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How to come back from "i don't want you talking to

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Don't try and talk me out of it, either help me or gtfo, will give 20$ paypal to best advice.

Story; All this within a span of 3-4 months...
>be extremely confident, charismatic anon
>flirt with all girls at work and be generally respected and liked by almost everyone at work
>one day i flirt with the new 20y/o socially awkard girl at work
>she's completely digging me, touching my phone, play hitting me and laughing at everything i say like a little kid with no experience, knows she likes me but think she's not attractive enough
>ask about her
>she's really insecure and her boyfriend is her first boyfriend out of high school, 7 years older / her ex supervisor / been together for 2 years and he hasn't had a job in 1 year like a bum
>feel bad for her that her entire check goes to bills, found out later her boyfriend at 27 barely got a job a month ago "might be a cover for him" but at the time i don't like her or any shit so i push her aside for other girls and don't pursue her
>dies down and i flirt with other girls in front of her
>end up getting to know her better by chance of working with her
>in short i start to fall for her because she's innocent, sweet and really intelligent which i find rare in women
>we end up having a lot of in common, i fall for her
>end up really liking her
>never says a positive thing about her boyfriend the entire time although she rarely talks about her bf with me
>she subconsciously gives me hard singles she's attracted to me again but always tries to be modest
>get boss to move her to an area she wanted to go as a surprise, once got a little beta and i tried to give her a gift but she refuse it
>about 2 weeks ago i accidentally broke one of the main rules when taking someones girlfriend and reminded her of her boyfriend when she was falling for me in her fantasy world
>twice i get too jealous / cocky and start to shit talk the boyfriend a bit too much without being subtle but she said nothing and we still talked
>almost getting to point where i'm gong to take her out, she's still goo-goo-gaga over me but trying to be modest when she catches herself
>this week i was hanging out with a guy friend and asked him "hey, did that girl ask about me?" because we were talking about it earlier and i was annoyed at this slut because i had no interest in her, the awkard girl i'm really interested in is in proximity of our conversation
>she starts ignoring me and is even getting mad at me, commonly this happens because a girl she has feelings for someone and is and is setting up her "defense mechanism" because their crush may be playing them and i assumed that's case because i was asking about another girl
>1 entire day passes of her ignoring me
>Yesterday asked her why she was mad at me
>she is resistant for a second but as she then sweetly and happily starts talking to me normally and she says she'll tell me later because there was someone there, idk what she was going to tell me
>TODAY we were walking together to an area, like a cocky fucking dumb fuck i was being cute and looking at her phone and talked shit about her boyfriend again saying i look better then him infront of some people (making her ashamed)
>in private i ask her why she was mad at me again
>tells me its because of comments iv made about her boyfriend happened today)
>tell her i think its because of what i said about the girl and i don't believe you because she never ignored me when i talked about her boyfriend before
>she's mad as fuck i don't believe her, leaves for a sec because work
>come back
>she accuses me of liking her, i say "why do you say that?" and she says "because its so obvious, but idk if its just your personality or what" but work happens and we have to leave again
>ask her if i could tell her something
>plan out some shit, the only thing i'm able to get out is that i tell her i don't believe her reasons because i'm a cocky asshole and iv done this before and i know im right (or at the time, idk now)
>she get mad, tells me not to talk to her or hang around her or look at her ever again and walks away.
>feel like utter shit

My arrogance got the better of me. I really like this girl and i know for a fact her boyfriend is a bum because the only time she talks about him is to complain. But still, i was a fucking piece of shit for making that asshole comment infront of her. At this point if i wanted too i could convince her as if i never liked her if i wanted too but i don't know if i should just go with her assumption that i liked her. I can move on eventually but i really like this girl, we have so much in common and there's attraction between us even tho she's an insecure sperg.

op you are a total egocentric piece of shit

if some gal says leave me alone you just see it as a challenge

seriously go fuck yourself
Just saying, i'm not going to talk to her for at least a few months. If she is willing to talk to me i'll try but if she still avoids me i'm going to fucking hang myself and just accept it and move on. Like i said i can move on but it just fucking suuuuucks that this girl turned out to have so much in common with me. I can accept that she'll never be into me but i still would like to give it 1 more go after some time has pass.
Clearly, you believe yourself God's gift to women - a man who knows women better than they know themselves. Why are you asking for advice? You're the one who should be giving it. Please tell us, oh wise gifted reader of the feminine mind, how may we be more like you?
To avoid faggots from trying to talk me down instead of giving me something fruitful. Again i'm going to wait a few months and only attempt once if she'll talk to me..... And I don't think i'm gods gift to women nor do i think i know better then women but i do know a lot about women. I'm sorry i just come off like a douche, fuck i just feel like shit. Sorry.
>Again i'm going to wait a few months

ok in this case instead of waiting also keep looking for other gals :)

You are by far the most disgusting piece of trash I have ever met. It's one thing to be aware of what you can do, it's another from actually doing it.

You're a cocky piece of shit bro and your arrogance will back fire on you. If you think people don't hate you then you're wrong. People despise the shit out of you. They just don't have the balls to tell it to you in your smug prick face, but I'd tell you myself if I could. Up in your face bro. Nose to nose just to make the point of how much disrespect I have for you.

I'd tell you to smarten up. Leave this girl alone, she doesn't like you. You showed exactly the type of person you are. A toxic arrogant fiend. And she's doing the smart decision by avoiding you. Give it up. You can't "win her over." You never could.
I will. But that's what fucking annoys me. Iv never known what "love" or any of that bullshit felt like. For me i just get girls that that just friends i can fuck or that are hot and i just want to sleep with them. Here comes this grimy diamond in the desert girl who's sweet and innocent and someone i can have a deep conversation with and she'll understand it. And the thing that fucks me is that she was (probably not anymore) attracted to me and she ended up connecting with me... I like to think i'm logical, I know the reasoning she's with her bf and i know i fucked up majorly and i likely cant come back from it. I'll move on but i just never connected with a girl on a deep level like i did with her and i'm sad i ruined it. I never knew how that felt and i hate that i cant ever feel it again.

I'm sorry i'm just venting.

Sorry again.
>If you think people don't hate you then you're wrong.
No there's people that hate me, people i tried talking to but just don't want to open up to me. But most people like me because i get to know them on a personal level and help them where i can, including my bosses.

I was a prick to this girl because i had strong feelings for her and i was scared of getting too attached. And i kinda did...
Lol for someone as arrogant as you, you sure are beta.

Literally pack up your emotions and move on. We've all been there. She's no one special. Just some dumb chick that fucked a supervisor who turns out to have as much ambition as a mop.
>Iv never known what "love" or any of that bullshit felt like

you've got 3 things to work with

1 - your dick
2 - your brain
3 - your heart

your dick will go for almost any female depending on the situation

your brain can be too selective too picky or whatever depending on how much you think about thinks

and your heart is (in theory) where love comes from

do you feel mushy thinking about some gal ? just want to do whatever she says be nice to her etc ? that's what hit me my 1st real gf in 9th grade, and i tried to remember that later on chasing other girls
>talked shit about her boyfriend again saying i look better then him infront of some people (making her ashamed)

Haha, you're the one who should be ashamed for that comment! Sorry dude, it's good you acknowledge that you're arrogant, now try to change that. This girl wants nothing to do with you and for a good reason, leave her alone
t.b.h her bf is likely better looking, given the amount of delusional people making threads here.
>How to come back from "i don't want you talking to me anymore?"

Your issue is that you have oneitis and you are a self centred cunt.
You don't really know the girl, you are filling in the blanks with ideals and projecting them onto her.
You're telling yourself she is interested in you because she isn't talking to you about her boyfriend, and shares small talk with you.

you call yourself >>18000790
>>extremely confident, charismatic anon
and claim to
>>flirt with all girls at work and be generally respected and liked by almost everyone at work
But you come off as being a social retard.
She has a boyfriend, she isn't interested in you, you think she has some fantasy world where you are together, but you are wrong.
You aren't even in the friend zone, you are a creep.

There is no coming back, you won't magically convince her that you are as brilliant as you tell yourself, she has her boyfriend of 7 years, you don't hold a candle to him, she doesn't want to talk to you.
You (extremely confident, charismatic, flirt with all girls at work and be generally respected and liked by almost everyone at work, cries about people you have never met to feel better about yourself) aren't as good as him (27 barely got a job a month ago, you claim to know for a fact he is a bum).
Some advice i got.

"Don't leave it, when you ignore a girl you're teaching her to live without you. You need to talk to her as soon as possible and apologize for fucking up and confess your feelings. Tell her you're into her and feel like she's not being appreciated by her current boyfriend. Do all this but don't make any moves, tell her all of this and then leave it, let her decide if she wants to address it. If you truly have feelings for her and want it to work out, you have to risk yourself and your feelings. That's how human relationships work, unfortunately. Don't, however, do anything if this is just some infatuation that'll disappear after you get to play with her for a bit. The beginning of you twos relationship sounds extremely similar to a relationship I was in and he just used me as a toy whenever he was
bored and threw me out of his life when I became too real for him. Don't fuck with her or her life."


"You went about the whole situation in the wrong way. You've dug your hole and theres not much you can do. I think the best thing for you is swallow your pride, tell her "I know you have a boyfriend and whatever, so I apologize for any comments I made about him".

Just work your way back up from that. My experience with girlfriends and other girls is that time & space does work most of the time. Lay it out there, apologize and let her decide.

My personal experiences says that if she does like you after you man up and maturely apologize, then she should come back to you. It's hard to give her the time & space, because you feel like you should be doing more to help it. But don't be in her face, trying to talk to her constantly again because she probably isn't ready for that. She's still too pissed off. Sometimes doing less is more."

Which advice is better?

The first advice is horrible. It's only going to piss her off worse. You're practically saying once again "I'm better than your boyfriend."

Apologize and then leave her alone.
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dont talk to her any more , duh.
move on , she dont want your kids , there's not much time for you to waste chasing after a dead end you only have till 35 thats why male suicide after 38 is the highest of all rates .
Forget all these pussies here telling you that being who you are is bad, fuck them. It's perfectly fine to be cocky, confident and I'll even say arrogant. You made a wrong move and that's it, learn from it, use other girls to work on what you lack. For example, work on being able to hook up with girls that have boyfriends. Eventually when you come across the same situation and again fall for the girl, now you'll have a better approach and take what is yours.
Don't get upset at yourself and don't feel like garbage, shit happens. You just sound like a bitch complaining. Deep down you know what to do bro.
Oh and don't apologize. You'll just dig that bitch hole deeper and deeper
Faux tough guy shit.

You have to be 18 to post here.
Lol you're a fucking asshole bro. She's better off without you. I dunno just try to be sincere and confess and be honest and don't fucking try to blame her or make her feel bad for liking you you autist. Lol what the hell literally working against yourself. At this point being really really honest and trying to seem trustworthy is the only option, cause you look like a complete shit head. By that i mean I think you're a complete shithead.:) good luck!
Don't fucking talk shit about her BF though you autist, just apologize for what you said and tell her you realize how rude it was and there's no excuse. Then don't try to make up an excuse. That's an important step. She knows her BF is kinda shit obviously, so apologizing for talking shit about him makes him look worse because she remembers you were right, and makes you look better because you're at least taking ownership of your assholery.

Also I'd apologize really soon, and be sincere about it, and don't pressure her to accept it at all. If she forgives you then you might have a shot still.
The answer is clearly RAPE. I want my $20 bitch.
OP this, don't be a pussy
perfect example of an insecure little bitch boy over compensating. See it plenty with short guys and small dicks. I question if you have ever had a real girlfriend or even kissed one
>>she subconsciously gives me hard singles she's attracted to me again but always tries to be modest

anon literally thinks he knows what's going at the subconscious level of OTHER people's minds, you might be

tbqh you sound like a complete asshole, just be glad that this is pretty mild as far as learning experiences go and people have been knocked out/killed over less
OP is clearly a manlet
extremely confident, charismatic, flirt with all girls at work and be generally respected and liked by almost everyone at work.

OP that one sentence speaks volumes. In reality you are probably the most disliked and despised person where you work. She has done well to see you for what you really are. My only advice is to stay away from her and save her the embarrassment of being seen talking to you. If she has issues withe her relationship they are none of your business.
Being the cocky arsehole you are, you will not listen to sensible advice, you will carry on in your quest and reach the point where your only option will be to resign.
Please leave the girl alone. Do not apologize or even talk to her.
She framed you as her best friend probably is mentally fighting to keep it from progressing.

Engage her less, randomly act disinterested, flirt more with others, 'move on', just let her be aware that she could lose you and shit probably change. It sounds like she needs you as a getaway and will keep you there if you don't let her know that you'll find someone else.

My paypal is [email protected]
Cocky is good but you should back off and if you ever start talking again, avoid talking shit about her boyfriend. Avoid talking shit about people behind their backs in general as it signals that you're insecure or otherwise of poor character and puts her on the defensive mentally. Also it shows that you're kind of sleazy if you want the girl, it should seem like it's just happening. If she knows you're actively trying to "steal" her from her boyfriend, it could make her defensive. Since this is a work situation you don't want to end up getting Hr involved and lose your job and make it harder to get future jobs over some bitch. Cut contact with her and move on. Keep flirting with people but learn how to walk the line between cocky and douchebag asshole. I'd say fuck all that period when you're working and just focus on doing your job and being professional.
Interesting story.
If you ever get back on good terms with her, ask her if your depiction of yourself in these posts is accurate. Maybe you are being way too hard on yourself, and interpreting everything you did and thought and her reactions in the worst possible light.
I'm not saying this is the case, I'm saying that I don't see how anyone could say definitely that it were not the case.
Did you described yourself this harshly before the fallout with her?
I think she dodged a bullet with you due to your autistic outburst. Good for her
Bump for interest.
OP how old are you?
Op gib tips for girls if your so alpha
step 1: talk to girls faggot
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