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i'm pretty sure my boyfriend is more attracted to anime

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i'm pretty sure my boyfriend is more attracted to anime characters than he is to me. which sounds pretty retarded when i write it out, but it's kind of becoming a problem, i guess.

we're both into anime, to preface this, so its not like i'm weirded out by the anime prospect. anyway, he's always had a thing (i guess) for anime girls. i remember before we were dating he'd always rant to me about how disgusting 3d girls are and how he wishes 2d was real, but despite that he asked me out, so i figured maybe he didn't hate 3d girls that much.

fast forward almost a year, and he seriously wont shut the fuck up about what anime girl he wants to bang. like to the point where it's pretty much all he ever bothers talking to me about. he has pictures of anime girls saved on his computer in a big folder, the whole 9 yards. he knows i have pretty extreme self esteem/self image issues, so idk why he's doing this if not to drive me away. i don't understand why he even bothered getting into a relationship with me if this was all he was going to do. it sucks because a few months ago, it wasn
t like this.

i don't know. i was hoping maybe someone on here could offer an outside perspective on whether or not i'm just overreacting. again, i know it's kind of a stupid ass situation, but it's genuinely causing me some distress. thanks.
>always rant to me about how disgusting 3d girls are and how he wishes 2d was real
>wont shut the fuck up about what anime girl he wants to bang.

>outside perspective on whether or not i'm just overreacting

Uhh.... No... Not overreacting... Your boyfriend's got issues...

I'll put it to you this way...

I'm pretty sure the majority of guys watch porn.
I'm pretty sure of that there are even a lot of guys with porn collections.
But i'm equally sure almost no guy constantly harps at his girlfriend about what porn star he wants to bang.
How ugly are you?
>we're both into anime
There's your problem. Never get into a relationship with an autist. If you watch anime enough to say you're 'into' it, you have a disorder and are complacent with shit and bad habits. You must be pretty desperate, so I don't know why I'm even asking, but why did you get with him in the first place? Also I'm assuming you're both overweight, sweaty mouthbreathers
yeah, i guess you're right.
it doesn't help that he rarely ever has anything good to say about me, either. any time he gives me any sort of compliment it's like hes so reluctant to say it.

what should i do from here? confront him about it?

not very attractive, that's for sure.
>Also I'm assuming you're both overweight, sweaty mouthbreathers
Oh fuck I lost. I'm not OP but this describes my relationship perfectly.

>not very attractive, that's for sure
I would confront him about it if I were a girl. That's what I would want my gf to do with me.
i guess that's what i'll do, then. i feel like he's just going to insist that it's not a big deal and that he actually likes me, which is what he usually does when i confront him about stuff (which isn't often, but yeah). i'd really like to believe he's telling the truth but his behavior says otherwise. :^|
>tfw no homely weeaboo gf to get jealous about our favorite cartoons
Just end my life now, fampai
I'm also addicted to anime, have a lot of the merchandise, BDs, etc, but that doesn't mean I don't love my gf.

Although I'm sure she feels the same way as you sometimes. Actually, do it like this, if it gets worse or more overbearing, THEN, do something about it, and confront him.
>i'm just overreacting. again


sadly your bf has a mental illness and you are watching the symptoms progress from mild to worse

try for couples counseling try to get him counseling or if you're smart & realize that is a waste of time, just walk away before you watch him get even worse
alright, i'll take your word for it since you seem to be similar to my bf. thanks, man.
It sounds like this has come up more than once, have you ever confronted him about this before?

If this isn't your first time dealing with this then maybe its time to leave him. Nobody likes playing second fiddle especially to someone that's not re
oh, no this hasn't come up before. i could've phrased that better, sorry. what i meant was that I've confronted him about other things previously.

i guess you may be right, but i don't want to leave him so i'll leave that as a last resort. i genuinely love and care about him but i just wish the feeling was mutual i guess
Omg my last guy was like that. LAST GUY. He has a bunch of folders for 2d shit. I bailed. It was destroying my confidence. Best decision I've ever made
hmm. breaking up with him is the last thing i wanna do. i guess it doesn't seem like it from how i described him but he has other personality traits besides "obnoxious weeaboo". i'd rather feel secure in this relationship instead of just ditching him because i genuinely care about him and enjoy his company
If you don't mind my asking what other things have you confronted him on?

I was in a relationship where the love wasn't mutual, biggest regret was not being the one who ended it. Food for thought

ok we will wait to here from you again 6 months from now when his porn addiction has gotten worse and he doesn't want to have sex with you anymore

good luck
Care to share those traits, I wasn't getting "obnoxious weeaboo" from your description but I wasn't getting "relationship material" either
honestly kind of stupid shit on my part, looking back on it. mainly just me asking if he actually loved me. i dunno. hes kind of autistic and i think its hard for him to show affection (i'm the same way) so i try not to hold it against him but it makes it difficult to tell whether or not he even gives a shit about me. because ut it could be that i'm also just very insecure. i'll keep what you said in mind, though. thanks.

see ya then
he's pretty funny, we have a lot of inside jokes and we make each other laugh all the time. he's surprisingly patient with me and my insecurity issues. i genuinely can't ever recall a time during which he's been actually mad at me. he's pretty intelligent as well. i'm not so good at describing people, but it's not like he's a piece of shit or anything. the opposite, i'd say. he's just too caught up in the anime pussy...
Are you female me from 11 years ago? Because that sounds like me. Does he show it in non verbal ways?

My ex was a little autistic to, she had figured out faking affection would lead to being taken care of.

. . . . I'm not bitter
oh jeez, sorry to hear about that.
and yeah, i suppose he kind of does occasionally
>what should i do from here? confront him about it?

Talk to him about him, tell him how you feel, as him how he feels.

Try to find a mutual understanding of what one another truly thinks.

If you can see a compromise that makes you both happy, awesome. But if you can't, it may be time to face facts that neither of you is getting what you want/need out of this relationship, and this relationship is not working out.

You shouldn't feel like you have to resign yourself to not getting what you need. If you're not satisfied, say so. Because those un-stated points of un-satisfaction have a nasty habit of become resentment and toxicity.

Speak up.

If it turns out this isn't going to work out, truth is most relationships don't, but that's why you date (and don't just skip straight to marriage), so you can learn, get more experience, and better understand what it is you need and want in the future.
In the end it all worked out for me, my best friend helped me pick up the pieces and we fell in love in the process dated and then got married but I never would have had the confidence to even talk to her had I not dated the first girl (I was afraid to talk to women).

Anyway back on topic he sounds like a nice enough person and i really can see why your conflicted. How often does the imaginary girlfriend actually come up?
Fuck him, I've been the boyfriend you want to my girl for years and all I've ever gotten out of it is pain and insanity. I finally tried to end it and it crushed me, but sent her on a dick carousel for 3 months. Damn, I don't know why people like us don't run into each other and end up happy. Or maybe they do and they're not on this shithole website lol
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this is the saddest fucking shit i've ever heard

how fucking ugly are you

how hideous can you be to have settled for this fucking pathetic nerd of a man.
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Alright OP, here's my honest to god advice.

Goto the fucking gym.

For fuck's sake's lose some weight. Do some squats. You might have flat titties or something but God gave you that ass for a reason. And if you don't use it, you will lose it.

Also dump your boyfriend. This should be fucking implied.

Once you've actually gotten in shape and gotten a decent haircut, as well as some good makeup, goto /cgl/

Learn to cosplay as all the hot characters. It doesn't even fucking matter if you like them, but try to pick a character you like who dresses skimpy.

Goto cons and stuff. Or even just post pics on Twitter or instagram or whatever.

I guaranTEE you, if you follow this advice correctly, you will forget all about this fucking cuck boyfriend you currently have, and find some alpha Chad nerd who likes to show off his abs in his cosplay.

You're actually going to get fucked by a guy you're actually attracted to who also like's anime, but isn't a fucking beta. Way better sex than two fatty blobs crashing into each other.

I'm not fucking around. You want to be happy?

Go to the gym.
I'm gonna work under the assumption that her visage doesn't cause mirrors to commit suicide.
Even if you're an ugly ass girl a thin waist and a nice ass can take you places
Both you and your boyfriend should jump off a bridge to assure your removal from the gene pool.
>fast forward almost a year, and he seriously wont shut the fuck up about what anime girl he wants to bang.
Yeah it is rather weird. Especially when he starts going into specifics. I'm fine talking about porn and sharing what I like, but it's not going to be the bread and butter and it'd be even worse if I had someone specific in mind I focused exclusively on.

This sounds more like an issue with simple tact almost.

Let's not pretend it would be better if it was real women. Hell I have one like that myself. The issue is that he keeps bringing it to the forefront.
sometimes i worry that i'm the boyfriend from this thread but my gf is asexual so w/e
I suggest talking to him about it?...

Also sounds like he wants you to dress up for him. Surprise him one day dress up as his favorite char and after you two get it on, bring up how he always talks about how much he adores anime girls and how little he shows he adores you.

Guys are lazy and forgetful, he probably just thinks you already know he adores you
>my gf is asexual

pretty sure that means you're a cuck, bucko
>he'd always rant to me about how disgusting 3d girls are and how he wishes 2d was real
That really got me laughing. I dated a girl and was very considerate and nice but I realize that I was way too nice and scared to do anything/talk openly. And then you hear these full on autism stories where guy gets gf while talking how disgusting 3d girls are and how he would much rather have 2d waifu than the girl he is having a dinner with. I'm not bitter about it, its just funny for what ever reason.
I'd say just confront him about it and give him a chance to correct his behavior and learn. If he doesn't then just tell him its not working and move on.
i'll do this. i guess you're right, nothing's gonna happen unless i talk to him about it.

that's nice to hear! i'm glad things worked out for you.
as of late it hasn't been coming up as much, but he used to talk about it constantly, as in he'd bring it up at least once a day like he was taunting me. very frustrating.

believe it or not neither of us are overweight. im just ugly as shit. thanks for the advice though i guess, but i'm not suited for cosplay.

best advice so far
All I got to say is dump him. It's over, it's fucking over. Your boyfriend is a loon.
seconding this
>being so depserate that you have to endure an ugly nerd liking some drawing more than you
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How can you Compete? slut.
>see ya then

please don't & prove me wrong
>i genuinely love and care about him but i just wish the feeling was mutual i guess

So let me get this straight. You don't feel like he loves you or cares about you. And at the same time he keeps talking all the time about wanting to fuck other cartoon women?

Also I really hate to say this and I never say this. But seriously. Your boyfriend sounds like he's on the autism spectrum or something. I've known a few anime lovers who have aspergers and they never did anything as weird as what your BF is doing. That isn't normal by any standard to obsessively talk about wanting to bang anime women 24/7. I fap to hentai for fucks sake and even that is leagues past what I do.

Are you autistic too? I don't think regular people would stick around in a situation like this no matter how open minded they were and accepting they were. There's clearly something wrong with him and it's giving off enormous red flags that you should seek somebody else to have a relationship with. Do you want your child to grow up around somebody who can't shut up about wanting to bury his face in sailormoons pussy? Then it might be a good idea to leave him.
>i'm pretty sure my boyfriend is more attracted to anime characters than he is to me.

Which he should be, 3d pig
>he knows i have pretty extreme self esteem/self image issues
Why do you have self-esteem issues? Maybe you should get over it and start acting more sexy and kawaii *^___^*
From everything you've said so far it kinda feels like he doesn't fully know how to act like a boyfriend when it comes to understanding your emotional needs. Do you truly feel loved? Even if he is a good guy in all the ways you've said, he may say he loves you but like I mentioned before some people fake it for whatever reason

P.s. everyone thinks they look worse than they do.
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