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How to be happy

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I guess this is frequently asked here. Here's some context: 18, female, stuck living with my very controlling parents that won't let me go out or study, barely no friends, I have OCD, hypochondria, anxiety and maybe depression and I'm starting to have suicidal thoughts. I hate living like this. I can't stand it and it's why I've been starting to think about killing myself. I'm not addicted to anything and I don't self-harm or anything, so that's not a problem. No major self-esteem issues either. How can I be happy? Is there a way to overcome these issues by myself? My parents won't let me go to a psychologist. I don't want it to go any further and it only seems to get worse. How have some of you overcome feeling this way? I'm absolutely desperate. I want to be happy. What can I do?
Oh, I think I should have been more specific: everything started 2 years ago when my hypochondria had become relevant enough. It's giving me a shit ton of anxiety. I can control OCD now so thats not my biggest problem here, but I suspect everything else could be related to it. Only thing that helps me is going out so far. It's the continuous anxiety I have that doesn't let me lead a normal life that makes me feel so unhappy, last summer I had around 3 hour long anxiety attacks where I felt extremely scared of dying every night. Living like that is unbearable. If I don't go out properly in around 2-3 days everything goes to the fuckin trash and I start feeling like crap. The onset of suicidal thoughts have been triggered by an only 10 day holiday I had very recently.
>worry about having a serious illness. This debilitating condition is the result of an inaccurate perception of the condition of body or mind despite the absence of an actual medical condition.

I doubt you have hypichondria when you are able to tell you have it. I think you are just supet lonely with shit parents and other issues with yout own personality.

Why arent you telling us important bits of your story?
>wont let me go out
>wont let me study
>wont let me see psychologist

Are you just another girl in 1st world country imprisoned by her religious parents? What did you not tell us?

Do you study? Work? See friends? What do you even do? And why do your parents behave like this? Tried to talk with them? Do you feel like they are abusing you?
I can assure you I do have hypochondria. People can be perfectly aware of having this issue and still be unable to solve it. Maybe you should investigate a bit more about it, it's not uncommon for people with hypochondria to be aware of it, but it is true some are unaware. The thought that goes through your head when something happens is "Yeah, this is it, this time it's happening for REAL". You're unable of seeing that nothing has ever happened.

My parents aren't religious, and I'm in last year of highschool but they've made clear they won't let me go to college, so all I do right now is go to class. My parents behave like this because my mom is crazy and my dad doesn't want to divorce her. She emotionally abuses me and I'm pretty sure her constant freaking over hygiene made me have hypochondria. When they won't let me do anything it's basically because either they're punishing me for stupid shit (example of things they've punished me for: sneezing like an old woman or "eating yoghurt the wrong way") or because they're very, very controlling and think I'll die outside or something.
I have like one friend or two irl, a few more online. And my irl friends are kinda shitty, and also don't like going out. If there is anything else you guys want to know, I'm pretty open, plus I want to solve this issue.
>no college
And why is that? Are you their only child? No money? Even if your mom is crazy, you can still talk to dad without her knowing.

Otherwise i am afraid there is no magical cure for your situation. I guess you dont have money for moving out. So until then you have to try keep sane, finish school and get a job?

What do you want to do for a living? What do you want from life?
Why can't you just move out? If you really hate living with your parents that much, you should be able to stand living in a shit apartment and working a terrible part time job until you finish whatever education system you're going through.
I have a sister, they have enough money. They just want to punish me like that. My dad always sides with my mom, and has been acting like her lately.
I don't do anything for a living, just studying which I will stop doing this June. I used to be very ambitious and I'd like to study animation.
If I try to do that -I'd have to run away from home, as well, since they wouldn't let me, and that sounds pretty hard considering how controlling they are- I wouldn't be able of studying in college since what I want to study -at least in the country I live in, Spain- is incredibly expensive here. But if this keeps going it's not a bad idea to run away from home. I'd like to study in Denmark.
Girl. You are 18 years old EU citizen. Your parents simply CANT force you to stay at home. But on the other hand they can throw you out. If you feel like they are threating you or using violence, you can always call police to get free.

So my shit advice for your shit life situation is:
start looking for job. Apply for jobs now, write to CV like you already finished school. If your parents are so shitty and wont even give you chance to study uni, you wont have much other choices anyway.

But try to live with them until your life situation gets better. There is no worse feeling than to work shitty job while living alone in shit flat spending all your hard earned money on a rent.

You can also look on internet for flatmates to lessen the impact of rent.

But start with a job if college is dead option for you. I highly doubt your parents will force you to go homeless.

As with your mental problems, you can go to doctor alone. Parents wont even know it. In spain you have free health care so dont worry much.

You will slowly but surely transform from horny teen to independent woman. Running from home to another country is retarded. You dont want to end up homeless.

Good luck femanon. You gonna need it.
Thank you a lot for the advice. Do you think there's anything else I can do to work on my mental health?
Dont kill yourself till you've at least gotten to 26. Your brain still has many years left till it's finished maturing

Just try to hold it down until the opportunity to leave and either get a job or go to school comes up then start going to therapy.

You're gonna be fine and everything will turn out okay.
The thought that it might just be adolescence does help. Thanks...
>mental health
That is tricky. Some people are crazy simply vecause they were born that way and most because their shit life situation. Your bad parents surely arent helping you in this regard. So the best guess is to hang in there and try to solve your life problems first.

Go to doctor, try to see professional and definitelly keep talking about your problems to anybody who is willing to listen. Dont let doctor to give you some happy pills, do want to try therapy first. Try to keep healthy optimist view on your life and stick to your hobbies. If you like to animate, you can for sure self study it in free time. Library, online courses, youtube tutorials. You just need to build a portfolio of your own projects to get into this creative industry.
I feel like I'm partially both, I'm not exactly the most normal kid.
Also, thanks again, really. I'll try.
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