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How do I find a normal, family oriented woman? I'm a law

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How do I find a normal, family oriented woman? I'm a law student looking to find a woman to settle down and start a family with. I go to a good law school, went to a top 20 college for my undergraduate degree, and went to the best private school in my city and arguably state. But the upper and upper middle classes have become decadent, and most of the smart, female law students that I've dated are degenerated SJW types, many of whom are against marriage, against children, and some even bisexual.

I just want to marry a normal woman and settle down. I'm not even politically conservative; I'm quite moderate-to-liberal on most issues. I just want a woman who's sociologically conservative in that she wants to marry a man with career prospects and have children (I around three).

I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking about becoming more religious just to find a religious girl who's willing to live a normal (formerly normal, I guess) lifestyle.

I think it's crazy that something as simple as getting married and having kids is somehow now a rightwing political statement. I mean, someone's got to do it; it's where children come from.
Maybe try finding those things out before dating for more than a month? How long do your relationships usually last? I want to know since you seem to date similar people.
post your picture senpai
My relationships don't tend to last that long because I find out that the girl isn't right for what I'm looking for. I'd call them stealth SJWs. They're not the ugly kind with stupid hair color and so on. They look normal. I date them, we get along, and they seem promising at first. Eventually, however, they start letting slip SJW-like beliefs. I'm fine with liberal beliefs; I have many myself. But then they start talking about the patriarchy, how the traditional family is oppressive, how they want to focus on their career and having children would hold them back and be awful. I hint that family is what I'm looking for with sentence starters like, "when I have kids. . ." or "I think a good kid's name would be . . . " And they become defensive and make clear that they don't want kids. The worse of them then get ideological with SJW stuff about double standards. At this point, I don't even have to unilaterally break up with them; things just get awkward, and we stop liking each other.
Why? I could. I'm not ashamed of how I look, but not entirely sure I want to put my photo on 4chan.
You keep saying normal like we still live in the 70s.

Women having careers IS normal.
you have the wrong attitude, OP.
She can have a career, but I want kids, which generally require that she take off from work to have the child. And if we're going to have a few kids, then she'd likely be taking several years off from work to start the family.

I'm not asking for a total housewife. I'm just looking for someone who wants to have a family and isn't batshit insane. But in my circles, that's surprisingly harder to find than you'd think.
People can't deal with life and like to retreat into a delusion where everything is still retro. It's like they live in this parallel universe, existing side by side with reality. It's not even that uncommon,lot of people like to pretend it's the 1950s and literally expect the world to be socially and economically retro to suit their needs.
What's the right attitude, then?
Not putting people in boxes. Falling in love with people for the right reasons. Letting things fall into place as they will.
Maybe I chose the wrong picture for the thread, and you got the wrong impression. I'm not a reactionary. I just want a normal family.

All my cousins are in their early twenties and have already gotten married, and are on the way to family life. But they're don't run in my circles. They're all religious and went to local colleges.
fuck you he has the best attitude. t. girl.
Sure. That sounds nice. But I have goals in life, and I want to find someone who has similar aspirations about what they want for the future.
What state do you live in, Op?
Houston, TX.
Sorry, but that's not where I go to Law School. I go to Law School in Austin. My hometown is Houston, I live there during the summers, and will probably live here after law school for a while.
Ok, I'll stop trolling you OP, and I will be nice for once.

Look, if you want to settle down with a girl, you have to have something in common with her. People don't just fit into your life to suit your arbitrary needs, and if they do, it's not going to last.

Now what you need to do is to revisit your elementary school, middle school and high school friends. Find a cute girl who seemed to like you at the time, and hit her up. That's how you will find your future wife.

It will be cute, like Forest Gump. Now do it!
>most of the smart, female law students that I've dated

Self selection bias. You're dating from a pool of type-A, career driven personalities. Get out more.
I guess it's a question of where you're looking. I think you're going to get many more 'strange' women in academia than in other places. You might also look for college grads over current students, I find that they can be a little more traditional.
I've actually thought about this. My senior prom date really liked me, and I just didn't reciprocate because high school was over, and I was ready to move on.

She randomly contacted me about a year ago, and I was cordial, but didn't take it anywhere, which shows that she still remembered me.

I've thought about just contacting her out of the blue and seeing what she was up to. I don't know though; it's been a while. If I do it, it would be her though.

Good point. I've basically come to this conclusion. I do feel bad for the law school girls I've dated. I just don't think they'll truly be content with just their careers and a more casual, sexual-type boyfriend relationship forever. And by the time they realize that, they'll be 40-year-olds struggling to have kids.
Not OP, I tried that once and the girl accused me of being a creeper. Granted I was much more awkward then.

Can anyone actually back this up as a valid approach for 'reclaiming potential lost love'?
If you're saying you're a girl, what's your specific advice?
Well there's your answer, faggot.
no advice. any girl would be lucky to date a great man like you.
Thanks. Why do you say that? I'm curious.
girls who value family over career don't usually pursue high value careers like law to begin with. they often get married quiet young and start a family before their job life could take off significantly.
iow, you should look for younger girls who haven't yet invested a lot of time/effort/money into their career and education or girls who kept the ball low because they knew it would never be their goal.
it might sound like they're low achievers, but it's a "career goal" like every other to want to be a desicated mom/housewife. problem is that you can't go to school for that and don't make money from it. so those girls HAVE to find some kond of job/career to get by till they find a guy to pursue their real goals with.
i'm bit like that. i always knew that the my top goal was to have a loving family to care for. so i pursued jobs that i thought might be helpful for that one day. i worked i child care and care in general, getting skilled in disciplines like empathy and patience. this doesn't look prestigious or like you have a big drive from an outside perspective, but i've actually been working on my career as a family oriented wife all my life. i do have a humble "career", but it's nothing i wouldn't toss away in an instant to work towards the real goal behind it.
i'm extremely close to that goal atm. i just had my last day of work and am getting married in a few days/ have a baby in a few months. as you can think, i've never been happier. but it took me quiet a while. i'm 27 now... the reason it took me so long is that i needed to work on myself a lot. i needed to learn all about myself i possibly could and iron out my unhelpful traits so i would be able to hold a healthy relationship and raise functional and content kids.

idk how you could spot a girl with the same intentions, but seeking one within law students seems like not the best idea.
Where would be a good place to try to meet girls like this? For instance, where and how did you and your future husband meet?
>How do I find a normal, family oriented woman?
In the country.
i life in a rural area and i met him trough mutual friends. i guess it's harder to find girls like that in urban environements, since living there is expensive and recuires single people to have a good income, iow a high value career.

i also wanted to note that it is entirely possible that not every girl that seems to fit that description is actually worthy wife material. some really do not have any drive and just slack around waiting for a guy to get them pregnant and provide for them. that's not what you want! those are the girls who don't actually care for being a sahm, they are just lazy. after a few years they will start feeling "trapped and unfulfilled" and wreck your family. be careful! i see those left and right.
to add, those are also the ones who think being a housewife is the "easy way out". they don't realize that it takes just as much hard work and dedication to do THIS job right than any other occupation. they think it will just "come naturally bevause it's in my genes". which is true to some extend, but not entirely.
so make sure to find a girl that is aware of the responsibility she is taking on or she will fuck you over and your kids equally.

also, excuse me if i write incomprehensibly, i'm not actually that dense. it's just in the middle lf the night and english is also not my first language. just that i'm not fueling the clichée of the idiot sahm further.
Thank you for the forthright advice. I don't know where I want to settle permanently, but if it's going to be a Texas city, maybe Dallas rather than Houston or Austin. Maybe I'll start going to a church or something and try to meet women that way.
churches might be a good bet, but there are a lot of weird girls there, too. keepan eye on why a girl is religious. if it is because she likes not taking responsibility for herself and her actions (which is quiet often the case...) don't pursue a relationship with her.
only do so if she thinks religion is providing a good ground for values and community. which is kind of true but only occasionally.

look for the kind of girls who are "good with people" and "love kids". the ones that volunteer for sunday school would be a good starter. or those who babysit their nephews and nieces in their free time. or those who seek out opportunities to be selfless and caring.
Try Coffee Meets Bagel, it's like Tinder, but with more a focus on LTR's and less on hook-ups.

Also be wary of applying the more negative SJW label too quickly, there are plenty of educated, interesting women out there with similarly liberal beliefs that are still pro-family. Just don't settle for an overly conservative, uneducated, dullard of a woman because you think there aren't any educated woman with liberal social beliefs that are, personally and for themselves, still pro-family.
OP, how do you not know the answer to this? Start regularly attending a church every Sunday if you can stomach religion and get to know the people there. I'm in my 30s and go to church and there are always 20 something year olds who want to date for "marriage" and people trying to hook me up with their relatives. I mean if you are looking for a good family oriented woman just go to church and don't rush into anything too quickly. That's the only mistake you can make. Take it slow and just casually date until you find the "family oriented woman" for you.
Sadly it's become a real tough challenge to find that kind of woman
Even if you think you found the perfect one to start a family with you need to make sure they're not mentally and emotionally fucked in the head
Don't assume homely girls who dress conservatively and claim to not want attention are nice girls, turned out this one was like many fat girls I've known who are emotionally damaged but I wanted to believe because of how she seemed to carry herself and ended up being hurt instead
OP, if it gives you some hope, there are women in university who wouldn't mind taking time off work to have kids or pause their career for a while to raise a family. I'm one of those.
I wouldn't be a housewife for the rest of my life, but I would love to have a couple of kids and take time off work to raise them and get back to work when they're old enough for school. My country also encourages things like this.
Career isn't the main focus of my life. I love my job, I love working, and I would never be okay with leaving it all together. But on the other hand, having a family is the goal.

Keep meeting people and bring up the issue early.
One thing that always encourages me to date a guy is feeling like he'd do his share in the relationship and with kids, like he doesn't expect me to raise them while he's out for work.
Maybe highly competitive fields aren't the best choice, tho - especially things like law.

Either you red pill them or you get a religous girl.

My GF is one in a million where I come from. Family oriented, classic clothing/preppy and conservative. She is my first real serious gf and I will hopefully never let her go because she is so fucking rare.
People have to click. I myself was okay with having children and being a wife, but I really did not like to work on a career because it depressed me to the point of suicide (I wasn't good with social interaction, got stepped on easily) and I'd only make it work with someone financially stable. Lucky me, I found that type of guy and my baby will come out in about a month. I do think it's sad that not more people my age (I'm 24) have children, it seems that it's really just not socially acceptable in the west. There's a huge war on gender which I think is senseless, if you love someone and want a family, how is that against nature? Life so simple, yet people make it problematic.

Just keep looking out for the right girl, there must be at least one around for you.
Only problem I have with this is you wouldn't have a "clicked" with someone who didn't earn enough to sustain you
what makes you think that someone who isn't good with social interactions and lets people walk all over them is suitable to be a mom? come on... is that what you want to pass down to your kids?
Well, someone financially stable doesn't mean he needs to be extremely wealthy or support me. I do have my own income, but I do think a guy earning more would mean a brighter future, you know? I'm good with savings, I came from a poor household so I have an idea of how to manage money and thankfully for my husband money was never an issue between us. I met him while looking for a job, we were friends at first and we slowly talked about our life goals and we didn't wait much until settled. It sounds absurd to most, we were still like children ourselves then, but once you find a relationship like this you mature vastly.
It was long time ago,I just say how it is. Who you look for in a woman in your choice, so I don't argue about that. I changed a lot in my relationship, became more confident and bossy, but not in a harmful way. I'll admit, without him I wouldn't have come this far, he had passion and love inside of him and believed in me which made me stronger than I ever was. It's just how my life was/is.Times change, and sometimes for the better.
crazy women are louder so you see them more often and they tend to be generally hotter, otherwise nobody would tolerate their crazyness

try to hit on girls that arent blatant attentionwhores
who dont use "super" as a word to describe something
those who arent glued to their phone and can text without bazillione emojis

basicly, look for a non braindead fake one, apparently you dated the other type before, so you should have an idea what to avoid

and actually, since you are becoming one of those sought out ppl that females consider good parties, shame the sluts a bit, they might change their behaviour for the right guy
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