's extremely common these days. I had to do that for a while, too. Just enjoy the free rent and start working toward getting your shit together. You can repay them later when you're successful.
That sucks man. I'm sorry that shit happened. Life is such a bitch sometimes.

How old are you?
Can you walk? Are you physically recovered?
What's your effective IQ right now (if you know)?
Did you / do you have health insurance?
Do you have a job?
you're born with nothing. you die and you cant take it with you. just be yourself and start making goals that are attainable.
Don't do it. Just move to different states.

Try to talk less
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