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Boyfriend dick size

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My bf and I have been going out for about 3 years. He's my first so I was just wondering where is penis is on the scale. He's Caucasian with about a 5.5 - 6 inches erect penis, idk about the girth but I'd compare to something like a salt shaker. I'm satisfied with the amount and almost prefer slightly less but I was just curious where he is on the charts. Thanks in advance
Why are you worried about his dick size?
Is he not satisfying you?
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I'm completely satisfied with his size, like I said I almost prefer a little less length but I was only curious about where he was compared to all the other guys.
I hate NY, but i digress.

Do whatever. If his dick is not pleasing you, buy him a pump. Rank shouldn't matter if you love him.
As if I didn't hate women enough
He is average on the dot.
Above average would be 6.5-8
Please don't buy him a pump. That shit is retarded and will funk up his dick.

Also OP, you don't seem to be dissatisfied with his size, so what exactly are you asking for here?
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Literally just asking if it's small, or large.
>I'm completely satisfied with his size
So what do you gain in knowing if his dick is big or small for?
Seems like some sluttery at work.
5.5-6 is average, maybe slightly above average.

Also, I agree with >>18584820
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What you should do is tell your boyfroend that you prefer smaller dicks and then cut some of it off to your Pleasure. Here's a knife to start you off c;
You came to an image board and typed up this whole shit and your replies, wondering if 5.5-6 was small or large for a mans dick when you could have easily just googled "average penis size" and had your answer in a fraction of a second.
I am guessing she googled but was not satisfied with the answer.
be gone, roastie
but your relationship is over anyway so i guess we'll see you here asking for tips on finding Chad
no real girl would know to mention 5.5-6 inches. this is some little dicked guy trying to make himself feel better
Length is average, girth below average.

Upper end of average toward above average. Just be glad he's not a needle-dick.
OP is asking herself how's like the shape, the taste and the grip of other dicks in her mouth and vagina.

I can spot a juicy cheating, there, to the horizon.
My boyfriend is about that size. Maybe a bit more girthy. I have heard that is straight average.

I'm really satisfied. I have never experienced anything larger. My past partners were quite a few inches smaller.
Its perfectly average. Poop out a baby for him and it'll fit a little better
It's about average for a white guy, tiny for an African brother.

Ask him to show you his IQ score. Maybe that will please you in bed.
this whore wants to trade up for a mandingo
Does it matter? If you have to ask a bunch of strangers if his dick is normal ask yourself why you're with him.
Haha funny joke anon!
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