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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>What do girls/guys think about <an insecurity including, but not limited to: looks, physical traits, personality traits, virginity or otherwise lack of dating experience>
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>.

>Brandon, that guy who keeps asking about cuddling in platonic friendships, fart guy and the guy who stuffs his pants
Fuck off
How does an average-looking guy get past a girls "filter" online without having to tell lies?

I dont even want sex or a relationship anymore, just friends and conversation.
Hard Mode:
I dont drink or smoke
Humanize yourself with good small talk, sincere questions, goofing around, just all around being a fun conversationalist. It takes effort and practice but it's a hugely underestimated skill to possess anyway.
Be an interesting person who is decent at making conversation. And that's not guaranteed either.

Just go and meet people in real life.
Be interesting to talk to, sound reassuring.
What else?

How is that relevant?
But how do you get her to notice you?

I cant even get a conversation started because they wont reply to the first message since she has 50 other guys messaging her at the same time.

On the rare occasion I get a reply, I get a one word response, and then MAYBE another one word response or two before nothing.

It takes two to have a conversation.

And no Im not messaging something like "Hey, whats up?". Its normally something either based on her profile or a recent post by her
80+% of girls seem to want someone to smoke or drink with them.

Or maybe thats just rural Indiana
I've isolated myself for about two years already, planned to kill myself early 2017.

But I grew up a bit and started to appreciate life.

I'm now looking at making friends and possibly a relationship online and probably LDR as well.

I am very awkward back then and I rejected females who are interested in me, which I now regret. I never really found "love", I've always been the type to enjoy and do things alone.

I am currently NEET now with like 5 friends that I still keep in contact with from about 6 to 9 years ago.

Can someone help me find the right path? Or at least suggest what would be my next stop in life.
Mid 20s now, still living with parents.

Trying to look for a job but I'm very picky at what I want to do. Arts related course too.

I apologize on how I paragraphed everything, it's all over the place.
You don't. If you want someone to notice you, talk to them in real life.
>try to optimize your profile - pictures and description are still that first impression
>experiment with your kind of openings, don't always go for the safest option, try to be a bit quirky ("SO, zombie apocalypse just started, what is your plan?" not "oh cool that you play guitar, I can play a bit as well"), that seems to sometimes help the initial awkwardness a bit
>realize that tinder and similar apps is a numbers game and unless you are some Greek god you are stuck trying a lot for what you get out of it

Real life is indeed superior.
What is the best way to start a conversation with a girl when you don't know each other? (Extra info: There's a girl who takes same classes as me. I think we both liked each other. But I don't know how to approach her since we don't know each other.)
Did the first part. I guess I was waiting to get a positive response to get some confidence back before trying the second, but I guess Ill try it next time. Thanks.
How do you meet anyone in real life when your "locality" is corn fields, you work in a factory full of 40 year old men, and you have no friends left with to go hang out with?

Id prefer it, but I can only think of bars and I dont drink so Id be quite a loser in a bar by myself.
Girls, I have $26k on my savings account. Is this enough for you?
I have double that in mine, so not really.
girls: if you were to get broken up with because the man no longer found you attractive would you want that reason or a bullshit one.
You mean that's not the bullshit one?
No. How would it be?
Well I'm not unattractive so it'd sound like a load of bullshit to me
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Attractiveness is a lot more than looks. Even if you're pretty that modesty issue easily knocks you down a few pegs.
>Attractiveness is a lot more than looks
Duh, but it's pretty obvious that >>18310128 is referring to physical attractiveness.

>Even if you're pretty that modesty issue easily knocks you down a few pegs.
What modesty issue? It's not conceited to know that you're not unattractive.
No I was talking about legitimate attraction. Personality and looks. You came off pretty arrogant to be honest.
I'm not going to apologise for not being insecure about my looks. My personality is just fine too, in case you're wondering.
>My personality is just fine too, in case you're wondering
This HAS to be shitposting, kek.
Going to answer because I feel like I been in a similar boat as you.

First of all get a job, any job, I know you are picky but put it aside for now. You need it to regain confidence, you'll get money, more contacts, possibly be able to find love through it. But realize that you are not your job, you are an artist and nothing will change that.

Secondly, if you want a job in arts. Keep creating, fix a portfolio and get out there. Show your work and be proud. If you need to build confidence, watch motivational videos and practice. Ask yourself what you can do today that would help you in the future. Think baby steps. Can you work 10 minutes on your portfolio? Can you apply for one job?

Visualize your future/dream job, create a life plan, make small goals that you feel like you can achieve in one day and do them. Reward yourself upon achievement (watch an episode, buy something nice).

Forget about finding love for now, in order to love. You need to start by loving yourself. That is the most important love you can receive and give; self-love.

It can also help to find a mantra that you can repeat to yourself when times get rough. I got a mind that wander a lot and leads me into a negative spiral if I don't break it early so mine is "I'm the master of my mind" But it can be something as simple as "Stay strong" Or "I'm the greatest artist of this century." Repeat positive thoughts in your head, heck, keep notes of your mantra in your wallet, at your laptop. Etc. Why should you do this? First of all, to break any bad thoughts you're having before they escalate, or to remove self-doubt. Secondly, our minds are really easy to fool, if you keep repeating to yourself that you are a great artist, soon enough you will start to believe it and no one will be able to change that.
kek I'm sure you're just a delight to be around
I just need to hear if you guys think i'm overreacting. Ok so i have really bad trust issues with my boyfriend. To be honest, I generally am a little paranoid, because i have made bad experiences in the past and he knows this.
My problem is, that the girl he occasionaly fucked (she lives a few hours away) has been his best friend for years and she had a boyfriend the whole time and her boyfriend still has no idea. They sent eachother nudes yada yada.. you get the idea.
I know she has a hotter body than me and this makes me really insecure, because sometimes when we have sex he doesnt really get a boner. I'm not fat I guess i am a bit too skinny. He tries to make me feel better by saying, that my face looks nicer than hers, on which i agree, and that she is a total slut and would never want a relationship with her, but that still doesnt make me feel more comfortable. Then last week he told me that he had dream about cheating on me with her. I didnt think much of it, because that can happen to anybody, but when i saw when he opened his messages that he told her about the dream and that it was 'actually really erotic' i flipped. He says that they always tell each other things like this, but to be honest i feel like the third wheel or something.
I told him that if we want the relationship to continue he must be honest about the converations. I must be honest i have gone through his messages once secretly but told him afterwards and now he uses this to not be open about the conversations they are having. I told him that he must be hiding something then but to that he simply doesnt answer. Help me please am i really crazy?
Sounds an awful lot like he'd fuck her if he got the chance.

t. a male that's done pretty much that once when I was young and stupid
Hmm, this is a tough one. What's the situation here? Did she gain weight, stop being on top of everything? Did she stop acting sexy/sweet? Or is it a mental thing for you, like she became old news and thus not exciting anymore?

I guess if I had let go I would want to know. It would hurt but hey, that's just an extra motivation to go full 2.0 yourself in the throes of the break up.
If you stopped finding her attractive because of life getting in the way (like her actual aging or becoming parents and not acting like lovers a lot anymore or any other kind of thing she can hardly single-handedly avoid) I don't think I'd want to know. I would stick to the feelings/romance fading for you without singling out her looks or always being tired or whatever.

Basically it depends on how much is within my control. If you find me unattractive for reasons I can't do anything about, I'd rather not become down on myself and because of that only less attractive to another man.
Why are you dating a Thundercock who has a Thundercunt as best friend?
because i have feelings for him
yes thats what i thought
>having feelings for a manwhore
As a male, if planned on fucking someone else secretly, theres no way in hell Id tell you that I dreamed about it.

Sounds like hes confident it would never happen. Or fucking retarded. Whichever one of those fits him better
She is kind of lazy. She never wants to do anything anymore. I ask her to do anything and she always makes an excuse. I ask her to go out and she doesn't want to go. All she wants to do is watch movies and go shopping. Then she complains that we never go on adventures. She's low key disrespectful as fuck. I've lost a lot of weight recently and everytime someone says I look good she chirps something in how I haven't worked hard towards it. It's like she lives to get angry. She gets upset if I do something I want to do that doesn't include her. It's a new fight every night.

Mostly she's lazy in bed which has killed a lot of my attraction. Try as I might I still always have to do 99% of the work of initiating sex. It's not even fun. It's easier and better just to masturbate at this point.

Physically she hasn't changed. She's just become a real drag.
"I love Kanye like Kanye loves Kanye"

Thanks. I shall do my best, my portfolio has been stagnant for almost 5 months now. But i do try to write stuff here and there, just never got around into finishing them.

I'm currently in good terms with a girl but I want to keep it that way for quite a while and I'm sure she does too.

Is it a good idea to bring up old /a/ hobbies?
It's a really old hobby that I used to spend money on but I already stopped now. Since I am neet, couldn't always afford all the anime figures I want so I stopped but I do still have them.

I'm mostly positive now, but there are times when I still feel a bit down, but I know it will pass and it's a reminder to cherish the good times.

One more thing, how do I stop letting emotions control me over logic or rationality?
Sometimes it's really hard to do so.
5 days ago
>bonjour, mon ami
2 days ago
>bonjour, mon amour

>is calling me adorable (for the lack of a better translation) more and more often
Why am I getting so scared? This may be my first gf. Should I not be happy?
he said he felt guilty. I woke up next to him and felt like we had an argument the night before, but we didnt so i asked him if he said something mean in his sleep or something. Then he told me about the dream after a few moments
That sounds so much like my life with my gf that it hurt to read
If he had to think about it, he was probably debating if itd make you paranoid or not
Eh, dude. You are not wanting to break up with her because you stopped finding her attractive. You want to break up because you realized she's a dead weight of a human being and even her sexual skills aren't so good that they can make you forget about that.

If she insists on a reason I would just tell her straight up that you did not like the person you got to see being this close to her. That you realized she was no longer the girl you fell for or the girl you took her for when you fell in love. Particularly undermining your accomplishments (kudos!!) and stifling your ability to have a life outside of your relationship are stuff good for her to hear and hopefully take to heart. Same would honestly go for the sexual laziness but I think if you bring that up in the heat of a break up talk she will likely dismiss it as you trying to burn her rather than listen seriously.
Interesting. She also lives in my house and owes me a grand. So the ultimate final fall out is a little scary. We're not common law or anything, but it'll take her like 3-6 hours to move out.
You're not getting that grand back. Or well, 99% certainly not. Take it as a lesson for the future. Never ever loan people money unless it's fine with you if they never pay it back and you regard it as a gift to yourself.

Yeah most people aren't sociopaths who are looking to bank on the good faith of their friends. But human psychology is tricky and it is not fun to owe someone. So what typically happens is that when they feel self-pitying or like you wronged them or whatever, they take it as an excuse to rationalize not paying back. ("I don't owe anyone who treated me like this shit.")
Problem solved, they don't have to pay you back and can still feel more or less in the clear. Because they totally -would have- paid you back... etc.

So I would honestly write that off. As for living together, try to get some solid advice regarding the lease.

>it'll take her 3-6 hours to move out
Sounds like she'll take a week at least from your description, Jesus.
>To be honest, I generally am a little paranoid, because i have made bad experiences in the past and he knows this.
I'm curious what this even entails. Staying with a cheater?
Please, tell me I'll be happy with my first gf. ;_;
But you might not be
Anon pls.
How do I find depressed Cuties to cheer up?

I dont need anything back, I just like seeing them smile or hearing that they feel better.
Why would someone who needs cheering up care what a random guy on the internet thinks?
Youve obviously never been depressed. Sometimes all you need is someone to listen and encourage you

I used to cheer up girls all the time on MeetMe, but its dried up quite a bit, at least in my state
5 days ago
> good day, my friend
2 days ago
> good day, my love

mon amour actually mean my love in french. This is legit relationship talk
ask her for a pencil! the greatest relationships are born from the silliest, most mundane conversations.
: Why are you all such dry, basic, uninteresting, unfunny fucking cockblocks?
wrong attitude. if your idea of relationships falls chiefly on money and how much of an impression your money makes, you're going about this all wrong. when you start something with anyone, keep money out of the topic list for as long as you can and see whether the relationship is even worth it, or meaningful at first.
because you're looking in the wrong pool of people
do girls sit on trains and wonder about someone dick and sucking it?
Go to some psychiatric clinic.
A girl started to chat with me there, because of my hair. But now she isn't replying to my texts (just friendly talk, I wasn't hitting on her). Wtf, bitch?

I know. Sometimes I want her, sometimes I don't.
I don't know how to deal with it.

Who are you talking about?
You can tell this to yourself:
>ALL the right junk in ALL the right places
I think you should seriously consider talking to someone, anon. It's one thing to want to improve how you look, but this seems like you're being much harder on yourself than you should. I'm in the same boat in a lot of ways - not happy with my weight, my looks, my personality, anything. The only reason I get by is because I have an enormously supportive family, and honestly I don't even like to burden them with my bullshit. But having a friend or relative there to assure you that you're not as awful as you think you are helps a lot.

It's hard to love yourself, I know that. But it's also important. Any personal trait you can think of that you like, anything at all, grab onto that and don't ever let go. If you can find something about you that's worth liking, you'll start to realize it's not the ONLY thing.
>Been weeks since I had a conversation with a woman due to my field, discounting family and a friend halfway across the country.
>Try joining meetup
>Turns out my interests are near exclusively male too.

Anyone stuck in a position like this? Feels like my only option is to bite the bullet and fuck with online dating.
Don't you go anywhere else? (Grocery store, mall, drug store, clinic)
Start by making small talk with the women there.
Someone should make a dating site for depressed/psychiatric patients!
>Don't you go anywhere else? (Grocery store, mall, drug store, clinic)
I can't really imagine a way to segue from trying to force small talk when waiting in line to getting drinks or something. I often see people suggest stuff like that but I can't just work it out in my head.
How do you focus on other things when your SO is mad at you/giving you the silent treatment?

I don't know if it's because I'm an oversensitive bitch or not, but when my SO is mad at me I start to not be able to focus on doing anything productive. I just can't stop thinking about her and why she's mad at me. I already asked, but she just ignores me or dodges the question
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Woman, is it ok to tell you I'm bi if you ask for my sexuality or do you prefer not knowing the "other" part?
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Are you seriously asking if a woman would prefer you lie to her when she asks you an honest question?
>I'm mad at you for telling me that you're bi
>I'm mad at you for lying to me by not telling me you're bi
Last time i agreed to tell all flirting gone away. Oh he likes man what a fag. Hell be my gay friend.
Waiting in line is not a good opportunity. You talk with others when choosing a product or something like that. Practice by just chatting, not with the intention of dating/fucking. Then you'll get used to it and going for something more will become natural.

I go to the brothel and forget all my problems.
What should i do? Most girls tend to not undertand what that means
There's no brothels where I'm from and even if there were, I love her and wouldn't ever do something like that.
you tell the truth so that you can find someone actually compatible with you
Yes, but only my boyfriend's
This girl talks to me every day and every once in a while we hang out irl and she lets me fuck her. I've been crazy about her for months. But for some reason she won't let me gf her. I feel like I have been friendzoned other than the fact that she lets me fuck her.

Why won't she let me gf her? ;_;
She likes your body but your personality is not what she's looking for in a boyfriend
Do you think I should call out a girl for being a liar, a hypocrite, and just a terrible person in general? The only thing I want out of it is closure and for her to feel terrible, just not really sure if I'll get that.
If she's genuinely that bad, you telling her isn't going to do anything.
The thing is, I'm pretty sure she thinks she's kind and caring and smart and different, but she's really no different than any other piece of shit who has fucked me over. I want to call her out for saying she cares about me when she really never has.
>I'm pretty sure she thinks she's kind and caring and smart and different
Which is why telling her isn't going to do anything.

And you yourself sound like you're coming from a biased, or at least, somewhat extremist, place. You could be just as delusional as she is without knowing it.
I don't know. It's a long story.

TL;DR: She was my boss, we bonded over both of us being depressed, she said she cared a lot about me all the time and she would talk to me when I was having a bad day or whatever, we even made plans to get coffee outside of work but we only actually got coffee like 3 of the 7 times we planned to because she always cancelled each time. She would say she loved me all the time and make me say it back, she would hug me and all that shit, but over time I realized that she would only really talk to me when I was her or I were in a bad mood and even when she did talk to me she'd be really short with me. Something happened at work and I got fired but she was cool about it and said I didn't have to tell employers I was fired and that we would still be friends and she still cared a lot about me. We got coffee like one more time after I got fired and she said once the weather got better that her and I would do more fun things together. But, again she would always be short with me whenever I'd try to message her and she also cancelled on coffee again. I kind of did an experiment and just didn't message her for like two weeks and I didn't here a word from her. I'm so fucking sick of it and I just want to call her out to fucking put her in her place and let her know how much of a fucking terrible person she is and that she does more harm than good.
People begin to believe their lies after a while. If you call her out she'll just convince herself you're an ass, and by extension that you calling her out is just a bunch of lies. Just cut contact and move on.
Nobody broke your heart
You broke your own because you can't finish what you start
I don't really see how those lyrics apply to my situation.
For one or two minutes she liked you
But the fix is in
I understand that you are upset. Someone made you feel like they care about you when in likelihood they probably didn't. When you come to that realisation that they may have been using you, it's a horrible feeling. You'll feel hurt, angry, vengeful, sad, and alone. You'll want them to feel what they made you feel, and to see what they have done. Will calling them out help? Maybe temporarily it will give you some relief of the pain you feel, but the moment you feel that relief, it will be gone again. The advice I have for you is to let go. Take your ideas of who you thought she was, what she means to you, and your feelings towards her upon your realisation, and let them all go mate. You'll be alright. Don't let her take up any more of your energy.
Part of the problem is I've been incredibly depressed my whole life and I already had trust issues to begin with. Now everything is just more fucked up and I'm convinced I'm never going to be happy or meet someone who actually cares about me. Everyone in my life who has ever said they loved he has either treated me like shit or ignored me which is why I can honestly say I've never truly been loved by anyone, not even by my parents.
For anyone:

A girl told me "everyone thinks that we have huge crushes on each other"

I just said "oh, uh, maybe"

I've known she's liked me for a while and she drops really big hints all the time.

Today I kinda fucked up, I think. I've been feeling down lately, and she was telling me how she's really worried about me. Later I was complaining that nobody cares and she just said "uh, excuse me?" and then got standoffish.

What the fuck should I do to make things right? We have a really weird relationship/friendship/whatever...I don't know what to make of it half the time...I've never felt this way about anyone and don't want her out of my life but at the same time don't want to get hurt/rejected. Like, sometimes we'll be talking and she'll just stop mid-sentence and have a huge grin across her face, I'll be all like "what?" and she'll just giggle and say "nothing :) i just like talking to you"

How do I man up?

So you don't like her romantically, and are just dragging her along. Okay, you're a piece of shit, got it.
Are you honestly retarded? I'm not trying to be mean but she obviously likes you. Her getting standoffish was because she felt like you didn't think that she cared about you. I don't know how else to say this but you really just have to man up and tell her how you feel. I highly doubt you'll get rejected and if you put it off any longer she may get frustrated and lose interest.
Go big or go home.
same story for me. i have plenty of friends male/girls across the country, i don't suck at talking, but I don't find anything to say to initiate the talk with someone i don't know.
Depression isn't fun, and I know when you get repeatedly let down like that in life it can make trusting people so much harder because you open yourself up and make yourself vulnerable when you trust someone, and then the people you trust take a knife and plunge it straight into your heart. It's a horrible feeling and it'll seem like everyone out there is a two-faced heartless bastard. So what's the solution to this? I'd be lying if I told you I knew, but I can give you some small advice that has helped me deal with these feelings. This may sound vague and meaningless, but find yourself. Take your energy and devote it to yourself. Discover new passions to follow, find things that you find enjoyable, and create a bond with yourself over them. If you find that you are lonely, but that you are not ready to open yourself up to people right now, maybe do something like get a dog–the majority of them are extremely loyal and show you unconditional love if you treat and bring them up right. When you're able to enjoy and love yourself, the pain that comes from other people being two-faced to you can be greatly reduced. Slowly, if you'd like to, you can start letting people in more and learn to trust again, but do so when you feel that you are able.
one of my friends keeps filling me in on the romantic lives of her friends

>so and so is single now
>what's her face dumped her bf
>so and so's ex is such a weird creep
etc. etc.

i know she's not trying to set me up because her friends don't talk to me at all, but i'm not really into gossip

how do i gently let her know that she doesn't need to tell me these things?

Gossip is how small minded people make small talk. Don't directly confront it unless it gets very ugly, but redirect the conversation

Dude how many underhanded soft pitches can you strike out on? Figure out what you think of this chick and act on it already but don't keep her waiting on nothing.
You've been with your bf for a few years, vut you and I obviouslt click, emotionally, personally, sexually, our humor, our interests....
What do you want from me?
How do you know one of her friends didn't see you in passing and thinks you're really handsome and so she asked your friend to feel you out, bit you're being autistic?
Is it really that much of an issue? Can't you just let her do it and throw in the odd "uh huh"?
Maybe you're just her friend and the perceived clicking is wishful thinking.

Personally, I would never get close enough to another guy to even know if we are compatible in those aspects.
>at work
>female coworker asks me if I'm seeing anyone
>"Oh, because I don't think [other coworker] is seeing anyone either; I like the two of you together."
The "other coworker" in question happens to be the only single girl working in our department, and I happen to be one of two men in our department, the other of which is gay.

So my question for working women* is, she's only saying that because I'm the only straight guy at work, right? She would probably have had that same conversation with literally any other dude in my position, yes? So I can just safely ignore that conversation and assume it won't come up again?

There's a reason I'm single, and that's because I'm undateable; but you can't just tell that to people without them either giving you hollow reassurance, or simply assuming you're fishing for compliments.

* "Working women" isn't a euphemism for prostitutes, is it? Because if it is, then that's not what I mean. I'm not discounting the opinions of prostitutes, but I'm also not exclusively seeking their advice.
This is what makes it difficult, theres 2 friend's gf#s who I dont know how to read.
1 talks to me about me looking "manly, getting all thegirls and being a sexy rapist" ????
And the other just seems like the bst person i've evern known, especially when her bf has passsed out, she's all over me....

What do they actually want?
Agree with >>18310809. I have friends who I get along with well, on paper we might even get along better than I do with my boyfriend, but there's a reason I'm with my boyfriend and not these friends.
because im a loser and it makes me feel bad about being undateable
Volunteer groups are frequently mostly women. If you have free time start going to the food bank or something.
Then you are either imagining things that aren't there or they are unfaithful
Stop being a faggot.
It sounds like they want to talk but you're not being empathetic enough.
What do men think of giving women head? How often do you do it (foreplay included)? If you like it, what's the appeal?

Optional poll here:
Unfaitful, friend.....
If you want me, show me, because I want you as bad as it is, you are my girl and we both know it?
I want you, and im pretty sure you want me, your bf is like my little brother, in every respect. I don't want ot hurt him, but you seem to be who i've always been looking for. But again, I don't want to cause pain, so why are you suggesting anything?
She sees no future with you. Not one she aspires to at least.
That's the only way she's getting an orgasm besides my fingers
I'm not a faggot
Making someone feel bad won't (or shouldn't) make you feel better. Just move on and find people to share mutual respect with.
I'm ok with it but for fucksake please trim or shave or something. So many women I've been with complain if I don't trim or shave but then get all annoyed if I refuse to do it because they haven't done the same.

This happens so often it's ridiculous.
I think it depends in part on her relationship with the other coworker. If they're friends, she might feel like you'd genuinely click with her. Why do you consider yourself undateable, though, if you don't mind my asking?
She's saying that because she thinks you would make a good couple. Don't try to uncover some conspiracy that doesn't exist. She probably fancies herself a matchmaker and fantasizes about attending your wedding and having you thank her in front of everyone. If you ignore it she'll probably still encourage you to find someone because she's nice and doesn't want to see people alone forever. Whether you're date able or not is your prerogative, but she would probably reject that notion.
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girls, do girls in general have any physical attraction to males in general? i mean just casually, in the same way that guys would look at a girl's butt? im talking to this girl and she swears that girls just doesn't have any physical attraction to any aspect of a male at all and i refuse to think that, but im a guy so i don't know. Id like to hear other girls opinion on this.
>who i've always been looking for
Just put it inside me
>Why do you consider yourself undateable, though, if you don't mind my asking?
Because I'm in my thirties and at this stage in my life I feel more than qualified to make that assessment.
>She probably fancies herself a matchmaker and fantasizes about attending your wedding and having you thank her in front of everyone.
That's what I mean, if she fancies herself a matchmaker, then it wouldn't matter who it was that was filling the role of the single guy in that scenario. I just happen to be the only one there. The conversation would have presumably played out identically if it was any other single, straight man in my situation.

If ignoring it isn't going to work, then what's the best course of action? The single girl in question is obviously not going to be interested, so I would much rather just skip to end and bypass all the unnecessary encouragement.
I'll try to keep this short.

>met girl, liked her from the start, made this clear from the start
>3 months of getting closer
>we finally kiss and stuff
>i jump the gun and think we're in a relationship
>for a month things are good although occasionally weird
>we spend more time around each other than not
>she melts down one night
>says we're not actually in a relationship but she doesn't regret anything and didn't want to hurt me
>says she's open to the idea of us being in a relationship someday
>i tell her that i am going to still be pursuing a relationship as i have been from the start and that if she meets someone else i'd prefer that she stop talking to me because it's going to hurt tremendously and i'll need space to deal with that
>she says she was afraid of that being the case, but that she hasn't met anyone else, that things just moved too fast, etc
>gets closer and more affectionate to me after we have this convo
>~2 weeks pass
>spend a week in a hotel together constantly doing sexual things and are very affectionate towards each other
>on the occasional night that she isn't sleeping over (very rare), she calls me
>the thing is, a lot of people have crushes on her and she still associates with them and it makes me a nervous wreck
>this jealousness is starting to cause problems because she can tell i'm upset about something but i don't want to tell her that i'm jealous because we aren't officially in a relationship and i'm worried she's going to do stuff with other people because she hasn't committed

what should i do in this situation? should i just keep hiding what my problem is and hope that things change or should i tell her that i'm jealous and insecure because of our current non-relationship status? things feel like they're ramping up, but i feel like at any moment the rug can get ripped from under me because of this desire to not be in a relationship just yet. she still talks about finding people cute and stuff whereas i have strong oneitis.
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I might as well bring up my dormmates for an example...

>B: into hairy, dark-haired musky men (middle-eastern)
>D: usually not lusty (is a devote pure christian) but went crazy when she saw a half-nude of a guy she knew, she goddamned loves pecs
>M: gets turned on by rugged masculine traits in general; has a thing for older men but often gets blinded by her hormones and gets confused about what she finds attractive or not
>J: actually just wants a man that loves her, doesn't have a type
>other J: has a man that she initially didn't find attractive but went out with him anyway; is into asses
>me: pretty, tall blondes for some fuckin reason
That's just the basic shorthand.

Oh and that girl is really silly. She needs to stop assuming all girls are just like her.
I personally have never found anyone 3D physically attractive, except my boyfriend once I fell for him after being friends for years. So yes, now the sight of him turns me on greatly.
How do I roleplay sibling/cousin incest with my gf? She's into it but the roleplaying is a bit awkward and fake
It's always going to be fake. That's what roleplaying is. The only way for it not to be fake is to actually fuck your sister.
Please do not put your cuckolding fap material here
I know it is, but there might be some way to make it less fake, to the point of being believable

I don't have any sisters to fuck :(
You could always just be honest and say you're not interested.
Fuck off jew
It's true. White men can't compete.
t. Buttblasted dicklets
So I've gone on a couple of dates with this girl and things seem to be going pretty well. Should I be trying to get her facebook/snapchat and move the conversation off texting to there? Or does it not matter / is it too intrusive at this stage?
It really doesn't matter. Maybe facebook I guess but don't force it, let things naturally move.
Why don't women ever try?

Do you think you shouldn't have to?
>giving girls head
I like it. It's fun trying to figure out what sets a girl off. Been a few times I've gave girls oral just to give oral and refused anything in return. But almost never do it now as my girlfriend isn't comfortable with it.

She is either ready to be with your or she is not.
You are either genuinely OK with this situation or you are not.

If you are not, don't put yourself in a place that makes you miserable, don't force yourself to deal with shit you can't handle, and don't make her do the same.

Talk to her, if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be, thems the breaks, and that's just how it is sometimes.

I even if you meet the right person, even if everything about you feels and sounds like it would be perfect on a paper and in a vacuum, if you're both in different parts of your lives and just happen to meet at the wrong time, it's not going to work out. It's just not meant to be.

Love and relationships are weird like that.
Humans themselves are complex individuals which means there's lot of complex things and random coincidences that have to match up for things to work out between two of them, and most of the time, they don't. Thems to breaks.
How do you mean, anon?
I do though. I'm just scared that I won't be enough.

>Are you honestly retarded
Probably. How should I go about telling her? I don't want to say it bluntly but that's probably the only way I'll be able to...otherwise I'll end up being super cryptic...

>Dude how many underhanded soft pitches can you strike out on? Figure out what you think of this chick and act on it already but don't keep her waiting on nothing.
A lot. This has been going on for months. It's just more recently that she's been more direct since I've been kind of depressed lately and there's a lot going on in my life that's stressing me the fuck out. I really don't know what to do about anything and all I want to do is talk to her about basically everything and I'm scared that she'll think I'm throwing too much in her direction...it sucks.
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My boyfriend no longer wants to have sex with me. It's been a long ass time. He's always been a much less sexual person than me, but it has just been non existent now. And obviously that means he also doesn't make out with me either. It's as if we are best friends that just so happen to cuddle a tiny bit and give each other small pecks on the lip and that's it. He is never able to tell me what he's into just "I like you!" so i don't know his kinks if there are any. He says it is his fault because he is rally stressed with work and depressed lately. But this has been going on for so long and despite numerous conversations where I have been patient it still hasn't changed anything. I'm fucking masturbating in secret when he's gone. I dream of being fucked hard and passionately. Hell, I'd be happy if i could even get a make out groping session. It is destroying my self esteem, making me feel crazy and angry, and making us seem more like really good friends. What in the ever loving fuck do I do? I've tried turning him on only to be rejected and I can't handle being rejected again ... what is going on!? What the fuck do I do.
Link went wonky: >>18310942

Fuck man maybe I'm getting old but is it just me, or does it feel backwards to go from instantenous and direct access messages to third party alternative messengers services that are indirect and lower priority?

It's like people are reaching to find ways to get LESS connected the more time goes on.

Granted: im old enough that AIM was my prefered messenger
It sounds like you've tried everything but the ultimate talk. You can't keep going like this, it will just lead to resentment (if it hasn't already) and it's not a healthy relationship.

It might be time to just say "tell me what's happening or I'm leaving" because it sounds like he's been deflecting and avoiding answers.
he's cheating and feels guilty. he's avoiding sex or being really lovey with you so he doesn't feel too bad about it.
>My boyfriend no longer wants to have sex with me.

1.) Talk to him about your needs. Talk to him about what's wrong in his life. Talk to him about the things that are making you BOTH dissatisfied in your lives, and how you should be able to deal with things together.

2.) Change it up. Go on a trip somewhere new. Go on a silly day date where you pretend you've met each other for the first time. Take a vacation. Explore a new city. Do something new.

3.) possibly come to terms with the fact that you may have different needs. In which case there's nothing you can do except start to consider the idea that you may not be suited for one another,
I would rather purpose I sleep around before I leave him outright. I wouldn't actually sleep around but maybe that would be enough to snap him out of it? But with that, it implies that whatever sex we have feels forced. I want him to want me. I think he's hot as fuck and would have sex with him if I could. It wouldn't feel like sex if he was just doing it out of bored obligation.
I get what you're saying, but it seems, at least in my social group, that people tend to see some of those other services as a bit more "instant". My opinion as to why this would be is that Facebook is accessible from the web and mobile, as well as being free. Plus, people are generally on it to talk to other people anyway. Snapchat is a app designed specifically made so you spend as much time on it as possible, so I think people are more likely to check it and respond quicker out of habit.

An SMS seems to almost be halfway between an email and an IM some of the time. I get that it might also differ person to person as well though.
I doubt he'll snap out of it but you can try. Still, it's really not a healthy relationship. I've been in the same situation and it just led to resentment.

In fact as a way to keep us together, she put forward the sleeping with other people idea to me. Obviously what I wanted was her but she just wasn't into sex anymore. Ultimately the relationship came apart since I wanted someone who wanted me too.
>Why don't women ever try?
Try to do what? I try very hard at work, at my martial arts, at playing music, at academia.

I rarely try myself because I am so afraid of failure. And sometimes its easier to sit back and let other people do the hard and scary parts of life.

I know this probably makes me a bad ~modern woman~ but at the same time I'm too anxious to care.
I'm betting he's talking about dating and approaching men and what not.

In which case: >>18310941 they do anon, just not for you--and that's happening for a reason.

Stop whining. Fix your shit. Become someone who YOU would want to be around. Own your own personality and life.
Sometimes neither partner is willing to make time and effort to accommodate so sexless life starts and it becomes easier to maintain that while complaining about things than change things.

I'd tell him what you've told us, that you wish to be fucked hard and passionately and it is starting to mess with your self esteem and bother you and everybody knows what it is like when something bothers you, it gets under the skin, starts to become something you obsess over and get weird about. If he tries to make it about him with "I can't believe you know about my stress and you are adding to my stress by guilt tripping me blah blah..." then acknowledge it, but don't accept it because he is being a baby trying to deflect your concerns onto you to make you feel bad. Tell him you understand why he'd feel this way, but you are bringing it to him in a nice way, so you can work it out in a nice way, because you want to work it out together, the alternative is pretty horrible which is a sexless relationship which will be unsustainable.

My girlfriend and I, we used to have sex all the time, then I had the high sex drive and she was a bit more 'meh' blaming her birth control. Now I work a very physically demanding job compared to my office job and she got fitted for a non-hormonal coil and I am getting up at 4am and passing out by 9pm she is desperate to jump my bones. Thing is, I can only after work or weekends, both times where for some reason she isn't willing to park her hobbies or actually wake up before midday when we've got commitments starting.

So she is oh you are always too tired to have sex any more and I want sex all the time, your job is sucking the life out of our relationship. I'm all just allow sex when you get in from work, or impromptu when we are trying to make dinner, or actually wake up before midday on the weekend because I'm up and raring to go from 6am.

When she adapts to this, I fuck her silly, when she doesn't, she blames my job and tiredness.

Uh most women prefer guys to approach them. You know that right?
The secret is that women will approach you if you are alpha enough that you attract them to your group.
Everytime I bring it up he is nice about it. He never blames me and always blames himself. I love him, he is nice and caring and everything perfect ... except for the not having any sex drive thing. So when I bring it up, the conversation turns into him venting about all his stresses in life and me patiently listening and admitting that it sounds shitty ... but after about 5 times of hearing the same stuff over and over again ... i lose my patience. I almost wish he was mean about it. If the problem was with me then I could fix it asap and get things going. But because he is always blaming it on his own feelings, then it is up to him to fix it and it seems he doesn't know how or isn't able.

I don't want to leave him. In every single other aspect, I have the perfect relationship. He is everything perfect I could ever want ... but damn this sucks ... I find myself fantasying about guy friends I don't even find attractive merely because I know they are dom and explain what they have done to their partners. It makes me feel like a weird shit head.

Even then I bet women prefer for the guy to approach them. My 2c and experience.
An ex and I had 'the sex frequency ultimate talk' once. My ex proposed I 'got my needs met' elsewhere while continuing the relationship as it otherwise was. She didn't want to sleep with anybody else other than me and her only stipulation was I didn't bring them to the house. While I'm sure some guys would be like, hell yeah! immediately I felt rejected, undesirable and good for nothing except paying the bills and maintaining her comfortable standard of living. I can not see the point in being in a relationship where the attraction and desire I sought isn't there, I'd just be deceiving myself that my life was somehow awesome because I could sleep around which I could have done anyway behind her back, or do by being single, neither of which I wished to do, I was wanted her to feel the same way that I did and consider my needs important in her life the same way I did, it wasn't even particularly about sex, it was about feeling rejected by my partner.

If somebody came to me asking to open the relationship as a solution BEFORE talking through every other option they'd be out the door. I'm sorry, but opening a relationship for anything other than the most positive reasons within an already incredibly solid relationship is the kiss of death.

>Hey baby, can I cuck you because I view 'my needs' as a separate entity even though they kind of aren't because I'm relating them to my self esteem. Can someone else validate me through sex without changing things between us?

Also, while I can understand needing to feel needed, validating that urge and your self worth through sex through a partner even is kind of dumb. That is the kind of thing we rip on teenagers for trying to do.
I would actually be lying. But that is the easiest thing to do and it's probably what I'll end up doing.
Unless you hawt doe, then women will come at you regardlesss, your friends wont even realize that its cause you are their perfection embodied, vapid wimmen is vapid, m8.
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What's with the prevalence of the meme that there's no reason why a girl shouldn't have a boyfriend (besides if they're fat)? Seems like more of something that only applies to sexual or online shit.
Has he always been like this? While sometimes it is entirely inappropriate the rest of the time for her to be grabbing at my crotch, like 85% of the time it only takes a little touching or signs indicating that I'm going to get a blow job from my partner to get me in the mood. It doesn't mean I'm going to leap on top and pound her silly, especially if I'm half asleep, but once I get back into the habit of having sexual contact with her this leads to sexual thoughts and I no longer have to second guess if she is receptive to my advances and I can relax a bit more and I'll do things like cup her ass inside the waistband of her skirt when in public, or push her into a secluded spot for some heavy kissing, touching and biting.

For you guys maybe the first step isn't the conversation which follows a predictable pattern. Maybe he goes down that path because it works, it shuts down the discussion and makes it go away. Maybe try initiating physically rather than starting that conversation and reading his reaction. You saying that it is 'boring' is understandable, but not very progressive.

Though, if I wanted to a be a bitch, I'd start asking tougher questions like is this what you want from life. Obviously we make choices which open some doors, but close others and is what you've committed to making you happy? Does it give you want you need? Are the doors you are closing ones you might regret? Tell him you notice and are sad for the loss of whatever it was that made him fun and chill instead of so stressed and depressed. Ask what you can both do to break the cycle instead of saying or acting like this conversation is circular and boring because he very likely feels trapped as well.
Is insecurity one of the biggest turnoffs to girls?

Online stuff should count and yes I think that is what they mean. The online "dating game" is ridiculously stacked in women's favor and I say this as a woman who is pretty much an emotional wreck (and a NEET and overweight) who found an amazing guy (who supports me and is handsome) in like a matter of days via online dating.


Yeah probably. Most girls have enough of their own insecurities to deal with. But you know, there might be exceptions to the rule.
>A lot. This has been going on for months. It's just more recently that she's been more direct since I've been kind of depressed lately and there's a lot going on in my life that's stressing me the fuck out. I really don't know what to do about anything and all I want to do is talk to her about basically everything and I'm scared that she'll think I'm throwing too much in her direction...it sucks.
It sounds like you care a bit more for her than I thought. She sounds super into you so just talk to her a little bit for fuck sake and she'll hear you out. Don't pour your whole life on her but explain what the fuck's been going on. I don't have a clue what's been getting you down but she's obviously aware it's something so don't bullshit so much about it.

Try to roll with having fun with her and all and when she moves on you move back for the love of god.
Probably not, but the combinations it usually comes with will be a turn off. A little insecurity is probably cute, honest, a sign of emotional vulnerability and the awareness that they aren't always perfect. Combined with having shitty relationships with friends and family due to insecurity, a shitty job due to a low self worth, an inability to commit to anything due to a fear of failure, being controlling and manipulative instead of direct and open due to a fear of abandonment due to insecurity. All these things just fucking suck.

It plays into the narrative pretty well though of the rejected, inferior, insecure male ego though. Hurr women only like confident guys, confident guys are confident because they good looking and stupid, women like good looking and stupid guys who are aggressive. Of course I must possess superior intellect because women don't like me. It must be because they make bad choices.

As if guys don't line up to fuck the shit out of hot, dumb and sexually aggressive women. The whole trope is a basic male fantasy.

So no, don't be bothered about a little insecurity, as long as it isn't holding you back in other areas of your life and even if it is, as long as you are self aware for the RIGHT reasons and dealing with it don't be bothered about it.
In what way am I not being emphatic?
For me personally, absofuckinglutely. I tend to find unique faces most attractive, but little things like the way clothes fit, leg shape, how a guy carries himself, shoulders, neck, hair, etc. always catch my eye one way or another. The thing is though, I only noticed men more after I completely stopped looking at porn. On the other hand, fantasizing about real, average-looking people is more fun than browsing /hm/ in my opinion.

The goofy-in-an-attractive-way types are the best.
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Girl says she has a menstruation delay, which is 14 days already. My hands are fucking shaking. We didn't even fuck.
Every time I was real myself, I was ignored
Every time I opened my heart, girl gave me weird looks
FUck you
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>it's everyone else's fault that they didnt like you and its surely not a problem with you
I like this girl but she only respects me for my turbo-autist programming skills (which I used to help her complete her project). Over the past month I've realized that everyone around me only sees me as an autistic brainiac and not as a real person which is heartbreaking. I don't sperg out or go full OCD on anyone, I don't even talk to people that much, I'm a totally normal but quiet person. Still, I'm not even a candidate to be in people's friendzones.
Well yeah we're only human
I take public transport a lot so I often get "Oh shit he's hot" moments

>the way clothes fit
Got a bunch of skinny guy friends that insist on wearing clothes too big for them and I didn't get why, till another guy friend said it's to hide how skinny they are

It actually does the opposite. I remember seeing a friend wear proper fitting clothes for the first time and I found myself attracted to him for the first time ever
>Girl says she has a menstruation delay, which is 14 days already. My hands are fucking shaking. We didn't even fuck.
She's getting a child from another man and you're shaking?
Someone explain
We made out, didn't penetrate. I cum around her carefully, neatly, in my hand, then proceed to wash it and dry.

I became obsessively paranoid, so many stories in the Internet I've read, where woman wishes to impregnate herself without man's attention.
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>I cum around her carefully, neatly, in my hand, then proceed to wash it and dry.
Sounds hilarious, indeed, I jerked off then. Am I fucking retarded and being nervous without reason or I should prepare to spend my every penny saved to make an abortion?
You're retarded in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin.

Do you just sit next to her and jerk it into your hand? This sounds like some next level autist awkward shit.
>ask coworker for number for first time 3 months ago
>go on a few dates
>thought it was going well
>suddenly goes cold "busy"
>2 weeks go by finally gonna see a movie with her
>she cancels an hour prior but asked to reschedule
>said something real needy
>she ended it a few days later
>act like she doesn't exist at work for a month
>randomly decided to see if she wanted to hang out
>she agrees
>we hang out and have a good time
>few days go by ask her if she wanted to go see a movie on X at Y
>"k lmk by x tomorrow or im making other plans"
>never responded, oh well
>month goes by,only see her at work one time since
>few days ago come into work and she is already there
>walk right past her and talk to another coworker
>fast forward to break
>sitting on stool browsing on phone
>she comes up behind me and bumps into me and started small talk
>swear it felt like she used her boob
>talk for a bit then went back to work

I mean I've been dating other girls and what not. Seemed kind of random for her to want to talk to me out of the blue instead of talking to the other coworkers like she normally would. Could she be interested again? I don't plan any plans to chase her.
Yeah, this is retarded, I admit. I suppose, there is no way to tell if she got pregnant besides doing a test, having considered there were no penetration? I know that to have that kind of delay is certainly not normal.
She may have a delay for other reasons. Girl here, my period skipped a couple of times in the past- losing some little weight and stress caused it. You didn't penetrate her, so probably it's just a stupid delay.

But go get a pregnancy test if you need to stop thinking about it.
no my ex has cheated on me fo a while and i found out from my best friend about a month after i broke up with him
where/how did you girls meet your SO? im sick of hookups but all the guys i know and meet are only interested in that :/
Friends of friends usually. I met my current SO when my friend was meeting up with her boyfriend and his friends.
I am good friends with a girl. I also think she's super attractive and would like to date her.

I'm not sure if she's interested in me and I'm pretty autistic so I can't read her or anything.

We have pretty good chemistry as friends but I get the impression that she doesn't see me that way (or maybe I'm just sandbagging? idk).

wat do?

Has she ever suggested that she has any romantic interest in you? Any clear signs that couldn't possibly be anything other than an obvious attempt at flirting?
Not verbally, no. As I said, I basically have no ability to read other people's body language, or perhaps it's more accurate to say that I would write off anything that others might consider to be signs of interest as merely being friendly to avoid getting myself invested in the idea that someone would like me when they don't actually.

My other female friend was telling me yesterday that girls touching you/pushing you is flirty behaviour? I literally had no idea of this until it was pointed out to me.
What got me thinking about her in this way again after putting it out of my mind for a while was two things:
1. I know that she's recently single again
2. She seemed very open to the idea of doing something outside of the normal context in which we see each other (uni work), ie she super wanted to watch a movie with me except she's really busy rn.

However, writing this just makes me think that that's exactly the sort of thing that a normie friend would want to do and that I'm being stupid by thinking it's anything other than a friendly gesture on her part (see post >>18311370)
Can jealousy be rational?
Jealousy is an emotion, it's kind of weird to label that rational. If you mean reasonable/justified then sometimes, sure. Life isn't fair and sometimes someone who did half the work you do has more to show for it, for example.

Even if it is justified though, it's a negative emotion that will make you gloomier (comparing yourself in general to other people, or your possessions/accomplishments etc to theirs, makes people less content) so even if it's entirely understandable that doesn't mean it's the best for you.
>she says a lot of sugary sweet stuff
>ignores me and hangs with her friends instead

I know I'm not in the place to stop her from hanging with her other friends but this is really painful.

Should I just cut our ties? It hurts me more than it hurts her most of the time and I think I'm done with this bullshit.
>that feeling when your period is late and you sit there on the toilet going "dear god please don't be pregnant"
>that feeling when you realize you have not had sex in literal years
>that feeling when STILL it doesn't take all the anxiety away

The danger is real.

Anyway, periods are fickle, even a girl who is usually regular as clockwork can suddenly skip a month or get it weeks later. Especially if something stressful/traumatic happened the body can just nope out of menstruation. Alternatively and more morbidly, if she is really skinny she could've lost the final pounds that still made her cycle work.
Yes. I did not entirely understand from your post what the situation is (are you a platonic friend? a friend with a crush?) but if a dynamic with someone else is this difficult and causes you this much misery, it is extremely rare for it to suddenly turn around and become easy and pleasant. The conflict of interests or incompatibility or negative stuff you evoke in each other or whatever isn't going to stop overnight because you said the right thing or gave it some time.

I'm too much of a pussy to cut it outright though, any idea on how I would approach this?
Slow fade. Start by barely taking initiative to talk, then not at all. Make up excuses for why you can't talk long when you do. Over the course of a couple of weeks, go to not talking anymore at all.

When she calls you out, tell her that you didn't want to make a big deal out of it because nothing dramatic happened, but the friendship had started feeling one-sided so you are investing in other people.

This won't definitely keep her from throwing a fit, but that doesn't matter.
She's chatting me up now, she knows something is wrong.

I feel angry at myself more than jealousy now.
Have you ever tried flat out calling her out?
No, I'm too sensitive to do so, trust me I'm more of a whiny bitch than she is.

Forget it, I'll do what you said and start now.
I'll just start by replying short answers.

Is there any point for someone to get a girlfriend/date if he never wants to get married or have kids? It just sounds like a lot of emotional pain. I've seen both male and female friends go through a lot of pain with break ups. Is there even a point to go through all of that if I don't want to get married or have kids?

I'm sure there are some women out there who feel the same way, and don't care for marriage or children. I do think it's important for you to make your wishes clear from the outset though, so as to avoid any confusion or disappointment.

Be aware though, that it is very common for women to change their minds about this, especially when they're in their mid to late twenties. They may begin the relationship stating they don't want children and marriage, but the pressure of all their friends doing it and their biological clock ticking can change this.

I'm speaking from experience. When I met my partner I was pretty sold on the idea of not having children. The more I fell for him, the more this changed. Fortunately I think he has changed his mind along with me, but I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be if he didn't as I'm totally in love with him now.
Can't you apply this to everything? Young guys being in the gym five days a week when they will look like shit eventually? Friendships more often fading than blossoming over time? Pets dying?
If you have something valuable, something you cherish, you can (and often will) lose it. Does that make it the better option to not have anything worth mourning at all?

The emotional pain also isn't pulled out of thin air. It's also pain because of all the good emotions, pain because you lose an intimacy with someone that goes above and beyond what you share with other people, a whole world of fun inside jokes and fond memories sinking.
Yeah that's brutal but I would rather love passionately and get my heart broken than live a life with less fullness and depth.
I'd wager that this is different if you do not value interpersonal relationships that much to begin with. But given that we only get one life and none of this will remain I honestly see no more worthwhile goal to chase than enriching others' lives and allowing other people to teach, love and change you.

I'm in my mid twenties now. I've never had a girlfriend before (because of my own reasons). So I guess it is a waste of time then


I guess I just don't really value interpersonal relationships like you said. I've always been alone. There was one time where I opened up with a girl who I considered a very close friend. But she ended up ghosting me when I went through a really difficult time and needed friendly support. Which that really fucked me up because I really trusted her.
>I've always been alone.
You have friends, right? Family? Then you're not alone. A romantic relationship is really just another flavor of that.

Well yeah I have a few friends, but I don't bring my problems to them. As far as family goes, I don't really have a relationship with them.
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I'm in love with a girl who's a bit insecure, and I often go out of my way to help her out. I do want her to overcome her insecurity and be less stressed because of me helping her, but subconsciously I mainly do it to have a reason to spend time with her. She knows how much I like her, and we talk about it openly even though she doesn't feel secure enough to make this serious or admit she feels the same way I do (if she does at all... that's one thing she won't mention). What she said basically came down to wanting to take it slow. We do go out once every few days, which she told me not to call dates just yet but feel the same either way.

Today she poured her heart out in a long text about how grateful she is and how much she admires me for my helpfulness every time.
I just became overcome with guilt all of a sudden. I do what I can to help her, even go out of my way to do so. Yet I feel now it's mostly a selfish desire to be with her, and it feels wrong to be seen as selfless as she thinks I am.
I get sad too when she turns my help down. It's not like I'd get angry at her for it or break down sobbing or whatever, but being looked at this way feels undeserving, like I'm a Nice Guy in disguise just waiting to be uncovered.

Girls, what do you think? What should I say? What should I do? Is it wrong of me to be like this?
And should I admit that I do it because I want to be with her?
Dear Ladies and Bros,

I am fucking head over heels for this girl, she is spoken for but I know she wants to leave him because he is literally a burnout. She had a kid and is someone I consider a really good friend.
She knows I like her on some level but thinks I just want to fuck her.... I am so over this constant tension between us its like blatant sexual tension....even our other friends bring it up...

Do I just take the plunge and pursue her even though I know it will fuck up her relationship since I would be full home wrecker tier.... or do I just move on....

Shit is horrible i am tempted to quit my job also to avoid her and I know we aren't lovers/couple but I am so infatuated with her that it annoys me because I shouldn't be.

How the fuck do you deal with crushes that you can't shake because you genuinely are someones friend.
Any ideas why this girl may have left her original university?

I'm sure you know that WVU is kinda a well regarded school?
She went there for like a year right after HS.
For some reason she dropped out of that school, and began going to a community college instead.
And now she ended up at my state college
Leagues below WVU
THe odd thing though is that she was a National Honor Society student in HS
and went overboard on College courses in in high school
Are there any cases where being persistent with someone and asking them out many times while being subtly or vaguely rejected works and they eventually accept to go out with you and then a relationship is formed?

Maybe she got caught up in the party culture of WVU and regretted things she did?
Possible, but just doesn't seem like the partying type at all.

She's basically got no social life now at this current school. So...
Several. It might not actually have been the best environment for her to develop herself in. I don't know if you've heard of the "big fish, small pond vs big fish, big pond" comparison, but there's some reason to believe that as an above average person you are pushed forward more by being around lesser peers than by joining a place where you are forcibly humbled and have to put your intelligence and skills into perspective.

Another thing is, maybe her work ethic came with downsides, she got addicted to pills or other stimulants, or other forms of mental health issues (eating disorders are really common among high strung, ambitious types) and the only way she could get herself to slow down was to make a life decision that reflected that.

Perhaps she was raped/assaulted by a prominent figure there. Happens relatively often in situations like these were there's lots of respect for the people of high status, they are hard to replace or have tenures etc. So they feel untouchable and sometimes treat students like a dating pool. Or it could've been a fellow student she wanted to avoid.
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Here's a question for both guys and girls

I met a girl on Tinder who told me she's 4'7" and 90lbs. This alone is enough to interest me, I admit I have a fetish for small women, small feet, high pitched voices, etc. Got her number and so on. When this girl sent me voice messages the first time, my cock literally hardened. She sounded more like a child than my 12 year old niece. She claims to be 22, I genuinely feel a compulsion to ID her just to make sure I don't go to jail when I meet her.

Basically what I want to ask is, do people think less of someone for dating a dwarf. She's sub-4'10", legally dwarf. And I (no pun intended) dating down if I do this? I'm a 5'9" 175lbs man who lifts. Shortest girl I ever dated was 5'1", I admit it the thought of having a 4'7" girlfriend makes me feel very funny (and horny) all over, the girl is very cute, independent and funny on top of this.

Is it weird of me to be into this?
If a girls not interested in making plans with me, is it a sure sign she's not interested in me?
I think I just figured it.

I remember seeing pictures from when she started there she was sorta Chubby. By the time she got out, she was quite thin. Was it due to the stress of it? Or was it something else that started that.

She seems kinda cautious to almost distrustful of guys. So maybe its a combination of Assaulted and the eating disorder?
yes if you play your cards right and understand how they feel. an example i experienced recently was a male co-worker of mine kept teasing a female co-worker and she'd verbally protest and disagree with his teasing then one shift she is teasing and flirting with him, really making it obvious she wants the d. what i mean is you have to understand them so the harassment continues to be playful, and not serious real harassment.

most likely money related. paying too much for classes at the u, or wanting a different career path alltogether, and a community college allows her to work and stay at home. at least i hope she works. too many lazy early 20s people.

don't further any moves than you have now. your rep at your job is more valuable than this girl. any serious negativity can lead to excessive typical work politics/gossip which leads to stress. what i would suggest is pull back and restrain yourself more than you already do. it sounds like a game but if she really wants your body she will go all the way for you eventually. if not then oh well she will wait for another guy who gives her attention. then you'll find out she wasn't good for anything but that. like a lot of girls. so.... if you advance and you get rejected on a serious note she will use that against you to make herself feel more... in control of the situation. and if you aren't banging any other girl right now... go for other girls. you will at least have the sexual thing tamed for a while.
>unless of course you wouldn't mind having a relationship with a crazy 20s something single chick.
protip: she's only good for banging.
uh, yes dumbass.
Personally I have no fucks to give. Everyone has a type, it's not rare to be into smaller/dainty women, this is just an extreme version of that.

I personally think that wondering whether or not you are dating down because technically she's a dwarf (that sounds like a horrid word to have apply to you) is more of a "red flag" in terms of your world view than that you go crazy for tiny women.

BUT this is me speaking as an outsider of average height (where I live, tall as fuck to you no doubt). I can very well imagine that she herself is sick of attracting attention based on this "trope" and wishes to be dated for other reasons. She might or might not be into having her size stressed during sex. So I would tread carefully there and make sure you are on the same wavelength and both getting off (or you and her feeling neutral) on the height gap, not you one-sidedly pushing that angle while she wishes she'd meet a guy who likes her only for being a cool girl. Realize that because she fits into a niche, you are far from the first man to express fascination with this aspect.
She works. Too much... 2 Jobs and Volunteers as an EMT in her town.

I doubt its money issues though. As she has siblings going to private universities in Maine and Vermont. And WVU does offer the same major shes going for right now.
I see, thanks for the advice and nice digits btw but check these dubs
this may get asked a lot, but girls:

how important is it that your guy faps to vanilla porn. And if you were to stumble upon his porn collection, what's the most you can handle him having and still remain in the relationship

Yeah, maybe something happened she regretted
Maybe, I'm thinking that she developed some type of eating disorder. But what caused that?
I hit on her telling her that she vs myself would be like David vs Goliath. Said she and I should have a contest some time to see who's strongest and she said I'm funny and started sending me voice messages. I just want to make sure I don't make her feel like I'm some guy who just wants to kidnap her. Because obviously, I'm twice her size, as a small girl it's reasonable of her to be cautious.

But I know people usually parade around taller wives as status symbols, height is generally considered a status thing. As a shorter man at 5'9" I feel like a lot of women aren't interested in me for this reason, it's refreshing to meet a girl who seems so interested in dating me. It's just, she's literally more than a foot shorter than me, I know we will get looks in public. Despite that I still find her very attractive, almost to a strange degree. "Normal" sized women don't interest me as much comparatively.

I can't speak for her (she's probably a lot smarter than me) but when I got to college I couldn't adapt. I was too used to small class sizes, a slow but steady pace of study and work, and familiar faces.

I dropped out after two years and wished I had gone to an hbc or other community college. it was that hard
This is all just speculating. Yeah stress absolutely affects people's appetite, but girls also tend to lose what's left of their "baby fat" anywhere between late teens and late twenties. Like how some girls who used to have kind of chubby looking faces suddenly become more angular and defined. So it is not impossible that it's natural.
There's also a huge chance that she felt pressured/encouraged to fit into the general idea of an all around successful and attractive person as she started studying there. It's a big life change and people tend to want to start anew and do everything right this time.

However virtually everything I mentioned (high stress environment, big life change, perfectionist influence) can also trigger latent or old struggles with food. Compare it to a physical complaint you only notice when tired, or when your immune system is down.

Quite possible. Again, there are many different scenarios and some people just are trustful. I know I am fairly distrustful of guys and for me it's because my father was a pretty intimidating and scary role model to have for what a man is like. Nothing to do with bad experiences I had otherwise.
Thanks. I'm still learning

I blame Chad.

Things get crazy in Morgantown

little did jags guy know he would become a legend and be posted for years to come
Maybe, still kinda could support why she seems cautious with guys.

Eh, she is very smart. But its possible? But IDK seems like she may have tried a little more at WVU if thats the case?

Eh, true. But you can see that she was much bigger in general. Not just in the face, everything thinned out.

I also know that during her time at my college she was borderline sexually harrased by a guy she was friends with. (Cut him off within a month of that happening)
Cool, sounds all clear. Sounds like she is at the very least okay with you enjoying the difference. I would not worry too much about that. It's a pretty strong sentiment to be afraid that someone kidnaps you, you'd probably be able to tell from how she communicated. And as a woman you know by default you are in the weaker position. Most women are always aware of this anyway and adjust their life accordingly. Eg if she has a good head on her shoulders she'll meet you in a public place, by day, and let a friend know where she is. If she's very cautious she won't leave her drink alone with you and have a friend call her to check everything is okay.

Height is a bigger deal for men. Women have to be tall for modeling and the advantage of a tall woman is that she's much more likely to have the desired proportions of long legs and a willowy frame.
Apart from that though, men are overwhelmingly more attracted to short girls. Because they want the woman to be shorter than they are, because small girls are easier to throw around in bed, you can pick them up. It has that cutesy appeal of needing to stand on tiptoes and having small hands and feet. Trust me man, I'm saying this as a girl who had a complex with her height for years. Whenever men comment on female height 95/100 times it's praising small/short girls.

>we will get looks
Can't let that dictate your life. If she were obese you'd get looks. If she were black you'd get looks. This is still a fairly benign sort of attention, you'd be a gimmick more than something offensive to behold. Especially if she has curves and looks her age enough that no one can think you are trying to substitute a child.
a coworker used to give me the "i am ready to fuck right now" look a lot. she would blatantly flirt with me and stare at me all of the time. one day she says she's moving to a new state in a few days. that night i message her some of my flirtations and i got no response. damn no hook up this weekend. oh well the chick is gone. i see other women and i move on. like 9 months pass and she moved back to state. got old job back too. see each other at work a few times a week. always a normal hi. some small talk. completly normal interactions with her, as with all of my coworkers.
one day i hear her complaining about me among other coworkers. it threw me off cause she was purposely saying it loud enough within ear shot for me to hear. and i had no idea she was upset with me. i'd hear her literally 20ft away saying things like i'm weird, i keep looking at her all of the time, or i never say anything to her and i just stare, etc. but she would constantly stare at me! i knew this cause i'd see her in my peripheral! even other co workers would mention it. and she'd always stare when i spoke with female coworkers or female customers. i had to deal with being picked on by her and her jealousy for like 6 months. she was upset that i had no interest in her other than treating her fairly like a normal adult woman. she was upset i had moved on, and she went to great lengths to feel empowered.

>your coworker wants you to want her because you have pulled yourself back and are dealing with things in a mature manner. her creeping up and rubbing her body onto yours for a short moment in the break room was a rational enough excuse of an opening for her brief interaction with you to go the way she wanted it, in order for her to feel like more of a sexual being. she is definitely interested in you. it's just about how the story unfolds as to how secure she will feel about herself. if i were you i'd continue being just acquaintances with her.
probably a career thing then. basically the classes. also probably enjoys being in a community college setting more than a u. but either way the talk about spending less money came up between her and her parents. like what i mean is that's a factor, but maybe not a large one.
I can't see that money thing coming up. I'm pretty sure she played the system to get instate tuition, as she has family there.

I'm thinking more likely that something happened there to cause her to leave
if we were coworkers i think we'd be good friends. also don't worry about the girls. they are a waste of time.

stop putting faith into others. withdraw and realize you don't need their approval. or maybe we won't realize that until it's already too late. life's lessons.

a lot of girls are open about gross or taboo things. i say girls as in in their 20s and 30s. i live in a big city. it's 2017. this is considered relatively normal.

it is with everyone. but it depends on who has the insecurities, what they are about, and how the person compartmentalizes and deals with those insecurities.

post-modern brainwashing expressed in an internet meme. nothing new. two generations ago girls were told to go for the guy who has a steady career, car, and wants a family. same shit to day just different.

doesn't fuckin matter. what's important though is a phone number.

feel like you two are cousins/siblings to begin with. you know those couples that say they feel like brother and sister? they really do feel like that. if you don't feel that way with her then stop the roleplay.

if i feel i want to with the girl i will just do it no questions asked. i like to taste them and the feeling on my mouth. how often probably once in a blue moon. the more hair they have the less pleasurable it is for me.
>Whenever men comment on female height 95/100 times it's praising small/short girls.

I'm curious, are you a tall girl? You said you feel insecure about your height. I feel the same way about how women comment on male height, 100% of the time it's praising tall men. So as a 5'9" man I feel kind of inadequate despite everything else being good for me.

She definitely has a feminine figure, visible breasts and looks "developed" despite her very small stature. She started calling me, I'm surprised. I think I definitely want to take things further with this girl, I just felt kind of strange about the difference.
didn't realize that was possible. but wouldn't she lose money from her original classes?

maybe she had conflicts with chicks she was friends with?
She may have passed the classes though, and transferred the credits.

I can't see a minor inter personal conflict as being reason enough
maybe friends and family outweighted a decision to stay at the u. maybe it's a health thing? maybe she is dating a guy?
Dude. Your whole post was really weird to read.
You are not that tall. She's really short, but she probably dated taller than you. She probably gets weird looks all the time, like my boyfriend does because he's freakishly tall.
You're just weird because your post makes you sound like a pedophile
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How do I get a gf like this?

Get money, find a girl you like, purchase implants.

Job done.
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Why the fuck do you long for women so much, lol?
Girlfriends are alright i guess, cheating won't be as bad as when they're you're wife. But they are gonna cheat lol, if you wan't sex so much why risk your heart being broken lmao just get a whore you fucking cucks.

Wifes are even WORSE, you trust them, you get married and then one day after a few months or years you find out she's been fucking a nigger behind your back.

Why risk all of this? just get a whore or sex toys to please yourself, women are all heartless tools that only leech off men
Why would you even want that. That'd still be gross even if they were natural, but being fake makes it worse.

When women look top-heavy like that, which she certainly is, they look more manly because men are largest in the chest/shoulder area, instead of the hips like women.
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>When women look top-heavy like that, which she certainly is, they look more manly
Definitely not dating anyone now. And maybe she dated someone there and something made her want to leave the place?

Doubt family as well seeing as she's got family at other universities outta state
Become a alfalfatard. Enjoy your prize, tho, you're sure to with that level of faggotry.
It's true. It more closely resembles the top-heavy male body shape, whereas females are bottom-heavy (hips, thighs, butt). Having wide hips are biologically far more important to child-birth than having large breasts. Bigger breasts do not produce more milk, either. They're just fat deposits, but again, having fat be more stored in the hips, ass, and thighs is more feminine.

Fascination with breasts is also immature. "Tit men" have been proven to generally be more insecure, meek, and juvenile than "ass men" and "leg men".
Get a load of this guy.
wow i am literally none of those things

but at least being ugly keeps me from being harrassed
Sorry I was afk, my sister called. If you're still lurking, I think I'm 5'8 (175 cm) but different conversion sites give different results. I live in a country where people are relatively tall so for a woman of my generation I am average, maybe an inch or so above average. However in high school I was friends with all these cute girls who were about a head shorter than me, and it warped my own perception of how tall I was for years. Shit sucked, especially constantly adjusting your posture to seem smaller. I was really afraid of seeming manly.

For what it's worth, I've had one lover, who was my own height, and I fucking loved it. It no doubt has perks or a kink factor to have a big height gap but it was so natural being with him, we fit like puzzle pieces. Kissing while standing, 69, grinding/spooning, it all just worked out without any adjustments or straining.

I also then realized that while I was insecure about being seen as a lesser woman for not hitting this mark, I actually don't actively get off on the idea of being smaller. In fact I actually kind of like feeling like "a lot" in bed. Like when he can't cover a boob with his hand and you can easily cover his whole body. I guess not being submissive helps.

Anyway yeah I see the comments, some just make your skin crawl. I don't envy you guys in that regard (or dick size pressure). But yeah we women who prefer guys who DON'T tower over us do exist, for the record.

That's a good plus (that her body is feminine). Try not to overthink it too much, it seems like you hada great thing falling into your lap. Just see where it goes and have fun on the date!
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I'm not even him, but what the fuck are you on about?!
Physical attraction, FUCK YES. Lots and lots of it. It is more scattered for me, though. Sexiness is more in a man's scent, gaze, smile, the way he moves, his voice etc than whether or not he is fit. To me, that is. There are plenty of female admirers of the male physique itself. Some women adore male ass.

I like to look at men and their bodies, I get the urge to touch parts (most commonly neck scruff) but I don't check them out the way it happens the other way around.
>Fascination with breasts is also immature. "Tit men" have been proven to generally be more insecure, meek, and juvenile than "ass men" and "leg men".
(Citation needed)
This is ridiculous, these things just go in waves. In the nineties people went batshit over tits, now ass is all the rage.

You can come up with arguments for both sides. Eg that tits are more expressly female because men have legs and an ass, but a man of a normal weight has no equivalent to tits.

Not to mention you can have wide hips and not much of an ass. Just because the surface level is bigger doesn't mean there's volume as well.
Tits are about not getting enough breastfeeding as a babby, hips are about productive capability. The former is more immature.
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And like I pointed out, hips and ass aren't necessarily a package deal. And while narrow hips make delivery more difficult, a bigger or firmer ass does not impact fertility, let alone childbirth.

Besides, the #1 indicator there is the hip-waist ratio.

And it's not so simple as tits only being baby feeders. Perky breasts are a show of both youth post-puberty, also important for fertility.
Accidentally part of the post.

*Perky breasts are a show of both youth and being post-puberty
Tits << ass + hips kiddo.

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so I tried to hit on a girl for like months but she turned me down various times

now a friend of her, less attractive than her but still good looking, manifested her interest in me and I was really happy about it

sadly now the first girl is now trying to win my attention back being flirty and super friendly

the most logical thing would be to ignore the first girl but it's easier said than done since I was obsessed with her

pls halp
My nigga
Last week I went on a date with a girl I met off /soc/'s bdsm threads. Things went great, and she wanted to meet again. Suddenly she didn't reply to my messages at the start of the week (I'm sure she's seen them). Her semester was finishing, so it was understandable but also unusual, because we had a dom/sub thing going and she does stuff I told her to. Now it's the weekend, and she's still god knows where.

Is she just not interested anymore and ghosting me? I know she also goes out on dates with some guy she knows IRL, but she told me she isn't attracted to him and haven't done anything with him yet. Was she lying to me?
Holy shit, why do you guys rag on each other so much?

I understand that male social circles tend to have scapegoat, a punching bag of sorts, and that bullying each other is normal.
There's a guy at work in my social circle that gets treated like this. It almost seems cruel at times, as if he did something to actually turn everyone against him. I've never heard of any incident like that, though

He says stupid stuff sometimes, and acts like an idiot to impress girls, so maybe he's just rolling with the punches.
I think some girls pity him, and that's why he gets their attention.
But then he starts flirting the girls, poking them and feinting trips towards them (again, almost getting mean about it), and ragging on them.

Guys: Is that it? You're all jealous of him, for getting the girls' attention?
Girls: Is his flirting genuine, or is it more likely he's taking out his frustrations on the other girls? It's almost cringey, but they still hang out with him.
Not hamplanet >>> face.
You can't have one without the other. It's just potential at that point.
I think his flirting is genuine but he just doesn't know how to do it properly. In my experience insecure/inexperienced men are typically torn between a bunch of messages. They were told that being sweet and respectful with a girl works. Then they get friends, consume media etc that says being aggressive and assholish is what works. He might be trying to seem above the flirting while flirting to not make his position worse, and this is why he's mean sometimes. If he has experienced these things more often (and even if he hasn't, this sounds pretty brutal) he is also probably wary and sort of defensive towards people in general.
Haven't got a girlfriend or a fucking date in over a year and a half, not to mention getting laid. How fucked am I?
>such a pretty face
>7000 layers of make up
>dumb kissy mouth

Such a waste.
This is meaningless without knowing how many opportunities you've had. If you asked out two girls a day and they all said no, extremely fucked. If you spend 95% of your time not doing social stuff and asked two girls out in that time frame, relax.
I remember asking his girl out for the Christmas Eve that I was really into, she refused by giving me a generic excuse, other than that, nothing that I recall.

I only hang out w/ my friends, really haven't met any new girls, but I don't know, I never got lucky enough to have a girl show interest for me since my last girlfriend.
That's discouraging, but really nothing unusual. Girls (especially when they are young/inexperienced, and especially when cute and in demand) tend to take a passive stance and not notice guys spontaneously as much as the other way around. It is virtually always necessary to put yourself in someone's radar.

Try to see if you can join activities that allow for some fresh blood.
It's nearly impossible to join any new activity for the time being. I have to study a fuckton at least for a year or so, and besides that, I don't have anything else going on for me, besides spending some time doing things I like or hanging out in the little free time I have.

I am really thinking on giving up. And really, I am not willing to change my habits or anything just to have a chance to get a girlfriend or a date.

What's wrong w/ me ffs.
It's fine if it's not a priority to you right now. But I don't see why you should force yourself to either invest in it or give up altogether, that seems a bit drastic. What's wrong with seeing what comes on your path and revisiting that attitude if in some time it didn't get you anywhere romantically and you do feel willing to try?
Okay, thank you!
Do you think he would, I dunno, calm down a little if one of the girls was more reciprocative? Or would that just encourage the behaviour that's going on?
It's really that only recently I've found my "true self" or some shit like that, and I just want to offer someone something to remember, basically just create a fucking bond w/ an other human being.

Most people that I talk to are just apprentices, I rarely about my self to other people, something that everyone around me seems to be doing define incessantly; my point is it's hard for me to open up. I keep most things for my self, and sometimes not even by best friend knows what's wrong.

I don't know what I want for the time being. What I think I want is basically someone that is interesting for me, someone that I can trust, so I can start inventing in this relationship, something that seems to have become a desire to find a romantic partner, and so far it's been unsuccessful.

Sorry if I'm incoherent or naive. I just had to get it out.
Love is selfish.
You being worried about it only shows hiw good person you are. It doesnt matter why are you with her, the only important thing is the outcome. If your end goal it you and her together happy, then just keep doing what you are doing.

Talk about anything with het. If she is worthy of being your gf, words cant scare her away.

Doesnt matter what others think. Pursue your dream.

A lot of girls dont like their bf to fap to any porn. It makes them insecure. Stop saving porn on your computer and set up your browser to not save history.

Maybe do no porn meme and just fap to your imagination. Because otherwise you may find oht your gf wont be attractive enough for you.

Sounds like high school drama. Grow up and stop dating immature girls. Also once girl refused you, you never ever try to date her again. Simply because she holds no respect for you.

Nobody knows. Keep sending her one message per day until she either replies or you get bored. Buy condoms.

Some guys are incapable of showing emotions, so they banter all day everyday. Take note that not all boys are like that. Some if us actually behave like gentelman even among friends.

Just start dating more both online and offline. Step out from your comfort zone.
The appeal is tasting her and pleasuring her with my mouth.


thank you wise man
Yeah I'm afraid it would only give him confirmation that he's on the right track in his eyes. But that's obviously just a guess, people react differently to those things, it's not unthinkable that it would calm him... I just don't think so.
A little incoherent, but that doesn't matter. It sounds like you have high expectations of this bond and that's not a bad thing. But one of the biggest factors for emotional intimacy is not a dry comparison of your character traits or something, it's your own ability to open up and express yourself. So I think you are missing out by regarding the people in your life as placeholders. You are not just investing in contact with them by trying to be more personal, you are investing in your own social development that you will need once you do find the right people.
Thanks again. That's kind of what I was afraid of, which is why I asked.
I think the other girls are thinking that as well, because they've been telling him to knock it off or stop more lately. Then again, I don't know what relationship they might have out of work.

>Take note that not all boys are like that. Some if us actually behave like gentelman even among friends.
Yeah, it's not all the guys that rag on him. Just most of them.
The ones that don't are pretty quiet, so they tend to get talked over or ignored. One of them tries to divert the subject when the teasing starts, but most don't hear him. I only do because I sit close to him.
I don't fully get the placeholders thing. I don't need someone just to fill let's say the "best friend spot" or something like that (I'll elaborate a bit, correct me if I'm wrong).

I've been "friendless" for extended periods of time, and, although not the best place to be in, I really believe in that it's better that way, than to have someone to fill in that spot, I only start investing in a relationship, only if I feel like it's going to last, and it will be beneficial for both parties.

In this sense, talking a walk in the city, the only thing I see is girls in a whore's outfit, begging for attention (regarding my age group, same goes for the majority of guys as well).

I just can't find (easily) a girl that just fits my criteria, and I don't feel like just hooking up w/ a girl that's "easier to get on w/". I'm really searching not for "the one" or something, just a girl that I can get on w/, that the bullshit that I'll have to stand w/ will be outweighed by her positive traits.

Again, sorry If I'm incoherent, I'll probably be ranting to the person who posted this if it wasn't me, but then again, I can't express my self in a better way.
Girls: is it inappropriate for a guy to give a girl a compliment while she's at work?
Yesterday this girl was working the register at a chipotle and she had beautiful light gray eyes. I wanted to give her a compliment but I always go to that chipotle so I didn't want to risk the chance of being labeled a creep or some shit

Just do it and be sincere instead of creepy. If she has nice eyes, tell her "you have nice eyes" keep it sweet and simple
pls halp
Why do so many millennials ruin their body with tattoos?

What's the end game here? What do you want to get out of saying that?
Tell her "I like your shoes" and just walk away
Thanks fellas.
if i'm repulsive to women in person, online dating isn't going to work any better right
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>repulsive to women in person
is there a problem?

I love these kind of retarded discussions when I'm both top and bottom heavy with a WHR below .7. You do realize not all women are either apple shapes or pear shapes, right?
Fuckingobviously because it's more common for women to be top or bottom heavy than to have a perfect hourglass figure...
post pic
Actually no. Most women have a hourglass figure.
how does that answer my question. i already know i'm ugly
If you define hourglass figure as a defined waist and present female curves, perhaps yes. If you are talking about not having breasts proportion-wise significantly larger than the ass or the other way a round, then no, most women are not symmetrical like that.
Only 8% of women have an hourglass figure. 40-50% of women are what I've seen called "banana" or "rectangle" shaped. Their chest, waist, and hips are about the same width, with the waist being just slightly narrower.
Most women my age do have a hourglass figure. At least from what I see around me.
Some have a larger butt or larger breasts, but in general it's pretty proportionate.
Out of the eight women I can think of from the top of my head that I saw naked, all young, none had a true hourglass figure. You could describe their body that way if you mean the flowing shape and slender with curves, but not if you are strictly talking bodytype. Clothing is designed to enhance the aesthetic and many women wear push up bras and stuff (there's even push up pants and fillers now). Eg a friend I had possessed a dramatic waist, and in clothes her ass and boobs seemed of the same size, but stripped down she was a pear shape with small breasts.

Besides the arguing is not so much about which one you can have. It's about which one is the right priority to have (disregarding size - a woman with great boobs and an average ass or a great ass and average boobs?), who has the best taste etc.
Because they want to expose their mental illnesses.

>my boner when
I just felt compelled to give her the compliment, but thinking about it a bit more maybe complimenting her would have been a way to see if she interested in me based on her reaction
Question for both girls and guys.

Do you like kissing after your partner has performed oral sex?
Actually love it. I taste pretty good.

Rule of thumb: If your best shot at getting a date is complimenting strangers on their job, then work on getting a more active social life. You should have better options.
Yes, fucking love it. I pull him right up. It turns me on so much to taste myself on his mouth, it's a combination of literally tasting proof that he was pleasuring me and had his face up in there, and adds another messy/sloppy aspect to it. That you can taste your bodily fluids mixing etc.
best way to end a sorta toxic relationship?

basically its full of head games and bullshit and I don't want to hurt her, but this sort of thing im in with her isn't for me. she likes to hang with other guys but crawls back to me with guilt feeling bad about it. I cant stand it.

girls. how do i make friends with you. i just want to make female friends. my old ones left the city.
Will you be my friend?
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I'm a guy that is the scapegoat of my guy friend group. What do you feel about guys like me?

Do you look down on us or are you just ambivalent?
is it weird to wish my gf's mom happy mothers day? my gf said i should text her it but idk if its weird
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Information on myself:
Male, 30, spent time in military, had a bad relationship, so I put them off until last year. BA Geography 2014, finally found a job that sort of uses it (Portland's job market is fucked beyond reason), and have been dating a girl I worked with last year at a seasonal job since July. She's a couple years older than me, but you couldn't tell by looking. I'm at the point where how I want to spend the rest of my life really matters in my decision making.

We share a quite a few interests, have a lot of fun together, and are generally happy. However, I want kids. She says she does as well, but I just can't see her as a mother. She is a former/recovered heroin addict, had an eating disorder before I knew her, and just can't seem to keep her shit together without a whole lot of coaching and management on my part. I've been unemployed since November but start a job monday, not sure if I should even factor that in to comparing negatives, not that that is a productive thing to do to begin with, but I feel like this relationship has been very one sided.

TLDR: I see a future with her, but I'm not so sure it's the future I want.

Enjoy this nice nature photo I took as thanks.
Girls, what's the deal with always chasing me each time I reject you? Just a while ago a girl I've been super cold to contacted me again. And I am cold towards her because she outright wanted to keep me at an arm's length.

What happened is that she was like "why are you telling me your stuff so early on?" even when we were growing to confide on each other, and she told me "dude take it slow". I couldn't handle her speed and I had already trusted my stuff to her, so she had with me. I couldn't handle her proposal and I just outright refused to be close to her anymore. She has been wanting to approach since. And it's been a few months.

By the way, something similar happens with most girls I've had something romantic going on. Like my ex, who tried contacting me some weeks ago despite us having broken up like two years ago, and after she said really hurtful things about how she wanted some other kind of guy. Or some other girls who rejected me in one way or another but keep trying to contact me while I give them the cold shoulder.

Seriously what the fuck is going on? This is outright infuriating.
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