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>started 2nd yr in grad skool >a lot of new international

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>started 2nd yr in grad skool
>a lot of new international students from china join our program this yr
>exchange small talk a couple times with this one qt3.14
>tells me she wants to go to this restaurant
>I suggest we go together so we exchange numbers
>qt3.14 is very aggressive with her texts.
>am confused ??? because I'm used to pursuing the girl and not the other way around. (pic related)
>ended up having a great date
>she goes to her mentor's house party and drinks a lot of wine
>I go to pick her up so we can go downtown for some more fun
>she throws up in my car while I'm driving cause she's not used to drinking
>act a bit autistic because I didn't know how to handle the situation.
>got her some water and dropped her off

I don't know what to do lads
I really like her but the vomiting incident just made things really awkward.
Should I just ignore it? How to go about making a joke about this incident so that we can move on?
she wants to marry you for citizenship. seen it happen.
you could be right but she doesn't know that I'm a citizen as I'm also asian
Bang her and drop her. She's trying to get citizenship bro. Make sure you wrap your tool room don't want no anchor baby keeping her around either.

Pro tip: bend her over and have her squeel "God emperor Trump!" While you destroy her puss and leave her all alone in a cheap hotel when you're finished.
yeah that would make it even more akward because were in the same department and run into each other from time to time.

Well, how autistic are you?

I need to know to give you sound advice
not very. almost a normie now
I just goofed that incident because it was the first time

You're autistic then. You can never be a normie, you hear me faggot?

Okay, so here's what you do.

You need to show her dominance, she's been aggressive with you. You need to show her that it's on your dime and time and not hers.

Step 1: further delay responses in texts and calls and be more nonchalant for a bit.

Step 2: suggest a study time for your classes to study together in, but don't give her any answer's. Make her work for it, but help her if needed.

Step 3: invite her to your house for dinner. Don't be a faggot and order out, cook something legit. You're Asian, cook something amazing bro.

Step 4: after dinner, don't be a pussy and talk straight dick with her and ask her how she feels with you and respond honestly.

You're a functional autist, but by no means a normie faggot.
>Cook for her
What kind of beta fag shit is this?!
True alpha males like you don't cook, your mommy brings tendies to the basement instead.
Go back to r9k.
Thanks for the advice anon.
She's already wants to bone and made it very clear to me.
The thing that gets me is the vomiting incident. Any suggestions on that?
Dude just joke about it next time she says she is going to drink, you can say something like i'll bring a bag this time or some crap you just have to sound ironic

He's Asian. That's alpha male shit in his culture faggot
Be careful dating Asian women that are FOB.

She wont get these sarcastic remarks and vain attempts to be alpha- women see right through this fake ensemble. Its all about the way you position your body, stand up, how other males react around you... or not, how women see you. Women are programmed to decide whether you are beta or alpha instantly.

She clearly likes you, don't worry bro, just play it by your own rules.

P.s Asian cant handle liquor, she is partying hardy knowing as soon as she is home its back to beta femaling.

As some other Anon said. Humor will break that barrier. Say something positive along the lines of "at least you're cute when you puke".
Are you autistic?
Why does vomiting make things awkward to you? Are you a fag and don't like alcohol, so it bothers you that she got drunk?
Just text her "hey, are you ok? Little hangover?"
She will probably say she's sorry and you say no problem, forget about that and joke about it the next time.

It really is that simple, if you couldn't figure it out, you have severe autism

Just reaffirmed his autistic levels. OP thought he was on the road to being a normie.
If you speak english with a native accent then it's kind of obvious.
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