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How to stop the feeling of heaviness on my chest when I think

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How to stop the feeling of heaviness on my chest when I think of all those years that I've wasted? Does anyone know this feeling, what is it called?
Shame and regret
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Everyone fantasizes about going back to when they were young and the media pushes is hard. See for example.
Why does it hurt my chest, tho? And how do I stop it. It happens everynight when I think about my life, or see pictures of my friends from old times all grown up and accomplished things. in life. I know noone is as happy as they seem on Facebook but I feel like my 22 years of life was a waste.
That's my wettest dream. I dream that I go back to the age of 7 with my current knowledge and re-write my whole life. I was so stupid to do all those thing that I could do.
I know the feeling and really the only solution is the obvious but painful answer. You either have to face your fears and attempt to do something with your life and probably get hurt in the process or you just give up on life and inevitably kill yourself in a few years most likely once the pain gets too much.
Hey man, I'm the same age as you and used to have the same feelings a lot. It's nice to fantasize about what life might be like now if I didn't fuck up so badly in the past.

You can't change what happened, and that's a fact you'll need to accept if you ever want this painful feeling to go away. Your past is your rearview mirror, and your future is everything in your windshield. Don't dwell on either one too much, and focus on being your future self's best friend. You're still very young and have many years ahead of you.
I know. But it never seems to get better. In highschool I used to think that things would change in college, but everything actually got worse. I had 2 semi-friends in highschool at least. I've been alone since highschool, It hurts to see everyone hanging out with each other in the campus, laughing, and shit. I don't know if I ever genuinely laughed out loud in my life.
Me too anon, me too. It became a recurring joke, every new year's I'd tell myself "20xx is going to be sooo much better than 20xx!"

It was always worse. But that shit won't change unless you really want it to. You have to be the one to initiate change in your life, rarely does it ever fall into your lap and it's almost never the kind of change you want.

Start setting goals for yourself. One foot in front of the other. Don't say "I will do x", say "I AM doing x". Start now. Right this fucking second. Don't waste any more time. Accept failure, learn from it, but don't let pin you to the ground.
I felt the same way when I was your age. I don't see why getting older should stop you from doing things though. You can still learn what you want, meet people or go places, do whatever you want. Unless your goal in life is to bang underage girls and party with teenagers or become a pro athlete it shouldn't matter as much as you think it does.
I don't want to preach like I have all the answers because I'm younger than you, but this is something that has helped me with depression and feeling I'm a failure.

Check out Headspace, it's a an app that will help you come to terms with that feeling in your chest. I know because I had that same, sinking feeling (that will lead to depression, unfortunately).

I suffered with depression for a year and a bit, until I decided to change my mindset. Mindfulness (which Headspace) teaches is, instead of trying to fight these feelings, or wish you had something else, to accept where you are now and be happy in the moments you can.

I'm not saying it'll solve all your problems, there are still times where I feel hollow and empty, but I can always come back to what Headspace teaches and feel better.

I'm not a paid shill and I hope I don't sound like a certi retard saying this, but I hope you try it and I hope it helps you.
>It became a recurring joke, every new year's I'd tell myself "20xx is going to be sooo much better than 20xx!"
Same, man. I don't bother with that anymore. I set goals for myself, and do them for a month, then go back to my old ways when I get depressed (mostly caused by being constantly alone) Thing is I never developed any social skills. I knew how to make friends at some point when I was a little kid but I forgot it after years of bullying from kids at school and even their parents. I feel too worthless to put myself out there. I can't keep a conversation more than a few minutes. I just can't come up with anything to say. And I come off cold when I'm actually shy. People think that I don't speak to them because I'm pretentious.

>You can still learn what you want
I've been trying to learn basic social skills since forever, even if I know stuff I can't apply them to real life situations. I've been isolated for far too long, now these things seem like such alien concepts. I know I'm whining too much, sorry.

No man, thanks. I will look that up, what's there to lose?
Great, I'm really glad you've decided to look it up. If you're a student you get the full version free with Spotify Premium. Good luck, I hope it helps you a lot, cos it's helped me so much:)
Oh man anon you and I are in such similar situations right now it's scary. Maybe this is too forward for this Mongolian wood carving forum, but wanna be my friend and maybe we can help each other with social skills and motivation?

[email protected] shoot me a message if you're feeling up for it.
i get a similar thing and decided to learn breathing excercises. takes the initial edge of the bad feeling and lets my brain have some breathing space.
I tried to send you an email, anon. Don't expect much from me, tho. lol
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