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Why do people use your heart

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So i'm just a casualty of war? Pic related.
People in general are very selfish. After being used all of my life and having dealt with other people's problems and playing the role of "the clown", I completely gave up on making new friends and stick with the few I have. I havent been in a relationship in forever because I devote myself to my achievements. I constantly work on my car and get better at my programming major.

I have never been happier than having seen the people who used me catch STD's, gain beer-guts, and live in poverty after "daddy's money" ran out. I never lived that life and I am upset that I spent my time trying to impress them at one point when now they beg me for money.

If someone's worth keeping around, I'd know.

Its nice being able to act like your true self on a normal basis, however. No one to impress or answer to...
Live well and stay the fuck away from this person, someone who thinks like this is toxic and you don't need that drama in your life anon
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>So i'm just a casualty of war?

Assuming that pic is yours: Nah and don't let it beat you down.

People who allow themselves to get into relationships and then break up with others based on a feeling of love like that aren't the brightest bulbs and are bound to get themselves into a really shallow one. The idea isn't that shit,it's that you get along and are open to each other. You probably understand that but not them so it's their loss.
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I see various people who were shitting on me doing much better than me now in every aspect. It basically proves them right when they were bringing you down. I don't even dare to check on my exes, that would probably be even more crushing.

Still, I can deal with it.

Dealing with things is something I've mastered so far to godlike level. Anyone who's shit should learn it first.
Classic story. Manipulation, tricks and games. All of this just to not look like a whore while monkeybranching. Just go no contact and instantly improve your life significantly by this.
There is no god
Societis ultimate goal isn't to benefit you
Your family can be taken away from you on a whim
Your job too
I dare you to come up with a single thing more important than fulfilling wathever desire you have at the moment
Well, there are desires like... an urge to kill yourself, you know?
It must be hard to struggle with that every day, I feel sorry for you
Nah I don't, I just asked theoretically thinking of OP's situation.

>it just clicked

Lol, the bullshit they spin to try get their point across.

Anyway OP don't stress too much, you'll move on from this, I can already tell the type of girl you had, she thinks there is something bigger and better, or simply misses the "spark" you get in a new relationship or partner. Mature wise people like yourself probably realise that love is what you make it, that shit becomes stale as fuck eventually and there is no couple out there that stayed together that are crazy about each other. It's a matter of liking, respecting and enjoying who you are with. To not love someone enough doesn't really make sense, you either do or you don't, it's her way of saying she wants someone else because she's bored.

Watch it blow up in her face though, there's a good chance she will regret her decision eventually and come crawling back, that's where you get to reject her and feel like a king. People like this don't usually find happiness, she's chasing something that doesn't exist.

Just remember OP that you are the one that loved and committed wholeheartedly and she couldn't keep you happy, she didn't meet your standards and you will find better, you just don't realise any of that yet.
Not OP, but this sounds about right.
Notice how she attempts justification in the original text through mischaracterization.

It insinuates she is the victim and the relationship between her and OP was just a mistake about which she hesitated from the very beginning.

Nevermind mutual commitment, truthfulness or resolution. Satisfaction is most important to her. Your consultation prize for trying but not being good enough: a measly"sorry".

Though she is right on one thing. I'm sure you can do much better. Consider this a bullet dodged.
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