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A place where you can let it all out. Write letters you will never send. Vent your frustrations. Ask for /adv/ice. No contact, name, or avatarfagging.
Favorite board. Favorite thread.
I really want to say I cherish our relationship, but I also wouldn't exitate on getting on my knees for you and riding you until you pass out.

I'm sure this sounds strange because I'm such an anxious mess at expressing myself. But I do really value what we have, just wish it could be more.
I know you guys can't stop, it's too late for you to back out because if you dont get something you know you will truly look foolish. Well, I have said from the beginning I have nothing to hide and I'm looking foward to the moment you realise you destroyed someone for no reason. Think I'm bluffing? Then wait and see.
We will never be together, but I dont want to forget you and fall for other girl. Im crazy in love with you and I cant have you. Living like this is a torture but losing those feelings I have for you seems worse, because it feels like I could never love someone like I love you. Youre the only one
For a long time now I wanted to have a pen-friend. I just find that long e-mails with detailed descriptions are much more enjoyable to both read and write than the modern instantaneous chats. Maybe if someone here feels the same way and is serious about it -- leave your contacts? Maybe we could give it a try?
I'm a special princess girl.
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Btw if I feel I'm being mocked then you'll never get anything from me. You shouldve figured out by now that shit doesn't work on me.
I'll never talk to her about my feelings.
I'll drink tomorrow.
I'll probably not be able to go to work for more than a week.
I'll not stop smoking.
I think my life is complete shit.
Fuck me.
Whenever I think I'm over you my life decides to remind me of you in different ways three times a day. What is this bullshit?
I just really want to talk to you now. And I hate myself for it.

I like you.

My friends are so strange and awkward and I don't understand how we are even able to communicate. At all.
Went to a movie with my closest friend in the group a while ago. When it was over I waited for him to say something, anything, but we just parted ways and never talked about the movie afterwards WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT THEN, SHIT
I want to text you again, but I absolutely refuse to double-text. I really hope you get in contact, I think we both would be happier for it. But if you don't, that's fine, have a nice life.
I want to have a better diet, but how do I cut junk food if it's the only thing I enjoy? Even masturbation doesn't feel good. With how little energy I have otherwise, I just feel like sleeping. Nothing makes me feel anything anymore.
double texting is fine, it is a friendly reminder. triple texting is very bad thought. especially if you have had problems getting her to reply to one text in the past. Shouldn't let something like a double text stop you from trying.

What if the last text was a question rather than something wouldn't necessarily warrant a response?
What was the question?

Asking to go do something
Like a date? Or work/school/club related?
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Yesterday I had to meet my aunt and cousins, who I had not seen or heard from in over a year, because my aunt had basically called me a pedophile due to my close bond with my cousins.

Things went relatively smoothly, as I didn't have to socialize with my aunt, and just avoided her completely.
However, the younger one of my cousins did seek my company like she had done before I cut contact with my aunt.
However, as I didn't want any more fuel to be thrown to my aunt's suspicions, so I did't act as affectionately towards her as I had done previously. At one point, I had to shoo her out of my room because I didn't want to be caught with her alone, but doing that visibly upset her, and later she asked me why I was angry at her.
I told her that I wasn't angry at her, but I couldn't really tell her why I had thrown her out of my room for obvious reasons (those being, "your mom thinks that I want to rape you, so the last thing I want is being seen alone with you in my room").

She later also tried to sit on my lap, but I didn't let her.
The only affection we ended up sharing was her resting her head against me for a moment, few head pats, and a single hug during which I told her that I had missed her.

Yesterday reopened all the wounds that the initial severing of ties had caused over a year ago. I had gotten somewhat used to the absence of my cousins from my life, but seeing them again yesterday reminded me of how much I had missed them.
On some level, I wish that I hadn't seen them again.

If there is a silver lining to any of this, it is that at least I finally know that my aunt was full of shit with her claims about how I had made the girls afraid, anxious and uncomfortable. It that were true, my cousin would not have acted the way she did towards me yesterday.

Said I was going to do something, then asked if they wanted to come.
Play it off like it didnt bother you that they didnt reply, and tell her how it was in a slightly sarcastic tone, or something like that. If she replies then just try again and see what happens. just remember 3 strikes and you are out, with everything. Just try :)
I saw your thread yesterday, glad that it didn't turn out too bad for you. :) sounds like your aunt is a cunt though.

Nah, I don't really chase girls. I ended up going with a different girl, but it was a bit shit. Oh well.
I'm on day 96 of NoFap (first ever attempt)!
My dick looks awesome and I've literally put on about 10 pounds of muscle as a result of lifting so much and the re-balance of testosterone. I'm catching eyes everywhere I go and girls are flirting so badly that it borders on sexual harassment!

I still haven't got my dick wet though. It's been 6 years now and although NoFap is working - it's not working quick enough and I can't afford to call it in now. Just missed another weekend of potential pussy fuuuucckk!! Can't take any more yoga pants and pink Nike's!
And yeah, she is an emotionally dead cunt, that thought that I'd want to rape my cousins who I viewed and loved as if they were my own younger sisters. Hell, I got along better with them than I do with my actual sister, whom with I have more strained relationship due to us being so close to each other in age, that when we grew up we only fought against each other.

I just wish that everything will be ok for my cousins.
It became clear to me that I was basically their only source of attention and affection in their household, and what I fear is that the girls might start seeking that attention and affection from other sources, if they can't get it from their parents, which was basically what they were already doing when they began to cling to me during the time I lived at my aunt's place 3 years ago.

With them growing older, I fear that if they can't get the affection and attention they need from their home, they will seek it from elsewhere, which can be dangerous for them.
Is there anyone in their/ your family that you can talk to, the way that you just put it was perfect in describing your concerns. Provide some examples if at all possible (to the family member).
I have talked about this with my mother, and therapist, but not really anyone else.
Also, as my mother put it, hell will freeze before my aunt admits having done anything wrong.
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Violence upon muslims will only create more terrorists.

However, if you kill enough of them, the rest will learn their place, or there will be none left. Remember the old adage: "If violence isn't solving your problem, you aren't using enough of it".
I'm glad that you wish I would've died, I would feel the same way too if my girl were in love with someone else.
Mudslimes are a plague on humanity
Isn't that what happened with the Jews? AKA, exactly what Hitler tried to do and kinda did?

Look what happened after they were barely saved. Look at the world we live in now, while you're at it.

We might as well go full stretch and turn it into Christianity post-2010, stacking it with all-out destruction.

I'm sorry, but this is the only solution left. On top of this, consider dealing with radical females and trannies. Not dealing with them that way...yet, but control them and bring back manly justice to the world.
I feel like I've read my own thoughts reading this. I'd love to try this anon, you still in?
if you really love me theres no way to tell im always arriving and you say farewell
I'm beyond worried Ms. Snake is sick. Going to schedule a vet visit tomorrow and hope for the best. Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid but ever since I moved out of my mom's house her and I have been experiencing problems. No one keeps their shit clean here and it's giving my face rashes and now my poor red tail boa is experiencing complications. It's dusty, there's dried up stuff on the walls, I want to clean but I become so stressed out and depressed I wind up sleeping to escape reality. I am considering moving back to my hometown in my friend's apartment where it's kept tidy because it's less stressful on myself and my animals and quite personally it's the easiest option for me.

Can't stop my racing thoughts...My snake was so healthy and vibrant in Ohio... She shouldn't have to suffer due to someone not properly keeping a room tidy.

I'm not sure why I feel like apologizing for this vent. I'm just very upset this house is now affecting my animals. I'm concerned for my cats as well, all of my pets are new to this environment. Anytime I dwell on stuff like this my ulcers act up and I want to sleep the pain away.

How to I convince the person I'm staying with to not necessarily stop being "lazy" [I feel like this is a rude approach], but to keep up with the room so my pets won't have negative side effects? Monday we're supposed to tackle a bedroom to hopefully make things better, but it feels so far off when I want to fix things right away. I guess I've never been a patient girl.
Fuck I feel like shit, again. Insomnia has kicked in, again. I feel depressed, again. All for a girl, again, I feel so fucking alone, AGAIN.

History repeats itself it seems, I can't stand this shit anymore, I want to feel good being by myself but I crave affection. FUCK THIS SHIT
feeling good about yourself and craving affection go hand in hand. let go and fake confidence, i swear on my life it works. good luck anon.
She takes forever to respond, but im trying not to show off how clingy I am. Hell, even when im alone with her. I dont enjoy talking because she talks like miniscule shit. Fuck, prom wasnt even that great up until the car ride home and when she sae my place for the first time. Damn women can be boring assholes.
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I think we could both really use a hug.
You fucked up last night. You showed who you really are. Good job, now I can break my promise to you without feeling bad. Now i know I wasn't your friend and you were just using me. Thanks for reminding me how fucked up life is.
Tell us the story anon
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I found out something interesting today.

I was digging through all of my shit in a storage unit, when suddenly, I found my kindergarten yearbook.

It turned out that a coworker went to the same class as me. She doesn't remember, but it's the same year and everything.

I only hope she still won't remember, because if she does, then holy fuck, are my days gonna be miserable. Why? Because I was completely dirty,violent, and really fat back then.
Present it, pleb
For doing what wrong exactly?
Why are you incapable of saying something directly to me?
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Why the fuck do you insist you hate him so much but you talk about him every fucking day fuck you
It's a girl thing
Because a part of me knows that you're trouble.
Because she's still has feelings for him.
Yeah, still in. Make a throwaway account, or post your mail.

Doesn't matter now. The damage is done and it's giving me the push I needed to be done with people. Same shit every time I try to connect with others.
Hit sent too soon. So yeah, I'll be happy if we both find it fun and enjoyable. I'm rather seriously inclined about this.
I say stuff directly to you all the time, like telling me when that tubby fuck's coming to fuck my work up, or if you could get me a coffee.

I don't see the problem.
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You assume too much.
I could believe this.
This is so fucked up...
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I fucking love you guys.
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I feel lonely. Thanks.
Thanks for telling me you don't want a relationship, when you were the first one I seriously opened up to in the last 2 years, when I wanted something beyond just a good fuck.
Thanks for telling me that I made a mistake yet again and that I should stay shut with my real emotions, because no matter how things go down, time and time again the outcome is still the same, and nothing changes, except I hurt more.
Thanks for showing me that I should hide my real emotions and just selfishly satisfy my bodily lust.
I'm hurt. Thanks.
Because love is on the flip side of hate.
[email protected]

I'm eagerly waiting for your e-mail then.
please end this, please. This is fucking torture, it's killing me.

Just because I can endure doesn't mean it makes this ok...

I don't care where I am, what I'm doing or even if I'm with someone else. If you ever tell me you've broken up with her then we're getting together immediately.

Welcome, Jesus! Don't snap your shit up doing crossfit!
A man's character can get stronger by being hurt, but his joints not so much.
Respect your joints, lads. Snap City ain't a good holiday destination.
Spoken like a true bro. Thanks again, Jesus. If you ever need a spot, holla at ya gril.
I feel like I should just give up
Nah, man. Keep at it.
I don't care if you have that disorder. I just wish that you want to talk to me more because I care for you.
You should probably know by now that everyone thinks you're entirely full of shit.
I wish id never met you.
I think this is it for me

>never had been able to get a gf, girls only use me or reject me
>some kisses and hand holding/cuddling when very drunk though
>decide to give in and make a datingsite account
>make multiple, reply to many girls, its a numbers game after all
>everyone above 5/10 completely ignores me
>some 4/10s talk but even they reject me
>only some ugly fat landwhale with several serious diseases wants to give it a shot
>after nearly a year of trying its basically stayed the same
>like actually only mentally/otherwise diseased obese chicks want to give it a shot
>talk to a decent looking friend
>shows me his account
>many, many replies
>some even initiate conversation

well I know where I stand now, sex with anyone even mildly attractive, is out of the question
lie is the cruelest joke of them all
You're worthless and a waste of time, but I still don't hate you, I can't. What we had was toxic, but I've never felt such pure joy with anyone else. Thank you for showing what I want/don't want. I hope you get better
Schadenfreude, that twisted pleasure you gain from others misfortune, sums up your little personality.
you, too, asshat.

Herzensbrecher, Danke.
could two consciousnesses merge together to create one superior conciousness?
Love is not that different from hate.

The opposite of love is indifference.
That's what happens when you listen to others instead of going to the source yourself. Stop being lazy.
Are you better? Last I checked you were self-medicating all your unresolved issues far too frequently and ignoring the person who brought you joy for shallow kicks.
I'm full of self loathing. I fucking hate how fucked up I am and how shitty I feel. You started this. 4 years down the drain for one fucking kiss. I've never felt hurt and betrayal in my life until that day. I tried to get over it and I don't think I can. I know you try your best, but I can't even look you in the eye anymore. My love is completely gone. So I fuck around, doing the same, win girls hearts then ghost them.

Except for you. The one I fell in love with. The one I think of every day, the one who made life amazing, happy, and joyful. I didn't know what love was until you. It felt like we were 2 souls alone in the world, similar in every aspect, and we finally found each other. I've never met a girl who understood me, who accepted me like you.

But you ghosted me for what I did. Maybe this is karma. I'm back to being alone, like always. People always leave me. I'm always looking for another you. But I don't think I can find another you. It hurts me knowing I lost the one because I was a fuck up. I feel empty and alone, like nothing matters anymore. And I know I deserve it because I'm a fucked up person.
Are we talking bi-polar or faggots?
One day i will be free from you and i look forward to that day. I need you less than ever.
I can't fucking believe I was a girl this entire fucking time.

Do you know how much of a mind fuck that is? To just wake up one day and learn that you have ovaries and uterus?
Nice double double


It's always been about your needs, anyone elses being mostly inconsequential, right? Moving from soul to soul, always on the take and looking out for number one.
From cock to cock actually. Sorry but yours just didnt do much.
I feel like there's no point in being friends with single girls I find attractive if they are not willing to date me.
I feel like this makes me sexist or a bad person.
this fucking retard is going to start ww3 and get us all blown up
I'm not into necrophilia but i can imagine corpses with more life in them than you.
lol one could hope
I can't believe how much of a beta I've become, I've been completely demoralized ever since I got fired. I'm addicted to the Internet and have a shit work ethic. Compared to most I'm above average, compared to my peers I am below average, when I think about myself internally I see a piece of shit.
Here are the types of people I want to have sex with before I die:
>a girl who barely turned 18 (as close to her birthday as possible)
>a mature woman who is at least 50 years old
>a convincing Tranny/trap
>a pornstar
>a japanese girl who isn't flat-chested
>a complete stranger who I've never met. no names, no numbers, just unprotected sex
Have you seen the movie "Split"?
Is this part of a longer list? How many have you crossed out off the list? Just curious. Anyway, best of luck with that anon

Waited to eat dinner with someone just to be told there's no time to make food because of work related reasons. So irritated with this shit. [Referring to shit as in "if it isn't one thing, it's another.".] Regardless it brings back sour memories and I won't want to be touched because of said memories. You know I enjoy eating with you and I wake up early due to that fact. Now I have to wait until after the gym tomorrow morning to eat something running on 371 cals. Whatever. I guess it's a good fast but it makes me moody as shit. Starting to wish I never left where I was because I need to be alone. I was happier, my animals were happier... People piss me off. Jesus fucking Christ. I fucking hate it here.
degenerate asf
Is your body count still in single digits?
2, yea
How old are you?
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Today's the day. I'm going to do it today. See you all in hell.
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31, last count ~140
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I'm terrified of driving a manual transmission.
I know it will be fine after some more practice but the anxiety has already settled in.
As a girl, I think the consequences of a high body count outweigh the good. I still want to have worth if things don't work out with my long-term partners. So am I supposed to congratulate you on being the pussy destroyer here or what? Tf
None so far. I've only recently started my sex bucket list. I've only had vanilla sex so far
My mind is glowing.
I know that feel. Yes it sucks a lot at first. I used to hate driving (even though I've always loved cars and arcade car racing videogames).
I got used to it now and what people say when they say it just takes practice and it becomes natural, is true, I can confirm. It does indeed start to feel natural. Practice as much as you can. I love driving now. The more you drive, the more you face different situations and you learn how to shift gears and do other stuff in every situation.
It's just sex, it doesn't devalue anything. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, i guess I'm just saying that enjoying your body when you're young isn't anything to be ashamed off.
I wish I could talk to you once again, just as when we were knowing each other so much time ago... Goddamn... Why did it have to be like that, huh? I deceive myself saying that your choice was the best for us and that I should be legitimately happy for you. I often feel the need to know what you're up to, how you've been and such... I know I am the one hurting himself, but I just can't take you out of my head. I'm afraid to do so. I wish I could go back in time, when we had nothing to worry about, and life was way simpler, way better... And knowing that those good ol' times are slowly drifting away burns me inside... I love you so bad it hurts my heart. I wish I could kiss you forever...
J, I hope we'll meet in our next life...
>i have a porn addiction
>i have low self esteem
>i'm jealous of my friend's relationship with i girl i have a crush on
>i feel that i'm obsessive when it come to my crush (or really anything in general)
>i hopelessly fall in love with any girl that gives me more than 5 minutes of attention
>my meds are the only reason i'm doing well at all right now
>i feel that after high school i'll end up alone again because i'm shit at maintaining friendships
it's really enjoyable, have fun!
Come on come over
As fast as you can
How so?
Do you ever see in your dreams, all the castles in the sky?
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Gross. I'm a J and this post disgusts me.
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We have been best friends for 2 years, and over the last month you have ignored me, didn't even wish me happy birthday today. I'm going to miss you, I just wish you had of told me you wanted to end the ship. I love you.
As a fellow J, I also find this pathetic.
Let's go be disgusted together, fellow J.
For shame, >>18206895
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Happy birthday, love
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I feel the same way about a J. I just hope he finds happiness. I'll be waiting for him though.
I live with my parents because I take care of them, not because I'm a parasite. My mother is sick and my father is getting old, but I can't show any form of weakness because they count on me. They squabble and keep talking about separating, using me as a soundboard, but I can't vent or show my frustrations to them. They wonder what's wrong with me when I suddenly get angry or sad, but how can they not tell the stress is causing me to fall apart. I've got a disconnect notice from the power company for this 18th, and I'm going to have to sell things and work fucking double time because my dad fucked up. Yet, I'm the one who's called useless by him because I'm working under the table, helping mom, trying to find a real job, and doing online work while he jumps through hoops for welfare and is trying to find a job. I'm not allowed to break down and cry, because my mom doesn't have the time or energy to hold me up, but I have to be able to when she's upset or her COPD because too much. The doctor believes I have hypertension, and with how my stress is, I'm scared that I'm going to have a heart attack in the summer. Why can't they see that I need some fucking help, even if it's just a fucking hug and white lies about how everything is going to be better. I don't want to be strong anymore, I just want to sleep.
keep fucking going

if you're looking for a sign, this is it.
Why the fuck do I have such an optimistic feeling with this girl. Like my gut is constantly saying that it will all workout with her. Yet logic dictates otherwise...

I don't know why I fell for you. But I know that it was the right choice. Everything you do makes me fall for you even more. I just wish that you can gain the courage to just give closure and either say "No" or to take the leap into a relationship. I'll be happy for you no matter what, no matter who you're with.

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Thankyou <3
Why do people ask for initials, do they think they may know each other in real life?
I know that feel. I wish you luck if you are interested in her. It's possible that your gut is right.
obviously. crazier things have happened.
I wish God talked back
Honestly, I've described the situation to me friends, and most think its like a 50/50 shot with her. Though a couple are near certain she likes me.

Even though what she does it kinda iffy I think?
Thank you. I'll keep going, because I've got too. Maybe there's hope if I can get through this crucible. It helped a bit with talking about it.
I can't do this today.
yes you can
What's up?
See lol it gives me dubs because it knows I get a hardon from that but it never talks.
I see. I think I was in the same situation (I didn't get the girl in the end). You mean you are not a couple right? Or are you a couple and you feel like she doesn't like you?
I think people usually say it's better to just ask someone out and get it over with and move on, if you like them and think they may like you, but I don't know. In my case I feel weird because I feel like after asking her out (she first said yes unenthusiastically, then said she couldn't make it cause she was busy and didn't suggest a different time) I killed the hope and uncertainty that kept me going. So I desperately needed something else to focus on because nothing else was going on in my life.
Not a couple (Yet?)

The big thing is how she always seems enthusiastic about doing something, but never commits to a day, so that falls through. I ended up telling her how I felt, and she didn't give a clear "no" and there was no awkwardness since

Her actions seem to indicate some interest
Hey, I miss you. I hope you are okay and doing well. I miss talking to you. I had a bad day the other night and all I wanted to do was call you. I am still in love with you. I wish you the best.

~ J
I'm sorry I'm a newfag here but I'm committed here. Can someone explain to me what a J is?
It's a poster's initials.

stop this, post anonymously. if someone views that post they're going to assume it's me and probably contact me again and I don't want that. REEEEEE
No. Initials makes it more exciting!
I tried to go grab lunch but my anxiety wouldn't let me. Just drove around for a while instead.
I'm never going to be ok.

For a day there I thought I could really be happy. You made me think that m dreams could come true but now I realize that it was just another way to fuck with me. To get my hopes up only so you all could make them come crashing down. You get enjoyment from my suffering. It's entertainment.

That's all this has been. A new way to make me miserable. All the messages of "It's going to be ok" were all lies. It's all a lie. All of it.
Know this feel. Get out of your car and walk for 15-20 blocks.
Can't dwell on it brother. If you base your happiness on other people you will never be happy. Also people can't handle that kind of pressure usually being the main or only source of someone's happiness. Go out there and find what makes you happy
Yeah yeah i got an alternative, how about we get in that whirly bird there, find us an island somewhere and spend what time we got left soaking up some sunshine. Hows that?

I was obviously attracted to you, but I didn't expect us to be so ridiculously compatible. It's a really good feel, and not one that I've felt before - which isn't shocking considering that I spent the last three years with my ex only because he kept threatening to kill himself if I left.
I don't mind that you're gone for so long. It does suck, because you're like a drug to me and I'm jonesin' real bad to sit on your face, but it just makes me more excited for when you get back. It was really hard not to jump you on New Years, but even then I thought "Nah m8, this is definitely happening eventually."
If I slept with every dude who complimented my eyes I wouldn't have time to do anything else; I want to wait for you.



Kek. It was never Christopher.
Driving is kinda meditative for me. I could use some exercise, though.
I want so desperately to be famous. I've tried to ignore the impulse but I want it so bad. I don't know how to unprogram this. I think so much about how cool I would be when people come up to me gushing about fame and I get to take pictures with people and make them laugh. I would get to meet with celebrities and see how they think about the world. I could be rich and just do what I like to do. I want to live in a van and travel. Being famous would be so cool.
I will always be a virgin,ugly and alone.

I'll never be a photographer and my did will always be limp nothing good to say today maybe tomorrow
I want to pound the ever living fuck out of your ass

I was going to start this by saying how insanely attracted to you I was, and how I cannot get you out of my head even though it has been over a year since I last saw you, but I realized something as I began writing; I am over you.

Yes, I found that I wanted you badly despite being in a relationship because of things I was missing in that relationship, but more so, things that I was missing within myself. You were never the solution to my problems and you never will be. I should owe you an apology for giving you so much more significance that you deserved or were capable of.

You are simply another pretty face among a sea of many, many, many pretty faces. You are not special, at least to me, and you never will be. I do not hate you for what I made you out to be, but I now see how ridiculous the whole thing was. As you leave my thoughts and my feelings I finally feel freedom, something you could have never given me.

I wish you a happy life in whatever you do, but you are no longer a part of mine.


I want to fuck your tits. Not a titjob where I stick it between both but the individual tits. I want to cheat on the left with the right one, and I want to stand up the right tit for a quickie with the left. I may go for a threesome with both one day, but that's in the distant future.
No, they won't.
You only talk to me online, but I see you and walk past you at least thrice a day. Do you seriously not know who I fucking am when both our Facebook profile pictures are pictures of our faces? If you do know who I am IRL, do you care? If you don't, would you be taken aback to find out that you do actually see me all the time? Why did you start talking to me a lot more all of a sudden, are you into me? Do I even want to know? What's the point anymore? You're the only one I want and you'd have no reason to hang out with me if I asked you to, should I just give up if we're never going to be anything more?
People are idiots. Remember that not everyone is well educated or experienced in the world and will never understand things exactly the way you do.
you broke my fucking heart, but i still love you.
>If you base your happiness on other people you will never be happy.
That's not what I said at-fucking-all.

You know as well as everyone else that my entire life has been a lie and all my misery was strictly by design.

The happiness that you all have sold me was one that I would be able to live my dreams. Specifically, that I would be able to fulfill the dream of being something I should have been born as, a woman. They sold me the idea that I would be a blt to transition, with surgery, hormones, and more.

For people getting butthurt while reading this, fuck off. I wasn't born a man and I wasn't born a woman. I was born intersex and have been living a life stuck between the two. I fucking hate the way I look and it makes me miserable every day.

Just fucking kill me if you plan on leaving me as a prisoner any longer.
It actually says you don't value yourself
i need you to stop making everything about you, im really fucking struggling here nad you are just being defensive and making it seem like im blaming you. all i need is for you to stop being so fucking selfish for 1 second and accept that i might have problems too.
you say im just being lazy and that if i go outside and get in the world then ill be happier, but when i go out there all i get is shit on by everyone outside my very small circle of friends. and i fear its getting smaller no one talks to me first anymore, its always me starting conversations. and i know thats just a product of people being busy with jobs and families but i dont have that shit all i have is spare time to let my insecurities and anxiety build up on me until it all comes crashing down like it did today. just listen, understand that i dont know, and try to help me. i dont think its your fault.
are you me?
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look at this kick ass image of yuno and some type of dinosaur skeleton like whoa i'm blown
Damn it double D.
I'm not sorry i had to come down hard on you, god fucking damn it you need this as badly as i do, im about to lose my job, you're on thin ice on your job, just fucking stop pussy footing around on thursday im enlisting with or without you, the months of studying and training will not go to waste, i gotta think about my future you cunt. If you wanna waste your time with A and his 3 kids thats your problem, go on and waste away your life for fleeting feelings that will get you nowhere
Who's the artist? I see the signature, but that's not helping.
Reverse search it pleb and figure it out tf
back-trace it*
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You all hate me but you not so secretly want to be me so badly.

Fuck you, you don't know anything about me.

Set me free. Give me what I have earned.
She got married
I'm feeling... Something about that

We had a thing. A connection. A spark. Whatever

It was a while ago. She moved away. It's been some time
But I still feel sad? Disappointed?

Like some part of me always held out the hope of meeting up again and becoming a couple
A real one
One to the last the rest of my life
I could have with her, I think

But she's engaged now.
That option is really gone.
I feel emptier(?) now?

The guy she married was my friend. I can't hate either of them. I really like both of them.
I just feel... Like I could have been something with her.
If you have enemies you must be doing something right.

as for me, my life is just of trail of disappointments and botched crap. I'm an empty shell and I just want life to end I'm not interested in anything and I can't find enjoyment in anything either. I'm worthless and just too costly to maintain.
I don't want to be alone but I'm scared to try again.
I also don't know what I'd do if I actually got a girlfriend.
I miss having a boyfriend

...or stay you'll get that thing fixed real soon.
probably abuse tf out of her.
you don't know that, man.
What happened?
why do you say that?
you know me?
I miss my ex bf
He was my best friend. we used to talk a lot and about everything. it's sad that the distance tears us apart. i wish you here
i still talk to you in my head and i have so many things to tell but i can't.
I'm sorry that i didn't reply your last message, i was afraid.
I hope you remember how much pain you've caused. :(
I'm still sad but i miss you.
What's even the point of living when everyone you know would be happier if you were dead?
i'm not stalking you or anything.
been here done that.
hey I've done exactly that to my ex gf and I spent the last year in absolute hell and almost committed suicide out of guilt. So yeah if she felt about me this way well mission accomplished I'm completely destroyed and nothing to look forward to. :D
Tried to cheat on me (plus many other things) so I had to break up with him. It was a year ago and I'm still single. The fact that the smart handsome guy I met recently is not interested in me is not helping!
But...The J there is a female.
>I know I am the one hurting himself
ergo, J is a gurl

I really doubt they will contact you. Trust me, I tried that shit before, and all it did was push a cute Romanian art hippy away from me.

Onto the topic here, I am deeply afraid of what will happen to us after Trump attacked Syria. Now we're back to fighting with Russia. I'm trying to project that everything will be okay, but WE ACTUALLY FOUGHT AGAINST THIS DECISION AND IT HAPPENED ANYWAY.
This post made me chuckle. "QUIT GIVING US A BAD NAME. YOU'RE MAKING US LOOK BAD." I know he won't contact me and it's just an irrational fear haha. Thanks for this response.

But seriously guys, stop making the J's look bad, kayy?

t. femJ
I wished you loved me. Why would you travel 4 hours to see me if not?
Stop trying to look tough and gangsta around your your friend, you look stupid.
Been wanting to say that my older brother for a while now, he is 25 it's just ridicolous.
Don't worry I haven't forgotten. I miss you more than anything. I know I played my part in this but so did you. If you still need to time to heal I understand but what you also need to know that you're still the only one I want.
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Been going through a breakup for a few months now. Was incredibly rough at first, then things got great a month and a half in when I was hooking up with girls and shit. But the last week or so, I've gone right back to my "I miss her" self. I don't want to admit it because it feels like a huge setback, but so fucking what. I wont ignore the elephant in the room
no way lol
what's your name
gonna need yours first
I hope my mom dies. She was a fucking alcoholic when I was a kid and when she quit drinking she raped me with a tv remote and told the doctors someone else raped me so she could get medication to deal with the stress of her raping me.
it's not you, sorry
been there done that, doesn't work

jaime lé chfal
I tell him I love him, but I secretely despise him. He wastes so much money, he smells terrible, he can't get me off, he always talks about his ex-girlfriend, he's always complaining. He makes me feel like I everything I do is wrong and he is always right.
what else am i supposed to do then?
i cant take the initiative without losing my pride, due to certain reasons
sounds like a chad
m or f?
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Is this to a C? Are you JW?
are we friends or not? one day you're telling me you miss me, that you forgive me, we talk for hours and you end the night telling me you're glad i'm in your life, the next day is silent and distant and i can count our number of messages on one hand, i've confessed my fear to you of you leaving me again and you promise me you aren't going anywhere but your actions are telling a different story. what the fuck is happening? what are we doing? i feel trapped and i hate you for that
male talking about female
I miss you R
ah gotcha, yeah don't. I know the feels, been ghosted for over year and I'm about to lose my fucking mind.
I'm relapsing. Anorexia and bulimia. After having gone to the cloning and finding out that Ive gained 10 fucking pounds in a month. I was 146. I used to be 136 and I grew to be FINE with that. My original goal was 115 and I was OK with 136, no thoughts of starving and throwing up. But after finding out I weigh 146 I fucking cant...I can't feel beautiful like this. I already have BDD and therefore have a hard time finding my self in general beautiful especially my face even though my boyfriend and people have told me I'm beautiful. I don't honestly believe I'm ugly lately my BDD has been very manageable I can even face mirrors without disquiet now. Tho pictures are still too much for me to handle.
I don't want to relapse but at the same time while I weigh 146 I can't picture being happy with that...I have to lose weight so I have to diet...
I feel it all coming back. Wishing to be not only back to 13y but going further. 126..120..115..yeah..115...no...
That's right on the line for me. At 5'6 that puts me right at the line of underweight..and in a way..in a very tempting way..I want that!!!! But it's not healthy..and it's dangerous..fuck.
That you said you would raincheck doing something with me until the Summer is really something else. I really shouldnt bring up the issue again until then but maybe I'll try again next week even though I know the answer and really shouldnt.

I will use this time between now and then to just get better. Though I'm in a miserable and wrecked state, this last thing you said will drive me work as hard on myself as I did in the past. I will become greater than you know me as, only for the fact that you will finally see me instead of through me. Thats all I want.
the more i overanalyze all these epiphanies and visions and then try to put them into words doesn't do it justice. what i saw and heard this past month was authentic as anything i dunno if it was just radical perspective changes, a time traveler, divine intervention or what but i'm trying to piece the whole thing together but i feel like a fly in an echo chamber mind running on diesel i think i'm just insane though.
maybe discard the pride and take the iniative?
i am not sure though.
Hey i know you were the one who sent me that cute anon message in 2009.
I'm romantic too
Friends shouldnt be that complicated. Nor should you get mad you dont get a text everyday. Normal friends sometimes go days, weeks or a month or two without talking. Unless your his gf or her bf, calm down cuz u aint shit
Just take a breath and calm yourself. Is it an old house? Has the person your staying with lived with someone before like this? Is it your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Don't get over anxious and don't romanticize the past. The change of a state isn't going to hurt an animal. It could be a ton of different things or completely random. Just be calm and realize things will happen. The easiest thing is to talk about it with the person and then work to fix it. You said yourself your pets are new to the environment, that's the most likely answer. It takes time for them to settle and get used to new places.
>mad that they have to go to work

I'm assuming they use that money to buy you the food?
You know, sometimes people leave because they've been hurt. I was in such a situation. my gf hurt and abused me every day, and then played the victim in a very similar way to you.

I'm not saying you're necessarily at fault, maybe he is an asshole, but maybe you are. Take a deep look at yourself.

I any case, what I've fount to be helpful after a bad breakup is to focus on yourself. Hit the gym, read, paint -- whatever. Occupy yourself and make yourself better, improve. Lot's of fish in the sea. No-one is special.
Why did life give me narcissistic/toxic/unreasonable parents? Their contribution to my life has only been material but they have been so psychologically draining. They have criticized everything about me. From trivial things like...
-The music I like
-Liking anime
-Liking videogames

To more serious things like:
-Career choices.
-Choosing entrepreneurship over the corporate ladder.

I created a business with my dad and they squandered all the money... now drowning in debt. I created a second business and now make more money than both of them together. My siblings were about to drop off from college and I could rescue them.

My dad still says I don't have a "real job" and that I don't help them out despite the fact that my siblings depend on me for education since 1.5 years ago.

I'm also extremely frustated about relationships... nearly 30, none so far. I've dated girls but always end up hurt. According to third party opinions I'm good looking but honestly I don't feel that way. I guess my INTJ personality doesn't help either... I was competent academically and now professionally but just can't connect with humans normally.
Snakes can become stressed out and die from that. Changing places could harm her health. That's what I'm most worried about.

Moving on, the house is older. The other questions aren't really relevant so I won't answer. I miss her being happy and healthy, that's the only part I'm really romanticizing. I've gone without eating just so my animals could eat. I worry for them, you know?
Go fuck yourself. I wrote it while I was angry and feel guilty about it. I don't need an obese basement dweller shitting on me.
I get that, it means you love them. I'd say just make sure you're on the same page as the other person and get a vet visit scheduled to make sure it's healthy.
We've got back talking on chat. We live each other on opposite sides of the country. We know each other for about 6 years. In the first 2 years we tried to achieve something. I've hurt her. We stopped talking, October 2016. She got a boyfriend. We got back talking. She's still with him, but we want to try something some years forward. But looks like it's happening the same exact thing when i lost her for the first time. Thing is, i won't leave her as i did it before. I know that simply leaving won't solve anything.
No money no work. Just want to buy some shit to drink. Almost dropping college. All my concepts of life, ceased. Mission control, tell my wife i love her very much.
I would appreciate any word on this. Thanks.
Every time we are alone you start in with small talk so serious stuff just feels inappropriate to bring up.
Why are some people on this site and other parts of the internet so attached to the idea that disliking something is the same thing as "censorship"?
When someone says "I don't like this game, movie or book because it goes against [my] political/moral/ethical values", it's only a matter of time until some guy comes out of the woodwork and complains that you're "pro-censorship" for criticizing the values of whatever content you're discussing. I've seen this happen with people like Anita Sarkeesian, where people sent her death threats (and, ironically enough, actively tried to censor her by scaring her into silence) because she complained about video games (some of which she never even played, which means a lot of her comments should've gone ignored) on YouTube and they didn't like her opinions. It's strange that these folks complain about censorship in a bid to censor others.
Because you can dislike things as much as you care to but the moment you remove or support its removal because it offends you then yes. You are censoring.

Say I like Game A and Game A has X in it. You hate X and consider it gross/vile/pornographic. That's fine. But let's say Group B is working towards censoring Game A because of X. You say you support this because you dislike X. Then yeah you're a shill for censorship and should kys immediately. Or if you say it should be removed.

It's fine to dislike or hate it. But the minute you suggest or support its removal then you can get SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED all night.

The arguement that you are censoring the censors when you try to shut them down for censorship is ludicrous. Because by being a censor in the first place the principle of nonaggression is broken by them first. Causus Belli for being btfo.

It's not that they didn't like her opinions. Which they didn't of course. But that she campaign and purposefully pressured companies into censoring their products because she was offended. If she was just shitposting on the internet via YouTube with her shit opinions barely anyone would care. It wasn't until she tried to apply pressure and achieve her goals of shutting down free thought and expression because it offended her that people really got autistic.
I really hate rape and molesting/sexual assault victims. It's usually women, and they usually say their life is over. A guy gets raped by a woman, and he's fine with it. But a woman, oh no, once she gets just a little bit raped or molested suddenly its all "me, me, me".

There ARE other people in the room, you know. You're bringing everyone else down and ruining the nice things we have. Can't you think of someone else for a change?
Where do you draw the line between simply saying "This offends me. I would not be upset or rally for its cause if it was removed" and "REMOVE THIS, PLS MAKE IT ILLEGAL"? Because it seems like a lot of people simply cannot see the difference, and treat them as if they are the same.
>But that she campaign and purposefully pressured companies into censoring their products because she was offended.
How/when did she succeed? I probably missed that. The closest thing I've heard to that is a Dead Or Alive game not being released in the US, though, in the first place, the prerogative is entirely on the companies to change/censor their own work. No repercussions would come if they ignored her (unless Sarkeesian works with the law). Some random YouTuber who doesn't even play the games they talk about and a bunch of angry bloggers that make up maybe 0.5% of their customer base can't actually "pressure" a corporation into shit unless money or legal action is involved in some way. They probably just realized that they have more of a dedicated market in other parts of the world, anyway.
>A guy gets raped by a woman, and he's fine with it

What makes you think he's okay with it? Just because a man has a cock doesn't mean he will brush it off, you silly twat.
>A guy gets raped by a woman, and he's fine with it.
He's not "fine with it". He just doesn't talk about it because he's taught that his feelings don't matter (or that it's unmanly to express said feelings), and to be silent because "Men can't get raped, it's just free sex xddd" by other men, and western society as a whole.
Rape is a shitty thing to happen to anyone. Not sure if your post is bait.

I like you so much but I'm trying really hard to not feel anything. Why do you have to give me a false choice? This week has been so nice. I like you so much but I know you'll just get hurt deeper and deeper as time goes on. This whole thing is impossible.

You're leaving soon anyway and no matter how hard we can try, it won't work out. I know I can't have my cake and eat it too but I just wanted to cherish the time we had left with each other.

I'm sorry. I guess we have to stop this.

Well that is true. It's the main upside of the penal system, you get to enjoy all of that free prison sex by other men.
It's only rape if it's male on male, anon. Of course, if you get raped by a guy everyone will laugh at you for being a pussy instead of show empathy.
There's no winning for male rape victims wherever you turn. It sucks, really.
this might get buried and no one might read this. but idk what to do.

been with my gf for 8 years. i've cheated on her multiple times, but everytime i cum in a diff bitch, i immediately want to go back to the comfort of my gf.

i met a diff girl who i fucked, but when i came, i wanted to stay with her; didn't really have thoughts to go back to my gf.

i know i'm fucked up, but idk what to do.

do i leave what's comfortable for something new? or does the fact that i'm struggling with what to do mean that i'm stupid and should stay with my gf?

there's nothing wrong that she did. if i left, it'd be for 100% selfish reasons.

idk what to do.... help plz.
What's so fucking bad about me liking what you consider "work"?
My goal was to find something that doesn't feel like work. My job involves software. I like that software, because I can use a combination of creative and technical skills to make something useful. I can die alone in a room working on a project for 40 hours straight, and I'd be happy. I found something I like - FOR ONCE - that can be applied to useful fields beyond what I'm studying. That said, I need to practice. Fuck off and stop assuming I'm insane for actually finding something more enjoyable than watching you stare at me for 15 minutes straight - probably seeking the dumb pleasure of getting me to neglect everything and waste my time on things that only interest YOU. Complaining about work and life being "hard" sure is fun, but everything I wanted to happen is finally happening, and nobody fucking cares that you don't like it.

Maybe I do have a work addiction, and I can tell all this does is attract people who see me as a bottomless ATM. Fuck you, I work hard for what I have, and you don't get to leech off of any of it.


How'd you get shoved into the shell you're in? What happened? I don't don't think either of us understand your education choice recently, but you'd have been fine if you branched out more, socially speaking. I swear, if I was here 2 years ago, I could have helped you. People already see you as a leader, but... fuck, it isn't 2005 anymore. We can all tell you're nervous, but shit dude, you can't live so far inside your own head forever.

Kys plz.

idk man i really dont know what the fuck to do.....
The sensed thing to do is to fucking leave your gf, and it's something you should have done reaaaally long ago.
Leave the poor girl alone.
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I'm southern european and I badly want to fuck the snot out of a stunning fat-titted louisiana gal with dat accent. I've been thinking about it all day like fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I need the answer to get over her but she takes forever to respond to my texts to meet, wtf
I fucking hate it, all my friends get girls and I don't get a single one. I''m the one that puts in time in the gym and has a good diet. yet my genetics fucked me where it matters, the face and height. And now i'm noticing that my hair is thinning too.

And then there is my little brother. he literally got all the good genetics, tall and handsome and gets girls without doing anything for it.
I'm a 22 year old kv. And I don't know how to fix it.
I hate the fact that I can't talk with my friends about a tinder date or a chick I'm trying to get.

I know I sound like a little bitch complaining about it but after this long holding it in I just had to.

You're dumb. I wish I could say it to your face but you're a naive idiot. I don't miss you specifically. I miss what I thought you were and what I hoped you'd be. Instead you were a disappointment. A shitty partner. I didn't realize it then because I didn't have confidence in my abilities of finding another girl and I thought you were the best I could ever have. Now however, I would have dumped you long before we came to that agreement that we should separate. You don't know the first thing about relationships and how to please someone and make them feel special. You suck at communicating. You avoid uncomfortable situations. You let bad things develop and end up making the situation worse. You're just a shitty person. I don't mean shitty as in mean, I mean that as in incompetent, fearful, gullible, and weak. I liked your innocent and shy personality but that was before I realized how truly shitty those traits are. I feel bad for the person who gets to date you next.

- E

i thought about this cause it's clearly the logical, reasonable thing to do. thank you for taking the time to read and respond, you have no idea how much that means to me right now.

i'm not sure if i'll ever stop cheating. i like to say that i won't, but i'm clearly in this relationship out of comfort. even if i put in my 100% into the relationship, i feel like i'll fuck up later down the road.... i'm not confident in myself and don't trust myself to be loyal. but i feel like if i fast forward 15 years from now, i'll realize she's the perfect one that i lost. but how will i know that if i don't leave her? fuck, man....

we got together in college, she found out i cheated on her once like 4 years ago, and she took me back. and yet i'm doing this shit again....

fuck's wrong with me man.......
hey man, jw, how long did yall go out for before you came to this realization?
7 months.
Tell me OP, why do you cheat? And why are you still with your gf? Is it because you use them to boost your ego? If your gf did the same thing to you, how would you react? Give me honest answers.

And look, you can either leave her and try to find a girl that's open to that.
Or you can stay and try to work it out. But that would be first by telling her everything. She needs to make the decision.
I posted here in the last thread maybe, or in the thread before that...
Anyway, I spoke about how I've been struggling with my mental health, and how I have nobody talk to but my bf.
So I finally confided in him.
And his reaction was so hurtful. I have never regretted anything more.
He basically said, "you're life is great, stop feeling that way"
It really invalidated my feelings and made me feel stupid, like I was making everything up or something. or just complaining.
I felt like he was my last option, and now nobody can help me.

Anyway so many different things. But I feel so bad, and this feeling never goes away. Its been too many years, and nothing helps. I'm promising myself I will end my life at some point this year.
I've been cheated on and you're a piece of shit. Man I hate people who keep saying "What's wrong with me, I'm fucked up" yet keep doing the same thing. Confess so the poor girl knows she's wasting her time with a selfish asshole
really appreciate your response.

i cheat because i'm addicted to that thrill of the chase and feeling new pussy. it's clearly an addiction.

i'm with my gf because it's comfortable to do so. she's almost become a motherly figure, where she takes care of everything: cooks, cleans, etc. i've lost sexual attraction to her, as if we've been married for 10+ years. granted, being and living together for 8 years will probably feel the same....

i know it's up to me to save this relationship, but i just don't know if it's worth it for me. will i find the same happiness i did with her?

if i found out my gf did the same thing as me, i'd leave her. she even pointed this out when she found out i cheated on her four years ago. she said i'd leave her if she did the same to me. so this is something she clearly knows, but still chooses to stay with me.....

i feel that we're both addicted to the presence of each other. we literally have lived together every day for the past 8+ years.

it's selfish.... the only thing keeping me from leaving my gf is the fact that she might have actually been the perfect one i could have asked for, but i don't know that yet, cause my mind is all fucked and not settled.

probably doesn't help that all my friends are married and i don't know if i want to get married to her yet. or ever. i thought i did. but i'm just not sure anymore.........
yeah, it's even more fucked up cause i've been cheated on as well. i know i'm a piece of shit.

i don't know if i can trust myself to not be a piece of shit moving forward in life.
That's the natural reaction of everyone who never struggled with it. Usually, we tend to think that saying that is enough and you'll be "oh you're right, I'm feeling great today!" but yeah, it's not that easy.
Also, you don't talk about your problems to your bf hoping that he'll solve them, you talk about them to your shrink.
But what are you struggling with? Clinical depression? Are you taking meds? Undergoing therapy?
i like your logic
She might be the perfect one for you, but you are definitely not the perfect one for her and you know it. Leave her. It will fuck both of you but it's better than this lie. Listen, you're going to tell her everything (no details, but at least how much and for how long you've been doing that)
Maybe try to see counselling with her if she still wants to stay with you. If you want to stay with her, you have to be the one taking initiative, so try to find solutions.
And good luck, I hope you'll manage to change.
thank you for the words/guidance. this is all stuff i knew, but needed to hear.

again, thank you.
Yeah i know that its hard for people to understand, but I have told him before about my problems and he has been supportive so it was very disappointing that this time he just wrote me off.

I didn't want to talk to him about my problems or have him solve them, I just wanted someone to support me because I feel like im completely alone.

I stopped seeing my therapist a few weeks ago. My bf didn't even care when I said I'm not going to therapy anymore. Not worried or anything.

I'm struggling with depression and anxiety. I am not on medication.
So he suddenly changed? Was it the only thing that changed or did he become colder?
And why did you stop seeing your therapist?

Yeah, makes sense, if your bf doesn't care then who will. But maybe he feels like he needs to be tough since being supportive didn't seem to work. (I did with my ex, and I kinda regret it)
Or he could have problems on his own and when you tell him about yours they seem insignificant, while they are too big for you.
But we can't know, so why won't you talk to him about that? Or you're afraid he might brush you off again?
Why is it so hard to forgive? is it because we dwell too much in the past? Are we too afraid for history to repeat itself? Is it because we refuse to change because we are too proud to blame ourselves for being part of the problem? Sure the other party might cause more hurt than the other does, but is it so hard for us to believe in change? Is it because that we find it hard to change ourselves, and just project our own insecurity on to others? Maybe it's because we change ourselves for selfish reasons only and just move on and hoping for something better to find? Do we just forget about the good times we had with each other at the start, only for us to remember the ugly end of things?
At the start of our relationship when I told him I've had suicidal thoughts for a long time, he would just hug me and be very supportive. I don't know why he has changed now

I stopped seeing my therapist because I couldn't be honest with them. I wasn't able to tell them how i was really feeling and would lie most of the time.

He told me he was trying to help me by telling me that I shouldn't feel sad because my life is so great. And he said that him telling me this would help me realise I have no reason to be sad, and therefore the problem is solved. however, this just made me feel worse.

I think he takes me feeling sad very personally. Like me being sad is a reflection on him, that he does;t make me happy enough or something. Which is not the case at all.

I don't think I can ever talk to him about this again. I feel too rejected. I feel like I opened up to him about something so private and personal, something that makes me deeply ashamed, only to be rejected. I don't want to do that again.
I just don't think this is something I can talk to him about.
I will die alone, and will live my entire life alone and miserable.
>if i found out my gf did the same thing as me, i'd leave her.

I think in many religions, there's a special place in hell for hypocrites.
You know how hard it is for someone unfamiliar with this to deal with this kind of things, it took me way too long to understand that everything doesn't resolve about me in my relationship with my ex.
A solution would be bringing him with you to therapy, so your therapist will tell him it's not his fault etc. But you don't have one now, so I don't know.
So what will you do? Maybe try another therapist, you might be able to open up better with the new one.
Tell me, why are you feeling ashamed of having those feelings?
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I am inching closer and closer towards total political radicalization.
I have lost my motivation for studying, because the chief thing in my mind consistently is the threats I see coming from the treasonous elements within my homeland, that are actively working towards ensuring that my people will be a minority in our ancestral homeland.
I hate them so much. More than anything in the world. I do not see them as my kinsmen, as my compatriots. I see them as worthless treasonous scum, that deserves swift deaths.

The only thing holding me back is the fact that I still have something to lose if I lash out.
I can't sleep.
I keep thinking about you. It's been a week since you last contacted me.
Months since we last seen each other and broke up.

I miss you. I don't know why my chest started to hurt tonight. God I wish it would stop.

You aren't coming back. I know, I just wish the pain would stop, so I could move on. Please, just let me sleep

Let me rest.
>that are actively working towards ensuring that my people will be a minority in our ancestral homeland
Wow dude, why would they even do that?
Beats me.
Maybe they are just dumb and don't realize that that is the end result of multiculturalism, and mass importation of foreigners to our homeland.
Or maybe they are actively malicious and want to destroy the future of our descendants and render our homeland into a battleground between different ethnic groups.

Who fucking knows.
They are traitors all the same, for they actively pursue goals that fuck over our people in the long run. I hate them so much, because if their utopian visions come true, it will mean that my children, should I have any, will have to live in fear of ethnic violence and terrorism, things that were completely fucking unknown to this land in my childhood, let alone my parents childhood.
Yeah I don't blame him, I'm just upset that the one person who I thought I could maybe rely on, can't do that for me.

I don't think I could handle taking my bf to therapy with me.
I don't think I can communicate well enough face to face with a therapist to tell them how I'm feeling.

I spoke to a helpline today which was much easier.

But at this point im far too sad to see anything getting better. I'm planning on ending my life tomorrow

I'm ashamed because I feel like a failure. I shouldn't feel like this, I should feel happy and grateful. I have been very lucky in my life, and yet I still feel this way. It makes me feel very ashamed that so many people who are suffering would love to have what I have, and would appreciate it more than me, and would never be unhappy.
>will have to live in fear of ethnic violence and terrorism
Where the fuck do you live OP?
There have been terrorist attacks on both sides of our border within the span of 2 weeks. It is only a matter of time before that shit hits here.

As for ethnic violence, Finns unfortunate enough to live in immigrant heavy areas already have to deal with their kids being beat up for being white.

This shit was unheard of 20 years ago.
I want things to go back, I don't want to live in a country where if I were to have children, I'd have to fear for their safety in case some muslim gang decided that he/she looked the wrong color, and deserved to be beat up for it, or worse.

I'd vote for the fucking nazis to put an end to this right now.
I don't care how bloody it would be, I just want my homeland to be a safe place for my people in the future as well, not a multicultural hellhole of ethnic strife.
god damnit katherine, i really liked you. even if i was too cool to admit it back then.
It doesn't have to be this way. If you choose to let your defences down and allow yourself to be loved life could be much more fulfilling
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Today is going to be the roughest day of my life. I have to remove my bestfriend, my soulmate, my world from everything.

The last month he has showed 0 interest in me, when I have tried to speak to him he's been mean and not understanding at all. I said if he wanted some time alone sure, but I can't wait forever and I told him today, that if I didn't hear from him then I need to move on with my life.

My heart aches, I can't stop crying. We were so perfect together, why did you just stop caring? Why did you just leave me alone all by myself? It hurts so much, please someone hug me. We shared everything together, we shared every moment, every sound, every adventure. Then.. nothing. How does someone just stop loving someone almost instantly? Did you find someone else? I wish you would of just told me. I would of understood, I would of been hurt but I would of understood.

I'm going to miss you so much holy crap. I've told you many times that I would die for you, I mean it completely. I would of given up every aspect of myself for your happiness.

I wish we could spend one more night playing video games and talking about bullshit. You promised you'd always be there. Why does everyone lie.
I remember a part in Sun Tzu's The Art of War where he talks about capturing towns rather than slaughtering them. For me it has always been a great challenge to try and convert my enemies to allies. It would be easier to just kill everyone I don't like, but that is essentially what we need to clean up in our governments; people taking the easy road at the expense of innocent life. remember anon, the best things in life are the ones you put the most work into.
Why can't anything I do make her happy? I just want her to be happy.
Judging by the lack of replies, I guess there's no good in this world anymore.
Because that's "non-racism" and its good to not be a racist.
>I'd have to fear for their safety in case some muslim gang decided that he/she looked the wrong color

Is the entirety of 4chan getting collectively dumber? You realize there are white muslims, like ethnically white (well east european)?

Do you guys want governments to snoop on everything you do? Are you willing to give up some rights for safety?
Honestly I had always simply needed a friend. Or some semblance of one. I didn't need you to be glued to my hip or to tell me what I wanted to hear. Just someone to talk to once in a while. The last time I tried to hold a conversation with you, 6-8 months had passed since then because I was worried I was bothering you. Today I realize I really am.
Government controlled by corps run this world, encouraging dialogue and harmony is a detriment to profits. And people are stupid.
>I'm planning on ending my life tomorrow
I cant decide for you one way or the other, but let me tell you a little bedtime story.
I found my 14 yo brother shot himself in the head. I called a helicopter and somehow the doctors saved his life. now he is completely paralyzed and I had to quit my job to take care of him. he eats through a tube. he cant even turn to his side at night, I help him with everything.
The point is once your faced with death you gain a tremendous understanding of life. He realized the value of his, even though, he doesn't skate board, play drums, date girls, or do many of the things he used to love. But I see he has a great appreciation for life now, even at the incredible disadvantage he gave himself.
But if you really want to die join the wars. chances are you'll die. But if you don't you probably find what you were missing. I found myself in Afghanistan surrounded by Al Quida. I don't worry about when I will get my eternal rest anymore, I know I will sleep one day, and right now I have work to do.
Hope that helps anon!
Vast majority of muslims coming to Europe are not white. And Finland has no indigenous muslim population. Overwhelming majority of them here are clearly-non Finns just because of their skin color.

>Do you guys want governments to snoop on everything you do?
Lol they do that already here.
Fucking nanny state we live in.
>Are you willing to give up some rights for safety?
I'm willing to see rights taken away from non-finns and traitors, yes.
>I'm willing to see rights taken away from non-finns and traitors, yes.

Talking about you.
Depends on the right.
I already do not have the right to free speech.
I could get fined for my statement here:>>18208959 in Finland because lol "hate speech", and I am already obligated to fight and die for my country if war comes.

So it really depends on what rights you are talking about.
I doubt you need a friend. that's a cop out. you are the only one who can help yourself.
and whats your problem with bothering people? You are who you are, and if people are bothered by it then it just isn't your crowd dood. I make it a point to bother people. They get a flustered and stirred up emotionally. I think I truly bring out the best in people.
Just be there for her, remind her you're there. It's all you can do.

You have trust issues. Rooted in childhood trauma (guessing), and reinforced by a constant lack of self confidence.
Don't open up and talk about it with your lover because then you wont be able to tell him how he doesn't understanding you. It is probably best you talk about this with other guys so you can collect your harem of White Knights for when your hypergamy kicks in.
seriously though, most depression is caused by poor diet and lack of exercise kids. clean yourself up, your a fuckin' mess.
Forget it, nothing I'm going to say is going to get through to you. Just go ahead and shoot random brown people.
I don't have childhood trauma. I just find it hard to communicate and open up to people.

I go to the gym 5 days a week and eat very healthy

I don't want to talk to any other guys
I got no interest in that yet. I'd much rather resolve things peacefully and just send them back to their homelands.

Have you ever done any research into what men and women aim for in life and relationships? They are two completely different ideas of happiness. You can't MAKE anyone happy. Just be there for them and don't TRY too hard to change them. Everyone gets off the emotional rollercoaster when they've had their fun. Personally, she's probably happy your miserable trying to make her happy!!! Now does that sound like a healthy relationship?
Education is the only solution to ignorance. Maybe educate them before sending them back and they can teach the sandbox kids.
It is not my people's duty to educate backwards savages.
Just as it is not our duty to house and feed them.
We all die alone. But after that, we are never alone. This human life is our trial.
Yesterday I saw this cunt-faced faggot go by on his bicycle, a skinny middle-aged fuck with grey hair coming out of his pussy-assed helmet and wearing his gay-assed little $70 bike shorts on his scrawny anorexic legs. And I realized that I'd been married to that bitch for 10 years.
But you shouldn't. This is how you feel, and there is nothing you can do about it, and being sad isn't being ungrateful but it's like "money doesn't bring happiness", a hell lot of people really well-off struggle with depression and the hormonal imbalance isn't their fault. Accept yourself as you are, you'll find peace eventually.
>Just as it is not our duty to house and feed them

Its no ones job, but everyone pays the price when the job isn't done. Then we'll continue this same old song and dance until everyone has their vengeance on everyone else.
>Just as it is not our duty to house and feed them.

You don't think the proxy wars going on in that region aren't a contributing factor?

You don't have sympathy for other human beings? All you need is a better screening process since every attack seems to have the same theme of "yeah, we were watching him but didn't do anything".
>You don't think the proxy wars going on in that region aren't a contributing factor?
Not our doing. Blame murricans for that.

>You don't have sympathy for other human beings?
Towards non-Finns, I do not, if that sympathy comes with a cost for my own people.
As I said, I have become radicalized.

I only care about the survival and prosperity of my own people at this point.
If I am given a choice between the survival of my people, and the survival of the rest of humanity, I will choose my people, even if it condemns the billions of other humans to death.
Why does this out my league bitch keep staring at me?
I just discovered you live super far away, I had low hopes to begin with but now.. fuck I just want to cuddle with your adorable self
Probably because she's crazy.
I want to study hard, get a good job, have a loving wife and have kids and go fishing with them or tour around zoos and museums, and teach them how to love our country and her citizens

But as of now, in this shithole of a university campus,if I ever so slightly express such aspirations I will be labeled a fascist

God, get me out of here
cos sometimes out-of-your-league bitches want some low-class dih...
this. >>18209173 and this. >>18209113
I can't say it will get better.
But maybe walking away will help you in the long run.
It sucks hard though. I got out of a relationship 4 months ago, and everything still hurts. Some nights I wake up with chest pains that keep me up, my mind just thinking.

Sometimes they do need space, but sometimes they take too long away.
While you just wait and miss them so. The feeling of longing and love slowly fade into anger and resentment. It sucks.

That's the worst part. When they just stop. When it feels like you tried everything you could to make them happy and lost a part of yourself in the process. They just walked away and left you there exposed to the elements, without so much as a reason why, or a proper goodbye.

If I could send you a hug, I would anon.
I know your feelings very well. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. Not even she, who gave up long ago and blamed it on me.

>You promised you'd always be there. Why does everyone lie.
A long time is scary for many these days. Why work on something? Why put effort into something? When you can just replace?

Maybe he does need space. Maybe you just need to stand up for yourself, and tell him all this. How this email makes you feel and that you would understand if space is actually needed. That if he wants to end things that he should just be honest. Something, anything, because the road ahead is dark, lonely and long. It will hurt, that much I know. Hopefully you can find yourself at the end. Be it with this person, or yourself.

Good luck anon. Stay strong.
That's because it is your fault but okay. Whatever helps you sleep at nick, fuckstick.
Well fuck you too then, whore.
Let it burn then. Let it fucking hurt. You're useless anyways. I hope you realize that.
Why are you being like this? You've been stuck in this sour mood for a while now.

I guess it'd be stupid asking you to not inevitably lash out at me.... I don't think you realize when you do. Unless you do, then I won't know how to react.
>let it burn
>let it hurt
You would know all about being a whore.
Go ahead, I insisted tf.
the only thing that "hurts" is the time I wasted on someone who couldn't make me cum for 2 years
You weren't saying that when you spent months blowing me up and I ignored your ass. Little bitch. How's your cat? Oh wait...
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Seek professional help man
Yeah because you can fake how wet my cock made you? Or that look of satisfaction every time you swallowed a load?
You know you loved it. As for the cat, fuck it is cared about it as much as I cared about your contaminated ass.

Which reminds me, how did it taste to have my shit covered cock in your mouth? Filthy cock monger.

I think it is the amphetamines talking mostly.
tell your mom I said hello.
Well then by all means continue
Don't worry I will, as soon as I drop by your folks and tell them exactly what happened. I wonder what they'll say when they find out you killed off their grandchild for shits and giggles.
Enjoy work :^)
Wew lad. That was great projection but ta...I'm not ya gril. Sorry. Do tell her folks though.
If you continue to talk shit to me i'm going to snap. I can't even feel sorry for you anymore. Just go live your pathetic life somewhere far away enough that I don't have to deal with your shit
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Yeah, I been thinking about it anon.
But it just feels wrong. Like it would be extremely fucked up to mess with her life for how hurt she left me.

Although, God, I get closer to the edge of just saying fuck it and droping the Abortion-Bomb on her.

Thanks for the emotional exercise.
It's so fucking sad that we aren't that close anymore...I could deal with it if I hadn't to see you so often. I feel like shouting in your face that it's your fault but you wouldn't really even care would you?
They're talking shit because they know you can't do anything about it. Maybe they have more shit on your [or your family] than you're aware. Take for example, I have photos and audio of my last doing drugs I could send to his uni. I have his mom's address. I can leak that at the drop of a hat if he does something to upset me. Take notes, lad.

Who cares. An eye for an eye.
You deserve to be shot for what you've done. I've had offers from people... but I would never do that. Not because you don't deserve it. You are an evil piece of shit, and I'm not sorry for cheating on you. Not one bit sorry, because you're a faggot. I hate you.
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I should be studying, but I can't focus for shit.
My head is aching, and I don't even want to go to the class tomorrow.
I don't know what I want out of life, besides the sweet release of death, so why the fuck do I keep tormenting myself with this fucking constant stress?
This subject barely interests me, and even if I get into the university, the classes will be full of fucking leftists and I'll have to contain my powerlevel constantly.

I don't fucking want to read books. I want to do something fucking useful, or at least have some fucking meaning in my existence. This is all fucking pointless, and nobody fucking cares about our society's continuing slide to decadence and decay.
Why the fuck should I strive and put forth the effort for a society where I will most likely never even have children of my own, and even if I do, they will be fucking minorities in our own ancestral homeland at this rate.

Fuck it all. I just want to go to sleep and never fucking wake up back into this nightmare.
I'll see. There is one last thing to wait for. After that, fuck it. If she really doesn't want me around I'll give her a good reason to do hate me.

Aside from the A-Bomb, I have tons of pictures and video of her doing unsavory things. Gotta use them somehow.
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Thank you sweet anon, I have sent him many messages saying that I will do what he needs, he just needs to communicate with me.. But he doesn't. It seems he'd rather ignore me until I go away than do the honorable thing and tell me what is going on.

I would of done anything with him, he used to sit there at nights and tell me he could never find anyone else like me. He would talk about all the things he wanted to together. I gave him my body and my soul, everything. I dread the next 6 months as I know I'm going to be in so much pain.. I don't even know where to begin the healing process.

You stay strong as well, thank you again for your kind words.
S, I know about you and M.
ladies don't talk about ur ex that shit is dick repellent
But guys can talk about their ex all they want. Fuck you. I don't have any problems getting dick.
Bitch you're a lost cause and you know that, and I hope I left a deep scar in you.
I'll do what I want.
also, you sound deeply insecure. get on a treadmill, fatty. maybe if you looked decent girls wouldn't talk about other cock in front of you now would they?
t. Left-overs.
No-one want's to hear about someone's exes, male or female. Get over yourselves, whores and manwhores.

The only acceptable time to speak about it if asked about it directly by a person you trust and know for some time, and even then don't go into specifics, as well as respect your ex -- I doubt they would like you talking about them behind their backs. Dammit.

Be decent human beings, dammit, it's not that hard.
no brundle, get out of here.
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Ms. Snake has blood cancer.

Everything I love is leaving me on this planet alone. I don't belong here. I just want to go into the stars with her. I love you so much, Beastie. I've watched you grow. You've allowed me to become so close to you. You traveled to Ohio and back with me so many times. We have had many good memories together. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I can't be on the other side to hold you when you spirit away.
I was always the person that everyone else picked on. In my family, at my school, at work and it has made me a very angry person.
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