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How to avoid mind break after extended psyops/gangstalking campaign

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How to avoid mind break after extended psyops/gangstalking campaign targeted at civilian

I'm hoping there are some people from the military here who know about this. Or maybe some people know of some good resources.

So this is going to sound crazy but my parents have been trying ineffectively to drop me into a psyche ward for a long time to get rid of me. Recently they made some friends in the mental health industry and with possible military connections. These guys started a campaign of real heavy shit which I will begin to describe here.

First it was soft approach, they scoped out my running route and had people from a local swimming pool pop up here and there and hiss at me randomly and stuff like that. They began to spread rumors about me so that when I went to my local hairdresser I got a very negative reaction from the girls there, which was when I started to feel that the community was turning against me. This may sound too insane but unbeknownst to me they had installed actual spy cameras in my room, bathroom etc., I suppose with my parents permission and were watching me pretty much 24 hours a day. Now, at the time I had no knowledge of mental health topics and I was taken to my GP with anxiety and immediately the GP declared that I had acute psychosis. That was the beginning of my first traumatizing stay in the psyche ward where they kept me awake intentionally by playing weird birdcall sounds. Nobody explained anything to me, they just intended to keep me there forever. I believe the intention was to diagnose me with schizophrenia. I had a brain scan as well which exhibited (or so they say) strange results. The psychiatrist had been paid off or otherwise convinced that I was to be locked up. After calling in a MH advocate I ended up speaking to the Chief psychiatrist and he sent me home pretty quickly. At this point I had some visits to psychiatrists and my parents began gaslighting me with tactics like jangling keys, leaving doors open etc.

Dude, you are probably crazy. Just read your story. Anyways suppose you are crazy, then you need to test yourself so that you know you're sane. Schizophrenia has other symptoms like disorganization and social withdrawal. You can use the other symptoms to determine whether or not yoy have schizophrenia. Anyways, you can never take youe own sanity for granted. You have to make sure. Maybe these people care about you a lot and then your brain invents all these terrible ideas and hallucinations and stuff. Something to consider.
Would you believe anything I say unless I told you exactly what you want to hear? Because to me you seem highly* paranoid and need the help, but I somehow doubt you're going to take what I say seriously.

I wish you luck. You're probably not a bad person and deserve some peace from whatever you're going through, hopefully you'll make good amends sooner than later.

I should also mention one of their primary tactics for REM sleep deprivation: constant construction work. This started off as fairly innocuous handyman work around our home but believe me it escalates into something you won't believe by the end of my story. At that time my parents also started drugging me but with fairly mild drugs, mostly a mild antidepressant type drug. Intending to scramble up my sleep schedule so I would be unpresentable at the next evaluation. I got through the evaluations without freaking out so I managed to avoid being locked up again.

Things seemed to quiet down for a while after that. I moved up into a rental owned by my parents. Unbeknownst to me the whole place was already wired up with cameras again. I was taking larazapram/zypine for anxiety which was fine. I then graduated to lamotrigene. Around this time my parents started gaslighting me again except it became much more insidious. As an example my brother is supposedly on a holiday right now with his first ever boyfriend and my mother constantly reinforces this, but at the psyche eval they may say something completely different and leave me fucked. Proposing alternating options: do you want to swim at fremantle or at riverton? (So I'm not sure which they will ultimately say) Create unease and confusion and link certain things/ideas together. They begin to introduce primed phrases like "it's cold out here" which other people also say out of the blue while out walking, implying that they had been communicating this phrase amongst each other. Conditioning.

This is when the real barrage of noise began: retaining wall had to come down and be rebuilt, massive piles of dirt on the property, continuous roaring. At the same time they really ramped up the drugging into something insane. I was being drugged into 24 hour a day insomnia, drugs to conceal my true anxiety level and drugged with something that caused intense pain in my heart and was almost never permitted to sleep.


How are they drugging you? In your food?

Why do they want you in a psyche ward?
think of it like survivor outwit outplay outgame

they can't get you if yer IN a psyche ward right?
And here I'm going to start saying some stuff that would probably have me declared clinically insane but whatever. One of the psychiatrists I talked to, a real sadist cunt who has a long list of suicides to his name, he spoke to me for three hours and told me that most crazy people blame a large organization for their problems: the police, bikies (which he decided to emphasize), or the CIA. I will say straight up that I don't know how they have the resources to do this shit.

Now throughout this ordeal there have been men on motorbikes making shitloads of noise constantly all around our home. They ride around at a slight distance to your home going up and down making as much noise as they can, a constant threatening wasp hive type sound. They prefer to make the sound without being seen (this becomes its own "trope" for a psyops technique, making a loud or ostentatious sound without an obvious or hidden source). It's a constant source of pressure.

Next is the fake police sirens. Go outside and suddenly you are surrounded by moving police sirens that move with you and rotate around you. This one is actually pretty fucking disturbing, especially if you are out at night. You will never see a police car. None of these tactics seems to do anything to you individually but I've come to understand as I reach breaking point that with the way this works, one moment you can be lucid and then the next screaming mindfucked out by anxiety just with the delivery of trigger phrases or bizarre stories. Stay with me.

The last one, and this is the most outright bizarre thing that has happened to me and I would never have believed it possible was that my TV was hacked and the channels scrambled and they broadcast their own programs to make it look as though the CIA was delivering me a message. I dont know how a digital TV can be spoofed like that. But these people have all access to my rental thanks to my father so they could have done pretty much whatever they needed to do with tv
I hear so many similar stories online. They all can't be crazy right?
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1.does anyone else notice this other then you. That's the only way to determine your own sanity especially if you also claim that their intentions is to make you seem insane
2.dont trust psychiatrists, they don't have you in their best interest

I should also mention that at some stage they obtained my mobile phone at the swimming pool, claiming I had dropped it, and installed undetectable software that can see EVERYTHING. They hacked my computer with similar software. So they obtained a huge number of my passwords and shit. And more just by watching from the cameras.

I'm getting a bit out of order with things. They used a whole barrage of gang stalking tactics on me while I was out walking, too many to list here. But the ones I remember:

Stalking, just having people come up behind you and walk past you in a heavy handed way to let you know you are being followed. It was the first time this happened to me with how perfectly timed it was that I realized my house was full of cameras and the true horror of my situation, that I was basically an animal being held in this house dawned on me.

Banging things as you come close. Buzzsaws are also popular. Multiple residences were banging things as if sending each other a message.

Front gate is open and as I walk past a scream/shout of what sounds like pain comes out. But nobody is there.

Sound of a children party behind a tall white picket fence; but you cant see any children.

Cars slowly pulling up and staying around you.

Prominent parts of houses suddenly repainted red or another eye grabbing color, this really induces a sense of unease that is hard to place

All of these tactics cause a death by a thousand cuts, gradually raising the brains response to stimulus so you're on edge constantly. You feel like your brain is fried after enough of this shit.

I just want to add that this is obviously a sick story about my exploitation at the hands of my family. It's only possible because I am disabled, I'm nearly blind and a bit deaf.
that's the least of your problems obviously.
You are schizophrenic. Symptoms include believing everyone is out to get you, correlating 'natural' noises like sirens or cars and such with an organized threat against you, believing in cameras watching you or being drugged, etc.

Your parents are probably very worried for you and are not the enemy. Get help asap. but sadly your symptoms likely prevent you from realizing this or believing you actually need help.

Best of luck anon.
Hi OP. When I was in my teens a friend developed schizophrenia. It started out with him talking about cameras filming us or recording our conversations and though he quickly stopped talking about stuff like that around us he would laugh to himself and get a bit like "yeah you know, of course you know, ha ha, ok cool dude, I get it, you don't want to talk about it around them". When it got worse he'd basically be talking under his breath and laughing to himself and generally zoning out while around us.

Eventually he was in a quite bad way, not leaving his house, not taking care of himself, boarding up his windows, fortifying his house against 'others' or 'enemies' of which there were a seemingly random ever increasing amount of. This was over about four years?

One night I figured I'd not seem him for a while so thought I'd call in and he tearfully told me that he was being monitored and tracked from space by an array of advanced satellites designed by the japanese and god had abandoned him because as japan was a majority atheist nation god had no authority over them. He'd planned to go live in a shallow depression in the ground out in the countryside, but even that was going to fail because the satellites were tracking him 24/7.

I was like cool dude, but thinking I need to speak to your mother about this. She tried to work with him and helped him clean up his house and put it back to a semblance of order, but he then got into this plan of training his body for a life of constant conflict by starting at the bottom until he was forced to adapt which manifested itself by getting obsessed over local 'faces' and then attacking them at random. Usually he'd get a kicking which he was fine with because he believed he was levelling up or something, but he was doing shit like walking into a bar in the middle of the afternoon and breaking a chair over somebodies head from behind.

Luckily he quite quickly got committed due to this before somebody or himself got badly hurt.

So there are properties being developed around this one and constant big trucks and heavy duty equipment is going on. When that isnt happening there are the buzzsaws to fill in. At night weird low frequency sirens and moving car alarms dominate. There is a constant barrage of sound to keep me awake. My father comes up to hit the fence to make even more noise.

As well as cameras they installed speakers in my ceiling which they use to play quiet piercing whining sounds and almost inaudible screams of pain and probably broadcast subliminal messages preparing me for trigger phrases. I've absolutely had some bizarre dreams.

As well as the continual stress level elevation caused by all of this shit there are the drugs they are using to suppress my true anxiety level (which is probably unmanageable by now). I can feel that anxiety cutting and ebbing through the blocks put up by the drugs and its terrifying. Combine all of this with constant gaslighting by my parents and I'm in a very bad state.

But things took a turn for even worse. All it took was a weird story delivered by my mom about how one of her students stole ten dollars off her desk. the story had no context as far as I can make out, she just broke straight into it. But it hit me in a way that made my intensely sensitized to stimuli mind reel. I could feel my anxiety ramp up like crazy and I knew if I listened to more of these weird trigger laden stories my mind would break apart under the anxiety and I would be a incomprehensibly screaming mess.

This is the part I need expert help about. You definitely need to be familiar with the phenomenon. Please tell me, how can I avoid a complete breakdown?
OP, I'm really sorry to read about this, please take what I have to say.

There are three possibilities here. One is that you're baiting us. If that's the case, good job, you got me. I'll leave that one alone.

Another is that your parents are actually doing all of this. They're getting people to hiss at you when you're out on a run, having cars follow you, hiring bikers to make noises outside your house, people to scream from unseen places. While unlikely, if this is actually reality, there are things you can do to remedy the situation.

The final one is that you're presently in a state of psychosis, as the doctor told you. From what you have told us, your symptoms correlate strongly with this possibility. Don't dismiss this possibility. You need to understand that when your brain is experiencing a malfunction, your ability to recognize and understand the malfunction is severely hindered. If this is the case, the only people who can actually help you may very well be the same people you view as enemies right now due to your mental state.

I suggest you take them that you don't want to go to the ward and that you prefer to take the medications they recommend and to live a life outside of a facility. You mention anxiety and stress. Drugs may be your best bet there. But most of all, you should be honest with yourself to the best of your ability and try to consider that what is happening to you may be a symptom of your brain having some issues and not a team of people colliding to spook you.

I'm sorry that you have to endure this regardless of what the truth is. People out here care about you. Good luck OP.
>Another is that your parents are actually doing all of this

To be fair I didn't say my parents are involved in all aspects of it. Unfortunately for me this situation has escalated to the point where it now involves hardened criminals and high tech PI professionals. It all started when I reported some girls at a swimming pool for harassing me over a number of weeks. From there the hatred of me built up over a year among the entire staff. They've dedicated an enormous amount of time and effort to do this to me.
The next time something weird happens I will capture it on my phone and bring it back to this thread.
Read what this guy wrote, you nigger. You're schizophrenic.


Schizos always amaze me with how self-centered they are. They think all these secret agents care about their boring ass lives.
What's more likely? All these people actually giving a shit about you enough to do all that crap or you have psychosis? You either have bipolar or schizophrenia. I have bipolar and my mania made me have terrible delusions. It took weeks in a hospital on antipsychotics and mood stabilizers to make them go away. Trust your doctors. I thought the police were fake when I was delusional. It's scary but you'll be okay.
Isn't is possible that you are/were slightly schizophrenic in the beginning, and then with your senses handicapped you started misinterpreting unrelated things to fit your story and went on to become full on paranoid schizo?
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