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clingy friend

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Need some help on this.

So my friend, lets call him J, is super fucking clingy. I've known him for 5 years now and until recently he was alright. Recently though he's just been so damn annoying and no matter how many times we hang out he's literally begging me to hang with him again the next day. and it's so awkward too because he begs me to buy him drinks and stuff. He's cool and means well but ugh, it's so annoying waking up with messages from 10pm to 7am begging to hang out (although I work at 5-9).

Fair enough he misses me and all but fuck, it's stressing me the hell out and I don't know what do it. Should I just keep ignoring him for hours at a time? I'm wayyyy to fucking busy to hang out 24/7. Or should I say something to him? What should I say so I don't sound like a dick...

>wants to hang monday
>ughhhhh, fineeeee
>wants to hang thursday too
>nah, busy
>fuckkkkk, fineeeeeeeeeeeeee
>dropping him back home on thursday night
>he turns to my mum
> (without even mentioning it to me) "heeyyy, uhm what do you think about me sleeping over on satruday and sunday night?
>mum (without even asking me) sure, we'd love to have you!
>stressful and awkward as fuck saturday night is over
>monday night comes over fir dinner
>mum (without asking me again) "hey J would you like to come on a trip with us next weekend? we'll be gone for two nights and you can sleep with anon"
>smiles awkwardly "yeah..."

Fuckin save me 4chan. I can't take this much longer, like legit. it's actually depressing. I can't go 10 minutes without 5 messages asking me what I'm doing or if I wanna hang or whatever. fml
first you need to talk to your mom about it

say that you still want to see him every now and then but you REALLY need some space

if you're not an adult yet, you really need to make it clear to her. If you're a full grown man just fucking tell him to fuck off and give you some space or else you guys really wont be friends.
First off, get your mom on your side by simply telling her how it is - Mom, J is OK but asks to hang out way more than I want to hang out with him. If he skirts around me and asks you direct, can you help me by running interference?

If she's on-side then that's that bit cleared up at least. Note: You don't have to rip on J to your mom for this to work, you're just being straight about it and asking her to put the ball back in your court.

Second, stop fobbing your friend off when he's being pushy. Hanging a couple of times a week is cool but again be straight - Next time he asks one too many times in a week 'Dude, I like hanging with you but not every night, couple of times a week is cool'.

tl;dr just be straight with everyone, dodging around shit isn't helping you.
Man up and bring it up with him, ask him why he's being so clingy


>Yo man why you always hitting me up? We're friends and all but shit dude I got shit to do, hit me up in two weeks or something

is it that fucking hard OP?
You gotta learn how to be a jerk. Teasing bordering on being outright rude ought to do it.

>"Are you going to die if you don't see me for a week?"
"This isn't anon actually, I recently stole his facebook. Now quit spammong my inbox"
"Hey buddy how about you get a life... just kidding. But seriously I have to go now."
he's lonely and clingy. tell him to fuck off. just kidding, you don't have to do that, but just stop hanging out with him so much. or he's going to be clinging to your leg.
Listen to these two, OP.
You don't have to be a dick about it (and I don't think you should), but you need to be straightforward. You're all guys, you're not dealing with crazy girls here, don't make this shit so unnecessarily complicated.

If you truly want to help him and consequently yourself, maybe try asking what the hell is wrong with him lately. Learn to communicate, dude.
If you're a guy and he's a guy, tell him you're gay. All paths from there are win-win.
you must be 18 years old to post on this website
I had this problem with a friend, he is gay.
the boards aren't red, they're blue. unless rules have changed and i haven't paid attention (sorry about that, feel free to bash me for it, since that's all most people on here are good at), adv is not 18+ exclusive.
The whole website has been 18+ from the start.

you are absolutely wrong it is an 18+ site
how old are you?
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