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Long story short. Someone attacked me the other night, I have a very bad temper, I beat them until I was too tired to move anymore. I didn't use a weapon and the witnesses there told the cops I was attacked first and responded in self defense. I didn't get arrested or anything. I was sober. etc

It turns out the guy may be on his death bed. What the fuck happens to me if he dies? I'm freaking out. I live in South Carolina.
You should be fine mate, you live in a country that has freedoms others don't.

Enjoy taking another's life! Not a lot of people get to kill and live free.
What are the contexts of the attack? What happened?
You beat up a guy to death? I don't believe you
Some drunk guy was fucking with me all night while I was out and eventually he put his hands on me. I have a nuclear temper and completely snapped. That's about it really.
Obviously it depends on your state law but from what I know the self defense is supposed to be literally self defense. Yeah if someone comes at you with a gun/knife and you beat them to death that's one thing, it's another to beat someone who punched you once or twice for minutes after they stopped moving.
Just saying, they can investigate the posts you make online as evidence. You're anonymous to us, but to the police you aren't
Talk to a lawyer.

you might be investigated, but the chances are you'll be let go. you can't argue with self defense, and as long as you dont look smug in court people are going to vote innocent. its okay to kill someone in self defense.

the thing is the only people who can press charges are his family, or the DAs office. the DAs office likely will not press charges because the police already seem to have deemed it not your fault.

we can't say what his family will do, so you might be fucked with legal expenses, but it will likely get dismissed in a pre trial hearing and if it doesn't then you will still likely win.

if he has a history of any criminal activity, which is likely if he attacks strangers, then you're probably not going to get any charges pressed.
I'm not saying anything the cops don't already know so I'm not sure what you mean
I'm just saying be careful, anon
>its okay to kill someone in self defense.
Yes, with a weapon. You feared for your life so you used a deadly weapon as the only way to end the confrontation without bodily harm was deadly force.

OP beat someone into traction. That's not a single deadly blow, that necessitates strikes against an incapacitated opponent. If it goes to court he's gonna fry.
Self defense = equal or lesser force. You rode the I'm a bad ass train to long. Nigs gonna nig

depends one the state and really more so on the police and the DA. if theres confirmation that it ws self defense and he didn't die on the spot, then they probably aren't going to charge.

they're not going to say

thats retard logic.


no it doesn't, especially in states like california where self defense even entails attacking someone who is trying to damage a strangers property.

if OP lives in a state with a 'stand your ground' law then hes going to walk away without even having to pay any legal fees.

I worked the mail room at the DAs office for 3 years. not really a formal education in law, but you learn enough just being around these people.
>they're not gonna say you should know how much force it takes...
No, but it's pretty easy to prove from the markings and testimony if OP was beating a man who was down and no longer resisting, which is what it sounds like OP is saying.

unless the DA has an ulterior motive, they generally don't go after someone who was legitimately attacked like they do on TV drama shows.

because again, they dont sit there and think 'YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HE WASNT GOING TO GET BACK UP AND STAB YOU TO DEATH!!1!'

they're here to dole out justice, and prosecuting someone who was the victim in this situation just means less time to be spent on actual criminals.

again, source, DAs office.
I admit I went overboard but what the fuck. I was just trying to make damn sure he wouldn't get back up again so I could be done with it. It's not like I was curb stomping him or dropping elbows on his face. Again, there were witnesses and the cops showed up and were already told whatever they told them, and I was let go
>beating a drunk guy to death is okay

Wew lad, enjoy your 15 years in prison
>muh temper
>muh mental illness!

Is this the white people version of dindu nuffin?
Did you even read the post you mongloid
You goin to jail. Even in pro self defense states you are required to stand down once the threat had subsided. It's not like you hit him once and he accidently cracked his head on the ground, you repeatedly struck a man well beyond defense, into a coma, and verging death.

Good luck with that temper. It'll get you lots of friends in prison.
If you were let go you're fine, they're not gonna come back and be like "uh the guy died, so you're under arrest now" but if the family sues you, better get a good damn lawyer.

Were you at five points last night OP?

I live in SC too

actually they can, once he dies its another story, but they likely wont be. the story still stands and they have more important things to worry about then someone who defended himself.
Get a good lawyer. You said he was bugging you all night long, which might imply that the person at least knows who you are and knows about your temper (he can't say no, he's in a coma). Then argue that you have Intermittent Explosive Disorder and cannot regulate your anger in such situations. This togethet with the fact that he attacked you first will set you free.
Ok what do you mean by "fucking with you"?

I'm saying this because if you go to a trial (maybe due to this guy's family getting pissed and suing, the context of "fucking with you" is super important

>>I can't control my anger

>>So I beat someone to death

>>Being let free

Lolno. I don't expect 4chan to be full of paralegals or something but you're all total morons. If he avoids manslaughter by using mental incapacitation or temporary insanity or whatever you call it, then he's going into the crazy house for "treatment".... which in America is often times ALSO JAIL. You can thank decades of shitty conservative politics.
I'd leave out anything that sounds guilty (bad temper). Some guy was fucking with you and started a fight and you feared for your life. Also talk to a lawyer.
I don't know if it could be any more obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about
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