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How can I stop being so worried about my gf?

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I read stories on both 4chan and reddit about long-term gfs betraying their bfs so often it seems like these days it's so common.
I can't chill when my gf is around other men and it's consuming me, I also feel like snooping her phone all the time but I think that's not right
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there's probably a reason you're worried.

The one girl I loved the most cheated on me 5 years ago. I've realized having ONE (1) gf in 2017 is the dumbest thing one can do with the current situation in the western society. I now have 3 and no belief in love. I'm happier than ever and my life is going great. Now I don't care if they cheat, I'll just dump em and get a new girl. This is the natural order.
Bad things just happen. There's nothing you can do about it. Stop worrying and deal with it if it happens.
Do they know you have 3 gfs? Also how did you do it?
Here's the correct way to think about this : the step you should take to rekindle your relationship's flame are beneficiary to it wether or not your girlfried is considering cheating on you, and if she is there's nothing to do beyond that to prevent her from doing it. Acting inquisitive and jealous will have, on the other hand, averse effects wether or not she was considering cheating.

So it's a solved game really. Be a good boyfriend and work on your relationship. If she cheats, she cheats, you couldn't do anything about it and you tried your best. And if she doesn't, your relationship will be stronger because you're actually putting effort into it for once.

Most men make the singular mistake of believing that once a girl is their girlfriend, they "won". For girls, that's where the game actually begins, and if the man takes them for granted, they usually lose interest in the game.
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They don't know the number of girlfriends I have, it varies and they don't really need to know facts. But they know I have plenty of girls interested, and that in turn turns them on. All girls want what other girls want, that's just how they're hard wired. It's also why it's easier to get more girls if you have one already.

I've made sure they know I have options and am seeing other girls, but they don't know who each other are as far as I know.
This has happened naturally by girls finding other girls' stuff at my place, both coincidentally and some times on purpose if I need to let them know how they stand in my life. I avoid all "the talks" by saying I just want to have fun and not be too serious, see how it goes and blablabla, all the same shit women say to avoid blame or break up or whatever. "It's not you, it's me" and so on.

I consider them my girlfriends because we cook eachother food, have lots of sex and they know that if they don't want to keep doing what we're doing they can just leave and I'll find a new one shortly after, it won't be a big deal. I also let them know that if we're sleeping together I do not condone of them sleeping with others. Sure, it's kind of hypocritical of me, but then again they can just leave if they want to, I uphold the image of not really caring if they stay or go.
God speed anon!
Good luck friend. You should be fine as long as you never marry.
I will take this advice to heart. With divorce rates at 50% these days, you have an expected loss at minimum of 25% of your stuff. Sounds like a stupid system if you ask me
>it seems like these days it's so common.

As if having side lovers isn't a phenomenon as old as the human race. People cheat. They're selfish and fickle and there's nothing you can do about it and you can never be sure. You just have to find someone you think you can trust and make the decision to trust them. Inherent doubt, jealousy and mistrust are a certain way to ruin a relationship. Or simply stay single.

Indeed, huge risk + not much reward, at least for us males.

I started dating an acquaintance in the social circle. Friend of a friend type thing. Start hanging out, cooking together, weekend trips. Got along real well.

Ended up our mutual friend (not really my friend, just tolerated her as she was the typical drama bitch) wasn't happy that I was taking the girl I'm seeing away from their girl time.

Introduces her to some new friends. They were like a snake used car salesmen. Selling the idea they were fun and all that, which these two took the bait and hook easily.

Girl doesn't want a relationship, with me, so I leave. See all their pictures on bragbook, kinda hurt seeing that she didn't want to do that stuff with me. Turns out these new friends were duds and they flaked

Now she's back wanting a second chance. I'm trying to get that feeling back but I just see her as sex and fun. The more I'm nonchalant and don't care, the more she's falling for me

I know she'll bring up the long term relationship talk soon enough but I'm not sure after she left me for some temporary fun before
If you're worried it could be a sign that you feel insecure and unsatisfied with yourself. It projects a fear that your gf will catch about it and leaving you with another. Go sort yourself first, anon.

And stories of gf betrayals on 4chan or reddit, or others are actually been happening since long time. Back then women hide it better since cellphone with camera, recording device, and social media are actually not available to masses in wide, unlike nowadays where it lays out in open because internets and technologies making it easier to expose that shit.

I myself have been betrayed by my gf, in similar fashion like this anon >>18282152 here. I'm telling you that hypergamy is real and biology trumps any social construct bullshit. We're really just a bigger animal try to fool ourselves that we're being civilized.
How did you find out? Were there any signs you'd say to watch out for?
>I'm telling you that hypergamy is real and biology trumps any social construct bullshit. We're really just a bigger animal try to fool ourselves that we're being civilized.
It has nothing to do with biology or being animals. It's garden-variety selfishness. People get into relationships with a misconception of what love is when their true motives are self-serving and as soon as it stops being fun they look somewhere else because life commitment, working through issues, and self-sacrifice for the sake of another takes effort and are huge responsibilities.
My friend (not mutual friends with her) found out by accident and informed me, that's how I found out.

Few signs aside from the glaringly obvious ones, the subtle ones to watch out for cheating gf would be:
-She's suddenly become more interested to know the location where you're at to avoid being found out
-You realize she's putting more make up/sexy clothing, it'll become more obvious if she's done that when she's not being with you
-She has new girl friend(s) you've never known before
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