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how long to date before a relationship?

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how long to date before a relationship?
Usually 2-3 times,you get to know them and process if they are a suitable partner for you
>Usually 2-3 times,
really, thats all? I haven't dated so I dont know the norm; im surprised.
It depends on the person. There is no rule.
For me, at least 2 months.
I stop seeing other guys (if I'm seeing other guys at all) after 2/3 dates if they're going well, but I want to know a person decently well before saying we're in a relationship.
>For me, at least 2 months.
>I stop seeing other guys (if I'm seeing other guys at all) after 2/3 dates if they're going well, but I want to know a person decently well before saying we're in a relationship.
yeah okay; this makes more sense to me.

>I stop seeing other guys (if I'm seeing other guys at all) after 2/3 dates
so...you're more or less exclusive, but you haven't told the other person?
I want to find the balance between "pursuing" the person you like, but also not putting all your eggs in one basket.

when something doesn't work out, I regret the missed opportunities while I was getting closer to the guy i was talking to for that month.
The general guideline is: no sex until the third date.
but i think OP is asking more about the relationship aspect, not exactly sex.

People can fuck whenever.
If it's not a one night stand, then after having sex you could consider it a relationship.
yeah, see thats not really a sure thing.
its a nice thought, but having sex=/= relationship
If you have been on more than one date, and then have sex, that's generally an indication you are in a relationship. At the least, that's when you bring it up if you're not sure.

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To me, a relationship is more than "this guy I go out with and have fun with". I consider it a relationship when I can see myself getting old with some guy.
I am exclusive, but for example I don't let him sleep over to my place, we do not have sex, we do not introduce friends and family, etc. We're just seeing each other, talking, see if it has the potential to become something serious.
You routinely date 2-3 months with no sex? That will turn off a lot of guys.
okay yeah, this makes more sense to me.
i've actually pseudo-dated other girls more than men, and in those cases I've always met some of her friends almost right away, and it always makes me uncomfortable.

since like you, I consider meeting someones friends or family a pretty big deal.
i like your method though, i'm going to structure my future dating attempts on that.
everything isn't about sex, and i only want to sex someone i'm really really into.
plus, it weeds out the men who only want sex.
Usually longer than two months. I had two boyfriends - the first waited for 8 months, the second for 5.
If someone is turned off by waiting for sex, their loss. Honestly I want a serious relationship, so I don't have sex before I am sure I will stay with the guy in the long term, which takes a while.
Sexual compatibility is very important in a relationship. You're frigid to the point only guys who are religious or near asexual will stay with you. No wonder you can't maintain a relationship.
Yeah, I see it as a pretty big deal so I usually try to avoid it if I'm not sure it's something long term.

This far my "method" worked well, I've been with my first boyfriend for 6 years (broke up because he got a dream job opportunity on the other side of earth and I thought he should go) and with my 2nd boyfriend for 3 years and it is going great.
If you have dated for a month, that's more than enough to know the guy isn't in it just for sex. And even if he is, what's the harm in having fun if you like him?
Jesus christ what kind of cucks are you dating? I know your type, all you need is someone more attractive than you to make you feel like a woman and your guard is down instantly
two months really isn't that much time waiting to fuck.
besides, its not like she said you can't kiss or makeout at all.

same, sex is a pretty big deal to me, i dont want to feel like i'm "wasting it" and i also see it as a physical expression of love so i dont really have much interest is sexing someone i barely know anyhow.
> And even if he is, what's the harm in having fun if you like him?
i understand where you're coming from, and certainly there are other people who would side with you, but plain and simple, i only want to fuck you if i think I love you, or love you.
that being said, all of my previous relationships lasted a minuscule amount of time.
>Sexual compatibility is very important in a relationship
Agreed. But there are other things that matter more to me, and I prefer being sure of those before having sex.
Sex means a lot to me and I don't want to fuck with someone I am not in love with.

> You're frigid to the point only guys who are religious or near asexual will stay with you.
I am not frigid at all. I had sex three or four times a week with my first and I have sex every day with my current.

>No wonder you can't maintain a relationship.
I never had a relationship which lasted less than 3 years. I definitely can maintain a relationship. I just have more interesting things to offer than my vagina.

Lol. No. I dumped guys much more attractive than me because they wanted to fuck right away, and would pressure me about it.
Two months is a long time, unless you are 16 or can't see each other more than every one to two weeks.
>d i also see it as a physical expression of love so i dont really have much interest is sexing someone i barely know anyhow
I am the same.
I have a really hard time being physical with someone I'm not emotionally close with.
I really don't see the appeal of fucking with a stranger. It happened maybe once that I was turned on by someone without being close to him.
>two months is a long time
well, men think with their dicks, so no surprise on your opinion there, but two months is a relatively small segment of time for any reasonable adult.
yeah, i know that our culture has shifted in the sexual sense, and i am more than okay with that, i just wish people who only want to sex someone they're in love with got less "slack".

being sexually intimate with someone you're emotionally or psychologically intimate with is really great.
Only teenagers who think life is a Disney movie think two months with no sex is a short time. No well-adjusted adults would think that.
Thinking you live for 80 years, 2 months is something like 1/480 of your life.
Definitely not a big segment of life.
And if you two like each other and want a serious relationship, you should abstain from sex because...?
Because I don't know I want to have a serious relationship with someone right away.
I need to spend some time with him to know so. Get to know him well, discuss about his future plans, create emotional closeness, make sure we are compatible.
It's not something you can create in three days.
Bump for more opinions
In my experience, it's basically when one person starts falling for the other.

Giving a time frame like one month makes no sense. Same with the ammount of dates you go on.

My current girl just wanted something casual and we ended up spending every day together like a week after I first asked her out. We hung out more and more until she found out how awesome I am ( her words) and I basically said lets do a relationship then.

That was in the span of just over a month.
This. Depends when/if both parties decide to take that plunge. One bf literally took me a single date to nail that shit down. Another I've been in the "More than friends less than lovers" limbo land with for years until making it official.
Define sex.
It takes me at least a year or more to get comfortable enough for vaginal.
But it takes me 2-3 months to get into the oral zone myself so I see where she's coming from.

Heavy petting, groping, sometimes handies can happen right off the bat if he takes the initiative though.
>If you have dated for a month, that's more than enough to know the guy isn't in it just for sex.
Not necessarily. I dated a dude for 9 months who was just in it for the long con. Then again he was a virgin, but he admitted to me all I ever was to him was a practice dummy. He was willing to wait it out and keep telling me what I wanted to hear just to practice on me.
He had dedication I'll give him that, just a shame he couldn't use it in better ways.
it's not only about if that is all the guy is in it for but not enough time for me to want to be intimate yet. I'm with some others it takes awhile and that can be 5 months, 8 or more from the start of dating. For me it's a big thing
two months is a long time to a 16 year old boy
>like this one girl
>everyone says she likes me
>she sure as hell doesn't show it, it seems much more like a friend thing
>say fuck it and invite her for dinner this week
Given the situation, should I tell her how I feel after this date thing? If not, how long should I wait?
maybe just keep doing stuff with her (alone) and see where it goes.
Weird question: How long until it is acceptable to invite a girl to your house without the implication of sex? I have a PS3 with a game she wants to play on it. It would be cute to play it together. We're both fuckin nerds I know. I don't want her to come over thinking she's getting the sex though.
invite her over during the daytime.
>That will turn off a lot of guys.

Only horny putas like you
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