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Motivation to be cute.

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Hi. I'm pretty in the face, but unfortunately I am a fatty. Not faaaaat, but I'm fat. It's the truth. I've been depressed for like two years and kept going through this cycle of..okay I'm gonna starve myself..okay nevermind I just wanna get so fat and get diabetes and die of something related. And then go back to, okay starvation! And then back to where I was.
ANYWAYS. I'm kinda over it now and I just wanna be healthy and be a size 8-12 and stay that way.
Not looking for thinspo of sickly white girls. Just want advice on how to stay motivated to eat healthier and be more active. And fun things to do to get me there. Like...soccer..or dancing or something. I wanna be a 10/10, not just a sad 5.5/10.
motivation whatever. it's about establishing habits.

for losing weight: take your weight in pounds and multiply it by 11. subtract 750 from that number and eat that many calories per day until you're at your target weight. readjust the formula as you lose weight. 750 is a pretty big deficit, so don't be surprised if you're losing double digits within a month.

again, I just fucking told you how to do it.
Over the course of the past year I've lost 100lbs. You will never be able to feel motivated into weight loss. If you're relying on motivation you'll do exactly what you're doing now. It requires discipline and new habits. People tend to flip flop between extremes when they get frustrated. I found the phone app "MyfitnessPal" to be useful in tracking calories. I usually aimed to be at least 400 under my goal. Don't starve yourself, that makes it harder to lose weight. You need to eat better, but if you only eat kale and boiled chicken you're in for a bad time and you'll quit. Start slow and replacing foods you currently eat with foods you like which have less calories. You will be hungry for awhile, it goes away. It sucks but if you can muster through it, it's worth it. Just remind yourself when you're hungry, that it's the feeling of losing weight. Once you lose the first 10-15lbs it gets a lot easier, the motivation comes from within at that point and it's self propelling. Don't allow yourself to reach the goal and go back to your old habits. Good luck and godspeed.

If you want to lose weight I'd suggest you start by making some significant changes in your lifestyle.

First, eat one third of what you currently eat. In about a couple weeks reduce that to another third. Then start counting calories after another 2 weeks. As for what you eat make it simple but don't make it boring.

Start some light exercise. How about walking for about 20-30 mins for the first month? Don't stroll, keep your pace and get your blood pumping. If this isn't enough for you then you may want to try running but depending on your weight it may not be good for your knees.

I could go on about this but you should start with small but solid steps. Remember that losing weight for good takes time. You could lose weight quick but it will rebound if you are not really careful.

Also visit bodybuilding.com or /fit for more.
I was doing really well for awhile. I started portion control, using my calories wisely, making sure I exercise five times a week. I develop a routine and it's good, I'm doing good. But then I get into these 'I don't care anymore moods' and I break out my routine and spend my time sleeping and eating cookies to make myself feel something. And then once I stop feeling like trash after a couple months, I'm like,,why did I do that? I just screwed up my progress.
Oh an on exercise; You will never exercise your way out of a bad diet. What exercise does is allow you to eat over your calorie limit and adjust back down. for example about 45 minutes of walking burns about 200 calories, which is like half a doughnut. Don't get me wrong, you should be exercising for a lot of reasons, but you can't use it solely to lose weight, and don't let it be an excuse to eat poorly.
It's habit. You lived a certain way for a long time and it establishes a routine within your body that you can fight with mind, literally to a certain extent. I provide the caveat to my advice that I rebounded on my weight loss. I went from 188 to 155 back to 173 at time of writing. If you have the control (and it is not as easy as you think) you can straight cut calories and have it work like a charm. A more life-style-centered approach will involve more steps, but may or may not lead to superior or rather longer-lasting results. I wouldn't know. I do know that cutting calories is one of the crucial ingredients to losing weight, in and of itself.
So far I am walking 30+ minutes a day cause I'm walking to and from work, usually in a hurry. I do think running is nice. I'm not so heavy I can't run, but I've had so many sports injuries it's hard to run for too long before I feel like my knees or shins are on fire.
Having the right shoes seem to help though.
And being a picky ass bitch, I want shoes that are cute and effective for under say... $140.
Got suggestions?
Not OP, but if I used that formula, I'd have to eat less than 700 calories per day. If I lost 10 lbs, I'd have to eat just over 550 calories per day. There's no fucking way that's a healthy way to lose weight, don't be ridiculous
For sure. For sure.
As a guy I'd say yes you are being unnecessarily picky about shoes. Go to a sports goods shop and try some of their walking or jogging shoes.
Well by my rough math you weigh ~120lbs (not the person you replied too btw) No you won't be able to cut calories and loose weight when you weigh that little, you're going to have to eat a normal amount of food and exercise to be under your calorie goal, but then again if you weigh 120, you dont need to lose weight.
>I'm pretty in the face
pic ? you might not be that fat
>I've been depressed for like two years and kept going through this cycle of..okay I'm gonna starve myself..okay nevermind I just wanna get so fat and get diabetes and die of something related. And then go back to, okay starvation! And then back to where I was.

At what point do you stop and think "wait maybe this approach is incorrect, maybe there are other ways to lose weight"? Oh right, you don't.
How stupid some fucking people are is beyond me.
So far I am walking 30+ minutes a day cause I'm walking to and from work, usually in a hurry. I do think running is nice. I'm not so heavy I can't run, but I've had so many sports injuries it's hard to run for too long before I feel like my knees or shins are on fire.
Having the right shoes seem to help though.
And being a picky ass bitch, I want shoes that are cute and effective for under say... $140.
Got suggestions?
That's me being irrational, 'I real life want to die mode.' When I feel that way, I'm not really thinking about much. I'm on autopilot, and I'm just stupid and numb.
I know that's now how to do it, I am trash. I know, yada yada. *throws myself a pity party*
No. Girl.
Girl. Listen. I am fat. Not like 10 pounds over weight. I am taking back the part where I said I'm not faaaaat. Cause I am faaaaaaat. I need to lose like 100 pounds. I can say that I can walk without breathing hard, I can run comfortable assuming past injuries aren't hurting, I can run up stairs, climb hills, I like sports, I can touch my toes, I can see my feet,I like dancing, I like the outdoors, I don't waddle like a penguin like some fat people do. I understand nutrition and calories deficit, but I don't take my own advice, which is why I am at fault along with a horrible non-existant metabolism which is prob my fault as well.
However, from the shoulders up in a picture, you'd say, hey. That girl is cute. And then you'd see the rest, and be like..well..too bad she's fatty size 16.
I went into starvation mode after getting borderline suicidal about my weight and the fact that I sweat a lot.
I've since lost 15 kilos, my stomach literally shrunk, I can't even eat half as much as I used to and I lose steadily some 1-3 kilos a week. I plan to lose another 10 by the end of September, get to 100 kilos (started at 125) and go to the gym from then on.
If I can do it, so can you.
Don't starve, just cut down a little. Take it easy.
Find an activity you actually enjoy, then do that a few times a week. For me it was boxing and martial arts. It's kinda easy once you want to go train because it's fun, not for some higher (weight) reason.
What's your diet like? If you usually drink soda and eat large amounts of food or crappy food (I see many people whose problem is just that), accept you have to change that.

Try to get into cooking, buy fresh ingredients instead of ready made food, look into food plating, how to make your dishes look good.

I don't do much sport myself but I like going on hikes every now and then, and sometimes camping and spending a few days hiking all day
I don't drink soda unless I'm a party or something. I do tend to snack on crappy stuff during "shark week." I'd say..65% of my meals are homemade...It's not that I'm buying or making junk, but I over eat. I probably only need like 1600 calories, but I eat like 2400. Been cutting bread and sugar a lot.
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