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How do women determine their attraction?

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Using a bait image for attention and to reference my question.

I am interested in hearing the answers of women in how they determine attraction to a man. I currently conceive of it in a formulaic, proportional way, with certain traits being weighted more than others. I understand that people's tastes vary but I wanted to see if there were some big hitters.

Like the image, I'm looking at how much women are attracted to a man's
>social status
>professional/personal achievements


So women, what weight do you assign to the above categories, if not others? For example- if a guy was a little quiet but was a doctor who spoke 3 languages, would that make up for his lowered score in the personality section?

t. autist
He's gotta be at least well off as I am, as far as education, finances or whatever. Like my current boyfriend doesn't have a job right now but he's in law school, so, okay. But this doesn't really factor into attraction as much as considering a long term relationship with him. I've been attracted to losers before.

The other thing is, having a personality that meshes with mine, having similar values, etc.

And then there's looks. I don't have anything specific I'm looking for in that regard.

Don't give a fuck how many languages he can speak. Or what specifically he does for a living
Not an asshole, that's what I look for.
Asshole = ugly or poor
Here's all you have to do to be attractive to most women:

Be confident
Be funny
Take care of your physical appearance
Don't be socially retarded

That's pretty much it. If you think you have to be attractive to all women, you are setting unrealistic goals. Just have to be the best version of yourself. Some women, no matter aren't going to be attracted to you. Doing the above will cast the widest net though.

Unless you're a Chad, then you literally have to do nothing.
Social status and achievements are part of his personality, so no reason to list the stuff separately.

As for looks, they help to get attention and you need some basis to open the door (don't be a monster who showers once in a week) and from then on, they are not a huge deal.

> if a guy was a little quiet but was a doctor who spoke 3 languages, would that make up for his lowered score in the personality section?
Depends on the other person, some might value being talky more than being a doctor, bu the same person would be a suboptimal partner for the guy either way.

Obviously you have to consider that if a guy is too quiet, it's hard to find out that he is smart, and he might come off as more dumb than some faggot talking about his dick.

Pretty much this.
Chad is funny and confident, takes care of his appearance and practiced his social skills.

there was a short period of time in recent history where men and women based their attraction on chemistry.

looks and other factors helped determine that. but its not like a woman looked at this REALLY amazing looking guy, and then pulled out a checklist and said 'do you meet this? do you meet this? okay i guess were dating'.

there was a long period of time where men picked women based on how they looked, and other secondary traits. women had no choice but to go along with it for the most part.

then came that middle ground where men and women really were equals in dating for awhile.

now the power has shifted to women. the only way to take back that power is to NOT date the first girl who settles for you.

relationships have become shallow because many men no longer approach girls who make them feel special, but rather any girl they can because of the 'number game'.
you're mistaking all women for 10/10 Stacy Thundercunts, probably because those are the only women you notice or put any effort into pursuing. (And then wonder why they're not good people.)

Unbeknownst to stacy-chasers there are plenty of women who exist outside of this narrow sighted world view, and their desire is someone who isn't an asshole. They're not good enough for anyone to care about, though.
In terms of attractiveness, it's mostly about looks and superficial personality traits like charm, wit and self confidence.
I might be fascinated by a leader, someone very passionate about what he does and very good at something, but not necessarily rich.

Attractiveness is a necessary but not sufficient condition for me to date someone.
When it comes to long term dating, what I can be very picky. I want someone with a good personality, with traits that compensate my flaws. He should have the same plans for life - I wouldn't date someone who isn't interested in having a family or doesn't want to have the same lifestyle I want to have. I don't care about someone being rich, but at least wealthy enough to live well and independently.

I honestly also want someone I can respect as a person.
I am attracted by smart guys, and success is sexy (and I don't mean necessarily wealth).

> then pulled out a checklist and said 'do you meet this?
You realize it's just another form of chemistry, right? Instead of something abstract as "he makes me feel good to be around him" people try to understand WHAT traits contribute to that.

It's an upgrade from "weather happens because of God" and "weather happens because of this, this and that natural phenomena."
Take very close attention to this reply OP, many important underlying messages in this post:

>She's dating a beta provider because of his future wealth
>she even admits she's with him for reasons out of attraction
>she has been "attracted" to (got fucked into a wheelchair) by "losers" (men who take care of themselves and confident)

Straight from the horses mouth. This femanon represents the average slut that society has produced. It's not good, but it's the way women are nowadays, so deal with it. Plan your dating strategy accordingly.
Wow, so to sum that up

>be very good looking
>Be successful (rich)
>be submissive to you "share your plans"
>Be smart (rich)

You wrote so much without trying to seem incredibly shallow, but failed miserably.

I'm dating my boyfriend because I'm in love with and attracted to him. And this I decided before I knew what he did or if he was employed or not.

So I never "admitted" anything of the sort.

I was attracted to a loser who leeched off me and lied to me, because initially we had great chemistry and he was fun tobe around despite being 30 years old living with his mom no education and no job. And that's when I decided I'm not putting up with that shit again. We never fucked.

The horse in this situation would be you lol
I can't tell if this is a troll or actually someone with reading comprehension this poor.

I don't care if you think I'm shallow. I'm not gonna date someone I'm not interested in for brownie points. And neither is anyone else.
Yeah every girl should settle for a retarded slob with nothing in common with her and nothing to offer otherwise she's a shallow whore. Good luck with that.
Not very good looking, no. Anything over a 4/10 would honestly work for me. I just don't see why I should date a dude I am not attracted to at all.

I specified multiple times that I don't care about someone's economical wealth. I make enough to look after myself, but I don't want to provide financially for someone or to be with a slob.
I like successful people. And I like intelligence.

And sharing my plans doesn't mean being submissive to me. Why would I date someone who doesn't want kids when I do? Like, what would I do? Force him to make me pregnant? Accept that I can never be what I want more? Fuck that, honestly.

If you think I'm shallow, honestly, whatever.
male here,

that male is an idiot.

We have the same standards. I want someone who makes what I make, so I know they dont need my money. I want someone who is intelligent as I am, because when I make jokes they won't get it.

What kind of fucking idiot doesn't share plans for the future? I don't want kids and would certainly make a point to bring that up if I was to ever be married.
The woman in that picture has a lot more than just "not being fat", look at the way she carries herself. She's confident which you can tell by her posture and the fact that her face is tilted upward means she probably thinks good of herself. She has good fashion sense and hygiene, obviously takes good care of her body/hair and has money. Her expression makes her look mature and humble, not like girls who take selfies at weird angles with duck lips... she has that milf look which screams motherly instincts... appears to be emotionally stable... in short pic related is a contradiction to itself.

>I was attracted to a loser who leeched off me and lied to me, because initially we had great chemistry and he was fun tobe around despite being 30 years old living with his mom no education and no job. And that's when I decided I'm not putting up with that shit again. We never fucked.

So you're admitting that you left someone, despite him being a good person and not having wealth?

Hard to take what a woman in a relationship with a future lawyer says seriously. It's a major predictable indication of future wealth, and that's what the "love" you feel is.
It doesn't matter what I think,you are simply shallow. My opinions or anyone else's doesn't matter so just be yourself.

I don't think it's your fault that you have an incredible long comprehensive list of prerequisites to be dated, I think it's the way society groomed you. It's the reason why divorce is 70% in most western nations, and why women initiate ~70% of all breakups (see the pattern here?)

Don't hate me, hate the facts and statistics.
Are you fucking serious?
She said he lied to her and leeched off her. How is that "a good person"?
Also, it's perfectly normal to stop dating someone if they are unstable financially and unwilling to do anything to fix it. How can you have a relationship with someone who cannot even look after themselves? I want kids in the future, why will I have them with someone who is basically a manchild?
Divorce rate is under 50% in most western nations and around 25% in couples where partners are educated and 25+ when they get married.
Women will rationalise this in whatever way they want.

You see this is where we disagree, leaving someone exclusively for their financial status makes you a materialistic whore. When you care about someone you push them to succeed, not abandon ship. No fucking loyalty these days hmm?
I prefer a partner that's self sufficient because i don't want him to be like a child to me. I don't mind feeding him but it can't be 100% of the time. Other than that,
>>Don't be an addict
>>Don't stray
>>Clean up after yourself and stay clean

As for wealth in regards to the whole "she just wants his money" beta theory..
Of course it's nice when he's successful because it is harder for a woman to get a decent career that can afford a home that ultimately they will raise a family in.
Having a permanent home is alot more important to a woman because of nesting instincts. Yes, there are some women that just wants you to buy them lots of crap but most of them just don't want to pay for your groceries while you're out buying a super computer
I support someone who tries to fix themselves, but I don't save people. I'm not a martyr.
If someone wants to better themselves, I'm very happy to be by their side and push them to succeed. If someone is fine with being unstable financially, then thanks, I am not, and goodbye.
And, no - it doesn't make anyone a materialistic whore. I know what I want out of life and if someone isn't interested in that, why should I bother? You cannot save people that don't want to be saved. It's not a mater of loyalty. I don't have time to waste after lost causes and no one really does.
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> if a guy was a little quiet but was a doctor who spoke 3 languages
If a guy was quiet, how would I know that he was a doctor who spoke 3 languages? What, do you think they sew their diplomas into their shirts?

If you want to get with a girl, this is key (taking notes?) TALK TO US.

All the rest is bullshit made up by cowards to cover their cowardice. All you really need is confidence.

Oh yeah - and the smelling good thing doesn't hurt either. BO doesn't attract. Not even at the gym.
I confused the 70% from the Baltic nations.

Either way, you consider 50% to be good? that also makes the 70% divorce initiation from women look just as bad.
>despite him being a good person
He wasn't a good person. Can you not read, friend?
I can tell by speaking to you that your dad never told you "no" when you asked for shit. When you meet the successful good looking alpha, enjoy explaining to him how you abandoned all your previous partners because they didn't have money. I'm another beta provider will take you in though.

Alpha fucks Beta bucks
If a guy is cute and nice and normal around other humans, I can be interested. If a guy is ugly, a dick/rude, or can't read a room, I'm not interested at all. Having things in common is good. Disagreeing morally is bad.
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> Be """"""""""confident"""""""""" and approach us
> Just make sure you're 6'3, $100k salary, and perfect cranial structure.
romance is not science. it is art. thats why they are called pick up artists, not pick up scientists.

if there was a simple series of buttons to pres to get girls, you'd know what they were. its not how it works.

everyone has their own approach: just like art. like with anything there are certain tips and tricks and processes that everyone should learn but some people will still fail when using them and make shitty fucking paintings.

because there is still that intrinsic part of self, combined with skill, that decides if the painting is good or not
This is the only answer OP

Every chick on here is running their hamster wheels in their minds. What women WANT and what their ATTRACTED to are VERY separable.

Take the red pill OP!
My dad is awesome and told me no a lot. I started working when I was 15 and I am independent financially since I was 18. Thanks for your concern.

I never left a man for money, but I can understand why someone wouldn't commit to a loser who doesn't want to improve himself.
I paid for college for my boyfriend and I never minded that. I worked my ass off and never went out with my friends to save every cent because I had a scholarship and he didn't. Now he makes enough money to support us both. I loved how hard working and successful he was, and I thought he deserved a chance to do good.
I don't mind if someone isn't rich. I do mind if someone doesn't give a shit about his future and doesn't want to improve himself.
I think it strongly depends on if you're talking relationship or hook-up? I assume relationship.

For me by far the most important thing is that our personalities mesh: same outlook on life, same core values and similar goals. For example, I'm very self-sufficient and independent and need a partner who is the same. I know from experience that being with someone overly traditional and clingy does not work for me.

Second is humour. More specific: similar sense of humour. If you can make each other laugh, there is a big chance you can handle the lang haul.

Intelligence, but not academic kind. I have a PhD, my boyfriend of 10 years has never finished uni, but I feel I can talk to him about any topic and he is intellectually stimulating to me.

Another thing that is attractive is if someone is passionate about something.

Money is not important, but because I'm self-sufficient, I'd like my partner to be that as well financially. But the fact he'd never be able to earn more than me doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Looks are really unimportant (as long as you're not ridiculously obese or stink). I have a type looks-wise (as in, the type that'd turn my head on the street), but none of my exes or my boyfriend are actually my type. All these guys won me over by their personalities and I have always dated guys less hot than me.
What attracted me to my current boyfriend was that I felt like I learned something interesting and new every time we spoke. I can't put it into better words than that. The second thing is that he sort of went out of his way to be around me. I'm not a person who's easy to hang out with, so it takes some real effort there. I appreciate how hard he tries.
I'm not like the other girls = I'm exactly like the other girls
The femanon you're taking offense with is very reasonable.

Look mate, no matter how many basement dwelling obese autists think that if a 10/10 rich chick does not immediately want to throw herself at their feet she's a golddigging whore, the truth is that anyone who wants a relationships needs to bring at least one of the following (or a combination thereof) to the table: personality, looks or money. The more of the 3 you have, the more you can expect from a potential partner. Men have been socially conditioned to favour looks while women have been conditioned to favour money, but this is changing. Look at all the rich cougars with hot, young boyfriends. If you're extremely hot, you can get away with being dumb, awkward and poor and if you're extremely rich people will more likely look past your ugliness and shitty personality. But in the end, the long lasting, happy couples are those who are balanced: complimenting personalities, intellect, similar social status, roughly same attractiveness level etc.
All females are scum looking for easy life by offering pussy to husband while waiting to spend the money.
>just date a fat chick guys, we're really great in spite of deliberately looking disgusting when we could have been cute if we just weren't obsessed with stuffing ourselves with lard
Fuck off. I'm in shape. Why the hell shouldn't you be?
>itp: future cat lady
>just be a smart, attractive executive, guys!
The difference is that you won't get it. And you can't hold out for it, or you will just be single and miserable.
She might. But she can get sex whenever she wants it in the meantime, because female. Then lie about it later if she thinks she has found a good provider, because female.
The Islamization of the west cannot come soon enough.
This is actually true. It's a dumb photo.

Here's the real issue: a girl who is:
- thin
- shy
- dressed badly
- shut-in
- few friends
- student in a random liberal arts major
- no money
is still attractive. Because thin.

Now, having a similar level of intelligence is important for compatibility. But aside from that... not much.
Personal experience doesn't count for much, but it makes me disagree. I know quite a few girls who are the skinny-awkward sort (common in my hobby which is introspective and female dominant - at the same time, expensive and rather superfluous, so these girls aren't even poor) and have never had a single bf in their lives even when they going over 25. I invited a couple of them with whom I'm closer to my bfs birthday, and with several of his friends there, not one paid them any attention after being introduced.
These girls just blend in with the wall, very few guys seem to even notice their existance. I think it's fair to say they aren't repulsive, but attrative isn't a word I'd use either.
Invite me next time?
All kidding aside, what is that hobby?
Also, desu, approaching girls at a birthday party can be difficult since if they are attractive they likely have boyfriends already. Even asking about it shows you are interested, which if anyone else overhears will result in discomfort. Have to get someone interesting alone-ish to find out. Whereas if any one of them made a profile on a dating site they could have a bf in 3-4 weeks, since everyone is known to be single so there's no risk in approaching (delay due to messaging and screening out liars).
I gladly would, as I wish I could help them meet someone. And the hobby is wonderful art of ikebana. If you have a Japanese culture center where you live, there's bound to be a club there. And in big cities, plenty of non-Asian women take interest in it, though I think we're all at least a bit weebish. I think it reflects wonderful traits for someone who prefers traditionally feminine women.

Where I live we'd never invite someone without their date. Their single-ness, as the guys' would be well-understood just by them showing up alone (I'm from an old-fashioned area).
I celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday.
I am good enough to get the kind of guy I want.
Oh, cute.
I wish I had more friends in this city. I'm from a top university and work in a very high-pressure industry so all the status-signaling in my groups of acquaintances here is stressful and I don't see people very often. Best friends mostly live in other cities and communicate over email/IM. Lonely here. Ex-gf met me in college, but I don't see that sort of community venue in my life anymore.
>builds confidence by putting undesired guys in their place on the Internet at 4am
This is why people kill themselves.
Feeling alone in a new city was why I joined the club in the first place. I always liked flowers and gardening, but this seemed like a nice excuse to meet people similar to me.
I suppose you have very little time between work and school, but there must be something you can at least attend sporadically that could allow you meet new people. I met my boyfriend in this sports club that plays assorted games in the park. We still participate, and the necessary commitment is minimal, I would highly recommend finding something similar.
Oh well, then I'll let people insult me so I don't hurt their feelings.

My standards are fairly normal and I didn't have any issue finding someone who met them.

I think the issue is everyone is doing their best to try to cut this girl's legs out from underneath her and she's just not having it so its bumming you all out.

Being confident an not putting up with anyone's shit isn't a personal slight against you, and if trying to invalidate someone who confident and content with their lives but then getting shut down makes you want to kill yourself then perhaps you should because the world would be better off without your inferior genes.

Fuck off weeb
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>asking women to lie to you
wew lad
I actually can get hot intelligent girls. See heres the thing, I dont expect hot girls to like me if I am not equally good looking.

Im finishing my STEM degree in may, I eat healthy and have been going to the gym for several years. I can dress myself well and know how to talk to people, which is going to help me greatly when finding a job.

Now Im not ready for dating until I get a job and move out to a place of my own, so I don't go for women. Then there is the what type of girl do I want, which is also very confusing for me.

I do see how women look at me and I've been called hot to my face by women my age and older several times. Put me in a classroom with women in it and Ill generally have at least one cute one interested in me. I could get girls from my looks alone, once they find out I have a brain and can hold a convo it's pretty much sealed.

Sure some girls will fuck a shit ton of guys then find a beta provider, but if you actually go out and talk to girls the bad ones are rather easy to spot. I can tell very quickly if a girl is interested in my because she actually finds me good looking. It's also how you attract a girl, if you try to hook them with a got a good job and 401k then you'll doing it wrong mate. If you actually go out and talk to girls about hobbies and dont talk about jobs or money, then right way. Anyone who talks about work or money when I meet them is not someone I like generally, guys or girls.

If you ask me what I do, I'll tell you skiing, golf, or disc golf. Im not going to tell you my job, you see the difference?
>there was a short period of time in recent history where men and women based their attraction on chemistry.
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Women look for 3 kinds of guys, they recruit a team if one won't fulfill all 3 which happens in 90% cases.

Guy for fucking - a chad or a pretty boy, an alpha, he gets approached by them and get sex without effort

Provider aka husband cuck/sugar daddy - gets sex for providing stuff and maintaining social security

Emotional tampon (an orbiter/friendzone) - most probably never allowed to her puss but kept for emotional stuff and confidence boost for her

These three roles may be shared by one guy and then he is the perfect specimen. In 99% of cases though a guy does not fulfill all the roles so she looks for some other guys to fill the lacking place.

You may be chad and rich guy, but she will keep this faggot friendzoned friend of her to cry to every time you put her in her place because you won't deal with her emotional bullshit.

You may be just rich and nice guy - but it's dangerously probably that she will look for a chad to fuck her behind your back.

You may be a sensitive and lovely "chad" but after she gets enough of your cockride she will dump you for the money man unless she's not using you for cheating.

The worst case scenario is when you are only 1 role in a team consisted of dozens of guys.

Unless you are not looking for a relationship which is smart, then it's enough to look good or be rich. You can also get laid with the nice guy style, but that's the most pathetic, frustrating, degrading and the least successful approach you can take.
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I like fat chicks, so this pic is false.
Damn, she's incredible
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